Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/version/
package charstar;
# a little helper class to emulate C char* semantics in Perl
# so that prescan_version can use the same code as in C
use overload (
'""' => \&thischar,
'0+' => \&thischar,
'++' => \&increment,
'--' => \&decrement,
'+' => \&plus,
'-' => \&minus,
'*' => \&multiply,
'cmp' => \&cmp,
'<=>' => \&spaceship,
'bool' => \&thischar,
'=' => \&clone,
sub new {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my $obj = {
string => [split(//,$string)],
current => 0,
return bless $obj, $class;
sub thischar {
my ($self) = @_;
my $last = $#{$self->{string}};
my $curr = $self->{current};
if ($curr >= 0 && $curr <= $last) {
return $self->{string}->[$curr];
else {
return '';
sub increment {
my ($self) = @_;
sub decrement {
my ($self) = @_;
sub plus {
my ($self, $offset) = @_;
my $rself = $self->clone;
$rself->{current} += $offset;
return $rself;
sub minus {
my ($self, $offset) = @_;
my $rself = $self->clone;
$rself->{current} -= $offset;
return $rself;
sub multiply {
my ($left, $right, $swapped) = @_;
my $char = $left->thischar();
return $char * $right;
sub spaceship {
my ($left, $right, $swapped) = @_;
unless (ref($right)) { # not an object already
$right = $left->new($right);
return $left->{current} <=> $right->{current};
sub cmp {
my ($left, $right, $swapped) = @_;
unless (ref($right)) { # not an object already
if (length($right) == 1) { # comparing single character only
return $left->thischar cmp $right;
$right = $left->new($right);
return $left->currstr cmp $right->currstr;
sub bool {
my ($self) = @_;
my $char = $self->thischar;
return ($char ne '');
sub clone {
my ($left, $right, $swapped) = @_;
$right = {
string => [@{$left->{string}}],
current => $left->{current},
return bless $right, ref($left);
sub currstr {
my ($self, $s) = @_;
my $curr = $self->{current};
my $last = $#{$self->{string}};
if (defined($s) && $s->{current} < $last) {
$last = $s->{current};
my $string = join('', @{$self->{string}}[$curr..$last]);
return $string;
package version::vpp;
use 5.006002;
use strict;
use Config;
$VERSION = 0.9907;
$CLASS = 'version::vpp';
require version::regex;
*version::vpp::is_strict = \&version::regex::is_strict;
*version::vpp::is_lax = \&version::regex::is_lax;
*LAX = \$version::regex::LAX;
*STRICT = \$version::regex::STRICT;
use overload (
'""' => \&stringify,
'0+' => \&numify,
'cmp' => \&vcmp,
'<=>' => \&vcmp,
'bool' => \&vbool,
'+' => \&vnoop,
'-' => \&vnoop,
'*' => \&vnoop,
'/' => \&vnoop,
'+=' => \&vnoop,
'-=' => \&vnoop,
'*=' => \&vnoop,
'/=' => \&vnoop,
'abs' => \&vnoop,
eval "use warnings";
if ($@) {
eval '
sub enabled {return $^W;}
sub import {
no strict 'refs';
my ($class) = shift;
# Set up any derived class
unless ($class eq $CLASS) {
local $^W;
*{$class.'::declare'} = \&{$CLASS.'::declare'};
*{$class.'::qv'} = \&{$CLASS.'::qv'};
my %args;
if (@_) { # any remaining terms are arguments
map { $args{$_} = 1 } @_
else { # no parameters at all on use line
%args =
qv => 1,
my $callpkg = caller();
if (exists($args{declare})) {
*{$callpkg.'::declare'} =
sub {return $class->declare(shift) }
unless defined(&{$callpkg.'::declare'});
if (exists($args{qv})) {
*{$callpkg.'::qv'} =
sub {return $class->qv(shift) }
unless defined(&{$callpkg.'::qv'});
if (exists($args{'UNIVERSAL::VERSION'})) {
local $^W;
= \&{$CLASS.'::_VERSION'};
if (exists($args{'VERSION'})) {
*{$callpkg.'::VERSION'} = \&{$CLASS.'::_VERSION'};
if (exists($args{'is_strict'})) {
