Direktori : /proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/plugins/content/sigplus/core/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/plugins/content/sigplus/core/core.php |
<?php /** * @file * @brief sigplus Image Gallery Plus plug-in for Joomla * @author Levente Hunyadi * @version 1.5.0 * @remarks Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Levente Hunyadi * @remarks Licensed under GNU/GPLv3, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * @see http://hunyadi.info.hu/sigplus */ /* * sigplus Image Gallery Plus plug-in for Joomla * Copyright 2009-2017 Levente Hunyadi * * sigplus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * sigplus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'version.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'exception.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'params.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'imagegenerator.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'engines.php'; use Joomla\CMS\Filter\InputFilter; define('SIGPLUS_TEST', 0); define('SIGPLUS_CREATE', 1); define('SIGPLUS_CAPTION_CLIENT', true); // apply template to caption text on client side define('SIGPLUS_DEFAULT_CAPTION_SOURCE', 'labels.txt'); /** * Interface for logging services. */ interface SigPlusNovoLoggingService { public function appendStatus($message); public function appendError($message); public function appendCodeBlock($message, $block); public function fetch(); } /** * A service that compiles a dynamic HTML-based log. */ class SigPlusNovoHTMLLogging implements SigPlusNovoLoggingService { /** Error log. */ private $log = array(); /** * Appends an informational message to the log. */ public function appendStatus($message) { $this->log[] = $message; } /** * Appends a critical error message to the log. */ public function appendError($message) { $this->log[] = $message; } /** * Appends an informational message to the log with a code block. */ public function appendCodeBlock($message, $block) { $this->log[] = $message."\n".'<pre class="sigplus-log">'.htmlspecialchars($block).'</pre>'; } public function fetch() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); //$document->addScript(JURI::base(true).'/media/sigplus/js/log.js'); // language-neutral $script = file_get_contents(JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'media'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.SIGPLUS_MEDIA_FOLDER.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'js'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'log.js'); if ($script !== false) { $script = str_replace(array("'Show'","'Hide'"), array("'".JText::_('JSHOW')."'","'".JText::_('JHIDE')."'"), $script); $document->addScriptDeclaration($script); } ob_start(); print '<ul class="sigplus-log" dir="ltr" lang="en">'; foreach ($this->log as $logentry) { print '<li>'.$logentry.'</li>'; } print '</ul>'; $this->log = array(); return ob_get_clean(); } } /** * A service that does not perform any actual logging. */ class SigPlusNovoNoLogging implements SigPlusNovoLoggingService { public function appendStatus($message) { } public function appendError($message) { } public function appendCodeBlock($message, $block) { } public function fetch() { return null; } } /** * Logging services. */ class SigPlusNovoLogging { /** Singleton instance. */ private static $instance; public static function setService(SigPlusNovoLoggingService $service) { self::$instance = $service; } public static function appendStatus($message) { self::$instance->appendStatus($message); } public static function appendError($message) { self::$instance->appendError($message); } public static function appendCodeBlock($message, $block) { self::$instance->appendCodeBlock($message, $block); } public static function fetch() { return self::$instance->fetch(); } } SigPlusNovoLogging::setService(new SigPlusNovoNoLogging()); // disable logging class SigPlusNovoUser { /** * The normalized user group title for the currently logged-in user. */ public static function getCurrentUserGroup() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->guest) { return false; } // get all groups the user is member of, but not inherited groups $groups = JAccess::getGroupsByUser($user->id, false); if (count($groups) < 1) { return false; // not a member of any group } // get first group out of all groups the user may be a member of $group = $groups[0]; // get the group title from the database $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->select('grp.title') ->from('#__usergroups AS grp') ->where('grp.id = '.$group) ; $db->setQuery($query); $groupname = $db->loadResult(); if ($groupname) { return $groupname; } else { return false; } } } /** * Database layer. */ class SigPlusNovoDatabase { /** * Verifies if a string is encoded in UTF-8. * This function makes sure checks for UTF-8 are possible even if the PHP extension mbstring is not available. * @see https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-forms-utf-8.en * @param $str The string whose internal encoding to check. * @return True if the string is encoded in UTF-8. */ private static function checkUTF8Encoding($str) { if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && function_exists('mb_check_encoding')) { return mb_check_encoding($str, 'utf-8'); } else { return 0 < preg_match('%^(?: [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII | [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte | \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs | [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte | \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates | \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3 | [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15 | \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16 )*$%xs', $str); } } /** * Returns a string suitable as an SQL LIKE pattern that checks whether strings start with a prefix. * @param $prefix The string the database table value is expected to start with. */ public static function sqlstartswith($prefix) { return str_replace(array('\\','%','_'), array('\\\\','\\%','\\_'), $prefix).'%'; } /** * Convert a wildcard pattern to an SQL LIKE pattern. */ public static function sqlpattern($pattern) { // replace "*" and "?" with LIKE expression equivalents "%" and "_" $pattern = str_replace(array('\\','%','_'), array('\\\\','\\%','\\_'), $pattern); $pattern = str_replace(array('*','?'), array('%','_'), $pattern); return $pattern; } /** * Convert a timestamp to "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss" format. */ public static function sqldate($timestamp) { if (isset($timestamp)) { if (is_int($timestamp)) { return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp); } else { return $timestamp; } } else { return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } /** * Quote column identifier names. */ private static function quoteColumns(array $cols) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // quote identifier names foreach ($cols as &$col) { $col = $db->quoteName($col); } return $cols; } /** * Type-safe value quoting. */ public static function quoteValue($value) { if (is_string($value)) { if (self::checkUTF8Encoding($value)) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); return $db->quote($value); } else { return '0x'.implode(unpack("H*", $value)); } } elseif (is_bool($value)) { return $value ? 1 : 0; } elseif (!is_numeric($value)) { return 'NULL'; } else { return $value; } } private static function quoteValues(array $row) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); foreach ($row as &$entry) { if (is_string($entry)) { if (self::checkUTF8Encoding($entry)) { $entry = $db->quote($entry); } else { $entry = '0x'.implode(unpack("H*", $entry)); } } elseif (is_bool($entry)) { $entry = $entry ? 1 : 0; } elseif (!is_numeric($entry)) { $entry = 'NULL'; } } return $row; } /** * The database identifier that belongs to an ISO language code. */ public static function getLanguageId($language) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('langid').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_language').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('lang').' = '.$db->quote($language) ); return $db->loadResult(); } /** * The database identifier that belongs to an ISO country code. */ public static function getCountryId($country) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('countryid').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_country').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('country').' = '.$db->quote($country) ); return $db->loadResult(); } /** * Inserts several rows into a table, updating duplicates if insertion fails (e.g. when a unique key matches). * @param {string} $table The name of the table to update or insert the row into. * @param {array} $match_keys A list of primary or unique key columns used to find matching table rows. * @param {array} $cols The name of the columns the values correspond to. * @param {array} $rows A collection of values for each row to insert or overwrite existing values with. */ public static function getInsertBatchStatement($table, array $match_keys, array $cols, array $rows, array $keys = null, array $constants = null) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $table = $db->quoteName($table); // quote identifier names if (isset($keys)) { $keys = self::quoteColumns($keys); } // build column name array and quote column names if (isset($constants)) { $cols = array_merge(array_values($cols), array_keys($constants)); // append constant value columns } $cols = self::quoteColumns($cols); $columns = implode(',', $cols); // build clause for list of values to be inserted or updated foreach ($rows as &$row) { $row = self::quoteValues($row); if (isset($constants)) { foreach ($constants as $constant) { // append constants $row[] = $constant; } } $row = '('.implode(',',$row).')'; } unset($row); $values = implode(',', $rows); if (!empty($rows)) { switch ($db->getServerType()) { case 'mysql': // build update clause $update = array(); foreach ($cols as $col) { if (!isset($keys) || !in_array($col, $keys)) { // there are no keys or column is not a key $update[] = $col.' = VALUES('.$col.')'; } } $update_clause = implode(', ', $update); $query = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$columns})".PHP_EOL. "VALUES {$values}".PHP_EOL. "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$update_clause}"; return $query; case 'mssql': // build join clause for merge $match_criteria = array(); foreach ($match_keys as $key) { $key = $db->quoteName($key); $match_criteria[] = "target.{$key} = source.{$key}"; } $match_condition = implode(' AND ', $match_criteria); // build update clause $update = array(); foreach ($cols as $col) { if (!isset($keys) || !in_array($col, $keys)) { // there are no keys or column is not a key $update[] = "target.{$col} = source.{$col}"; } } $update_clause = implode(', ', $update); // build insert clause $insert = array(); foreach ($cols as $col) { $insert[] = "source.{$col}"; } $insert_clause = implode(', ', $insert); $query = "MERGE INTO {$table} WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target".PHP_EOL. "USING (VALUES {$values}) AS source ({$columns})".PHP_EOL. "ON {$match_condition}".PHP_EOL. "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET {$update_clause}".PHP_EOL. "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ({$columns}) VALUES ({$insert_clause})".PHP_EOL. ";"; return $query; } } return false; } /** * Insert multiple rows into the database in a batch with updates. */ public static function insertBatch($table, array $match_keys, array $cols, array $rows, $keys = null, array $constants = null) { if (($statement = self::getInsertBatchStatement($table, $match_keys, $cols, $rows, $keys, $constants)) !== false) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery($statement); $db->execute(); } } /** * Inserts a single row into a table, or updates a duplicate if insertion fails (e.g. when a unique key matches). * @param {string} $table The name of the table to update or insert the row into. * @param {array} $match_keys A list of primary or unique key columns used to find matching table rows. * @param {array} $cols The name of the columns the values correspond to. * @param {array} $values The values to insert or overwrite existing values with. * @param {string} $auto_key The name of the auto-increment column. * @return {int} The auto-increment value for the updated or inserted row. */ public static function insertSingleUnique($table, array $match_keys, array $cols, array $values, $auto_key = null) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $table = $db->quoteName($table); // quote identifier names $cols = self::quoteColumns($cols); if (isset($auto_key)) { $auto_key = $db->quoteName($auto_key); } // build insert clause $values = self::quoteValues($values); $values = implode(',', $values); $columns = implode(',', $cols); $auto_value = null; switch ($db->getServerType()) { case 'mysql': // build update clause $update = array(); // If a table contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column and INSERT ... UPDATE inserts a row, // the LAST_INSERT_ID() function returns the AUTO_INCREMENT value but if the statement updates // a row instead, LAST_INSERT_ID() is not meaningful. However, you can work around this by using // LAST_INSERT_ID(expr). Suppose that `id` is the AUTO_INCREMENT column. To make LAST_INSERT_ID() // meaningful for updates, add an artificial update assignment: id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id). if (isset($auto_key)) { $update[] = $auto_key.' = LAST_INSERT_ID('.$auto_key.')'; } foreach ($cols as $col) { $update[] = $col.' = VALUES('.$col.')'; } $update_clause = implode(', ', $update); $db->setQuery( "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$columns})".PHP_EOL. "VALUES ({$values})".PHP_EOL. "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$update_clause}" ); $db->execute(); $auto_value = $db->insertid(); break; case 'mssql': // build join clause for merge $match_criteria = array(); foreach ($match_keys as $key) { $key = $db->quoteName($key); $match_criteria[] = "target.{$key} = source.{$key}"; } $match_condition = implode(' AND ', $match_criteria); // build update clause $update = array(); foreach ($cols as $col) { $update[] = "target.{$col} = source.{$col}"; } $update_clause = implode(', ', $update); $query = "MERGE INTO {$table} WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target".PHP_EOL. "USING (VALUES ({$values})) AS source ({$columns})".PHP_EOL. "ON {$match_condition}".PHP_EOL. "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET {$update_clause}".PHP_EOL. "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ({$columns}) VALUES ({$values})"; if (isset($auto_key)) { $query .= PHP_EOL."OUTPUT INSERTED.{$auto_key}"; } $query .