Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/App/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/App/Ack.pm

package App::Ack;

use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME



A container for functions for the ack program.

=head1 VERSION

Version 2.26


    $VERSION = '2.26';
    $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2005-2019 Andy Lester.';

our $fh;

    $fh = *STDOUT;

our %types;
our %type_wanted;
our %mappings;
our %ignore_dirs;

our $is_filter_mode;
our $output_to_pipe;

our $dir_sep_chars;
our $is_cygwin;
our $is_windows;

use File::Spec 1.00015 ();

    # These have to be checked before any filehandle diddling.
    $output_to_pipe  = not -t *STDOUT;
    $is_filter_mode = -p STDIN;

    $is_cygwin       = ($^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'msys');
    $is_windows      = ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
    $dir_sep_chars   = $is_windows ? quotemeta( '\\/' ) : quotemeta( File::Spec->catfile( '', '' ) );


If you want to know about the F<ack> program, see the F<ack> file itself.

No user-serviceable parts inside.  F<ack> is all that should use this.



=head2 remove_dir_sep( $path )

This functions removes a trailing path separator, if there is one, from its argument


sub remove_dir_sep {
    my $path = shift;
    $path =~ s/[$dir_sep_chars]$//;

    return $path;

=head2 warn( @_ )

Put out an ack-specific warning.


sub warn {
    return CORE::warn( _my_program(), ': ', @_, "\n" );

=head2 die( @_ )

Die in an ack-specific way.


sub die {
    return CORE::die( _my_program(), ': ', @_, "\n" );

sub _my_program {
    require File::Basename;
    return File::Basename::basename( $0 );

=head2 filetypes_supported()

Returns a list of all the types that we can detect.


sub filetypes_supported {
    return keys %mappings;

sub thpppt {
    my $y = q{_   /|,\\'!.x',=(www)=,   U   };
    $y =~ tr/,x!w/\nOo_/;

    App::Ack::print( "$y ack $_[0]!\n" );
    exit 0;

sub ackbar {
    my $x;
    $x = <<'_BAR';
 $I!?!=!?!I!+!?"+!=!~!=!~!?!I!?!=!+!=!~#:",!~"=!~!:"~!=!:",&:" '-/
 $?!+!I!?"+"=!+"~!,!:"+#~#:#,"=!~"=!,!~!,!.",!:".!:! */! !I!t!'!s! !a! !g!r!e!p!!! !/!
 $+"=!+!?!+"~!=!:!~!:"I!+!,!~!=!:!~!,!:!,$:!~".&:"~!,# (-/
 %~!=!~!=!:!.!+"~!:!,!.!,!~!=!:$.!,":!,!.!:!~!,!:!=!.#="~!,!:" ./!
 %=!~!?!+"?"+!=!~",!.!:!?!~!.!:!,!:!,#.!,!:","~!:!=!~!=!:",!~! ./!
 %+"~":!~!=#~!:!~!,!.!~!:",!~!=!~!.!:!,!.",!:!,":!=":!.!,!:!7! -/!
 %~",!:".#:!=!:!,!:"+!:!~!:!.!,!~!,!.#,!.!,$:"~!,":"~!=! */!

    return _pic_decode($x);

