Direktori : /proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/libraries/cegcore/libs/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/libraries/cegcore/libs/app.php |
<?php /** * ChronoCMS version 1.0 * Copyright (c) 2012 ChronoCMS.com, All rights reserved. * Author: (ChronoCMS.com Team) * license: Please read LICENSE.txt * Visit http://www.ChronoCMS.com for regular updates and information. **/ namespace GCore\Libs; /* @copyright:ChronoEngine.com @license:GPLv2 */defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); defined("GCORE_SITE") or die; class App { var $path = ''; var $url = ''; var $site = GCORE_SITE; var $_vars = array(); var $buffer = ''; var $extension = ''; var $controller = ''; var $action = ''; var $template = ''; var $tvout = 'index'; var $language = 'en-gb'; var $direction = 'ltr'; var $thread = 'gcore'; var $reset = false; function __construct($site = GCORE_SITE, $thread = 'gcore'){ $this->path = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_'.strtoupper($site).'_PATH'); $this->url = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_'.strtoupper($site).'_URL'); $this->language = Base::getConfig('site_language', 'en-gb'); $this->site = $site; $this->thread = $thread; } public static function getInstance($site = GCORE_SITE, $thread = 'gcore'){ static $instances; if(!isset($instances)){ $instances = array(); } if(empty($instances[$site][$thread])){ $instances[$site][$thread] = new self($site, $thread); return $instances[$site][$thread]; }else{ return $instances[$site][$thread]; } } function set($key, $value = null){ if(is_array($key)){ $this->_vars = array_merge($this->_vars, $key); return; } $this->_vars[$key] = $value; } function get($key, $default = null){ if(isset($this->_vars[$key])){ return $this->_vars[$key]; } return $default; } function redirect($url){ Env::redirect($url); } function getBuffer(){ return $this->buffer; } function initialize(){ //start the session $user = Base::getUser(); Event::trigger('on_initialize'); } function route(){ Event::trigger('on_before_route'); if($this->site != 'admin'){ $params = array(); Route::translate($params); }else{ $params = array( 'extension' => Request::data('ext', ''), 'controller' => Request::data('cont', ''), 'action' => Request::data('act', ''), ); if(empty($params['extension']) AND empty($params['controller'])){ $params['controller'] = 'cpanel'; } } $this->extension = !empty($params['extension']) ? $params['extension'] : ''; $this->controller = !empty($params['controller']) ? $params['controller'] : ''; $this->action = !empty($params['action']) ? $params['action'] : ''; //set the active route data in the request Request::set('_Route.ext', $this->extension); Request::set('_Route.cont', $this->controller); Request::set('_Route.act', $this->action); foreach($params as $k => $var){ if(strlen(Request::data($k)) == 0 AND !in_array($k, array('extension', 'controller', 'action', 'params'))){ Request::set($k, $var); Request::set('_Route.'.$k, $var); } } if(!empty($params['params'])){ $this->set($params['params']); Request::set('_Route.params', $params['params']); } Event::trigger('on_after_route', $params); } function dispatch($content_only = false, $check_perm = true){ Event::trigger('on_before_dispatch', $this); $session = Base::getSession(); reset: //if no action set, set it to index if(strlen(trim($this->action)) == 0){ $this->action = 'index'; } //set admin path $site = ''; if($this->site == 'admin'){ $site = '\Admin'; } //load the extension class $controller = !empty($this->controller) ? '\Controllers\\'.Str::camilize($this->controller) : '\\'.Str::camilize($this->extension); $extension = !empty($this->extension) ? '\Extensions\\'.Str::camilize($this->extension) : ''; $classname = '\GCore'.$site.$extension.$controller; $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout; //set referer if(!$content_only){ if(!($this->controller == 'users' AND ($this->action == 'login' OR $this->action == 'logout' OR $this->action == 'register')) AND (!empty($this->extension) OR !empty($this->controller)) AND $this->tvout == 'index'){ $session->set('_referer', Url::current()); }else{ //$session->set('_referer', 'index.php'); } } //check permissions if($check_perm AND !Authorize::authorized($classname, $this->action)){ if($content_only){ return; } $this->redirect(r_('index.php?cont=users&act=login')); } //if the extension class not found or the action function not found then load an error if(!class_exists($classname) OR (!in_array($this->action, get_class_methods($classname)) AND !in_array('__call', get_class_methods($classname))) OR substr($this->action, 0, 1) == '_'){ $this->controller = 'errors'; $this->action = 'e404'; //reset the controller $classname = '\GCore\Controllers\Errors'; \GCore\Libs\Env::e404(); //we need the rendered content only if($content_only){ return; } } //load language file if(!empty($extension)){ Lang::load($site.$extension); } //set theme $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread); $doc->theme = 'bootstrap3';//'gcoreui';//'semantic1'; $theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance();// in gcore app, bootstrap should be always loaded first with jquery //load class and run the action ${$classname} = new $classname($this->site, $this->thread); ob_start(); $continue = ${$classname}->_initialize(); //check and read cache if(!empty(${$classname}->cache)){ if(!is_array(${$classname}->cache)){ ${$classname}->cache = array(); } if(empty(${$classname}->cache['time'])){ ${$classname}->cache['time'] = Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900); } if(empty(${$classname}->cache['title'])){ ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe($classname.'_'.$this->action); }else{ ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe(${$classname}->cache['title']); } if(empty(${$classname}->cache['key'])){ ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view'; }else{ ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view_'.${$classname}->cache['key']; } $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time'])); $cached_view = $cache->get(${$classname}->cache['key']); $cached = false; if(!empty($cached_view)){ $cached = true; $continue = false; echo $cached_view; } } if($continue !== false){ ${$classname}->{$this->action}(); if($this->reset === true){ $this->reset = false; goto reset; } //initialize and render view $view = new View; $view->initialize(${$classname}); $view->renderView($this->action); } //get the action output buffer $this->buffer = ob_get_clean(); //check and save cache if(!empty(${$classname}->cache) AND !$cached){ $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time'])); $cache->set(${$classname}->cache['key'], $this->buffer); } //finalize ob_start(); ${$classname}->_finalize(); $this->buffer .= ob_get_clean(); //now load the theme files //$theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); if($this->tvout != 'ajax' AND $doc->theme == 'bootstrap3'){ $this->buffer = '<div class="gbs3">'.$this->buffer.'</div>'; } Event::trigger('on_after_dispatch'); } function render(){ Event::trigger('on_before_render'); $template_model = new \GCore\Admin\Models\Template(); $params = null; if(empty($this->template)){ $template_data = $template_model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Template.site' => $this->site, 'Template.default' => 1), 'recursive' => -1, 'cache' => true )); }else{ $template_data = $template_model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array('Template.name' => $this->template), 'recursive' => -1, 'cache' => true )); } if(!empty($template_data)){ $this->template = $template_data['Template']['source']; $params = new Parameter($template_data['Template']['params']); } //get template view from the request $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout; //render the active template $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread); $template = Template::getInstance($doc, $this->template, $this->tvout, $params); $this->buffer = $template->render(); Event::trigger('on_after_render'); } function output(){ echo $this->buffer; if(Base::getConfig('debug', 0)){ \GCore\Loader::debug(); } } public static function call($site, $extension, $controller = '', $action = '', $params = array(), $check_perm = true){ //$x_app = self::getInstance($site, 'x_core_'.rand()); $x_app = \GCore\Bootstrap::getApp($site, 'x_core_'.rand()); $x_app->extension = $extension; $x_app->controller = $controller; $x_app->action = $action; $x_app->set($params); $x_app->dispatch(true, $check_perm); return $x_app->buffer; } }