= ";"; $db->setQuery($query); if (isset($auto_key)) { $auto_value = $db->loadResult(); } else { $db->execute(); } break; } if (isset($auto_key)) { return $auto_value; } } /** * Deletes an existing and inserts a new row into a table. * @param {string} $table The name of the table to update or insert the row into. * @param {array} $cols The name of the columns the values correspond to. * @param {array} $values The values to insert or overwrite existing values with. * @return {int} The auto-increment value for the newly inserted row. */ public static function replaceSingle($table, array $match_keys_values, array $cols, array $values) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $table = $db->quoteName($table); // quote identifier names $cols = self::quoteColumns($cols); $columns = implode(',', $cols); // build insert clause $values = self::quoteValues($values); $values = implode(',', $values); switch ($db->getServerType()) { case 'mysql': $db->setQuery( "REPLACE INTO {$table} ({$columns})".PHP_EOL. "VALUES ({$values})" ); $db->execute(); break; case 'mssql': $match_criteria = array(); foreach ($match_keys_values as $key => $value) { $key = $db->quoteName($key); $value = self::quoteValue($value); $match_criteria[] = "{$key} = {$value}"; } $match_condition = implode(' AND ', $match_criteria); $db->setQuery( "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE {$match_condition}" ); $db->execute(); $db->setQuery( "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$columns})".PHP_EOL. "VALUES ({$values})" ); $db->execute(); break; } return $db->insertid(); } public static function executeAll(array $queries) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); foreach ($queries as $query) { $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } } } /** * Measures execution time and prevents time-outs. */ class SigPlusNovoTimer { private static $timeout_count = 0; private static function getStartedTime() { return time(); // save current timestamp } private static function getMaximumDuration() { $duration = ini_get('max_execution_time'); if ($duration) { $duration = (int)$duration; } else { $duration = 0; } if ($duration >= 10) { return $duration - 2; } else { return 10; // a feasible guess } } /** * Short-circuit plug-in activation if allotted execution time has already been used up. */ public static function shortcircuit() { return SigPlusNovoTimer::$timeout_count > 0; } /** * Check whether execution time is within the allotted maximum limit. */ public static function checkpoint() { static $started_time; static $maximum_duration; // initialize static variables isset($started_time) || $started_time = SigPlusNovoTimer::getStartedTime(); isset($maximum_duration) || $maximum_duration = SigPlusNovoTimer::getMaximumDuration(); if (time() >= $started_time + $maximum_duration) { SigPlusNovoTimer::$timeout_count++; throw new SigPlusNovoTimeoutException(); } } } abstract class SigPlusNovoMediaTypes { private static function getImageFileExtensions() { static $extensions = array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif','webp','svg'); return $extensions; } private static function getVideoFileExtensions() { static $extensions = array('mp4','mpg','mpeg','ogg','webm','avi','flv','mov'); return $extensions; } private static function isFileOfType($file, $extensions) { $lowercase_extensions = array_map('strtolower', $extensions); $uppercase_extensions = array_map('strtoupper', $extensions); $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); return in_array($extension, $lowercase_extensions, true) || in_array($extension, $uppercase_extensions, true); } /** * True if the file extension indicates a recognized image format. */ public static function isImageFile($file) { return self::isFileOfType($file, self::getImageFileExtensions()); } /** * True if the file extension indicates a recognized video format. */ public static function isVideoFile($file) { return self::isFileOfType($file, self::getVideoFileExtensions()); } private static function getMatchingResource($resourcepath, $extensions) { $root = pathinfo($resourcepath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.pathinfo($resourcepath, PATHINFO_FILENAME).'.'; // path up to (and including) terminating dot character $matches = array_filter($extensions, function($extension) use ($root) { return file_exists_case_insensitive($root.$extension); }); if (!empty($matches)) { $match = reset($matches); // pick extension with highest precedence return $root.$match; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns a poster image that is paired with the moving picture. */ public static function getPosterImage($resourcepath) { return self::getMatchingResource($resourcepath, self::getImageFileExtensions()); } /** * Returns a moving picture that is paired with the static image. */ public static function getMovingPicture($resourcepath) { return self::getMatchingResource($resourcepath, self::getVideoFileExtensions()); } } class SigPlusNovoLabels { private $multilingual = false; private $caption_source = SIGPLUS_DEFAULT_CAPTION_SOURCE; public function __construct(SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters $config) { $this->multilingual = $config->service->multilingual; $this->caption_source = $config->gallery->caption_source; } public function isLabelsFileAvailable($imagefolder) { // get labels source file name components $labelsname = pathinfo($this->caption_source, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $labelsextn = pathinfo($this->caption_source, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $labelssuff = '.'.( $labelsextn ? $labelsextn : 'txt' ); // read default (language-neutral) labels file $file = $imagefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$labelsname.$labelssuff; // filesystem path to labels file if (is_file($file)) { return true; } if ($this->multilingual) { $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $tag = $lang->getTag(); // use site default language $file = $imagefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$labelsname.'.'.$tag.$labelssuff; if (is_file($file)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Finds language-specific labels files. * @param {string} $imagefolder An absolute path or URL to a directory with labels files. * @return {array} A list of full paths to the language-specific labels files. */ public function getLabelsFilePaths($imagefolder) { $sources = array(); // get labels source file name components $labelsname = pathinfo($this->caption_source, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $labelsextn = pathinfo($this->caption_source, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $labelssuff = '.'.( $labelsextn ? $labelsextn : 'txt' ); // read default (language-neutral) labels file $file = $imagefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$labelsname.$labelssuff; // filesystem path to labels file if (is_file($file)) { $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $tag = $lang->getTag(); // use site default language $sources[$tag] = $file; // language tag has format hu-HU or en-GB } if ($this->multilingual) { // look for language-specific labels files in folder $files = fsx::scandir($imagefolder); foreach ($files as $file) { if (preg_match('#'.preg_quote($labelsname, '#').'[.]([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2})'.preg_quote($labelssuff, '#').'$#Su', $file, $matches)) { $tag = $matches[1]; $file = $imagefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$labelsname.'.'.$tag.$labelssuff; if (is_file($file)) { $sources[$tag] = $file; // assignment may overwrite entry for default language } } } } return $sources; } /** * Extract short captions and descriptions attached to images from a "labels.txt" file. */ private function parseLabels($labelspath, &$captions, &$patterns) { $entries = array(); $patterns = array(); $imagefolder = dirname($labelspath); // read file contents $contents = file_get_contents($labelspath); if ($contents === false) { return false; } // verify file type if (!strcmp('{\rtf', substr($contents,0,5))) { // file has type "rich text format" (RTF) throw new SigPlusNovoTextFormatException($labelspath); } // remove UTF-8 BOM and normalize line endings if (!strcmp("\xEF\xBB\xBF", substr($contents,0,3))) { // file starts with UTF-8 BOM $contents = substr($contents, 3); // remove UTF-8 BOM } $contents = str_replace("\r", "\n", $contents); // normalize line endings // split into lines $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/^([^|\n]+)(?:[|]([^|\n]*)(?:[|]([^\n]*))?)?$/mu', $contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); switch (preg_last_error()) { case PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR: throw new SigPlusNovoTextFormatException($labelspath); } // parse individual entries $priority = 0; $index = 0; // counter for entry order foreach ($matches as $match) { $imagefile = $match[1]; $title = count($match) > 2 ? $match[2] : null; $summary = count($match) > 3 ? $match[3] : null; if (strpos($imagefile, '*') !== false || strpos($imagefile, '?') !== false) { // contains wildcard character $pattern = new stdClass; $pattern->match = SigPlusNovoDatabase::sqlpattern($imagefile); // replace "*" and "?" with LIKE expression equivalents "%" and "_" $pattern->priority = ++$priority; $pattern->title = $title; $pattern->summary = $summary; $patterns[] = $pattern; } else { if (is_url_http($imagefile)) { // a URL to a remote image $imagelocation = safe_url_encode($imagefile); } else { // a local image $imagefile = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $imagefile); $imagepath = $imagefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$imagefile; // normalize image file name, comparing "labels.txt" and file system directory listing $imagefile = file_exists_case_insensitive($imagepath); if ($imagefile === false) { // also checks that image file truly exists continue; } $imagelocation = $imagefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$imagefile; } // prepare data for injection into database $entry = new stdClass; $entry->file = $imagelocation; $entry->index = ++$index; $entry->title = $title; $entry->summary = $summary; $entries[$imagelocation] = $entry; } } $captions = array_values($entries); return true; } public function populate($imagefolder, $folderid) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $queries = array(); // force type to prevent SQL injection $folderid = (int)$folderid; // delete existing data $queries[] = 'DELETE FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_foldercaption').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('folderid').' = '.$folderid ; // set condition for treating a caption data entry as one that needs a check for a potential update $dbtype = $db->getServerType(); switch ($dbtype) { case 'mssql': $date_condition = 'DATEADD(hour, -1, GETDATE())'; break; default: $date_condition = 'DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)'; } // invalidate existing labels data $queries[] = 'DELETE c'.PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_caption').' AS c'.PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' AS i'.PHP_EOL. 'ON c.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = '.$folderid ; $sources = $this->getLabelsFilePaths($imagefolder); foreach ($sources as $languagetag => $source) { // fetch language and country database identifier list($language, $country) = explode('-', $languagetag); $langid = (int)SigPlusNovoDatabase::getLanguageId($language); $countryid = (int)SigPlusNovoDatabase::getCountryId($country); if (!$langid || !$countryid) { // language does not exist continue; } // extract captions and patterns from labels source $this->parseLabels($source, $entries, $patterns); SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus(count($entries).' caption(s) and '.count($patterns).' pattern(s) extracted from <code>'.$source.'</code>.'); // update title and description patterns if (!empty($patterns)) { $rows = array(); foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { $row = array( $folderid, $db->quote($pattern->match), $langid, $countryid, $pattern->priority, $db->quote($pattern->title), $db->quote($pattern->summary) ); $rows[] = '('.implode(',',$row).')'; } // add captions matched with patterns $queries[] = 'INSERT INTO '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_foldercaption').' ('. $db->quoteName('folderid').','. $db->quoteName('pattern').','. $db->quoteName('langid').','. $db->quoteName('countryid').','. $db->quoteName('priority').','. $db->quoteName('title').','. $db->quoteName('summary'). ')'.PHP_EOL. 'VALUES '.implode(',',$rows) ; } // insert new labels data if (!empty($entries)) { $rows = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $row = array( '(SELECT '.$db->quoteName('imageid').' FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' WHERE '.$db->quoteName('fileurl').' = '.$db->quote($entry->file).')', // look up image identifier that belongs to unique file URL $langid, $countryid, $entry->index, $db->quote($entry->title), $db->quote($entry->summary) ); $rows[] = '('.implode(',',$row).')'; } // add captions $queries[] = 'INSERT INTO '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_caption').' ('. $db->quoteName('imageid').','. $db->quoteName('langid').','. $db->quoteName('countryid').','. $db->quoteName('ordnum').','. $db->quoteName('title').','. $db->quoteName('summary'). ')'.PHP_EOL. 'VALUES '.implode(',',$rows) ; } } SigPlusNovoDatabase::executeAll($queries); } } class SigPlusNovoImageMetadata { private $imagepath; private $metadata; /** * Fetches metadata associated with an image. */ public function __construct($imagepath, $type) { $this->imagepath = $imagepath; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'metadata.php'; $this->metadata = SigPlusNovoMetadataServices::getImageMetadata($imagepath, $type); } /** * Adds image metadata to the database. */ public function inject($imageid) { // insert image metadata if ($this->metadata !== false) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Metadata available in image <code>'.$this->imagepath.'</code> [id='.$imageid.'].'); $entries = array(); foreach ($this->metadata as $key => $metavalue) { $keyid = SigPlusNovoMetadataServices::getPropertyNumericKey($key); if ($keyid) { // key maps to a numeric identifier if (is_array($metavalue)) { $value = implode(';', $metavalue); } else { $value = (string) $metavalue; } $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'utf-8'); $entries[] = array($keyid, $value); } } SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertBatch( '#__sigplus_data', array('imageid','propertyid'), array('propertyid','textvalue'), $entries, null, array('imageid' => $imageid) ); } } } /** * Base class for gallery generators. */ abstract class SigPlusNovoGalleryBase { protected $config; public function __construct(SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters $config) { $this->config = $config; } protected static function getImageSize($image_path) { $width = 0; $height = 0; $mime = null; if ('svg' != strtolower(pathinfo($image_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))) { $image_dims = fsx::getimagesize($image_path); if ($image_dims !== false) { $width = $image_dims[0]; $height = $image_dims[1]; $mime = $image_dims['mime']; } } else { $xml = simplexml_load_file($image_path); if ($xml !== false) { $xml_attributes = $xml->attributes(); if (isset($xml_attributes->width) && isset($xml_attributes->height)) { // string to number conversion in PHP drops trailing part not consisting of digits such as optional suffix "px" $width = (int) $xml_attributes->width; $height = (int) $xml_attributes->height; } $mime = 'image/svg+xml'; } } return array( 0 => $width, 1 => $height, 'mime' => $mime ); } public function update($url, $folderparams) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $dbtype = $db->getServerType(); try { switch ($dbtype) { case 'mssql': sqlsrv_begin_transaction($db->getConnection()); break; default: $db->transactionStart(true); } $result = $this->populate($url, $folderparams); switch ($dbtype) { case 'mssql': sqlsrv_commit($db->getConnection()); break; default: $db->transactionCommit(true); } return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { switch ($dbtype) { case 'mssql': sqlsrv_rollback($db->getConnection()); break; default: $db->transactionRollback(true); } throw $e; } } public abstract function populate($url, $folderparams); /** * Query a folder identifier for a folder with matching parameters. */ private function getFolder($url, $folderparams) { $datetime = SigPlusNovoDatabase::sqldate($folderparams->time); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->select(array('folderid','foldertime','entitytag')) ->from('#__sigplus_folder') ->where('folderurl = '.