sub cathy {
    my $x = <<'CATHY';
 0|! "C!H!O!C!O!L!A!T!E!!! !|!
 0|! "C!H!O!C!O!L!A!T!E!!! !|!
 0|! "C!H!O!C!O!L!A!T!E!!! !|!
 0|! $A"C!K!!! $|!
 6\! 1:!,!.! !
 7\! /.!M!~!Z!M!~!
 8\! /~!D! "M! !
 4.! $\! /M!~!.!8! +.!M# 4
 0,!.! (\! .~!M!N! ,+!I!.!M!.! 3
 /?!O!.!M!:! '\! .O!.! +~!Z!=!N!.! 4
 ..! !D!Z!.!Z!.! '\! 9=!M".! 6
 /.! !.!~!M".! '\! 8~! 9
 4M!.! /.!7!N!M!.! F
 4.! &:!M! !N"M# !M"N!M! #D!M&=! =
 :M!7!M#:! !~!M!7!,!$!M!:! #.! !O!N!.!M!:!M# ;
 8Z!M"~!N!$!D!.!N!?! !I!N!.! (?!M! !M!,!D!M".! 9
 (?!Z!M!N!:! )=!M!O!8!.!M!+!M! !M!,! !O!M! +,!M!.!M!~!Z!N!M!:! &:!~! 0
 &8!7!.!~!M"D!M!,! &M!?!=!8! !M!,!O! !M!+! !+!O!.!M! $M#~! !.!8!M!Z!.!M! !O!M"Z! %:!~!M!Z!M!Z!.! +
 &:!M!7!,! *M!.!Z!M! !8"M!.!M!~! !.!M!.!=! #~!8!.!M! !7!M! "N!Z#I! !D!M!,!M!.! $."M!,! !M!.! *
 2$!O! "N! !.!M!I! !7" "M! "+!O! !~!M! !d!O!.!7!I!M!.! !.!O!=!M!.! !M",!M!.! %.!$!O!D! +
 1~!O! "M!+! !8!$! "M! "?!O! %Z!8!D!M!?!8!I!O!7!M! #M!.!M! "M",!M! 4
 07!~! ".!8! !.!M! "I!+! !.!M! &Z!D!.!7!=!M! !:!.!M! #:!8"+! !.!+!8! !8! 3
 /~!M! #N! !~!M!$! !.!M! !.!M" &~!M! "~!M!O! "D! $M! !8! "M!,!M!+!D!.! 1
 #.! #?!M!N!.! #~!O! $M!.!7!$! "?" !?!~!M! '7!8!?!M!.!+!M"O! $?"$!D! !.!O! !$!7!I!.! 0
 $,!M!:!O!?! ".! !?!=! $=!:!O! !M! "M! !M! !+!$! (.! +.!M! !M!.! !8! !+"Z!~! $:!M!$! !.! '
 #.!8!.!I!$! $7!I! %M" !=!M! !~!M!D! "7!I! .I!O! %?!=!,!D! !,!M! !D!~!8!~! %D!M! (
 #.!M"?! $=!O! %=!N! "8!.! !Z!M! #M!~! (M!:! #.!M" &O! !M!.! !?!,! !8!.!N!~! $8!N!M!,!.! %
 *$!O! &M!,! "O! !.!M!.! #M! (~!M( &O!.! !7! "M! !.!M!.!M!,! #.!M! !M! &
 )=!8!.! $.!M!O!.! "$!.!I!N! !I!M# (7!M(I! %D"Z!M! "=!I! "M! !M!:! #~!D! '
 )D! &8!N!:! ".!O! !M!="M! "M! (7!M) %." !M!D!."M!.! !$!=! !M!,! +
 (M! &+!.!M! #Z!7!O!M!.!~!8! +,!M#D!?!M#D! #.!Z!M#,!Z!?! !~!N! "N!.! !M! +
 'D!:! %$!D! !?! #M!Z! !8!.! !M"?!7!?!7! '+!I!D! !?!O!:!M!:! ":!M!:! !M!7".!M! "8!+! !:!D! !.!M! *
 %.!O!:! $.!O!+! !D!.! #M! "M!.!+!N!I!Z! "7!M!N!M!N!?!I!7!Z!=!M'D"~! #M!.!8!$! !:! !.!M! "N!?! !,!O! )
 !.!?!M!:!M!I! %8!,! "M!.! #M! "N! !M!.! !M!.! !+!~! !.!M!.! ':!M! $M! $M!Z!$! !M!.! "D! "M! "?!M! (
 !7!8! !+!I! ".! "$!=! ":!$! "+! !M!.! !O! !M!I!M".! !=!~! ",!O! '=!M! $$!,! #N!:! ":!8!.! !D!~! !,!M!.! !:!M!.! &
 !:!,!.! &Z" #D! !.!8!."M!.! !8!?!Z!M!.!M! #Z!~! !?!M!Z!.! %~!O!.!8!$!N!8!O!I!:!~! !+! #M!.! !.!M!.! !+!M! ".!~!M!+! $
 !.! 'D!I! #?!M!.!M!,! !.!Z! !.!8! #M&O!I!?! (~!I!M"." !M!Z!.! !M!N!.! "+!$!.! "M!.! !M!?!.! "8!M! $
 (O!8! $M! !M!.! ".!:! !+!=! #M! #.!M! !+" *$!M":!.! !M!~! "M!7! #M! #7!Z! "M"$!M!.! !.! #
 '$!Z! #.!7!+!M! $.!,! !+!:! #N! #.!M!.!+!M! +D!M! #=!N! ":!O! #=!M! #Z!D! $M!I! %
 $,! ".! $.!M" %$!.! !?!~! "+!7!." !.!M!,! !M! *,!N!M!.$M!?! "D!,! #M!.! #N! +
 ,M!Z! &M! "I!,! "M! %I!M! !?!=!.! (Z!8!M! $:!M!.! !,!M! $D! #.!M!.! )
 +8!O! &.!8! "I!,! !~!M! &N!M! !M!D! '?!N!O!." $?!7! "?!~! #M!.! #I!D!.! (
 3M!,! "N!.! !D" &.!+!M!.! !M":!.":!M!7!M!D! 'M!.! "M!.! "M!,! $I! )
 3I! #M! "M!,! !:! &.!M" ".!,! !.!$!M!I! #.! !:! !.!M!?! "N!+! ".! /
 1M!,! #.!M!8!M!=!.! +~!N"O!Z"~! *+!M!.! "M! 2
 0.!M! &M!.! 8:! %.!M!Z! "M!=! *O!,! %
 0?!$! &N! )." .,! %."M! ":!M!.! 0
 0N!:! %?!O! #.! ..! &,! &.!D!,! "N!I! 0
    return _pic_decode($x);