*{$callpkg.'::is_strict'} = \&{$CLASS.'::is_strict'}
unless defined(&{$callpkg.'::is_strict'});
if (exists($args{'is_lax'})) {
*{$callpkg.'::is_lax'} = \&{$CLASS.'::is_lax'}
unless defined(&{$callpkg.'::is_lax'});
# implement prescan_version as closely to the C version as possible
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
sub isDIGIT {
my ($char) = shift->thischar();
return ($char =~ /\d/);
sub isALPHA {
my ($char) = shift->thischar();
return ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z]/);
sub isSPACE {
my ($char) = shift->thischar();
return ($char =~ /\s/);
my ($s, $errstr, $error) = @_;
if ($errstr) {
$$errstr = $error;
return $s;
sub prescan_version {
my ($s, $strict, $errstr, $sqv, $ssaw_decimal, $swidth, $salpha) = @_;
my $qv = defined $sqv ? $$sqv : FALSE;
my $saw_decimal = defined $ssaw_decimal ? $$ssaw_decimal : 0;
my $width = defined $swidth ? $$swidth : 3;
my $alpha = defined $salpha ? $$salpha : FALSE;
my $d = $s;
if ($qv && isDIGIT($d)) {
goto dotted_decimal_version;
if ($d eq 'v') { # explicit v-string
if (isDIGIT($d)) {
$qv = TRUE;
else { # degenerate v-string
# requires v1.2.3
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts)");
if ($strict && $d eq '0' && isDIGIT($d+1)) {
# no leading zeros allowed
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (no leading zeros)");
while (isDIGIT($d)) { # integer part
if ($d eq '.')
$d++; # decimal point
if ($strict) {
# require v1.2.3
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts)");
else {
goto version_prescan_finish;
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0;
while (isDIGIT($d)) { # just keep reading
while (isDIGIT($d)) {
$d++; $j++;
# maximum 3 digits between decimal
if ($strict && $j > 3) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (maximum 3 digits between decimals)");
if ($d eq '_') {
if ($strict) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (no underscores)");
if ( $alpha ) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (multiple underscores)");
$alpha = TRUE;
elsif ($d eq '.') {
if ($alpha) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (underscores before decimal)");
elsif (!isDIGIT($d)) {
$j = 0;
if ($strict && $i < 2) {
# requires v1.2.3
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts)");
} # end if dotted-decimal
{ # decimal versions
my $j = 0;
# special $strict case for leading '.' or '0'
if ($strict) {
if ($d eq '.') {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (0 before decimal required)");
if ($d eq '0' && isDIGIT($d+1)) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (no leading zeros)");
# and we never support negative version numbers
if ($d eq '-') {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (negative version number)");
# consume all of the integer part
while (isDIGIT($d)) {
# look for a fractional part
if ($d eq '.') {
# we found it, so consume it
elsif (!$d || $d eq ';' || isSPACE($d) || $d eq '}') {
if ( $d == $s ) {
# found nothing
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (version required)");
# found just an integer
goto version_prescan_finish;
elsif ( $d == $s ) {
# didn't find either integer or period
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (non-numeric data)");
elsif ($d eq '_') {
# underscore can't come after integer part
if ($strict) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (no underscores)");
elsif (isDIGIT($d+1)) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (alpha without decimal)");
