Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/plugins/content/sigplus/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/plugins/content/sigplus/sigplus.php

* @file
* @brief    sigplus Image Gallery Plus plug-in for Joomla
* @author   Levente Hunyadi
* @version  1.5.0
* @remarks  Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Levente Hunyadi
* @remarks  Licensed under GNU/GPLv3, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* @see      http://hunyadi.info.hu/projects/sigplus

* sigplus Image Gallery Plus plug-in for Joomla
* Copyright 2009-2014 Levente Hunyadi
* sigplus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* sigplus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

if (!defined('SIGPLUS_VERSION_PLUGIN')) {
	define('SIGPLUS_VERSION_PLUGIN', '1.5.0');

require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'fields'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'constants.php';

if (!defined('SIGPLUS_DEBUG')) {
	* Triggers debug mode.
	* In debug mode, the extension uses uncompressed versions of scripts rather than the bandwidth-saving minified versions.
	define('SIGPLUS_DEBUG', false);
if (!defined('SIGPLUS_LOGGING')) {
	* Triggers logging mode.
	* In logging mode, the extension prints verbose status messages to the output.
	define('SIGPLUS_LOGGING', false);

// import library dependencies

require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core.php';

* sigplus Image Gallery Plus plug-in.
class plgContentSigPlusNovo extends JPlugin {
	/** Activation tag used to produce galleries with the plug-in. */
	private $tag_gallery = 'gallery';
	/** Activation tag used to produce a lightbox-powered link with the plug-in. */
	private $tag_lightbox = 'lightbox';
	/** Core service object. */
	private $core;

	public function __construct(&$subject, $params) {
		parent::__construct($subject, $params);

		// set activation tag if well-formed
		$tag_gallery = $this->getParameterValue('tag_gallery', $this->tag_gallery);
		if (is_string($tag_gallery) && ctype_alnum($tag_gallery)) {
			$this->tag_gallery = $tag_gallery;
		$tag_lightbox = $this->getParameterValue('tag_lightbox', $this->tag_lightbox);
		if (is_string($tag_lightbox) && ctype_alnum($tag_lightbox)) {
			$this->tag_lightbox = $tag_lightbox;

	private function getParameterValue($name, $default) {
		if ($this->params instanceof stdClass) {
			if (isset($this->params->$name)) {
				return $this->params->$name;
		} else if ($this->params instanceof JRegistry) {  // Joomla 2.5 and earlier
			$paramvalue = $this->params->get($name);
			if (isset($paramvalue)) {
				return $paramvalue;
		return $default;

	* Fired before article contents are to be processed by the plug-in.
	* @param $article The article that is being rendered by the view.
	* @param $params An associative array of relevant parameters.
	* @param $limitstart An integer that determines the "page" of the content that is to be generated.
	* @param
	public function onContentAfterTitle($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart) {


	* Parses the article for occurrences of the activation tag. Replacements are not saved.
	* Fired immediately after content has been saved.
	* @param {string} $context The context of the content passed to the plug-in.
	* @param $article The content object.
	* @param {bool} $isNew True if the content has just been created.
	public function onContentAfterSave($context, $article, $isNew) {
		return true;

	* Fired when content are to be processed by the plug-in.
	* Recommended usage syntax:
	* a) POSIX fully portable file names
	*    Folder name characters are in [A-Za-z0-9._-])
	*    Regular expression: [/\w.-]+
	*    Example: {gallery rows=1 cols=1}  /sigplus/birds/  {/gallery}
	* b) URL-encoded absolute URLs
	*    Regular expression: (?:[0-9A-Za-z!"$&\'()*+,.:;=@_-]|%[0-9A-Za-z]{2})+
	*    Example: {gallery} http://example.com/image.jpg {/gallery}
	public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart) {
		if ($context === 'com_finder.indexer') {
			// skip plug-in activation when the content is being indexed
		} elseif (($context === 'com_content.category' || $context === 'com_content.featured') && isset($article->introtext)) {
			$this->parseContent($article->text, $article->introtext);  // only introductory text is visible, do not make replacements elsewhere
		} else {
			$this->parseContent($article->text);  // replacements take effect