$db->quote($url)) ; $db->setQuery($query); $row = $db->loadRow(); if ($row !== false) { list($folderid, $foldertime, $entitytag) = $row; if ($datetime == $foldertime && $entitytag == $folderparams->entitytag) { // no changes to folder return $folderid; } } return false; } /** * Insert or update data associated with a folder URL. */ private function updateFolder($url, $folderparams, $replace = false, array $ancestors = array()) { $datetime = SigPlusNovoDatabase::sqldate($folderparams->time); // insert folder data if ($replace) { // delete and insert data $folderid = SigPlusNovoDatabase::replaceSingle( '#__sigplus_folder', array('folderurl' => $url), array('folderurl', 'foldertime', 'entitytag'), array($url, $datetime, $folderparams->entitytag) ); } else { if (!($folderid = $this->getFolder($url, $folderparams))) { // insert folder data with replacement on duplicate key $folderid = SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertSingleUnique( '#__sigplus_folder', array('folderurl'), array('folderurl', 'foldertime', 'entitytag'), array($url, $datetime, $folderparams->entitytag), 'folderid' ); } } // insert folder hierarchy data $entries = array( array($folderid, 0) ); $ancestors = array_values($ancestors); // re-index array foreach ($ancestors as $depth => $ancestor) { $entries[] = array($ancestor, $depth + 1); } SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertBatch( '#__sigplus_hierarchy', array('ancestorid','descendantid'), array( 'ancestorid', 'depthnum' ), $entries, null, array('descendantid' => $folderid) ); return $folderid; } protected function insertFolder($url, $folderparams, array $ancestors = array()) { return $this->updateFolder($url, $folderparams, false, $ancestors); } protected function replaceFolder($url, $folderparams, array $ancestors = array()) { return $this->updateFolder($url, $folderparams, true, $ancestors); } private static function getSizeHashBase($width, $height, $crop) { $cross = ($crop ? 'x' : 's'); return "{$width}{$cross}{$height}"; } protected function getViewHash($folderid) { $config = $this->config->gallery; $parts = array( $folderid, self::getSizeHashBase($config->preview_width, $config->preview_height, $config->preview_crop), self::getSizeHashBase($config->thumb_width, $config->thumb_height, $config->thumb_crop) ); if ($config->watermark_position !== false) { $parts[] = "{$config->watermark_x}{$config->watermark_position}{$config->watermark_y}"; $parts[] = base64_encode($config->watermark_source); // ensure safety with special characters in file name } if ($config->caption_source !== false && $config->caption_source != SIGPLUS_DEFAULT_CAPTION_SOURCE) { $parts[] = base64_encode($config->caption_source); // ensure safety with special characters in file name } return md5(implode(':', $parts), true); } protected function getView($folderid) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $folderid = (int) $folderid; $hash = $this->getViewHash($folderid); // verify if preview image parameters for the folder have changed $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->select('viewid') ->from('#__sigplus_view') ->where( array( 'folderid = '.$folderid, 'hash = '.SigPlusNovoDatabase::quoteValue($hash) ) ) ; $db->setQuery($query); return $db->loadResult(); } protected function insertView($folderid) { $folderid = (int) $folderid; if ($viewid = $this->getView($folderid)) { return $viewid; } else { return SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertSingleUnique( '#__sigplus_view', array('hash'), array('folderid', 'hash', 'preview_width', 'preview_height', 'preview_crop'), array($folderid, $this->getViewHash($folderid), $this->config->gallery->preview_width, $this->config->gallery->preview_height, $this->config->gallery->preview_crop), 'viewid' ); } } protected function cleanImageViews($imageid, $viewid) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $conditions = array(); if (is_array($imageid)) { $imageid = array_map('intval', $imageid); $conditions[] = $db->quoteName('imageid').' IN ('.implode(',',$imageid).')'; } elseif (isset($imageid)) { $imageid = (int) $imageid; $conditions[] = $db->quoteName('imageid').' = '.$imageid; } if (is_array($viewid)) { $viewid = array_map('intval', $viewid); $conditions[] = $db->quoteName('viewid').' IN ('.implode(',',$viewid).')'; } elseif (isset($viewid)) { $viewid = (int) $viewid; $conditions[] = $db->quoteName('viewid').' = '.$viewid; } if (is_array($imageid) && is_array($viewid)) { $condition = implode(' OR ', $conditions); } else { $condition = implode(' AND ', $conditions); } $db->setQuery( 'DELETE FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE '.$condition ); $db->execute(); } protected function replaceView($folderid) { // explicitly clean dependent views; some database engines do not allow multiple cascade paths $viewid = $this->getView($folderid); if ($viewid) { $this->cleanImageViews(null, $viewid); } // replace view $hash = $this->getViewHash($folderid); return SigPlusNovoDatabase::replaceSingle( '#__sigplus_view', array('hash' => $hash), array('folderid', 'hash', 'preview_width', 'preview_height', 'preview_crop'), array($folderid, $hash, $this->config->gallery->preview_width, $this->config->gallery->preview_height, $this->config->gallery->preview_crop) ); } private function unlinkGeneratedImage($path, $filetime) { if ($path && file_exists($path) && $filetime == fsx::filemdate($path)) { unlink($path); } } /** * Removes an image from the file system that has been obsoleted by updated configuration settings. */ protected function cleanGeneratedImages($imageid, $viewid = null) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $imageid = (int) $imageid; if (isset($viewid)) { $viewid = (int) $viewid; $cond = ' AND '.$db->quoteName('viewid').' = '.$viewid; } else { $cond = ''; } // verify if preview image parameters for the folder have changed $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('thumb_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('thumb_filetime').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('preview_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('preview_filetime').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('retina_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('retina_filetime').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('watermark_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('watermark_filetime').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('imageid').' = '.$imageid.$cond ); $rows = $db->loadRowList(); if (!empty($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { list( $thumb_path, $thumb_filetime, $preview_path, $preview_filetime, $retina_fileurl, $retina_filetime, $watermark_path, $watermark_filetime ) = $row; // delete obsoleted images $this->unlinkGeneratedImage($retina_fileurl, $retina_filetime); $this->unlinkGeneratedImage($preview_path, $preview_filetime); $this->unlinkGeneratedImage($thumb_path, $thumb_filetime); $this->unlinkGeneratedImage($watermark_path, $watermark_filetime); } // remove entries from the database $this->cleanImageViews($imageid, $viewid); } } /** * Cleans the database of image files that no longer exist. */ protected function purgeFolder($folderid) { // purge images $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $folderid = (int) $folderid; $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('imageid').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('fileurl').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE '.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = '.$folderid ); $rows = $db->loadRowList(); if (!empty($rows)) { $missing = array(); // find image entries that point to files that have been removed from the file system foreach ($rows as $row) { list($id, $url) = $row; if (is_absolute_path($url) && !file_exists($url)) { $this->cleanGeneratedImages($id); SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Image <code>'.$url.'</code> is about to be removed from the database.'); $missing[] = $id; } } if (!empty($missing)) { // explicitly clean dependent views; some database engines do not allow multiple cascade paths $this->cleanImageViews($missing, null); $db->setQuery( 'DELETE FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE '.$db->quoteName('imageid').' IN ('.implode(',',$missing).')' ); $db->execute(); } } // purge deleted previews and thumbnails $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $folderid = (int) $folderid; $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('viewid').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('thumb_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('preview_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('retina_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('watermark_fileurl').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').' AS i'.PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_view').' AS f'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('viewid').' = f.'.$db->quoteName('viewid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = '.$folderid ); $rows = $db->loadRowList(); if (!empty($rows)) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Cleaning deleted preview and thumbnail images from database.'); // find image entries that point to files that have been removed from the file system foreach ($rows as $row) { list( $imageid, $viewid, $thumb_url, $preview_url, $retina_url, $watermark_url ) = $row; $thumb_missing = is_absolute_path($thumb_url) && !file_exists($thumb_url); $preview_missing = is_absolute_path($preview_url) && !file_exists($preview_url); $retina_missing = is_absolute_path($retina_url) && !file_exists($retina_url); $watermark_missing = is_absolute_path($watermark_url) && !file_exists($watermark_url); if ($thumb_missing || $preview_missing || $retina_missing || $watermark_missing) { $this->cleanGeneratedImages($imageid, $viewid); } } } } /** * Remove image views that have been persisted in the cache but removed manually. */ protected function purgeCache() { switch ($this->config->service->cache_image) { case 'cache': // images are set to be generated in the Joomla cache folder $thumb_folder = JPATH_CACHE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config->service->folder_thumb); $preview_folder = JPATH_CACHE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config->service->folder_preview); break; case 'media': // images are set to be generated in the Joomla media folder $media_folder = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'media'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.SIGPLUS_MEDIA_FOLDER.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $thumb_folder = $media_folder.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config->service->folder_thumb); $preview_folder = $media_folder.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config->service->folder_preview); break; default: return; // generated images are not to be cleaned automatically } if (file_exists($thumb_folder) && file_exists($preview_folder)) { return; // thumb and preview folder not removed } SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Manual removal of cache folders detected.'); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // escape special characters, append any character qualifier at end, quote string $thumb_pattern = SigPlusNovoDatabase::sqlstartswith($thumb_folder); $preview_pattern = SigPlusNovoDatabase::sqlstartswith($preview_folder); // remove views from database with deleted image files $db->setQuery( 'DELETE FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('thumb_fileurl').' LIKE '.$db->quote($thumb_pattern).' OR '. $db->quoteName('preview_fileurl').' LIKE '.$db->quote($preview_pattern).' OR '. $db->quoteName('retina_fileurl').' LIKE '.$db->quote($preview_pattern) ); $db->execute(); } } abstract class SigPlusNovoLocalBase extends SigPlusNovoGalleryBase { /** * Creates a thumbnail image, a preview image, and a watermarked image for an original. * Images are generated only if they do not already exist. * A separate thumbnail image is generated if the preview is too large to act as a thumbnail. * @param {string} $resource_path An absolute file system path to an image-like resource. * @return {string} An absolute file system path to an image. */ private function getGeneratedImages($resource_path) { SigPlusNovoTimer::checkpoint(); if (SigPlusNovoMediaTypes::isVideoFile($resource_path)) { $image_path = SigPlusNovoMediaTypes::getPosterImage($resource_path); } else { $image_path = $resource_path; } list($image_width, $image_height) = self::getImageSize($image_path); $previewparams = new SigPlusNovoPreviewParameters($this->config->gallery); // current image generation parameters $thumbparams = new SigPlusNovoThumbParameters($this->config->gallery); $waterparams = new SigPlusNovoWatermarkParameters($this->config->gallery); $imagelibrary = SigPlusNovoImageLibrary::instantiate($this->config->service->library_image); // create watermarked image if ($this->config->gallery->watermark_position !== false && $resource_path == $image_path && ($watermarkpath = $this->getWatermarkPath(dirname($image_path))) !== false) { $watermarkedpath = $this->getWatermarkedPath($image_path, $waterparams, SIGPLUS_TEST); if ($watermarkedpath === false || !(fsx::filemtime($watermarkedpath) >= fsx::filemtime($image_path))) { // watermarked image does not yet exist $watermarkedpath = $this->getWatermarkedPath($image_path, $waterparams, SIGPLUS_CREATE); $watermarkparams = new stdClass(); $watermarkparams->position = $this->config->gallery->watermark_position; $watermarkparams->x = $this->config->gallery->watermark_x; $watermarkparams->y = $this->config->gallery->watermark_y; $watermarkparams->quality = $previewparams->quality; // GD cannot extract quality parameter from stored image, use quality set by user $result = $imagelibrary->createWatermarked($image_path, $watermarkpath, $watermarkedpath, $watermarkparams); if ($result) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Saved watermarked image to <code>'.$watermarkedpath.'</code>.'); } else { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendError('Unable to save watermarked image to <code>'.$watermarkedpath.'</code>.'); } } } $outparams = array(); // create thumbnail image $thumb_path = $this->getThumbnailPath($image_path, $thumbparams, SIGPLUS_TEST); if ($thumb_path === false || !(fsx::filemtime($thumb_path) >= fsx::filemtime($image_path))) { // separate thumbnail image is required $thumb_path = $this->getThumbnailPath($image_path, $thumbparams, SIGPLUS_CREATE); $outparam = new stdClass(); $outparam->path = $thumb_path; list($outparam->width, $outparam->height) = imagefitdimensions($image_width, $image_height, $thumbparams->width, $thumbparams->height, $thumbparams->crop); $outparam->crop = $thumbparams->crop; $outparam->quality = $thumbparams->quality; $outparams[] = $outparam; SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Saving thumbnail to <code>'.$thumb_path.'