else {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (misplaced underscore)");
elsif ($d) {
# anything else after integer part is just invalid data
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (non-numeric data)");
# scan the fractional part after the decimal point
if ($d && !isDIGIT($d) && ($strict || ! ($d eq ';' || isSPACE($d) || $d eq '}') )) {
# $strict or lax-but-not-the-end
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (fractional part required)");
while (isDIGIT($d)) {
$d++; $j++;
if ($d eq '.' && isDIGIT($d-1)) {
if ($alpha) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (underscores before decimal)");
if ($strict) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (dotted-decimal versions must begin with 'v')");
$d = $s; # start all over again
$qv = TRUE;
goto dotted_decimal_version;
if ($d eq '_') {
if ($strict) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (no underscores)");
if ( $alpha ) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (multiple underscores)");
if ( ! isDIGIT($d+1) ) {
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (misplaced underscore)");
$width = $j;
$alpha = TRUE;
while (isSPACE($d)) {
if ($d && !isDIGIT($d) && (! ($d eq ';' || $d eq '}') )) {
# trailing non-numeric data
return BADVERSION($s,$errstr,"Invalid version format (non-numeric data)");
if (defined $sqv) {
$$sqv = $qv;
if (defined $swidth) {
$$swidth = $width;
if (defined $ssaw_decimal) {
$$ssaw_decimal = $saw_decimal;
if (defined $salpha) {
$$salpha = $alpha;
return $d;
sub scan_version {
my ($s, $rv, $qv) = @_;
my $start;
my $pos;
my $last;
my $errstr;
my $saw_decimal = 0;
my $width = 3;
my $alpha = FALSE;
my $vinf = FALSE;
my @av;
$s = new charstar $s;
while (isSPACE($s)) { # leading whitespace is OK
$last = prescan_version($s, FALSE, \$errstr, \$qv, \$saw_decimal,
\$width, \$alpha);
if ($errstr) {
# 'undef' is a special case and not an error
if ( $s ne 'undef') {
require Carp;
$start = $s;
if ($s eq 'v') {
$pos = $s;
if ( $qv ) {
$$rv->{qv} = $qv;
if ( $alpha ) {
$$rv->{alpha} = $alpha;
if ( !$qv && $width < 3 ) {
$$rv->{width} = $width;
while (isDIGIT($pos)) {
if (!isALPHA($pos)) {
my $rev;
for (;;) {
$rev = 0;
# this is atoi() that delimits on underscores
my $end = $pos;
my $mult = 1;
my $orev;
# the following if() will only be true after the decimal
# point of a version originally created with a bare
# floating point number, i.e. not quoted in any way
if ( !$qv && $s > $start && $saw_decimal == 1 ) {
$mult *= 100;
while ( $s < $end ) {
$orev = $rev;
$rev += $s * $mult;
$mult /= 10;
if ( (abs($orev) > abs($rev))
|| (abs($rev) > $VERSION_MAX )) {
warn("Integer overflow in version %d",
$s = $end - 1;
$rev = $VERSION_MAX;
$vinf = 1;
if ( $s eq '_' ) {
else {
while (--$end >= $s) {
$orev = $rev;
$rev += $end * $mult;
$mult *= 10;
if ( (abs($orev) > abs($rev))
|| (abs($rev) > $VERSION_MAX )) {
warn("Integer overflow in version");
$end = $s - 1;
$rev = $VERSION_MAX;
$vinf = 1;
# Append revision
push @av, $rev;
if ( $vinf ) {
$s = $last;
elsif ( $pos eq '.' ) {
$s = ++$pos;
elsif ( $pos eq '_' && isDIGIT($pos+1) ) {
$s = ++$pos;
elsif ( $pos eq ',' && isDIGIT($pos+1) ) {
$s = ++$pos;
elsif ( isDIGIT($pos) ) {
$s = $pos;
else {
$s = $pos;
if ( $qv ) {
while ( isDIGIT($pos) ) {
else {
my $digits = 0;
while ( ( isDIGIT($pos) || $pos eq '_' ) && $digits < 3 ) {
if ( $pos ne '_' ) {
if ( $qv ) { # quoted versions always get at least three terms
my $len = $#av;