	private function parseContent(&$text, $introtext = null) {
		if (isset($introtext) && strpos($introtext, '{'.$this->tag_gallery) === false && strpos($introtext, '{'.$this->tag_lightbox) === false) {
			return false;  // short-circuit plugin activation, no replacements made

		if (strpos($text, '{'.$this->tag_gallery) === false && strpos($text, '{'.$this->tag_lightbox) === false) {
			return false;  // short-circuit plugin activation, no replacements made

		if (SigPlusNovoTimer::shortcircuit()) {
			return false;  // short-circuit plugin activation, allotted execution time expired, error message already printed

		// load language file for internationalized labels and error messages
		$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
		$lang->load('plg_content_sigplus', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);

		if (!isset($this->core)) {
			$this->core = false;
			try {
				// create configuration parameter objects
				$configuration = new SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters();
				$configuration->service = new SigPlusNovoServiceParameters();
				$configuration->gallery = new SigPlusNovoGalleryParameters();

				if (SIGPLUS_LOGGING || $configuration->service->debug_server == 'verbose') {
					SigPlusNovoLogging::setService(new SigPlusNovoHTMLLogging());
				} else {
					SigPlusNovoLogging::setService(new SigPlusNovoNoLogging());

				$this->core = new SigPlusNovoCore($configuration);
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				$app = JFactory::getApplication();
				$app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error');

		if ($this->core !== false) {

			$gallerycount = 0;

			// pattern for key/value parameter list
			$param_pattern = '(?:[^{/}]+|/(?!\})|\{\$[^{/}]+\})*';  // characters other than curly braces, or variable substitutions in the style "{$variable}"

			// find compact {gallery/} tags and emit code
			$tag_gallery = preg_quote($this->tag_gallery, '#');
			$pattern = '#\{'.$tag_gallery.'\b('.$param_pattern.')/\}#msSu';
			$gallerycount += $this->getGalleryReplacementAll($text, $pattern);

			// find {gallery}...{/gallery} tags and emit code
			$tag_gallery = preg_quote($this->tag_gallery, '#');
			$pattern = '#\{'.$tag_gallery.'\b('.$param_pattern.')\}(.+?)\{/'.$tag_gallery.'\}#msSu';
			$gallerycount += $this->getGalleryReplacementAll($text, $pattern);

			// find {lightbox}...{/lightbox} tags wrapping HTML and emit code
			$tag_lightbox = preg_quote($this->tag_lightbox, '#');
			$pattern = '#\{'.$tag_lightbox.'\b([^{}]*)(?<!/)\}(.+?)\{/'.$tag_lightbox.'\}#msSu';
			$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($match) {
				return $this->getLightboxReplacement($match);
			}, $text, -1, $lightboxcount);

			// find compact {lightbox/} tags and emit code
			$pattern = '#\{'.$tag_lightbox.'\b([^{}]*)/\}#msSu';
			$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($match) {
				return $this->getSelectorReplacement($match);
			}, $text);

			// employ safety measure for excessively large galleries
			if (strlen($text) > 80000) {  // there is a risk of exhausting the backtrack limit and producing the "white screen of death"
				ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 1000000);  // try to raise backtrack limit
				SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Generated HTML code is excessively large, consider splitting galleries. Regular expression matching backtrack limit has been increased.');

			$log = SigPlusNovoLogging::fetch();
			if ($log) {
				$text = $log.$text;

			return $gallerycount + $lightboxcount > 0;
		return false;