</code>'); } // create preview image $preview_path = $this->getPreviewPath($image_path, $previewparams, SIGPLUS_TEST); if ($preview_path === false || !(fsx::filemtime($preview_path) >= fsx::filemtime($image_path))) { // create image on-the-fly if does not exist $preview_path = $this->getPreviewPath($image_path, $previewparams, SIGPLUS_CREATE); $outparam = new stdClass(); $outparam->path = $preview_path; list($outparam->width, $outparam->height) = imagefitdimensions($image_width, $image_height, $previewparams->width, $previewparams->height, $previewparams->crop); $outparam->crop = $previewparams->crop; $outparam->quality = $previewparams->quality; $outparams[] = $outparam; SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Saving preview image to <code>'.$preview_path.'</code>'); } // create preview image for retina display $preview_retina_scale = $this->config->gallery->preview_retina_scale; if ($preview_retina_scale > 1) { $retinaparams = clone $previewparams; $retinaparams->width *= $preview_retina_scale; $retinaparams->height *= $preview_retina_scale; $retina_path = $this->getPreviewPath($image_path, $retinaparams, SIGPLUS_TEST); if ($retina_path === false || !(fsx::filemtime($retina_path) >= fsx::filemtime($image_path))) { // create image on-the-fly if does not exist $retina_path = $this->getPreviewPath($image_path, $retinaparams, SIGPLUS_CREATE); $outparam = new stdClass(); $outparam->path = $retina_path; list($outparam->width, $outparam->height) = imagefitdimensions($image_width, $image_height, $retinaparams->width, $retinaparams->height, $retinaparams->crop); $outparam->crop = $retinaparams->crop; $outparam->quality = $retinaparams->quality; $outparams[] = $outparam; SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Saving retina preview image to <code>'.$retina_path.'</code>'); } } if (!empty($outparams)) { $result = $imagelibrary->createThumbnail($image_path, $outparams); if (!$result) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendError('Some images could not be generated.'); } } return $image_path; } /** * Creates a directory if it does not already exist. * @param {string} $directory The full path to the directory. */ private function createDirectoryOnDemand($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { // directory does not exist @mkdir($directory, 0755, true); // try to create it if (!is_dir($directory)) { throw new SigPlusNovoFolderCreateException($directory); } // create an index.html to prevent getting a web directory listing @file_put_contents($directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'index.html', '<html><body></body></html>'); } } /** * The full path to an image used for watermarking. * @param {string} $imagedirectory The full path to a directory where images to watermark are to be found. * @return {string} The full path to a watermark image, or false if none is found. */ private function getWatermarkPath($imagedirectory) { $watermark_image = $this->config->gallery->watermark_source; // look inside image gallery folder (e.g. "images/stories/myfolder") $watermark_in_gallery = $imagedirectory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$watermark_image; // look inside watermark subfolder of image gallery folder (e.g. "images/stories/myfolder/watermark") $watermark_in_subfolder = $imagedirectory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config->service->folder_watermarked).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$watermark_image; // look inside base path (e.g. "images/stories") $watermark_in_base = $this->config->service->base_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$watermark_image; if (is_file($watermark_in_gallery)) { return $watermark_in_gallery; } elseif (is_file($watermark_in_subfolder)) { return $watermark_in_subfolder; } elseif (is_file($watermark_in_base)) { return $watermark_in_base; } else { return false; } } /** * Test or create full path to a generated image (e.g. preview image or thumbnail) based on configuration settings. * @param {string} $generatedfolder The folder where generated images are to be stored. * @return {bool|string} The path to the generated image, or false if it does not exist. */ private function getGeneratedImagePath($generatedfolder, $imagepath, SigPlusNovoImageParameters $params, $action = SIGPLUS_TEST) { switch ($this->config->service->cache_image) { case 'cache': // images are set to be generated in the Joomla cache folder $directory = JPATH_CACHE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $generatedfolder); $path = $directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$params->getHash($imagepath, $this->config->service->base_folder); // hash original image file paths to avoid name conflicts break; case 'media': // images are set to be generated in the Joomla media folder $directory = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'media'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.SIGPLUS_MEDIA_FOLDER.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $generatedfolder); $path = $directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$params->getHash($imagepath, $this->config->service->base_folder); // hash original image file paths to avoid name conflicts break; case 'source': // images are set to be generated inside folders within the directory where the images are $directory = dirname($imagepath).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $generatedfolder); $subfolder = $params->getNamingPrefix(); if ($subfolder) { $directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$subfolder; } $path = $directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($imagepath); break; } switch ($action) { case SIGPLUS_TEST: if (is_file($path)) { return $path; } break; case SIGPLUS_CREATE: $this->createDirectoryOnDemand($directory); return $path; } return false; } /** * Test or create the full path to a watermarked image based on configuration settings. * @param {string} $imagepath Absolute path to an image file. * @return The full path to a watermarked image, or false on error. */ private function getWatermarkedPath($imagepath, SigPlusNovoWatermarkParameters $params, $action = SIGPLUS_TEST) { return $this->getGeneratedImagePath($this->config->service->folder_watermarked, $imagepath, $params, $action); } /** * Test or create the full path to a preview image based on configuration settings. * @param {string} $imagepath Absolute path to an image file. * @return The full path to a preview image, or false on error. */ private function getPreviewPath($imagepath, SigPlusNovoPreviewParameters $params, $action = SIGPLUS_TEST) { return $this->getGeneratedImagePath($this->config->service->folder_preview, $imagepath, $params, $action); } /** * Test or create the full path to an image thumbnail based on configuration settings. * @param {string} $imageref Absolute path to an image file. * @return The full path to an image thumbnail, or false on error. */ private function getThumbnailPath($imagepath, SigPlusNovoThumbParameters $params, $action = SIGPLUS_TEST) { return $this->getGeneratedImagePath($this->config->service->folder_thumb, $imagepath, $params, $action); } /** * Updates an image database entry if necessary. * @param {string} $resourcepath An absolute path to an image-like resource (e.g. an image or video). * @param {string} $imagepath An absolute path to an image file (e.g. the image itself or a poster image for a video). */ protected function populateImage($resourcepath, $folderid, $imagepath = null) { if (empty($imagepath)) { $imagepath = $resourcepath; } // check if file has been modified since its data have been injected into the database $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery('SELECT '.$db->quoteName('filetime').' FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' WHERE '.$db->quoteName('fileurl').' = '.$db->quote($resourcepath)); $time = $db->loadResult(); $filetime = fsx::filemdate($resourcepath); if ($time == $filetime) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Resource <code>'.$resourcepath.'</code> has <em>not</em> changed.'); return false; } if ($this->config->gallery->watermark_position !== false && $this->config->gallery->watermark_source == basename($resourcepath)) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Skipping resource <code>'.$resourcepath.'</code>, which acts as a watermark image.'); return false; } // extract image metadata from file $metadata = new SigPlusNovoImageMetadata($resourcepath, $this->config->service->metadata_filter); // image size list($width, $height) = self::getImageSize($imagepath); SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Image <code>'.$imagepath.'</code> ['.$width.'x'.$height.'] has been added or updated.'); // image filename and size $filename = basename($resourcepath); $filesize = fsx::filesize($resourcepath); // insert main image data into database $imageid = SigPlusNovoDatabase::replaceSingle( // deletes rows related via foreign key constraints '#__sigplus_image', array('fileurl' => $resourcepath), array('folderid','fileurl','filename','filetime','filesize','width','height'), array($folderid, $resourcepath, $filename, $filetime, $filesize, $width, $height) ); SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Resource <code>'.$resourcepath.'</code> [id='.$imageid.', folder='.$folderid.'] has been recorded in the database.'); $metadata->inject($imageid); return $imageid; } private function getImageData($path) { $time = null; $width = 0; $height = 0; if (isset($path) && $path !== false && file_exists($path)) { $time = fsx::filemdate($path); list($width, $height) = self::getImageSize($path); } else { $path = null; } return array($path, $time, $width, $height); } protected function populateImageView($resourcepath, $imageid, $viewid) { // generate missing images $imagepath = $this->getGeneratedImages($resourcepath); // image thumbnail path and parameters $thumbparams = new SigPlusNovoThumbParameters($this->config->gallery); list($thumb_path, $thumb_time, $thumb_width, $thumb_height) = $this->getImageData($this->getThumbnailPath($imagepath, $thumbparams, SIGPLUS_TEST)); // image preview path and parameters $previewparams = new SigPlusNovoPreviewParameters($this->config->gallery); list($preview_path, $preview_time, $preview_width, $preview_height) = $this->getImageData($this->getPreviewPath($imagepath, $previewparams, SIGPLUS_TEST)); // image preview path and parameters for retina display $preview_retina_scale = $this->config->gallery->preview_retina_scale; if ($preview_retina_scale > 1) { $previewparams->width *= $preview_retina_scale; $previewparams->height *= $preview_retina_scale; list($retina_path, $retina_time, $retina_width, $retina_height) = $this->getImageData($this->getPreviewPath($imagepath, $previewparams, SIGPLUS_TEST)); } else { $retina_path = null; $retina_time = null; $retina_width = 0; $retina_height = 0; } // watermarked image $waterparams = new SigPlusNovoWatermarkParameters($this->config->gallery); if ($resourcepath == $imagepath) { list($watermarked_path, $watermarked_time) = $this->getImageData($this->getWatermarkedPath($imagepath, $waterparams, SIGPLUS_TEST)); } else { // watermarking cannot be applied to image-like resources that are not image files (e.g. video) $watermarked_path = null; $watermarked_time = null; } // insert image view SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertSingleUnique( '#__sigplus_imageview', array('imageid','viewid'), array( 'imageid','viewid', 'thumb_fileurl','thumb_filetime','thumb_width','thumb_height', 'preview_fileurl','preview_filetime','preview_width','preview_height', 'retina_fileurl','retina_filetime','retina_width','retina_height', 'watermark_fileurl','watermark_filetime' ), array( $imageid, $viewid, $thumb_path, $thumb_time, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $preview_path, $preview_time, $preview_width, $preview_height, $retina_path, $retina_time, $retina_width, $retina_height, $watermarked_path, $watermarked_time ) ); } /** * Finds images that have no preview or thumbnail image. */ protected function getMissingImageViews($folderid, $viewid) { // add depth condition if ($this->config->gallery->depth >= 0) { $depthcond = ' AND depthnum <= '.((int) $this->config->gallery->depth); } else { $depthcond = ''; } $folderid = (int) $folderid; $viewid = (int) $viewid; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' AS i'.PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' AS f'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_hierarchy').' AS h'.PHP_EOL. 'ON f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = h.'.$db->quoteName('descendantid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE h.'.$db->quoteName('ancestorid').' = '.$folderid.' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').' AS v WHERE i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = v.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' AND v.'.$db->quoteName('viewid').' = '.$viewid.')'.$depthcond ); return $db->loadRowList(); } /** * Get last modified time of folder with consideration of changes to labels file. * @param {string} $folder A folder in which the labels file is to be found. * @param {int} $lastmod A base value for the last modified time, typically obtained with a recursive scan of descendant folders. */ protected function getLabelsLastModified($folder, $lastmod) { // get last modified time of labels file $labels = new SigPlusNovoLabels($this->config); // get labels file manager $sources = $labels->getLabelsFilePaths($folder); // update last modified time if labels file has been changed foreach ($sources as $source) { $lastmod = max($lastmod, fsx::filemtime($source)); } return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $lastmod); // use SQL DATE format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss" } } /** * A gallery hosted in the file system. */ class SigPlusNovoLocalGallery extends SigPlusNovoLocalBase { /** * Removes all images and related generated images associated with a folder that has been deleted. */ private function purgeLocalFolder($url) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery( 'SELECT '.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE '.$db->quoteName('folderurl').' = '.$db->quote($url) ); $folderid = $db->loadResult(); if ($folderid) { $this->purgeFolder($folderid); } } /** * Populates a database equivalent of a folder with images in the folder. */ public /*private*/ function populateFolder($path, $files, $folders, $ancestors) { // add folder $folderparams = new SigPlusNovoFolderParameters(); $folderparams->time = fsx::filemtime($path); // directory timestamp $folderid = $this->insertFolder($path, $folderparams, $ancestors); // remove entries that correspond to non-existent images $this->purgeFolder($folderid); // scan list of files $entries = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $resourcepath = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file; if (SigPlusNovoMediaTypes::isImageFile($resourcepath)) { $moviepath = SigPlusNovoMediaTypes::getMovingPicture($resourcepath); if ($moviepath === false) { // image that is not a poster image for a moving picture $entry = $this->populateImage($resourcepath, $folderid); if ($entry !== false) { $entries[] = $entry; } } } elseif (SigPlusNovoMediaTypes::isVideoFile($resourcepath)) { $imagepath = SigPlusNovoMediaTypes::getPosterImage($resourcepath); if ($imagepath !== false) { // moving picture that has a poster image $entry = $this->populateImage($resourcepath, $folderid, $imagepath); if ($entry !