sub _pic_decode {
    my($compressed) = @_;
    $compressed =~ s/(.)(.)/$1x(ord($2)-32)/eg;
    App::Ack::print( $compressed );
    exit 0;

=head2 show_help()

Dumps the help page to the user.


sub show_help {
    my $help_arg = shift || 0;

    return show_help_types() if $help_arg =~ /^types?/;

    App::Ack::print( <<"END_OF_HELP" );

Search for PATTERN in each source file in the tree from the current
directory on down.  If any files or directories are specified, then
only those files and directories are checked.  ack may also search
STDIN, but only if no file or directory arguments are specified,
or if one of them is "-".

Default switches may be specified in ACK_OPTIONS environment variable or
an .ackrc file. If you want no dependency on the environment, turn it
off with --noenv.

Example: ack -i select

  -i, --ignore-case             Ignore case distinctions in PATTERN
  --[no]smart-case              Ignore case distinctions in PATTERN,
                                only if PATTERN contains no upper case.
                                Ignored if -i is specified
  -v, --invert-match            Invert match: select non-matching lines
  -w, --word-regexp             Force PATTERN to match only whole words
  -Q, --literal                 Quote all metacharacters; PATTERN is literal

Search output:
  --lines=NUMS                  Only print line(s) NUMS of each file.
  -l, --files-with-matches      Only print filenames containing matches
  -L, --files-without-matches   Only print filenames with no matches
  --output=expr                 Output the evaluation of expr for each line
                                (turns off text highlighting)
  -o                            Show only the part of a line matching PATTERN
                                Same as --output='\$&'
  --passthru                    Print all lines, whether matching or not
  --match PATTERN               Specify PATTERN explicitly.
  -m, --max-count=NUM           Stop searching in each file after NUM matches
  -1                            Stop searching after one match of any kind
  -H, --with-filename           Print the filename for each match (default:
                                on unless explicitly searching a single file)
  -h, --no-filename             Suppress the prefixing filename on output
  -c, --count                   Show number of lines matching per file
  --[no]column                  Show the column number of the first match

  -A NUM, --after-context=NUM   Print NUM lines of trailing context after
                                matching lines.
  -B NUM, --before-context=NUM  Print NUM lines of leading context before
                                matching lines.
  -C [NUM], --context[=NUM]     Print NUM lines (default 2) of output context.

  --print0                      Print null byte as separator between filenames,
                                only works with -f, -g, -l, -L or -c.

  -s                            Suppress error messages about nonexistent or
                                unreadable files.