	* Replaces all occurrences of a gallery activation tag.
	* @param {string} $text Article (content item) text.
	* @param {string} $pattern Replacement regular expression pattern.
	private function getGalleryReplacementAll(&$text, $pattern) {
		$count = 0;
		$offset = 0;
		while (preg_match($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
			if (SigPlusNovoTimer::shortcircuit()) {
				return $count;  // short-circuit plugin activation, allotted execution time expired, error message already printed

			$start = $match[0][1];
			$end = $start + strlen($match[0][0]);

			try {
				$innertext = isset($match[2]) ? $match[2][0] : null;  // text in between start and end tags (unless omitted)
				$paramtext = $match[1][0];
				$body = $this->getGalleryReplacementSingle($innertext, $paramtext);
				$text = substr($text, 0, $start).$body.substr($text, $end);
				$offset = $start + strlen($body);
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				$app = JFactory::getApplication();
				switch ($this->core->verbosityLevel()) {
					case 'none':
						// display no message, hide activation tag completely
						$text = substr($text, 0, $start).substr($text, $end);
						$offset = $start;
					case 'laconic':
						if ($e instanceof SigPlusNovoTimeoutException) {  // display a timeout message
							$message = JText::_('SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT');
						} else {  // display a very general, uninformative message
							$message = JText::_('SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE');

						// hide activation tag completely
						$text = substr($text, 0, $start).substr($text, $end);
						$offset = $start;

						// show error message
						$app->enqueueMessage($message, 'error');
					case 'verbose':
						// display a specific, informative message
						$message = $e->getMessage();

						// leave activation tag as it appears
						$offset = $end;

						// show error message
						$app->enqueueMessage($message, 'error');
		return $count;

	* Replaces a single occurrence of a gallery activation tag.
	* @param {string} $sourcetext A string that identifies the image source.
	* @param {string} $paramtext A string that stores parameter key/value pairs.
	private function getGalleryReplacementSingle($sourcetext, $paramtext) {
		// the activation code {gallery key=value}myfolder{/gallery} translates into a source and a parameter string
		$paramtext = self::strip_html($paramtext);

		// update parameters if a module is specified that acts as a base for gallery parameters
		// pushes a new set of parameters on the parameter stack
		$inherits = $this->setInheritedParameters($paramtext);

		// get special-purpose parameter "source"
		$params = $this->core->getParameters();

		// set image source
		$source = null;
		if (isset($sourcetext)) {
			$source = html_entity_decode($sourcetext, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
		if ($params->source) {
			$source = $params->source;
		if (is_url_http($source)) {
			$source = safe_url_encode($source);

		try {
			if (is_absolute_path($source)) {  // do not permit an absolute path enclosed in activation tags
				throw new SigPlusNovoImageSourceException($source);

			// download image
			try {
				if ($this->core->downloadImage($source)) {  // an image has been requested for download
					jexit();  // do not produce a page
			} catch (SigPlusNovoImageDownloadAccessException $e) {  // signal download errors but do not stop page processing
				$app = JFactory::getApplication();
				$app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error');

			// generate image gallery
			$body = $this->core->getGalleryHTML($source, $id);

			if ($inherits) {  // pops the extra set of parameters from the parameter stack

			return $body;
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			if ($inherits) {  // pops the extra set of parameters from the parameter stack

			throw $e;

	* Generates image thumbnails with alternate text, title and lightbox pop-up activation on mouse click.
	* This method is to be called as a regular expression replace callback.
	* Any error messages are printed to screen.
	* @param $match A regular expression match.
	private function getGalleryReplacement($match) {
		try {
			$body = $this->getGalleryReplacementSingle($match[2], $match[1]);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$body = $match[0];  // no replacements
			$app = JFactory::getApplication();
			$app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error');
		return $body;

	* Replaces a single occurrence of a lightbox activation tag.
	private function getLightboxReplacement($match) {
		// extract parameter string
		$params = SigPlusNovoConfigurationBase::string_to_array(self::strip_html($match[1]));

