Mini Shell
Mini Shell
#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2019-11-01 07:18:13 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
#Fields: date time line_nr action comment
2019-11-01 07:18:13 0 [DEBUG] Clean up old logs. Found 25 logs and threshold is 25 logs
2019-11-01 07:18:13 0 [QUERY] SELECT csvi_log_id FROM d7bxh_csvi_logs ORDER BY csvi_log_id
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Clean up old logs. Found 25 logs and threshold is 25 logs
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [QUERY] SELECT csvi_log_id FROM d7bxh_csvi_logs ORDER BY csvi_log_id
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] CSVI Pro Version: 6.6.4
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Joomla! version: 3.7.5
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] PHP version: 5.5.38
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] =========================
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] action: export
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] component: com_virtuemart
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] operation: product
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] override:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] localpath: /home/lightco1/public_html
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] ftphost:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] ftpport:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] ftproot:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] ftpfile:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_email_subject:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_email_body:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_filename:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_file: csv
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] field_delimiter: ,
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] text_enclosure:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] include_column_headers: Yes
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] signature: No
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] publish_state:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] recordstart: 3500
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] recordend:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_date_format: d/m/Y H:i:s
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_price_format_decimal: 2
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_price_format_decsep: .
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] export_price_format_thousep:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] header:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] body:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] footer:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] language: en-GB
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] exportsef: Yes
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] producturl_suffix:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] vm_itemid:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] picture_limit: Yes
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] featured: No
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] category_separator: /
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] publish_state_categories:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] incl_subcategory: No
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] parent_only: No
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] child_only: No
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] productskufilter:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] stocklevelstart:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] stocklevelend:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] shopper_group_price: none
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] priceoperator: gt
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] pricefrom:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] priceto:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] price_quantity_start:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] price_quantity_end:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] targetcurrency:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] force_shopper_group_price: none
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] groupbyfields: {"name":["virtuemart_product_id"]}
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] sortfields:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] use_system_limits: No
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] max_execution_time:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] memory_limit:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] csvi_template_id: 83
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] tags:
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] =========================
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Export field: Product ID
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Export field: SKU
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Export field: Image Path
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Export field: Image Title
2019-11-01 07:18:15 0 [DEBUG] Export query
SELECT `#__virtuemart_products`.`virtuemart_product_id`,
FROM `#__virtuemart_products`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_prices` ON `#__virtuemart_products`.`virtuemart_product_id` = `#__virtuemart_product_prices`.`virtuemart_product_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers` ON `#__virtuemart_products`.`virtuemart_product_id` = `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_product_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_manufacturers` ON `#__virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = `#__virtuemart_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_categories` ON `#__virtuemart_products`.`virtuemart_product_id` = `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_product_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_currencies` ON `#__virtuemart_currencies`.`virtuemart_currency_id` = `#__virtuemart_product_prices`.`product_currency`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` ON `#__virtuemart_product_shoppergroups`.`virtuemart_product_id` = `#__virtuemart_products`.`virtuemart_product_id`
GROUP BY `#__virtuemart_products`.`virtuemart_product_id`
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0