# This for loop appears to trigger a compiler bug on OS X, as it
# loops infinitely. Yes, len is negative. No, it makes no sense.
# Compiler in question is:
# gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1640)
# for ( len = 2 - len; len > 0; len-- )
# av_push(MUTABLE_AV(sv), newSViv(0));
$len = 2 - $len;
while ($len-- > 0) {
push @av, 0;
# need to save off the current version string for later
if ( $vinf ) {
$$rv->{original} = "v.Inf";
$$rv->{vinf} = 1;
elsif ( $s > $start ) {
$$rv->{original} = $start->currstr($s);
if ( $qv && $saw_decimal == 1 && $start ne 'v' ) {
# need to insert a v to be consistent
$$rv->{original} = 'v' . $$rv->{original};
else {
$$rv->{original} = '0';
push(@av, 0);
# And finally, store the AV in the hash
$$rv->{version} = \@av;
# fix RT#19517 - special case 'undef' as string
if ($s eq 'undef') {
$s += 5;
return $s;
sub new
my ($class, $value) = @_;
unless (defined $class) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak('Usage: version::new(class, version)');
my $self = bless ({}, ref ($class) || $class);
my $qv = FALSE;
if ( ref($value) && eval('$value->isa("version")') ) {
# Can copy the elements directly
$self->{version} = [ @{$value->{version} } ];
$self->{qv} = 1 if $value->{qv};
$self->{alpha} = 1 if $value->{alpha};
$self->{original} = ''.$value->{original};
return $self;
if ($Config{d_setlocale}) {
use POSIX qw/locale_h/;
use if $Config{d_setlocale}, 'locale';
my $currlocale = setlocale(LC_ALL);
# if the current locale uses commas for decimal points, we
# just replace commas with decimal places, rather than changing
# locales
if ( localeconv()->{decimal_point} eq ',' ) {
$value =~ tr/,/./;
if ( not defined $value or $value =~ /^undef$/ ) {
# RT #19517 - special case for undef comparison
# or someone forgot to pass a value
push @{$self->{version}}, 0;
$self->{original} = "0";
return ($self);
if ( $#_ == 2 ) { # must be CVS-style
$value = $_[2];
$qv = TRUE;
if (ref($value) =~ m/ARRAY|HASH/) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Invalid version format (non-numeric data)");
$value = _un_vstring($value);
# exponential notation
if ( $value =~ /\d+.?\d*e[-+]?\d+/ ) {
$value = sprintf("%.9f",$value);
$value =~ s/(0+)$//; # trim trailing zeros
my $s = scan_version($value, \$self, $qv);
if ($s) { # must be something left over
warn("Version string '%s' contains invalid data; "
."ignoring: '%s'", $value, $s);
return ($self);
*parse = \&new;
sub numify
my ($self) = @_;
unless (_verify($self)) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
my $width = $self->{width} || 3;
my $alpha = $self->{alpha} || "";
my $len = $#{$self->{version}};
my $digit = $self->{version}[0];
my $string = sprintf("%d.", $digit );
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
$digit = $self->{version}[$i];
if ( $width < 3 ) {
my $denom = 10**(3-$width);
my $quot = int($digit/$denom);
my $rem = $digit - ($quot * $denom);
$string .= sprintf("%0".$width."d_%d", $quot, $rem);
else {
$string .= sprintf("%03d", $digit);
if ( $len > 0 ) {
$digit = $self->{version}[$len];
if ( $alpha && $width == 3 ) {
$string .= "_";
$string .= sprintf("%0".$width."d", $digit);
else # $len = 0
$string .= sprintf("000");
return $string;
sub normal
my ($self) = @_;
unless (_verify($self)) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
my $alpha = $self->{alpha} || "";
my $len = $#{$self->{version}};
my $digit = $self->{version}[0];
my $string = sprintf("v%d", $digit );
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
$digit = $self->{version}[$i];
$string .= sprintf(".%d", $digit);
if ( $len > 0 ) {
$digit = $self->{version}[$len];
if ( $alpha ) {
$string .= sprintf("_%0d", $digit);
else {
$string .= sprintf(".%0d", $digit);
if ( $len <= 2 ) {
for ( $len = 2 - $len; $len != 0; $len-- ) {
$string .= sprintf(".%0d", 0);
return $string;
sub stringify
my ($self) = @_;
unless (_verify($self)) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
return exists $self->{original}
? $self->{original}
: exists $self->{qv}