== false) { $entries[] = $entry; } } } } return $folderid; } /** * Populates the view of a database equivalent of a folder. */ protected function populateFolderViews($folderid) { // add folder view $viewid = (int) $this->insertView($folderid); // collect images that have no preview or thumbnail image $rows = $this->getMissingImageViews($folderid, $viewid); if (!empty($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { list($path, $imageid) = $row; $this->populateImageView($path, $imageid, $viewid); } } else { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Folder view [id='.$viewid.'] has not changed.'); } return $viewid; } /** * Generate an image gallery whose images come from the local file system. */ public function populate($imagefolder, $folderparams) { // check whether cache folder has been removed manually by user $this->purgeCache(); if (!file_exists($imagefolder)) { $this->purgeLocalFolder($imagefolder); return null; } // get last modified time of folder $lastmod = $this->getLabelsLastModified($imagefolder, get_folder_last_modified($imagefolder, $this->config->gallery->depth)); if (!isset($folderparams->time) || strcmp($lastmod, $folderparams->time) > 0) { // get list of direct child and indirect descendant folders and files inside root folder $exclude = array( $this->config->service->folder_thumb, $this->config->service->folder_preview, $this->config->service->folder_watermarked, $this->config->service->folder_fullsize ); $exclude = array_filter($exclude); // remove null values from array walkdir($imagefolder, $exclude, $this->config->gallery->depth, array($this, 'populateFolder'), array()); // update folder entry with last modified date $folderparams->time = $lastmod; $folderid = $this->insertFolder($imagefolder, $folderparams); // populate labels from external file $labels = new SigPlusNovoLabels($this->config); // get labels file manager $labels->populate($imagefolder, $folderid); } else { $folderid = $folderparams->id; SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Folder <code>'.$imagefolder.'</code> has not changed.'); } return $this->populateFolderViews($folderid); } } abstract class SigPlusNovoXMLGallery extends SigPlusNovoGalleryBase { public function __construct(SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters $config) { parent::__construct($config); } protected function getFolderView($url, &$folderparams) { // create folder if it does not yet exist $folderparams->id = $this->insertFolder($url, $folderparams); // get view identifier but do not create one if it does not already exist return $this->getView($folderparams->id); } } abstract class SigPlusNovoAtomFeedGallery extends SigPlusNovoXMLGallery { protected function requestFolder($feedurl, &$folderparams, $url, $viewid) { // determine whether gallery needs new view if ($viewid) { $entitytag = $folderparams->entitytag; } else { // no coresponding view available, force retrieval by discarding HTTP entity tag SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Web album</a> view is to be re-populated.'); $entitytag = null; } // read data from URL only if modified list($feeddata, $response_headers) = http_get_modified($feedurl, $folderparams->time, $entitytag); $folderparams->time = isset($response_headers['Last-Modified']) ? $response_headers['Last-Modified'] : null; $entitytag = isset($response_headers['ETag']) ? $response_headers['ETag'] : null; if ($feeddata === true) { // same HTTP ETag SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Web album</a> with ETag <code>'.$folderparams->entitytag.'</code> has not changed.'); return false; } elseif ($feeddata === false) { // retrieval failure throw new SigPlusNovoRemoteException($url); } // get XML file of list of photos in an album $sxml = simplexml_load_string($feeddata); if ($sxml === false) { throw new SigPlusNovoXMLFormatException($url); } // update folder data (if necessary) if ($entitytag != $folderparams->entitytag) { // update folder data $folderparams->entitytag = $entitytag; $folderparams->id = $this->replaceFolder($url, $folderparams); // clears related image data as a side effect SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Web album</a> feed XML has been retrieved, new ETag is <code>'.$folderparams->entitytag.'</code>.'); } else { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Web album</a> feed XML has not changed.'); } return $sxml; } } class SigPlusNovoFlickrGallery extends SigPlusNovoXMLGallery { /** * Generates an image gallery whose images come from Flickr. * @see https://www.flickr.com/services/api/ * @param {string} $url A URL that contains Flickr API key, user ID and album ID. */ public function populate($url, $folderparams) { // parse album feed URL $urlparts = parse_url($url); if (!preg_match('"^/services/"', $urlparts['path'])) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendError('Invalid Flickr Web Album feed URL <code>'.$url.'</code>.'); return false; } // extract Flickr user identifier from feed URL $urlquery = array(); if (isset($urlparts['query'])) { parse_str($urlparts['query'], $urlquery); } $api_key = $urlquery['api_key']; $user_id = $urlquery['user_id']; $photoset_id = $urlquery['photoset_id']; $flickr_url = "https://www.flickr.com/photos/{$user_id}/albums/{$photoset_id}"; $viewid = $this->getFolderView($url, $folderparams); // build URL to check if album has changed $feedquery = array( 'method' => 'flickr.photosets.getInfo', 'api_key' => $api_key, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'photoset_id' => $photoset_id, 'format' => 'rest' ); $feedurl = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?'.http_build_query($feedquery); // send request list($feeddata, $response_headers) = http_get_modified($feedurl); $sxml = simplexml_load_string($feeddata); if ($sxml === false) { throw new SigPlusNovoXMLFormatException($url); } // check if album has been updated and skip scanning images unless album has changed $last_modified = false; if (isset($sxml->photoset)) { $attrs = $sxml->photoset->attributes(); $last_modified = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $attrs['date_update']); } if (!isset($viewid) || $last_modified != $folderparams->time) { // update folder data $folderparams->time = $last_modified; $folderparams->id = $this->replaceFolder($url, $folderparams); // clears related image data as a side effect SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$flickr_url.'" target="_blank">Flickr web album</a> XML has been updated.'); } else { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$flickr_url.'" target="_blank">Flickr web album</a> XML has not changed.'); return $viewid; } // build URL to fetch list of photos in (updated) album $feedquery = array( 'method' => 'flickr.photosets.getPhotos', 'api_key' => $api_key, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'photoset_id' => $photoset_id, 'extras' => 'last_update,o_dims,url_o', 'format' => 'rest' ); $feedurl = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?'.http_build_query($feedquery); // send request SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Retrieving <a href="'.$flickr_url.'" target="_blank">Flickr web album</a>.'); list($feeddata, $response_headers) = http_get_modified($feedurl); $sxml = simplexml_load_string($feeddata); if ($sxml === false) { throw new SigPlusNovoXMLFormatException($url); } // parse XML response $entries = array(); if (isset($sxml->photoset) && isset($sxml->photoset->photo)) { foreach ($sxml->photoset->photo as $photo) { // enumerate album entries with XPath "/photoset/photo" $attrs = $photo->attributes(); $image_url = (string) $attrs['url_o']; $width = (int) $attrs['width_o']; $height = (int) $attrs['height_o']; $last_modified = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $attrs['lastupdate']); // try to locate best-matching preview image size for retina display $preview_retina_scale = $this->config->gallery->preview_retina_scale; list($retina_url, $retina_width, $retina_height) = self::matchPresetSize( $attrs, $image_url, $width, $height, $preview_retina_scale * $this->config->gallery->preview_width, $preview_retina_scale * $this->config->gallery->preview_height ); // try to locate best-matching preview image size list($preview_url, $preview_width, $preview_height) = self::matchPresetSize( $attrs, $image_url, $width, $height, $this->config->gallery->preview_width, $this->config->gallery->preview_height ); // try to find best-matching thumbnail image size list($thumb_url, $thumb_width, $thumb_height) = self::matchPresetSize( $attrs, $image_url, $width, $height, $this->config->gallery->thumb_width, $this->config->gallery->thumb_height ); // insert image data $imageid = SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertSingleUnique( '#__sigplus_image', array('fileurl'), array( 'folderid', 'fileurl', 'filetime', 'filesize', 'width', 'height' ), array( $folderparams->id, $image_url, $last_modified, 0, // information not available for Flickr albums $width, $height ), 'imageid' ); $entries[] = array( $imageid, $thumb_url, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $preview_url, $preview_width, $preview_height, $retina_url, $retina_width, $retina_height ); } } // update folder view data $viewid = (int) $this->replaceView($folderparams->id); // clears all entries related to the folder as a side effect if (!empty($entries)) { // insert image data SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertBatch( '#__sigplus_imageview', array('imageid','viewid'), array( 'imageid', 'thumb_fileurl', 'thumb_width', 'thumb_height', 'preview_fileurl', 'preview_width', 'preview_height', 'retina_fileurl', 'retina_width', 'retina_height' ), $entries, array('imageid'), array('viewid' => $viewid) ); } return $viewid; } private static function matchPresetSize($attrs, $image_url, $image_width, $image_height, $expected_width, $expected_height) { static $sizes = array( 100 => '_t', 240 => '_m', 320 => '_n', 500 => '', 640 => '_z', 800 => '_c', 1024 => '_b', 1600 => '_h', 2048 => '_k' ); $photoid = (string) $attrs['id']; $secret = (string) $attrs['secret']; $farmid = (string) $attrs['farm']; $serverid = (string) $attrs['server']; // try to locate best-matching preview image size for retina display $url = $image_url; $width = $image_width; $height = $image_height; foreach ($sizes as $size => $key) { if ($size >= $expected_width && $size >= $expected_height) { $url = "https://farm{$farmid}.staticflickr.com/{$serverid}/{$photoid}_{$secret}{$key}.jpg"; list($width, $height) = imagescaledimensions($image_width, $image_height, $size, $size); break; } } return array($url, $width, $height); } } class SigPlusNovoPicasaGallery extends SigPlusNovoAtomFeedGallery { /** * Generates an image gallery whose images come from Picasa Web Albums. * @see http://picasaweb.google.com * @param {string} $url The Picasa album RSS feed URL. */ public function populate($url, $folderparams) { // parse album feed URL $urlparts = parse_url($url); // extract Picasa user identifier and album identifier from feed URL $urlpath = $urlparts['path']; $match = array(); if (!preg_match('"^/data/feed/(?:api|base)/user/([^/?#]+)/albumid/([^/?#]+)"', $urlpath, $match)) { throw new SigPlusNovoFeedURLException($url); } $userid = $match[1]; $albumid = $match[2]; $viewid = $this->getFolderView($url, $folderparams); // extract feed URL parameters (including authorization key if any) $urlquery = array(); if (isset($urlparts['query'])) { parse_str($urlparts['query'], $urlquery); } // define fixed thumbnail sizes provided by Picasa $sizes_cropped = array(32, 48, 64, 72, 104, 144, 150, 160); $sizes_uncropped = array_merge($sizes_cropped, array(94, 110, 128, 200, 220, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800, 912, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1440, 1600)); sort($sizes_uncropped); // set preferred width and height $prefwidth = max(100, $this->config->gallery->preview_width); $prefheight = max(100, $this->config->gallery->preview_height); // choose cropped vs. uncropped if ($this->config->gallery->preview_crop) { $sizes = $sizes_cropped; $crop = 'c'; } else { $sizes = $sizes_uncropped; $crop = 'u'; } // get thumbnail size(s) that best match(es) expected preview image dimensions $mindim = min($prefwidth, $prefheight); // smaller dimension $minsize = $sizes[0]; for ($k = 0; $k < count($sizes) && $mindim >= $sizes[$k]; $k++) { // smaller than both width and height $minsize = $sizes[$k]; } $preferred = array($minsize); $maxdim = max($prefwidth, $prefheight); // larger dimension for ($k = 0; $k < count($sizes) && $maxdim >= $sizes[$k]; $k++) { $preferred[] = $sizes[$k]; } sort($preferred, SORT_REGULAR); $preferred = array_unique($preferred, SORT_REGULAR); // build URL query string to fetch list of photos in album $feedquery = array( 'v' => '2.0', // use Google Data Protocol v2.0 // 'prettyprint' => 'true', // for debugging purposes only 'kind' => 'photo', 'thumbsize' => implode($crop.',', $preferred).$crop, // preferred thumb sizes 'fields' => 'id,updated,entry(id,updated,media:group)' // fetch only the listed XML elements ); if ($this->config->gallery->maxcount > 0) { $feedquery['max-results'] = $this->config->gallery->maxcount; } if (isset($urlquery['authkey'])) { // pass on authorization key $feedquery['authkey'] = $urlquery['authkey']; } // build URL to fetch list of photos in album $uri = JFactory::getURI(); $scheme = $uri->isSSL() ? 'https:' : 'http:'; $feedurl = $scheme.'//picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/'.$userid.'/albumid/'.$albumid.'?'.http_build_query($feedquery, '', '&'); // send request if (($sxml = $this->requestFolder($feedurl, $folderparams, $url, $viewid)) === false) { // has not changed return $viewid; } // parse XML response $entries = array(); foreach ($sxml->entry as $entry) { // enumerate album entries with XPath "/feed/entry" $time = $entry->updated; $media = $entry->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); // children with namespace "media" $mediagroup = $media->group; // get image title and description $title = (string) $mediagroup->title; // TODO: image title currently unused $summary = (string) $mediagroup->description; // TODO: image summary currently unused // get image URL $attrs = $mediagroup->content->attributes(); $imageurl = (string) $attrs['url']; // <media:content url='...' height='...' width='...' type='image/jpeg' medium='image' /> $width = (int) $attrs['width']; $height = (int) $attrs['height']; // get preview image URL $thumburl = null; $thumbwidth = 0; $thumbheight = 0; foreach ($mediagroup->thumbnail as $thumbnail) { $attrs = $thumbnail->attributes(); $curwidth = (int) $attrs['width']; $curheight = (int) $attrs['height']; // update thumbnail to use if it fits in image bounds if ($prefwidth >= $curwidth && $prefheight >= $curheight && ($curwidth > $thumbwidth || $curheight > $thumbheight)) { $thumburl = (string) $attrs['url']; // <media:thumbnail url='...' height='...' width='...' /> $thumbwidth = $curwidth; $thumbheight = $curheight; } } // insert image data $imageid = SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertSingleUnique( '#__sigplus_image', array('fileurl'), array( 'folderid', 'fileurl', 'filetime', 'filesize', 'width', 'height' ), array( $folderparams->id, $imageurl, $time, 0, // information not available for Picasa albums $width, $height ), 'imageid' ); $entries[] = array( $imageid, $thumburl, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $thumburl, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $thumburl, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight ); } // update folder view data $viewid = (int) $this->replaceView($folderparams->id); // clears all entries related to the folder as a side effect // insert image data SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertBatch( '#__sigplus_imageview', array('imageid','viewid'), array( 'imageid', 'thumb_fileurl', 'thumb_width', 'thumb_height', 'preview_fileurl', 'preview_width', 'preview_height', 'retina_fileurl', 'retina_width', 'retina_height' ), $entries, array('imageid'), array('viewid' => $viewid) ); return $viewid; } } /** * A single image hosted on a remote server. * The image is downloaded to a temporary file for metadata extraction. Properly assembled HTTP * headers ensure the image is downloaded only if the remote file has been modified. */ class SigPlusNovoRemoteImage extends SigPlusNovoGalleryBase { public function populate($url, $folderparams) { // update image data only if remote image has been modified list($imagedata, $response_headers) = http_get_modified($url, $folderparams->time); $folderparams->time = isset($response_headers['Last-Modified']) ? $response_headers['Last-Modified'] : null; if ($imagedata === true) { // not modified since specified date SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Remote image</a> not modified since <code>'.