Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/lib64/tcl8.5/Tix8.4.3/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/lib64/tcl8.5/Tix8.4.3/ResizeH.tcl |
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*- # # $Id: ResizeH.tcl,v 1.3 2001/12/09 05:04:02 idiscovery Exp $ # # ResizeH.tcl -- # # tixResizeHandle: A general purpose "resizing handle" # widget. You can use it to resize pictures, widgets, etc. When # using it to resize a widget, you can use the "attachwidget" # command to attach it to a widget and it will handle all the # events for you. # # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam. # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # # tixWidgetClass tixResizeHandle { -classname TixResizeHandle -superclass tixVResize -method { attachwidget detachwidget hide show } -flag { -command -cursorfg -cursorbg -handlesize -hintcolor -hintwidth -x -y } -configspec { {-command command Command ""} {-cursorfg cursorFg CursorColor white} {-cursorbg cursorBg CursorColor red} {-handlesize handleSize HandleSize 6} {-hintcolor hintColor HintColor red} {-hintwidth hintWidth HintWidth 1} {-x x X 0} {-y y Y 0} } } proc tixResizeHandle:InitWidgetRec {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec set data(shown) 0 set data(widget) "" } proc tixResizeHandle:ConstructWidget {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget # Create the hints # set data(w_ht) $w:tix_priv_ht set data(w_hb) $w:tix_priv_hb set data(w_hl) $w:tix_priv_hl set data(w_hr) $w:tix_priv_hr frame $data(w_ht) -height $data(-hintwidth) -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_hb) -height $data(-hintwidth) -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_hl) -width $data(-hintwidth) -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_hr) -width $data(-hintwidth) -bg $data(-background) # Create the corner resize handles # set data(w_r00) $w # Windows don't like this # $data(rootCmd) config\ # -cursor "top_left_corner $data(-cursorbg) $data(-cursorfg)" $data(rootCmd) config -cursor top_left_corner set data(w_r01) $w:tix_priv_01 set data(w_r10) $w:tix_priv_10 set data(w_r11) $w:tix_priv_11 frame $data(w_r01) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "bottom_left_corner"\ -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_r10) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "top_right_corner"\ -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_r11) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "bottom_right_corner"\ -bg $data(-background) # Create the border resize handles # set data(w_bt) $w:tix_priv_bt set data(w_bb) $w:tix_priv_bb set data(w_bl) $w:tix_priv_bl set data(w_br) $w:tix_priv_br frame $data(w_bt) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "top_side"\ -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_bb) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "bottom_side"\ -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_bl) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "left_side"\ -bg $data(-background) frame $data(w_br) -relief $data(-relief) -bd $data(-borderwidth) \ -cursor "right_side"\ -bg $data(-background) } proc tixResizeHandle:SetBindings {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w SetBindings bind $data(w_r00) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_r00) 1 %X %Y {1 1 -1 -1}" bind $data(w_r01) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_r01) 1 %X %Y {1 0 -1 1}" bind $data(w_r10) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_r10) 1 %X %Y {0 1 1 -1}" bind $data(w_r11) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_r11) 1 %X %Y {0 0 1 1}" bind $data(w_bt) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_bt) 1 %X %Y {0 1 0 -1}" bind $data(w_bb) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_bb) 1 %X %Y {0 0 0 1}" bind $data(w_bl) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_bl) 1 %X %Y {1 0 -1 0}" bind $data(w_br) <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(w_br) 1 %X %Y {0 0 1 0}" foreach win [list \ $data(w_r00)\ $data(w_r01)\ $data(w_r10)\ $data(w_r11)\ $data(w_bt)\ $data(w_bb)\ $data(w_bl)\ $data(w_br)\ ] { bind $win <B1-Motion> "tixVResize:drag $w %X %Y" bind $win <ButtonRelease-1> "tixVResize:dragend $w $win 0 %X %Y" bind $win <Any-Escape> "tixVResize:dragend $w $win 1 0 0" } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Config Methods #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixResizeHandle:config-width {w value} { tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w } proc tixResizeHandle:config-height {w value} { tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w } proc tixResizeHandle:config-x {w value} { tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w } proc tixResizeHandle:config-y {w value} { tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Methods #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixResizeHandle:dragstart {w win depress rootx rooty mrect} { upvar #0 $w data set wx $data(-x) set wy $data(-y) set ww $data(-width) set wh $data(-height) tixVResize:dragstart $w $win $depress $rootx $rooty \ [list $wx $wy $ww $wh] $mrect } # tixDeleteBindTag -- # # Delete the bindtag(s) in the args list from the bindtags of the widget # proc tixDeleteBindTag {w args} { if {![winfo exists $w]} { return } set newtags "" foreach tag [bindtags $w] { if {[lsearch $args $tag] == -1} { lappend newtags $tag } } bindtags $w $newtags } proc tixAddBindTag {w args} { bindtags $w [concat [bindtags $w] $args] } proc tixResizeHandle:attachwidget {w widget args} { upvar #0 $w data set opt(-move) 0 tixHandleOptions opt {-move} $args if {$data(widget) != ""} { tixDeleteBindTag $data(widget) TixResizeHandleTag:$w } set data(widget) $widget if {$data(widget) != ""} { # Just in case TixResizeHandleTag was already there tixDeleteBindTag $data(widget) TixResizeHandleTag:$w tixAddBindTag $data(widget) TixResizeHandleTag:$w set data(-x) [winfo x $data(widget)] set data(-y) [winfo y $data(widget)] set data(-width) [winfo width $data(widget)] set data(-height) [winfo height $data(widget)] tixResizeHandle:show $w tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w # Now set the bindings # if {$opt(-move)} { bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <1> \ "tixResizeHandle:Attach $w %X %Y" bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <B1-Motion> \ "tixResizeHandle:BMotion $w %X %Y" bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <Any-Escape> \ "tixResizeHandle:BRelease $w 1 %X %Y" bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <ButtonRelease-1>\ "tixResizeHandle:BRelease $w 0 %X %Y" } else { # if "move" is false, then the widget won't be moved as a whole -- # ResizeHandle will only move its sides bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <1> {;} bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <B1-Motion> {;} bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <Any-Escape> {;} bind TixResizeHandleTag:$w <ButtonRelease-1> {;} } } } proc tixResizeHandle:detachwidget {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(widget) != ""} { tixDeleteBindTag $data(widget) TixResizeHandleTag:$w } tixResizeHandle:hide $w } proc tixResizeHandle:show {w} { upvar #0 $w data set data(shown) 1 raise $data(w_ht) raise $data(w_hb) raise $data(w_hl) raise $data(w_hr) raise $data(w_r00) raise $data(w_r01) raise $data(w_r10) raise $data(w_r11) raise $data(w_bt) raise $data(w_bb) raise $data(w_bl) raise $data(w_br) # tixCancleIdleTask tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w } proc tixResizeHandle:hide {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {!$data(shown)} { return } set data(shown) 0 place forget $data(w_r00) place forget $data(w_r01) place forget $data(w_r10) place forget $data(w_r11) place forget $data(w_bt) place forget $data(w_bb) place forget $data(w_bl) place forget $data(w_br) place forget $data(w_ht) place forget $data(w_hb) place forget $data(w_hl) place forget $data(w_hr) } proc tixResizeHandle:Destructor {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(widget) != ""} { tixDeleteBindTag $data(widget) TixResizeHandleTag:$w } catch {destroy $data(w_r01)} catch {destroy $data(w_r10)} catch {destroy $data(w_r11)} catch {destroy $data(w_bt)} catch {destroy $data(w_bb)} catch {destroy $data(w_bl)} catch {destroy $data(w_br)} catch {destroy $data(w_ht)} catch {destroy $data(w_hb)} catch {destroy $data(w_hl)} catch {destroy $data(w_hr)} tixChainMethod $w Destructor } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Methods Dealing With Attached Widgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixResizeHandle:Attach {w rx ry} { upvar #0 $w data tixResizeHandle:dragstart $w $data(widget) 0 $rx $ry {1 1 0 0} } proc tixResizeHandle:BMotion {w rx ry} { tixVResize:drag $w $rx $ry } proc tixResizeHandle:BRelease {w isAbort rx ry} { upvar #0 $w data tixVResize:dragend $w $data(widget) $isAbort $rx $ry } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Methods #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixResizeHandle:DrawTmpLines {w} { upvar #0 $w data # I've seen this error - mike if {![info exists data(hf:x1)]} {return} set x1 $data(hf:x1) if {![info exists data(hf:y1)]} {return} set y1 $data(hf:y1) if {![info exists data(hf:x2)]} {return} set x2 $data(hf:x2) if {![info exists data(hf:y2)]} {return} set y2 $data(hf:y2) tixTmpLine $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $w tixTmpLine $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $w tixTmpLine $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2 $w tixTmpLine $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $w } # Place the hint frame to indicate the changes # proc tixResizeHandle:SetHintFrame {w x1 y1 width height} { upvar #0 $w data # The four sides of the window # set x2 [expr "$x1+$width"] set y2 [expr "$y1+$height"] set rx [winfo rootx [winfo parent $w]] set ry [winfo rooty [winfo parent $w]] incr x1 $rx incr y1 $ry incr x2 $rx incr y2 $ry if {[info exists data(hf:x1)]} { tixResizeHandle:DrawTmpLines $w } set data(hf:x1) $x1 set data(hf:y1) $y1 set data(hf:x2) $x2 set data(hf:y2) $y2 tixResizeHandle:DrawTmpLines $w } proc tixResizeHandle:ShowHintFrame {w} { upvar #0 $w data place forget $data(w_ht) place forget $data(w_hb) place forget $data(w_hl) place forget $data(w_hr) update } proc tixResizeHandle:HideHintFrame {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixResizeHandle:DrawTmpLines $w unset data(hf:x1) unset data(hf:y1) unset data(hf:x2) unset data(hf:y2) } proc tixResizeHandle:UpdateSize {w x y width height} { upvar #0 $w data set data(-x) $x set data(-y) $y set data(-width) $width set data(-height) $height tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow $w if {$data(widget) != ""} { place $data(widget) -x $x -y $y -width $width -height $height } if {$data(-command) != ""} { eval $data(-command) $x $y $width $height } } proc tixResizeHandle:ComposeWindow {w} { upvar #0 $w data set px $data(-x) set py $data(-y) set pw $data(-width) set ph $data(-height) # Show the hint frames # set x1 $px set y1 $py set x2 [expr "$px+$pw"] set y2 [expr "$py+$ph"] place $data(w_ht) -x $x1 -y $y1 -width $pw -bordermode outside place $data(w_hb) -x $x1 -y $y2 -width $pw -bordermode outside place $data(w_hl) -x $x1 -y $y1 -height $ph -bordermode outside place $data(w_hr) -x $x2 -y $y1 -height $ph -bordermode outside # Set the four corner resize handles # set sz_2 [expr $data(-handlesize)/2] set x1 [expr "$px - $sz_2"] set y1 [expr "$py - $sz_2"] set x2 [expr "$px - $sz_2" + $pw] set y2 [expr "$py - $sz_2" + $ph] place $data(w_r00) -x $x1 -y $y1 \ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) place $data(w_r01) -x $x1 -y $y2\ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) place $data(w_r10) -x $x2 -y $y1\ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) place $data(w_r11) -x $x2 -y $y2\ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) # Set the four border resize handles # set mx [expr "$px + $pw/2 - $sz_2"] set my [expr "$py + $ph/2 - $sz_2"] place $data(w_bt) -x $mx -y $y1 \ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) place $data(w_bb) -x $mx -y $y2 \ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) place $data(w_bl) -x $x1 -y $my \ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) place $data(w_br) -x $x2 -y $my \ -width $data(-handlesize) -height $data(-handlesize) }