File presentation:
  --pager=COMMAND               Pipes all ack output through COMMAND.  For
                                example, --pager="less -R".  Ignored if output
                                is redirected.
  --nopager                     Do not send output through a pager.  Cancels
                                any setting in ~/.ackrc, ACK_PAGER or
  --[no]heading                 Print a filename heading above each file's
                                results.  (default: on when used interactively)
  --[no]break                   Print a break between results from different
                                files.  (default: on when used interactively)
  --group                       Same as --heading --break
  --nogroup                     Same as --noheading --nobreak
  --[no]color                   Highlight the matching text (default: on unless
                                output is redirected, or on Windows)
  --[no]colour                  Same as --[no]color
  --color-lineno=COLOR          Set the color for filenames, matches, and line
  --help-colors                 Show a list of possible color combinations.
  --help-rgb-colors             Show a list of advanced color specifications.
  --flush                       Flush output immediately, even when ack is used
                                non-interactively (when output goes to a pipe or

File finding:
  -f                            Only print the files selected, without
                                searching.  The PATTERN must not be specified.
  -g                            Same as -f, but only select files matching
  --sort-files                  Sort the found files lexically.
  --show-types                  Show which types each file has.
  --files-from=FILE             Read the list of files to search from FILE.
  -x                            Read the list of files to search from STDIN.

File inclusion/exclusion:
  --[no]ignore-dir=name         Add/remove directory from list of ignored dirs
  --[no]ignore-directory=name   Synonym for ignore-dir
  --ignore-file=filter          Add filter for ignoring files
  -r, -R, --recurse             Recurse into subdirectories (default: on)
  -n, --no-recurse              No descending into subdirectories
  --[no]follow                  Follow symlinks.  Default is off.
  -k, --known-types             Include only files of types that ack recognizes.

  --type=X                      Include only X files, where X is a recognized
  --type=noX                    Exclude X files.
                                See "ack --help-types" for supported filetypes.

File type specification:
                                Files with the given FILTERARGS applied to the
                                given FILTER are recognized as being of type
                                TYPE. This replaces an existing definition for
                                type TYPE.
                                Files with the given FILTERARGS applied to the
                                given FILTER are recognized as being type TYPE.
  --type-del TYPE               Removes all filters associated with TYPE.

  --[no]env                     Ignore environment variables and global ackrc
                                files.  --env is legal but redundant.
  --ackrc=filename              Specify an ackrc file to use
  --ignore-ack-defaults         Ignore default definitions included with ack.
  --create-ackrc                Outputs a default ackrc for your customization
                                to standard output.
  --help, -?                    This help
  --help-types                  Display all known types
  --help-types                  Display all known types, and how they're defined.
  --help-colors                 Show a list of possible color combinations.
  --help-rgb-colors             Show a list of advanced color specifications.
  --dump                        Dump information on which options are loaded
                                from which RC files
  --[no]filter                  Force ack to treat standard input as a pipe
                                (--filter) or tty (--nofilter)
  --man                         Man page
  --version                     Display version & copyright
  --thpppt                      Bill the Cat
  --bar                         The warning admiral
  --cathy                       Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!

Exit status is 0 if match, 1 if no match.

ack's home page is at https://beyondgrep.com/

The full ack manual is available by running "ack --man".

This is version $VERSION of ack.  Run "ack --version" for full version info.


=head2 show_help_colors()

Display the colors help subpage.


sub show_help_colors {
    App::Ack::print( <<'END_OF_HELP' );
ack allows customization of the colors it uses when presenting matches
onscreen.  See the "ACK COLORS" section of the ack manual (ack --man).

Here is a chart of how various color combinations appear: Each of the eight
foreground colors, on each of the eight background colors or no background
color, with and without the bold modifier.

Run ack --help-rgb-colors for a chart of the RGB colors.




=head2 show_help_rgb()

Display the RGB help subpage.


sub show_help_rgb {
    App::Ack::print( <<'END_OF_HELP' );
ack allows customization of the colors it uses when presenting matches
onscreen.  See the "ACK COLORS" section of the ack manual (ack --man).