$folderparams->time.'</code>.'); if ($viewid = $this->getView($folderparams->id)) { // preview image is available for remote image return $viewid; } // preview image not available, retrieve image from remote server list($imagedata, $response_headers) = http_get_modified($url); if ($imagedata === true || $imagedata === false) { // unexpected response or retrieval failure throw new SigPlusNovoRemoteException($url); } SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Remote image</a> retrieved again as gallery parameters had changed.'); } elseif ($imagedata === false) { // retrieval failure throw new SigPlusNovoRemoteException($url); } // update folder entry with last modified date SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Remote image</a> was last changed on <code>'.$folderparams->time.'</code>.'); $folderid = $this->insertFolder($url, $folderparams); $metadata = null; $filesize = 0; $width = null; $height = null; // create temporary image file and extract metadata if ($imagepath = tempnam(JPATH_CACHE, 'sigplus')) { if (file_put_contents($imagepath, $imagedata)) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Image data has been saved to temporary file <code>'.$imagepath.'</code>.'); // extract image metadata from file $metadata = new SigPlusNovoImageMetadata($imagepath, $this->config->service->metadata_filter); // image file size and dimensions $filesize = fsx::filesize($imagepath); $imagedims = self::getImageSize($imagepath); if (isset($imagedims['mime'])) { $width = $imagedims[0]; $height = $imagedims[1]; SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('<a href="'.$url.'">Remote image</a> has MIME type '.$imagedims['mime'].' and dimensions '.$width.'x'.$height.'.'); } else { throw new SigPlusNovoImageFormatException($url); } } unlink($imagepath); // "tempnam", if succeeds, always creates the file } // insert image data into database $imageid = SigPlusNovoDatabase::replaceSingle( // deletes rows related via foreign key constraints '#__sigplus_image', array('fileurl' => $url), array('folderid','fileurl','filename','filetime','filesize','width','height'), array($folderid, $url, basename($url), $folderparams->time, $filesize, $width, $height) ); if (isset($metadata)) { $metadata->inject($imageid); } $viewid = (int) $this->insertView($folderid); // insert image view SigPlusNovoDatabase::insertSingleUnique( '#__sigplus_imageview', array('imageid','viewid'), array( 'imageid','viewid', 'preview_fileurl','preview_filetime','preview_width','preview_height' ), array( $imageid, $viewid, $url, $folderparams->time, $width, $height ) ); return $viewid; } } /** * Exposes the sigplus public services. */ class SigPlusNovoCore { /** * Global service configuration. */ private $config; /** * Stack of local gallery configurations. */ private $paramstack; /** * Filter to keep whitelisted HTML tags and attributes in caption text but discard others. */ private $caption_filter; public function __construct(SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters $config) { // set global service parameters SigPlusNovoLogging::appendCodeBlock('Service parameters are:', print_r($config->service, true)); $this->config = $config->service; $instance = SigPlusNovoEngineServices::instance(); $instance->debug = $this->config->debug_client; // set default parameters for image galleries SigPlusNovoLogging::appendCodeBlock('Default gallery parameters are:', print_r($config->gallery, true)); $this->paramstack = new SigPlusNovoParameterStack(); $this->paramstack->push($config->gallery); $this->caption_filter = new InputFilter( array( 'a','b','blockquote','br','code','del','dd','dl','dt','em','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','hr','i', 'img','kbd','li','ol','p','pre','s','sub','sup','strong','strike','table','td','th','tr','ul' ), array( 'accesskey','align','alt','class','colspan','dir','download','draggable','dropzone','height','hidden', 'href','hreflang','id','media','rel','rowspan','sizes','spellcheck','style','src','srcset','tabindex', 'target','title','width' ) ); } public function verbosityLevel() { return $this->config->debug_server; } /** * Maps an image folder to a full file system path. * @param {string} $entry A simple directory entry (file or folder). */ private function getImageGalleryPath($entry) { $root = $this->config->base_folder; if (!is_absolute_path($this->config->base_folder)) { $root = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$root; } if ($entry) { return $root.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $entry); // replace '/' with platform-specific directory separator } else { return $root; } } /** * The full file system path to a high-resolution image version. * @param {string} $imagepath An absolute path to an image file. */ private function getFullsizeImagePath($imagepath) { if (!$this->config->folder_fullsize) { return $imagepath; } $fullsizepath = dirname($imagepath).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config->folder_fullsize).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($imagepath); if (!is_file($fullsizepath)) { return $imagepath; } return $fullsizepath; } private function getFilterExpression(SigPlusNovoFilter $filter) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $expr = array(); foreach ($filter->items as $item) { if ($item instanceof SigPlusNovoFilter && !$item->is_empty()) { // add filter subexpression, e.g. "b or c" in "a and (b or c)" $expr[] = self::getFilterExpression($item); } elseif (is_string($item)) { // add a simple filter, e.g. "b" in "a and b and c" $expr[] = $db->quoteName('filename').' LIKE '.$db->quote(SigPlusNovoDatabase::sqlpattern($item)); } } return '('.implode(' '.$filter->rel.' ', $expr).')'; } /** * Replaces special characters in an identifier with their CSS character escape sequences. * @param {string} $id An HTML identifier. * @return {string} A valid CSS identifier string that can be used as #id. * @see https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/css-escapes */ private static function css_escape_special_chars($id) { $id = preg_replace('/[-!"#$%&\'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\\\]^`{|}~]/', '\\\\$0', $id); // escape special characters like "+" to "\+" $id = str_replace(array("\t","\n","\v","\f","\r"," "), array('\t','\n','\v','\f','\r','\ '), $id); // escape whitespace like " " and linefeed to "\ " and "\n" $id = preg_replace('/^\d/', '\\\\3$0 ', $id); // replace leading digit with Unicode code point and space, e.g. "1" becomes "\31 " return $id; } private static function getFormattedSize($size) { $units = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'); $power = $size > 0 ? floor(log($size, 1000)) : 0; return number_format($size / pow(1000, $power), 2, '.', '') . ' ' . $units[$power]; } /** * Get an image label with placeholder and default value substitutions. */ private static function getSubstitutedLabel($text, $default, $template, $filename, $index, $total, $filesize) { // use default text if no text is explicitly given if (!isset($text) && isset($default)) { $text = $default; } // replace placeholders for file name, current image number and total image count with actual values in template if (isset($text) && isset($template)) { $text = str_replace( array('{$text}','{$name}','{$filename}','{$current}','{$total}','{$filesize}'), array($text, pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME), $filename, (string) ($index+1), (string) $total, self::getFormattedSize($filesize)), $template ); } return $text; } /** * Returns whether the label depends on server data not available on the client side. */ private static function isFileSizeRequired($template) { // check if placeholders for server-dependent values are present in template string if (isset($template)) { return strpos($template, '{$filesize}') !== false; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns whether the label depends on server data not available on the client side. * @param {bool} $is_transformed_image True if a new image has been generated from the original * image on the server side (e.g. by means of watermarking). */ private static function isFileNameRequired($is_transformed_image, $template) { // check if placeholders for server-dependent values are present in template string if (isset($template) && $is_transformed_image) { return strpos($template, '{$filename}') !== false; } else { return false; } } /** * Get an image label with placeholder and default substitutions as plain text with double quote escapes. */ private static function getLabel($text, $default, $template, $url, $index, $total, $filesize) { return self::getSubstitutedLabel($text, $default, $template, basename($url), $index, $total, $filesize); } /** * Ensures that a gallery identifier is unique across the page. * A gallery identifier is specified by the user or generated from a counter. Some extensions * may duplicate article content on the page (e.g. show a short article extract in a module * position), making an identifier no longer unique. This function adds an ordinal to prevent * conflicts when the same gallery would occur multiple times on the page, causing scripts * not to function properly. * @param {string} $galleryid A preferred identifier, or null to have a new identifier generated. */ public function getUniqueGalleryId($galleryid = false) { static $counter = 1000; static $galleryids = array(); if (!$galleryid || in_array($galleryid, $galleryids)) { // look for identifier in script-lifetime container do { $counter++; $gid = 'sigplus_'.$counter; } while (in_array($gid, $galleryids)); $galleryid = $gid; } $galleryids[] = $galleryid; return $galleryid; } private function getGalleryStyle() { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); $style = 'sigplus-gallery'; // add custom class annotation if ($curparams->classname) { $style .= ' '.$curparams->classname; } if ($curparams->layout == 'hidden') { $style .= ' sigplus-hidden'; } switch ($curparams->alignment) { case 'left': case 'left-clear': case 'left-float': $style .= ' sigplus-left'; break; case 'center': $style .= ' sigplus-center'; break; case 'right': case 'right-clear': case 'right-float': $style .= ' sigplus-right'; break; } switch ($curparams->alignment) { case 'left': case 'left-float': case 'right': case 'right-float': $style .= ' sigplus-float'; break; case 'left-clear': case 'right-clear': $style .= ' sigplus-clear'; break; } if ($curparams->lightbox !== false) { $instance = SigPlusNovoEngineServices::instance(); $lightbox = $instance->getLightboxEngine($curparams->lightbox); $style .= ' sigplus-lightbox-'.$lightbox->getIdentifier(); } else { $style .= ' sigplus-lightbox-none'; } return $style; } /** * Transforms a file system path into a URL. * @param {string} $make_absolute Build absolute URL address with scheme, host and port. */ public function makeURL($url, $make_absolute = false) { if (is_absolute_path($url)) { if (strpos($url, JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { // file is inside Joomla root folder (including cache or media cache folder) $path = substr($url, strlen(JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); $url = JURI::base(true).'/'.path_url_encode($path); } elseif (strpos($url, $this->config->base_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { // file is inside base folder $path = substr($url, strlen($this->config->base_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); $url = $this->config->base_url.'/'.path_url_encode($path); } else { return false; } // transform relative URLs into absolute URLs if necessary if ($make_absolute && strpos($url, JURI::base(true).'/') === 0) { $url = JURI::base(false).substr($url, strlen(JURI::base(true)) + 1); } } return $url; } private function getDownloadAuthorization() { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($curparams->download !== false && in_array($curparams->download, $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())) { // check if user is authorized to download image return true; } else { return false; // access forbidden to user } } /** * Image download URL. */ private function getImageDownloadUrl($imageid) { if (!$this->getDownloadAuthorization()) { return false; } $uri = clone JFactory::getURI(); // URL of current page $uri->setVar('sigplus', $imageid); // add query parameter "sigplus" return $uri->toString(); } public function downloadImage($imagesource) { $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $imageid = $jinput->getInt('sigplus', 0); if ($imageid <= 0) { return false; } // get active set of parameters from the top of the stack $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // test user access level if (!$this->getDownloadAuthorization()) { // authorization is required SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('User is not authorized to download image.'); throw new SigPlusNovoImageDownloadAccessException(); } // translate image source into full source specification if (is_url_http($imagesource) || is_absolute_path($imagesource)) { $source = $imagesource; } else { $source = $this->getImageGalleryPath(trim($imagesource, '/\\')); // remove leading and trailing slash and backslash } // add depth condition if ($curparams->depth >= 0) { $depthcond = ' AND depthnum <= '.((int) $curparams->depth); } else { $depthcond = ''; } // test if source contains wildcard character if (strpos($source, '*') !== false) { // contains wildcard character // remove file name component of path $source = dirname($source); } // test whether image is part of the gallery $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $imageid = (int) $imageid; $db->setQuery( 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('filename').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' AS i'.PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' AS f'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_hierarchy').' AS h'.PHP_EOL. 'ON f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = h.'.$db->quoteName('ancestorid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE '.$db->quoteName('folderurl').' = '.$db->quote($source).PHP_EOL. 'AND '.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = '.$imageid.$depthcond ); $row = $db->loadRow(); if (!