		// extract or create identifier
		if (!isset($params['id'])) {
			$params['id'] = $this->core->getUniqueGalleryId();

		if (isset($params['href']) || isset($params['link'])) {

			// build anchor components
			if (isset($params['link'])) {  // create link to gallery on the same page
				$this->core->addLightboxLinkScript($params['id'], $params['link']);
				$params['href'] = 'javascript:void(0);';  // artificial link target
			} elseif (isset($params['href'])) {  // create link to (external) image
				if (!is_url_http($params['href'])) {  // make relative URLs absolute
					$params['href'] = JURI::base(false).$params['href'];
				$params['href'] = safe_url_encode($params['href']);

				// add lightbox scripts to page header
				$selector = '#'.$params['id'];  // build selector from the identifier of the anchor that links to a resource


			// generate anchor HTML
			$anchor = '<a';
			foreach (array('id','href','rel','class','style','title') as $attr) {
				if (isset($params[$attr])) {
					$anchor .= ' '.$attr.'="'.$params[$attr].'"';
			$anchor .= '>'.$match[2].'</a>';
			return $anchor;
		} else {
			return $match[2];  // do not change text for unsupported combination of parameters

	private function getSelectorReplacement($match) {
		$replacement = $match[0];  // no replacements

		// extract parameter string
		$params = SigPlusNovoConfigurationBase::string_to_array(self::strip_html($match[1]));

		// apply lightbox to all items that satisfy the CSS selector
		if (isset($params['selector'])) {
			// add lightbox scripts to page header
			try {
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				throw $e;
			$replacement = '';

		return $replacement;

	* Sets plug-in parameters inherited from a module.
	* Parameters of a module may in this way act as a template for plug-in parameters. Plug-in parameters override
	* the parameter values inherited from the base module.
	private function setInheritedParameters($params) {
		// get current parameters
		$curparams = $this->core->getParameters();

		if (!isset($curparams->base_module)) {
			return false;

		// import parameters from module
		$module = JModuleHelper::getModule('mod_sigplus', $curparams->base_module);
		if (empty($module)) {
			return false;

		// pop parameters recently pushed to parameter stack

		// process parameters from module that acts as base source for parameters
		$baseparams = json_decode($module->params);
		unset($baseparams->source);  // ignore parameter "source" not meaningful in this context

		// push base parameters to parameter stack

		// (re-)push activation code parameters to parameter stack
		$curparams = $this->core->getParameters();

		return true;

	private static function strip_html($html) {
		$text = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');  // translate HTML entities to regular characters
		$text = str_replace("\xc2\xa0", ' ', $text);  // translate non-breaking space to regular space
		$text = strip_tags($text);  // remove HTML tags
		return $text;

	public function onExtensionAfterSave($context, $table, $isNew) {
		if (!isset($table) ||
			!isset($table->type) || $table->type !== 'plugin' ||
			!isset($table->folder) || $table->folder !== 'content' ||
			!isset($table->element) || $table->element !== 'sigplus')
		{  // function invoked in the context of an unrelated extension

		// previous extension configuration that is being overwritten
		$old_params = new SigPlusNovoServiceParameters();
		if (!empty($this->params['settings'])) {

		// new extension configuration that has been persisted
		$params = json_decode($table->params, true);
		$new_params = new SigPlusNovoServiceParameters();
		if ($params) {
			if (!empty($params['settings'])) {

		$clean_database = false;

		// check if there has been a change in metadata extraction strategy
		if ($old_params->metadata_filter != $new_params->metadata_filter) {
			$clean_database = true;

		// check if instructed to clean database on every save
		if ($new_params->clean_database) {
			$clean_database = true;

		if ($clean_database) {
			require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'setup.php';

if (!file_exists(JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'plugins'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'content'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sigplus'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'js')) {  // available in 1.4.x only
	* Compatibility layer for using sigplus Novo as a next version of sigplus.
	class plgContentSIGPlus extends plgContentSigPlusNovo {


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0