? $self->normal
: $self->numify;
sub vcmp
require UNIVERSAL;
my ($left,$right,$swap) = @_;
my $class = ref($left);
unless ( UNIVERSAL::isa($right, $class) ) {
$right = $class->new($right);
if ( $swap ) {
($left, $right) = ($right, $left);
unless (_verify($left)) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Invalid version object");
unless (_verify($right)) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Invalid version format");
my $l = $#{$left->{version}};
my $r = $#{$right->{version}};
my $m = $l < $r ? $l : $r;
my $lalpha = $left->is_alpha;
my $ralpha = $right->is_alpha;
my $retval = 0;
my $i = 0;
while ( $i <= $m && $retval == 0 ) {
$retval = $left->{version}[$i] <=> $right->{version}[$i];
# tiebreaker for alpha with identical terms
if ( $retval == 0
&& $l == $r
&& $left->{version}[$m] == $right->{version}[$m]
&& ( $lalpha || $ralpha ) ) {
if ( $lalpha && !$ralpha ) {
$retval = -1;
elsif ( $ralpha && !$lalpha) {
$retval = +1;
# possible match except for trailing 0's
if ( $retval == 0 && $l != $r ) {
if ( $l < $r ) {
while ( $i <= $r && $retval == 0 ) {
if ( $right->{version}[$i] != 0 ) {
$retval = -1; # not a match after all
else {
while ( $i <= $l && $retval == 0 ) {
if ( $left->{version}[$i] != 0 ) {
$retval = +1; # not a match after all
return $retval;
sub vbool {
my ($self) = @_;
return vcmp($self,$self->new("0"),1);
sub vnoop {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("operation not supported with version object");
sub is_alpha {
my ($self) = @_;
return (exists $self->{alpha});
sub qv {
my $value = shift;
my $class = $CLASS;
if (@_) {
$class = ref($value) || $value;
$value = shift;
$value = _un_vstring($value);
$value = 'v'.$value unless $value =~ /(^v|\d+\.\d+\.\d)/;
my $obj = $CLASS->new($value);
return bless $obj, $class;
*declare = \&qv;
sub is_qv {
my ($self) = @_;
return (exists $self->{qv});
sub _verify {
my ($self) = @_;
if ( ref($self)
&& eval { exists $self->{version} }
&& ref($self->{version}) eq 'ARRAY'
) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
sub _is_non_alphanumeric {
my $s = shift;
$s = new charstar $s;
while ($s) {
return 0 if isSPACE($s); # early out
return 1 unless (isALPHA($s) || isDIGIT($s) || $s =~ /[.-]/);
return 0;
sub _un_vstring {
my $value = shift;
# may be a v-string
if ( length($value) >= 3 && $value !~ /[._]/
&& _is_non_alphanumeric($value)) {
my $tvalue;
if ( $] ge 5.008_001 ) {
$tvalue = _find_magic_vstring($value);
$value = $tvalue if length $tvalue;
elsif ( $] ge 5.006_000 ) {
$tvalue = sprintf("v%vd",$value);
if ( $tvalue =~ /^v\d+(\.\d+){2,}$/ ) {
# must be a v-string
$value = $tvalue;
return $value;
sub _find_magic_vstring {
my $value = shift;
my $tvalue = '';
require B;
my $sv = B::svref_2object(\$value);
my $magic = ref($sv) eq 'B::PVMG' ? $sv->MAGIC : undef;
while ( $magic ) {
if ( $magic->TYPE eq 'V' ) {
$tvalue = $magic->PTR;
$tvalue =~ s/^v?(.+)$/v$1/;
else {
$magic = $magic->MOREMAGIC;
return $tvalue;
sub _VERSION {
my ($obj, $req) = @_;
my $class = ref($obj) || $obj;
no strict 'refs';
if ( exists $INC{"$"} and not %{"$class\::"} and $] >= 5.008) {
# file but no package
require Carp;
Carp::croak( "$class defines neither package nor VERSION"
."--version check failed");
my $version = eval "\$$class\::VERSION";
if ( defined $version ) {
local $^W if $] <= 5.008;
$version = version::vpp->new($version);
if ( defined $req ) {
unless ( defined $version ) {
require Carp;
my $msg = $] < 5.006
? "$class version $req required--this is only version "
: "$class does not define \$$class\::VERSION"
."--version check failed";
else {
$req = version::vpp->new($req);
if ( $req > $version ) {
require Carp;
if ( $req->is_qv ) {
sprintf ("%s version %s required--".
"this is only version %s", $class,
$req->normal, $version->normal)
else {
sprintf ("%s version %s required--".
"this is only version %s", $class,
$req->stringify, $version->stringify)
return defined $version ? $version->stringify : undef;
1; #this line is important and will help the module return a true value