$row) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Image to download is not found in gallery database.'); return false; } list($fileurl, $filename) = $row; if (headers_sent($file, $line)) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Unable to make browser download image, HTTP headers have already been sent in file "'.$file.'" line '.$line.'.'); throw new SigPlusNovoImageDownloadHeadersSentException($fileurl); } // produce HTTP response header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); if (is_absolute_path($fileurl)) { $filepath = $this->getFullsizeImagePath($fileurl); // return image as HTTP payload $size = fsx::getimagesize($filepath); if ($size !== false) { header('Content-Type: '.$size['mime']); } $filesize = fsx::filesize($filepath); if ($filesize !== false) { header('Content-Length: '.$filesize); } header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"'); // discard internal buffer content used for output buffering ob_clean(); flush(); @fsx::readfile($filepath); } else { // redirect to image URL header('Location: '.$fileurl); // discard internal buffer content used for output buffering ob_clean(); flush(); } return true; } /** * Generates image thumbnails with alternate text, title and lightbox pop-up activation on mouse click. * This method is typically called by the class plgContentSigPlusNovo, which represents the sigplus Joomla plug-in. * The method may modify the top of the parameter stack; the caller must provide a discardable copy. * @param {string|boolean} $imagesource A string that defines the gallery source. Relative paths are interpreted * w.r.t. the image base folder, which is passed in a configuration object to the class constructor. */ public function getGalleryHTML($imagesource, &$galleryid) { SigPlusNovoTimer::checkpoint(); // get active set of parameters from the top of the stack $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters $config = new SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters(); $config->gallery = $curparams; $config->service = $this->config; if ($imagesource === false) { // use base folder as source if not set $imagesource = $this->config->base_folder; } // make placeholder replacement for {$username} if (strpos($imagesource, '{$username}') !== false) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->guest) { throw new SigPlusNovoLoginRequiredException(); } else { $imagesource = str_replace('{$username}', $user->username, $imagesource); } } // make placeholder replacement for {$group} if (strpos($imagesource, '{$group}') !== false) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->guest) { throw new SigPlusNovoLoginRequiredException(); } else { $groupname = SigPlusNovoUser::getCurrentUserGroup(); if ($groupname) { $groupname = str_replace(' ', '', $groupname); // normalize whitespace } else { $groupname = '.'; // no group, use current directory } $imagesource = str_replace('{$group}', $groupname, $imagesource); } } // set gallery identifier $galleryid = $curparams->id = $this->getUniqueGalleryId($curparams->id); // show current set of parameters for image galleries SigPlusNovoLogging::appendCodeBlock('Local gallery parameters for "'.$galleryid.'" are:', print_r($curparams, true)); // instantiate image generator $generator = null; if (strip_tags($imagesource) != $imagesource) { throw new SigPlusNovoHTMLCodeException($imagesource); } else if (is_url_http($imagesource)) { // test for Picasa galleries $source = $imagesource; SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Generating gallery "'.$galleryid.'" from URL: <code>'.$source.'</code>'); if (preg_match('"^https?://picasaweb.google.com/"', $source)) { $generator = new SigPlusNovoPicasaGallery($config); } elseif (preg_match('"^https?://api.flickr.com/services/"', $source)) { $generator = new SigPlusNovoFlickrGallery($config); } else { $generator = new SigPlusNovoRemoteImage($config); $curparams->maxcount = 1; } } else { if (is_absolute_path($imagesource)) { $source = $imagesource; } else { $source = $this->getImageGalleryPath(trim($imagesource, '/\\')); // remove leading and trailing slash and backslash } // parse wildcard patterns in file name component if (strpos($source, '*') !== false || strpos($source, '?') !== false) { // contains wildcard character // add implicit include filter on file name component of path $filter = $curparams->filter_include; // save current filter $curparams->filter_include = new SigPlusNovoFilter('and'); $curparams->filter_include->items[] = basename($source); // add wildcard name to include filter $curparams->filter_include->items[] = $filter; // add current filter as sub-filter // remove file name component of path $source = dirname($source); if (is_dir($source)) { // set up gallery populator SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Generating gallery "'.$galleryid.'" from filtered folder: <code>'.$source.'</code>'); $generator = new SigPlusNovoLocalGallery($config); } } elseif (is_dir($source)) { SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Generating gallery "'.$galleryid.'" from folder: <code>'.$source.'</code>'); $generator = new SigPlusNovoLocalGallery($config); } elseif (is_file($source)) { // set implicit filter to filter exact file name $filter = $curparams->filter_include; // save current filter $curparams->filter_include = new SigPlusNovoFilter('and'); $curparams->filter_include->items[] = basename($source); $curparams->filter_include->items[] = $filter; // add current filter as sub-filter // activate single image mode $curparams->maxcount = 1; // remove file name component of path $source = dirname($source); SigPlusNovoLogging::appendStatus('Generating gallery "'.$galleryid.'" from file: <code>'.$source.'</code>'); $generator = new SigPlusNovoLocalGallery($config); } else { $path_case_sensitive = realpath($source); $path_case_insensitive = realpathi($source); if ($path_case_sensitive === false && $path_case_insensitive !== false) { throw new SigPlusNovoImageSourceCaseMismatchException($source, $path_case_insensitive); } } } if (!isset($generator)) { throw new SigPlusNovoImageSourceException($imagesource); } $curparams->validate(); // re-validate parameters to resolve inconsistencies (e.g. rotator with a single image) // set image gallery alignment (left, center or right) and text wrap (float or clear) $gallerystyle = $this->getGalleryStyle(); // get properties of folder stored in the database $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery('SELECT '.$db->quoteName('folderid').', '.$db->quoteName('foldertime').', '.$db->quoteName('entitytag').' FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' WHERE '.$db->quoteName('folderurl').' = '.$db->quote($source)); $result = $db->loadRow(); $folderparams = new SigPlusNovoFolderParameters(); if ($result) { list($folderparams->id, $folderparams->time, $folderparams->entitytag) = $result; } // populate image database $viewid = $generator->update($source, $folderparams); // apply sort criterion and sort order switch ($curparams->sort_criterion) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS: // sort exclusively by caption source order switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('ordnum').' ASC'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME: // sort by caption source order (primary), then by file name (secondary) switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: // entries with smallest ordnum are shown first, entries without ordnum shown last $sortorder = '-'.$db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, '.$db->quoteName('filename').' ASC'; break; // unary minus inverts sort order, NULL values presented last when doing ORDER BY ... DESC case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: // entries with largest ordnum are shown first, entries without ordnum shown last $sortorder = $db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, '.$db->quoteName('filename').' DESC'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME: // sort by caption source order (primary), then by last modified timestamp (secondary) switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = '-'.$db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, '.$db->quoteName('filetime').' ASC'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, '.$db->quoteName('filetime').' DESC'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILESIZE: // sort by caption source order (primary), then by file size (secondary) switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = '-'.$db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, '.$db->quoteName('filesize').' ASC'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, '.$db->quoteName('filesize').' DESC'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_RANDOM: switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = '-'.$db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, RAND()'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('ordnum').' DESC, RAND()'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME: switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('filetime').' ASC'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('filetime').' DESC'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_FILESIZE: switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('filesize').' ASC'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('filesize').' DESC'; break; } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM: $sortorder = 'RAND()'; break; default: // case SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME: switch ($curparams->sort_order) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('filename').' ASC'; break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING: $sortorder = $db->quoteName('filename').' DESC'; break; } } $sortorder = $db->quoteName('depthnum').' ASC, '.$sortorder; // keep descending from topmost to bottommost in hierarchy, do not mix entries from different levels // determine current site language $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); list($language, $country) = explode('-', $lang->getTag()); // site current language $langid = (int)SigPlusNovoDatabase::getLanguageId($language); $countryid = (int)SigPlusNovoDatabase::getCountryId($country); // build SQL condition for depth if ($curparams->depth >= 0) { $depthcond = ' AND '.$db->quoteName('depthnum').' <= '.$curparams->depth; } else { $depthcond = ''; } // build SQL condition for file match pattern $patterncond = ''; if (!$curparams->filter_include->is_empty()) { $patterncond .= ' AND '.self::getFilterExpression($curparams->filter_include); } if (!$curparams->filter_exclude->is_empty()) { $patterncond .= ' AND NOT '.self::getFilterExpression($curparams->filter_exclude); } switch ($db->getServerType()) { case 'mysql': $top1 = ''; $limit1 = 'LIMIT 1'; break; case 'mssql': $top1 = 'TOP 1'; $limit1 = ''; break; } switch ($curparams->sort_criterion) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS: $titlequery = 'c.'.$db->quoteName('title'); $summaryquery = 'c.'.$db->quoteName('summary'); $captioncond = ' AND (NOT ISNULL('.$db->quoteName('title').') OR NOT ISNULL('.$db->quoteName('summary').'))'; if (is_absolute_path($source)) { $labels = new SigPlusNovoLabels($config); if (!$labels->isLabelsFileAvailable($source)) { // configuration says to show only images with matching entries in labels file but labels file does not exist $captioncond = ''; // show all images instead of uninformative "no images in gallery" message } } break; default: $titlequery = 'COALESCE('.PHP_EOL. // use image title if set 'c.'.$db->quoteName('title').','.PHP_EOL. // or use meta-data field "Headline" if no image title has been set explicitly '('.PHP_EOL. 'SELECT '.$top1.' md.'.$db->quoteName('textvalue').''.PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_property').' AS mp'.PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_data').' AS md'.PHP_EOL. 'ON mp.'.$db->quoteName('propertyid').' = md.'.$db->quoteName('propertyid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE mp.'.$db->quoteName('propertyname').' = '.$db->quote('Headline').' AND md.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').''.PHP_EOL. $limit1.PHP_EOL. '),'.PHP_EOL. // or use the best wild-card match for the image '('.PHP_EOL. 'SELECT '.$top1.' p.'.$db->quoteName('title').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_foldercaption').' AS p'.PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. 'p.'.$db->quoteName('langid').' = '.$langid.' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'p.'.$db->quoteName('countryid').' = '.$countryid.' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('filename').' LIKE p.'.$db->quoteName('pattern').' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = p.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. 'ORDER BY p.'.$db->quoteName('priority').' '.$limit1.PHP_EOL. ')'.PHP_EOL. ')'; $summaryquery = 'COALESCE('.PHP_EOL. // use image summary if set 'c.'.$db->quoteName('summary').','.PHP_EOL. // or use meta-data field "Caption-Abstract" if no image summary has been set explicitly '('.PHP_EOL. 'SELECT '.$top1.' md.'.$db->quoteName('textvalue').''.PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_property').' AS mp'.PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_data').' AS md'.PHP_EOL. 'ON mp.'.$db->quoteName('propertyid').' = md.'.$db->quoteName('propertyid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE mp.'.$db->quoteName('propertyname').' = '.$db->quote('Caption-Abstract').' AND md.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').''.PHP_EOL. $limit1.PHP_EOL. '),'.PHP_EOL. // or use the best wild-card match for the image '('.PHP_EOL. 'SELECT '.$top1.' p.'.$db->quoteName('summary').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_foldercaption').' AS p'.PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. 'p.'.$db->quoteName('langid').' = '.$langid.' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'p.'.$db->quoteName('countryid').' = '.$countryid.' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('filename').' LIKE p.'.$db->quoteName('pattern').' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = p.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. 'ORDER BY p.'.$db->quoteName('priority').' '.$limit1.PHP_EOL. ')'.PHP_EOL. ')'; $captioncond = ''; break; } // build and execute SQL query $viewid = (int) $viewid; $query = 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('width').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('height').','.PHP_EOL. 'i.'.$db->quoteName('filesize').','.PHP_EOL. $titlequery.' AS '.$db->quoteName('title').','.PHP_EOL. $summaryquery.' AS '.$db->quoteName('summary').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('thumb_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('thumb_width').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('thumb_height').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('preview_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('preview_width').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('preview_height').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('retina_fileurl').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('retina_width').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('retina_height').','.PHP_EOL. $db->quoteName('watermark_fileurl').PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' AS i'.PHP_EOL. // folder "f" in which image is to be found 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' AS f'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. // couple folders related to folder "f" in the folder hierarchy 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_hierarchy').' AS h'.PHP_EOL. 