Here is a grid of the 216 possible RGB colors.  For the standard color
grid, run ack --help-colors.



sub _show_color_grid {
    my $cell_width = 7;

    my @fg_colors = qw( black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white );
    my @bg_colors = map { "on_$_" } @fg_colors;

        _color_cell( '' ),
        map { _color_cell( $_ ) } @fg_colors

        _color_cell( '' ),
        map { _color_cell( '-' x $cell_width ) } @fg_colors

    for my $bg ( '', @bg_colors ) {
            _color_cell( '' ),
            ( map { _color_cell( $_, "$_ $bg" ) } @fg_colors ),

           _color_cell( 'bold' ),
            ( map { _color_cell( $_, "bold $_ $bg" ) } @fg_colors ),


sub _color_cell {
    my $text  = shift;
    my $color = shift;

    my $cell_width = 7;
    $text = sprintf( '%-*s', $cell_width, $text );

    return ($color ? Term::ANSIColor::colored( $text, $color ) : $text) . ' ';

sub _show_rgb_grid {
    for my $r ( 0 .. 5 ) {
        for my $g ( 0 .. 5 ) {
            for my $b ( 0 ..5 ) {
                my $rgb = "$r$g$b";
                my $code = "rgb$r$g$b";

                    Term::ANSIColor::colored( $code, $code ),
                    Term::ANSIColor::colored( $code, "reverse $code" ),
                    ' '
            App::Ack::say( '' );

=head2 show_help_types()

Display the filetypes help subpage.


sub show_help_types {
    App::Ack::print( <<'END_OF_HELP' );

The following is the list of filetypes supported by ack.  You can
specify a file type with the --type=TYPE format, or the --TYPE
format.  For example, both --type=perl and --perl work.

Note that some extensions may appear in multiple types.  For example,
.pod files are both Perl and Parrot.


    my @types = filetypes_supported();
    my $maxlen = 0;
    for ( @types ) {
        $maxlen = length if $maxlen < length;
    for my $type ( sort @types ) {
        next if $type =~ /^-/; # Stuff to not show
        my $ext_list = $mappings{$type};

        if ( ref $ext_list ) {
            $ext_list = join( '; ', map { $_->to_string } @{$ext_list} );
        App::Ack::print( sprintf( "    --[no]%-*.*s %s\n", $maxlen, $maxlen, $type, $ext_list ) );


sub show_man {
    require Pod::Usage;

        -input   => $App::Ack::orig_program_name,
        -verbose => 2,
        -exitval => 0,


=head2 get_version_statement

Returns the version information for ack.


sub get_version_statement {
    require Config;

    my $copyright = get_copyright();
    my $this_perl = $Config::Config{perlpath};
    if ($^O ne 'VMS') {
        my $ext = $Config::Config{_exe};
        $this_perl .= $ext unless $this_perl =~ m/$ext$/i;
    my $ver = sprintf( '%vd', $^V );

    return <<"END_OF_VERSION";
ack ${VERSION}
Running under Perl $ver at $this_perl


This program is free software.  You may modify or distribute it
under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0.

=head2 print_version_statement

Prints the version information for ack.


sub print_version_statement {
    App::Ack::print( get_version_statement() );


=head2 get_copyright

Return the copyright for ack.


sub get_copyright {
    return $COPYRIGHT;

sub print                   { print {$fh} @_; return; }
sub say                     { print {$fh} @_, "\n"; return; }
sub print_blank_line        { App::Ack::print( "\n" ); return; }
sub print_filename          { App::Ack::print( $_[0], $_[1] ); return; }

sub set_up_pager {
    my $command = shift;

    return if App::Ack::output_to_pipe();

    my $pager;
    if ( not open( $pager, '|-', $command ) ) {
        App::Ack::die( qq{Unable to pipe to pager "$command": $!} );
    $fh = $pager;


=head2 output_to_pipe()

Returns true if ack's input is coming from a pipe.


sub output_to_pipe {
    return $output_to_pipe;

=head2 exit_from_ack

Exit from the application with the correct exit code.

Returns with 0 if a match was found, otherwise with 1. The number of matches is
handed in as the only argument.


sub exit_from_ack {
    my $nmatches = shift;

    my $rc = $nmatches ? 0 : 1;
    exit $rc;


Copyright 2005-2019 Andy Lester.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0.


1; # End of App::Ack

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0