Direktori : /proc/self/root/var/softaculous/osclass/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/var/softaculous/osclass/changelog.txt |
Osclass 4.4.0 2021-04-01 ------------------------ - IMPORTANT: jQuery updated from 1.8 into 3.6 This includes update of all related javascript libraries, market themes and several plugins jQuery version can be changed in oc-admin > settings, by default old 1.8 library will be selected for retro-compatibility - Plugin section in backoffice updated: Bulk action has been added into plugin section Search option added, you can search plugins by string in name, description, author or version fields Plugin list design has been slightly updated (support link instead of icon, changed wording, adjusted font size) - Breadcrumbs feature updated: Created new section in Settings > Breadcrumbs Added option to disable/hide breadcrumbs on specific pages, including custom (plugin) pages Added option to show all levels of categories on listing page Added option to add country, region and city into breadcrumbs on listing page New filter created: breadcrumbs_page_title_filter - Category tree box has been redesigned, new icons used and now allows to choose category up to 4 levels. This allows i.e. custom fields or different plugins to be defined in lowest level (nested) category. - Admin can now choose backoffice color scheme, besides default one there is additional 8 color schemes those can be applied in backoffice. - Completely redesigned functionality of structured data, created new functions, new hooks and new filters. New functions: osc_structured_data_title, osc_structured_data_description, osc_structured_data_image, osc_structured_data_footer, osc_structured_data_header. New hooks: structured_data_footer, structured_data_header. New filters: structured_data_title_filter, structured_data_description_filter, structured_data_image_filter. - Checking for plugins & themes update has been redesigned and osclass now cache version data from OsclassPoint. Also all product versions are provided in one call, instead of using 1 call per product, that significantly speed-up updates checking. - New constants are supported in config.php: DEMO_THEMES, DEMO_PLUGINS. If defined to true, admin those username contains "demo" will have significantly restricted access in backoffice only to themes/plugins, where this admin is not able to perform changes. Only one of these constants can be used at same time. In case DEMO, DEMO_THEMES or DEMO_PLUGINS constant is set to true, and admin user with username "demo" exists, this is auto-filled into login form and login with demo admin will work with any password. In case DEMO, DEMO_THEMES or DEMO_PLUGINS constant is set to true, and user with username "demo" exists, this is auto-filled into login form. Login with username starting with "demo" will work with any password. - Added tabbing functionality into backoffice, especially useful on plugin configuration pages (i.e. Realestate). - Widget in backoffice home page now cache and reuse results for 3 days, that speedup loading of data inside widgets related on external services. - Custom HTML code section/field has been added into Appearance > Cusotmization has been created. You cann add there custom HTML or JavaScript code that will be added into footer. This code will not be changed or modified during theme or osclass updates. - Added cyrilic to latin conversion for URLs. Previously called cyrilic has been changed to greek. - Fixed and improved performence of location functions & queries. - Update of city, region or country native name, in case it is empty string, will be put into database as null. - Redesigned how price field is validated when publishing new listing, new functions has been added to properly extract number from user entered price value. - Set of fixes and updates to avoid getting undefined notices. - Fixed installation bug (undefined constant WEB_PATH) and possible issues with database connection while installing osclass on PHP 8.0 - Fixed bug when trying bulk removal of listings. - Fixed bug that could occur when switching backoffice themes. - Fixed numerous bugs and design issues in Settings > Locations. - Fixed Sigma theme missing configuration link in Appearance section. - Fixed Sigma theme issue with text "Are you sure you want to delete your account?" being visible until page loaded in user account. - Improved Sigma publish page - increased size of wrapping box from 640px to 760px, fixed responsive view of TinyMCE box. - Added tabber functionality into Sigma theme. - In backoffice, when user is successfully updated, you will not be redirected to user list anymore, instead you stay on user profile page. - Variable $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] used to define base ABS_PATH is now refined and double forward slashes are removed, this caused on incorrect hosting configuration problems with osclass plugins and links. - Updated osc_search_url() function to correctly search regions & cities by slug (not just by name & id). - Fixed bug for moderator admin user, that could not use backoffice homepage at all and got stuck there. - TinyMCE upgraded from 5.4 to 5.7 version. - get_ip() function has been sunset. - osc_get_ip() function has been created, that is more reliable than get_ip() and get more realistic IP of user. Function get_ip() still can be used and will return content osc_get_ip(). - Following keywords can now be used in any email template: {WEB_URL}, {WEB_TITLE}, {WEB_LINK}, {CURRENT_DATE}, {HOUR}, {IP_ADDRESS}; no matter if is pre-defined for template or no. - Fixed responsive layout for sigma theme on publish page. - OsclassPoint API fixed to properly identify products that has been already purchased by user. - Item ID and User ID has been added to edit pages in backoffice. - Listing table in backoffice now also shows premium views - how many time was listing shown in "Premium block". Premium views are visible only for listings those are set as premium. - When editing listing, link to edit user profile & profile picture is added into User Information block in case listing belongs to registered user - Admin can now block/unblock all users listing by one click from User list in backoffice. - Admin type (Moderator/Administrator) has been added to admins table in backoffice. Osclass 4.3.2 2021-01-29 ------------------------ - Fixed problem with some plugins missing in backoffice left navigation menu Osclass 4.3.1 2021-01-27 ------------------------ - Fixed problem with unfunctional friendly URLs for plugin pages - Fixed overlay issue in backoffice (menu vs flash message) Osclass 4.3.0 2021-01-26 ------------------------ - Osclass and all themes & plugins are now compatible with PHP 8.0 - Incorrect mail server configuration will not block actions where mails are sent (like user register or listing publish). - New section under Apearance has been created - customization, where you can enter any CSS code to modify appearance of your theme. This code will not be changed or modified during theme or osclass updates, so it provides ultimate way to do design changes unrelated to updates. - User table in backoffice now contains also phone number of user (mobile if not empty, otherwise land phone) - Fixed usage of POP3 before SMTP in mail function - Fixed different issues with form functions - Removed child themes from update sequence - child themes cannot be updated at all - Enabled options for current theme to be updated - Themes are now sorted in ascending order by their name - Fixed error message when installing problematic plugin, where message was sometimes not visible - Design for filter pop-up window in backoffice on mobile devices has been fixed Osclass 4.2.2 2020-12-21 ------------------------ - Fixed problem when editing listing, updating contact phone or contact other would take no effect. - Fixed problem with pagination links in user public profile, when friendly urls are disabled. - Updated function osc_get_current_user_locations_native to avoid undefined notice log. - Fixed installation problems when email was impossible to send using PHP mailer. - Fixed notices in item form class - Security update to avoid using action parameter on home page for code injection - Function get_magic_quotes_gpc completely removed from osclass as it is deprecated