Direktori : /proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/libraries/cegcore/libs/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/libraries/cegcore/libs/session.php |
<?php /** * ChronoCMS version 1.0 * Copyright (c) 2012 ChronoCMS.com, All rights reserved. * Author: (ChronoCMS.com Team) * license: Please read LICENSE.txt * Visit http://www.ChronoCMS.com for regular updates and information. **/ namespace GCore\Libs; /* @copyright:ChronoEngine.com @license:GPLv2 */defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); defined("GCORE_SITE") or die; class Session { protected static $instance; var $_active = false; var $_expired = false; var $_destroyed = false; var $_data = array(); var $_handler = null; var $_lifetime = 15; var $_encrypted = false; var $_secure = false; function __construct($handler = 'php', $params = array()){ if(\GCore\C::get('GSITE_PLATFORM') == ''){ $this->_initialize(); $this->_setParams($params); $this->_setCookies(); $handler = !empty($handler) ? $handler : Base::getConfig('session_handler', 'php'); $params = !empty($params) ? $params : array('lifetime' => Base::getConfig('session_lifetime', 15)); //load handler $this->_handler = SessionHandler::getInstance($handler, $params); } $this->_start(); $this->_data = &$_SESSION; if(\GCore\C::get('GSITE_PLATFORM') == ''){ $this->_sync(); $this->_validate(); } } function __destruct(){ $this->close(); } protected function _start($id = null){ if(!$this->_active AND !$this->get_id()){ if(!empty($id)){ session_id($id); } session_start(); $this->_active = true; return true; } } protected function _sync(){ if($this->is_alive()){ $last_active = $this->get('system.now', time(), 'gcore__system'); if($last_active + ($this->_lifetime * 60) < time()){ //session expired $this->_expired = true; $this->restart(); } $this->set('system.last', $last_active, 'gcore__system'); $this->set('system.now', time(), 'gcore__system'); } } protected function _validate(){ $agent = $this->get('user.agent', null, 'gcore__system'); if(is_null($agent)){ $this->set('user.agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'gcore__system'); return true; } if($agent != $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']){ //incorrect agent $this->restart(); } } protected function _initialize(){ if(session_id()){ session_unset(); session_destroy(); } session_cache_limiter(false); ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1'); } protected function _setParams($params){ if(isset($params['name'])){ session_name($params['name']); }else{ session_name(md5('gcore_'.GCORE_SITE.Base::getConfig('secret_token'))); } if(isset($params['id'])){ session_id($params['id']); } if(isset($params['lifetime'])){ $this->_lifetime = $params['lifetime']; } ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $this->_lifetime * 60); if(!empty($params['encrypted'])){ $this->_encrypted = true; } if(!empty($params['secure'])){ $this->_secure = true; } } protected function _setCookies(){ $cookie = session_get_cookie_params(); if ($this->_secure){ $cookie['secure'] = true; } if(strlen(Base::getConfig('cookie_domain', '')) > 0){ $cookie['domain'] = Base::getConfig('cookie_domain', ''); } if(strlen(Base::getConfig('cookie_path', '')) > 0){ $cookie['path'] = Base::getConfig('cookie_path', ''); } session_set_cookie_params($cookie['lifetime'], $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'], $cookie['secure']); } public static function getInstance($handler = null, $params = array()){ if(!is_object(self::$instance)){ self::$instance = new Session($handler, $params); } return self::$instance; } function get_name(){ return session_name(); } function get_id(){ return session_id(); } function is_alive(){ if(\GCore\C::get('GSITE_PLATFORM') == ''){ if(!$this->_active OR $this->_expired OR $this->_destroyed){ return false; } } return true; } function get($name, $default = null, $namespace = 'gcore'){ if(!$this->is_alive()){ return null; } $value = Arr::getVal($this->_data, explode('.', $namespace.'.'.$name)); if($value !== null){ return $value; } return $default; } function set($name, $value = null, $namespace = 'gcore'){ if(!$this->is_alive()){ return null; } $this->_data = Arr::setVal($this->_data, explode('.', $namespace.'.'.$name), $value); return true; } function has($name, $namespace = 'gcore'){ if(!$this->is_alive()){ return null; } return (Arr::getVal($this->_data, explode('.', $namespace.'.'.$name)) !== null); } function clear($name, $namespace = 'gcore'){ if(!$this->is_alive()){ return null; } $this->_data = Arr::setVal($this->_data, explode('.', $namespace.'.'.$name), null); return true; } function setFlash($type, $msg = '', $group = ''){ $flashes = $this->get('__FLASH__', array()); $path = array($type); if(!empty($group)){ $path = array($type, $group); } $type_msgs = Arr::getVal($flashes, $path, array()); $type_msgs = array_merge($type_msgs, (array)$msg); return $this->set('__FLASH__', Arr::setVal($flashes, $path, $type_msgs)); } function getFlash($type = null){ $flashes = $this->get('__FLASH__', array()); $this->clear('__FLASH__'); if(!empty($type)){ if(!empty($flashes[$type])){ return $flashes[$type]; } return array(); }else{ //get all return $flashes; } } function close(){ session_write_close(); } function regenerate(){ session_regenerate_id(true); } function destroy(){ if($this->_destroyed === false){ if ($this->_destroyed = $this->_destroy()){ $this->_data = array(); } } return $this->_destroyed; } protected function _destroy(){ session_destroy(); $return = !session_id(); if($return AND isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])){ //remove any session presence in the cookies setcookie(session_name(), '', 0, Base::getConfig('cookie_path', ''), Base::getConfig('cookie_domain', '')); } return $return; } function restart(){ if($this->_destroyed === false){ $this->destroy(); } $this->_reset_flags(); return $this->_restart(); } protected function _restart(){ $this->regenerate(); $return = $this->_start(Str::rand()); $this->_sync(); $this->_data = &$_SESSION; return $return; } protected function _reset_flags(){ $this->_destroyed = false; $this->_expired = false; $this->_active = false; } }