'ON f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = h.'.$db->quoteName('descendantid').PHP_EOL. // topmost folder "a" in the folder hierarchy, which the user selects 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' AS a'.PHP_EOL. 'ON a.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = h.'.$db->quoteName('ancestorid').PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').' AS v'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = v.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').PHP_EOL. 'LEFT JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_caption').' AS c'.PHP_EOL. 'ON'.PHP_EOL. // no caption belongs to image or caption language matches site language 'c.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'c.'.$db->quoteName('langid').' = '.$langid.' AND '.PHP_EOL. 'c.'.$db->quoteName('countryid').' = '.$countryid.PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. // condition to match folder URL with (activation tag or module) source folder 'a.'.$db->quoteName('folderurl').' = '.$db->quote($source).' AND '.PHP_EOL. // condition to match folder view with activation tag or module instance $db->quoteName('viewid').' = '.$viewid.PHP_EOL. // include and exclude filters or single image selection $patterncond.PHP_EOL. // limit on hierarchical listing $depthcond.PHP_EOL. // limit display to entries explicitly listed in a "labels.txt" file (if applicable) $captioncond.PHP_EOL. 'ORDER BY '.$sortorder ; $db->setQuery($query); $cursor = $db->execute(); if ($cursor) { $total = $db->getNumRows(); // get number of images in gallery } else { $total = 0; } if ($total > 0) { $images = $db->loadRowList(); } else { $images = array(); $galleryid = null; } $limit = $curparams->maxcount > 0 ? min($curparams->maxcount, $total) : $total; // check if any of the generated image sizes has to be determined automatically if ($curparams->preview_width == 0 || $curparams->preview_height == 0 || $curparams->thumb_width == 0 || $curparams->thumb_height == 0) { $sizes_query = 'SELECT'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX(i.'.$db->quoteName('width').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX(i.'.$db->quoteName('height').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX('.$db->quoteName('thumb_width').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX('.$db->quoteName('thumb_height').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX('.$db->quoteName('preview_width').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX('.$db->quoteName('preview_height').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX('.$db->quoteName('retina_width').'),'.PHP_EOL. 'MAX('.$db->quoteName('retina_height').')'.PHP_EOL. 'FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_image').' AS i'.PHP_EOL. // folder "f" in which image is to be found 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' AS f'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').PHP_EOL. // couple folders related to folder "f" in the folder hierarchy 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_hierarchy').' AS h'.PHP_EOL. 'ON f.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = h.'.$db->quoteName('descendantid').PHP_EOL. // topmost folder "a" in the folder hierarchy, which the user selects 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_folder').' AS a'.PHP_EOL. 'ON a.'.$db->quoteName('folderid').' = h.'.$db->quoteName('ancestorid').PHP_EOL. 'INNER JOIN '.$db->quoteName('#__sigplus_imageview').' AS v'.PHP_EOL. 'ON i.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').' = v.'.$db->quoteName('imageid').PHP_EOL. 'WHERE'.PHP_EOL. // condition to match folder URL with (activation tag or module) source folder 'a.'.$db->quoteName('folderurl').' = '.$db->quote($source).' AND '.PHP_EOL. // condition to match folder view with activation tag or module instance $db->quoteName('viewid').' = '.$viewid.PHP_EOL. // include and exclude filters or single image selection $patterncond.PHP_EOL. // limit on hierarchical listing $depthcond.PHP_EOL. '' ; $db->setQuery($sizes_query); $sizes = $db->loadRow(); list( $max_width, $max_height, $max_thumb_width, $max_thumb_height, $max_preview_width, $max_preview_height, $max_retina_width, $max_retina_height ) = $sizes; list($curparams->preview_width, $curparams->preview_height) = imagefitdimensions( $max_preview_width, $max_preview_height, $curparams->preview_width, $curparams->preview_height ); list($curparams->thumb_width, $curparams->thumb_height) = imagefitdimensions( $max_thumb_width, $max_thumb_height, $curparams->thumb_width, $curparams->thumb_height ); } // add images to be used on social network sites $this->addOpenGraphProperties($images); // generate HTML code for each image ob_start(); // start output buffering $this->printGallery($galleryid, $gallerystyle, $images, $limit, $total); $body = ob_get_clean(); // fetch output buffer return $body; } private function printGallery($galleryid, $gallerystyle, array $images, $limit, $total) { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters $layout_path = JPluginHelper::getLayoutPath('content', SIGPLUS_PLUGIN_FOLDER, 'default'); require($layout_path); } private function printImage($image, $index, $total, $style = null) { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters list( $imageid, $file_url, $width, $height, $filesize, $title, $summary, $thumb_url, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $preview_url, $preview_width, $preview_height, $retina_url, $retina_width, $retina_height, $watermark_url ) = $image; // translate paths into URLs $file_url = $this->makeURL($file_url); $thumb_url = $this->makeURL($thumb_url); $preview_url = $this->makeURL($preview_url); $retina_url = $this->makeURL($retina_url); $watermark_url = $this->makeURL($watermark_url); $download_url = $this->getImageDownloadUrl($imageid); // scale preview image sizes when database-stored image does not match desired dimensions list($preview_width, $preview_height) = imagescaledimensions($preview_width, $preview_height, $curparams->preview_width, $curparams->preview_height); $filename = basename($file_url); $is_transformed_image = isset($watermark_url); // this variable is not used directly in this function but in the layout template imported by `JPluginHelper::getLayoutPath` $url = $is_transformed_image ? $watermark_url : $file_url; $properties = array(); if (SIGPLUS_CAPTION_CLIENT) { // client-side template replacement $title = $title ? $title : $curparams->caption_title; $summary = $summary ? $summary : $curparams->caption_summary; if (self::isFileNameRequired($is_transformed_image, $curparams->caption_title_template) || self::isFileNameRequired($is_transformed_image, $curparams->caption_summary_template)) { $property = new stdClass; $property->key = 'image-file-name'; $property->value = $filename; $properties[] = $property; } if (self::isFileSizeRequired($curparams->caption_title_template) || self::isFileSizeRequired($curparams->caption_summary_template)) { $property = new stdClass; $property->key = 'image-file-size'; $property->value = $filesize; $properties[] = $property; } } else { // server-side template replacement $title = self::getSubstitutedLabel($title, $curparams->caption_title, $curparams->caption_title_template, $filename, $index, $total, $filesize); $summary = self::getSubstitutedLabel($summary, $curparams->caption_summary, $curparams->caption_summary_template, $filename, $index, $total, $filesize); } $title = $this->caption_filter->clean($title, 'html'); $summary = $this->caption_filter->clean($summary, 'html'); $layout_path = JPluginHelper::getLayoutPath('content', SIGPLUS_PLUGIN_FOLDER, 'item'); require($layout_path); } /** * Checks if the document already has Open Graph meta tags. * This helps avoid many unnecessary `og:image` meta tags when the page has multiple galleries. */ private function hasOpenGraphProperties() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); if ($document->getType() != 'html') { // custom tags are supported by HTML document type only return false; } // check for existing Open Graph og:image tags $headData = $document->getHeadData(); foreach ($headData['custom'] as $tag) { if (preg_match('/^<meta\b.*\bproperty="og:image".*>$/', $tag)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add Open Graph meta tags to tell social network sites (e.g. Facebook) which images to use as representative images for the page when the page is shared. */ private function addOpenGraphProperties(array $images) { if (empty($images)) { return; } $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters if (!$curparams->open_graph) { return; } $document = JFactory::getDocument(); if ($document->getType() != 'html') { // custom tags are supported by HTML document type only return; } if ($this->hasOpenGraphProperties()) { return; } if ($curparams->index >= 1 && $curparams->index <= count($images)) { $image = $images[$curparams->index - 1]; } else { $image = $images[0]; } list($imageid, $file_url, $width, $height, $filesize, $title, $summary, $preview_url, $preview_width, $preview_height, $thumb_url, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $watermark_url) = $image; $url = isset($watermark_url) ? $watermark_url : $file_url; // translate paths into absolute URLs $url = $this->makeURL($url, true); // add Open Graph meta tag $document->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:image" content="'.$url.'" />'); if ($width && $height) { $document->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:image:width" content="'.$width.'" />'); $document->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:image:height" content="'.$height.'" />'); } if ($title) { $document->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:image:alt" content="'.htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title)).'" />'); } } public function addStyles($id = null) { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters $instance = SigPlusNovoEngineServices::instance(); $instance->addStandardStyles(); if (isset($id)) { // add custom style declaration based on back-end and inline settings $slotrules = array(); $imagerules = array(); if ($curparams->preview_margin !== false) { if ($curparams->rotator === 'slideplus' || $curparams->caption !== false) { $slotrules['margin'] = $curparams->preview_margin.' !important'; $imagerules['margin'] = '0 !important'; } else { $imagerules['margin'] = $curparams->preview_margin.' !important'; } } if ($curparams->preview_border_width !== false && $curparams->preview_border_style !== false && $curparams->preview_border_color !== false) { $imagerules['border'] = $curparams->preview_border_width.' '.$curparams->preview_border_style.' '.$curparams->preview_border_color.' !important'; } else { if ($curparams->preview_border_width !== false) { $imagerules['border-width'] = $curparams->preview_border_width.' !important'; } if ($curparams->preview_border_style !== false) { $imagerules['border-style'] = $curparams->preview_border_style.' !important'; } if ($curparams->preview_border_color !== false) { $imagerules['border-color'] = $curparams->preview_border_color.' !important'; } } if ($curparams->preview_padding !== false) { $imagerules['padding'] = $curparams->preview_padding.' !important'; } $selectors = array( '#'.$id.' a.sigplus-image > img' => $imagerules ); if ($curparams->rotator === 'slideplus') { $selectors['#'.$id.' .slideplus-slot'] = $slotrules; } elseif ($curparams->caption !== false) { $selectors['#'.$id.' .captionplus'] = $slotrules; } $instance->addStyles($selectors); } } public function addScripts($id = null) { if (isset($id)) { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters $instance = SigPlusNovoEngineServices::instance(); $instance->addScript('/media/sigplus/js/initialization.js'); // unwrap all galleries from protective <noscript> container $jsid = json_encode($id); $instance->addOnReadyScript("__sigplusInitialize({$jsid});"); if (SIGPLUS_CAPTION_CLIENT) { // client-side template replacement $js_title_template = json_encode($curparams->caption_title_template); $js_summary_template = json_encode($curparams->caption_summary_template); $instance->addOnReadyScript("__sigplusCaption({$jsid}, {$js_title_template}, {$js_summary_template});"); } if ($curparams->layout == 'flow' && $curparams->limit > 0) { $jsparams['limit'] = $curparams->limit; $jsparams['show_more'] = JText::_('SIGPLUS_SHOW_MORE'); $jsparams['no_more'] = JText::_('SIGPLUS_NO_MORE'); $jsparams = json_encode($jsparams, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); $instance->addScript('/media/sigplus/js/progressive.js'); $instance->addOnReadyScript("new ProgressiveGallery(document.getElementById({$jsid}),{$jsparams});"); } $lightbox = $curparams->lightbox !== false ? $instance->getLightboxEngine($curparams->lightbox) : null; $caption = $curparams->caption !== false ? $instance->getCaptionEngine($curparams->caption) : null; $rotator = $curparams->rotator !== false ? $instance->getRotatorEngine($curparams->rotator) : null; $selectorid = self::css_escape_special_chars($id); if ($lightbox) { $selector = '#'.$selectorid.' a.sigplus-image'; $lightbox->addStyles($selector, $curparams); $lightbox->addScripts($selector, $curparams); } if ($caption && (!$rotator || !$rotator->isCaptionSupported())) { $selector = '#'.$selectorid.' ul'; $caption->addStyles($selector, $curparams); $caption->addScripts($selector, $curparams); } if ($rotator) { $selector = '#'.$selectorid; $rotator->addStyles($selector, $curparams); $rotator->addScripts($selector, $curparams); } $instance->addOnReadyEvent(); } } /** * Subscribes to the "click" event of an anchor to pop up the associated lightbox window. * @param {string} $linkid The HTML identifier of the anchor whose "click" event to subscribe to. * @param {string} $galleryid The identifier of the gallery to open in the lightbox window. */ public function addLightboxLinkScript($linkid, $galleryid) { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters $instance = SigPlusNovoEngineServices::instance(); $instance->activateLightbox($linkid, '#'.$galleryid.' a.sigplus-image', $curparams->index); // selector should be same as above $instance->addOnReadyEvent(); } /** * Adds lightbox styleheet and script references to the page header. * This method is typically invoked to bind a lightbox to an external URL not part of a gallery. */ public function addLightboxScripts($selector) { $curparams = $this->paramstack->top(); // current gallery parameters if ($curparams->lightbox !== false) { $instance = SigPlusNovoEngineServices::instance(); $lightbox = $instance->getLightboxEngine($curparams->lightbox); $lightbox->addStyles($selector, $curparams); $lightbox->addScripts($selector, $curparams); $instance->addOnReadyEvent(); } } public function getParameters() { return $this->paramstack->top(); } public function setParameterObject($object) { $this->paramstack->setObject($object); } /** * Pushes a new set of gallery parameters on the parameter stack. * If used as a plug-in, these would normally appear as the attribute list of the activation start tag. */ public function setParameterString($string) { $this->paramstack->setString($string); } /** * Pushes an array of gallery parameter key-value pairs on the parameter stack. */ public function setParameterArray($array) { $this->paramstack->setArray($array); } /** * Pops a set of gallery parameters from the parameter stack. */ public function resetParameters() { $this->paramstack->pop(); } }