Direktori : /proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/libraries/cegcore/helpers/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/libraries/cegcore/helpers/html.php |
<?php /** * ChronoCMS version 1.0 * Copyright (c) 2012 ChronoCMS.com, All rights reserved. * Author: (ChronoCMS.com Team) * license: Please read LICENSE.txt * Visit http://www.ChronoCMS.com for regular updates and information. **/ namespace GCore\Helpers; /* @copyright:ChronoEngine.com @license:GPLv2 */defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); defined("GCORE_SITE") or die; class Html extends \GCore\Libs\Helper{ static $counter = array(); static $usedIds = array(); //static $last_field_params = array(); //static $template = ''; static $active_set = 'div'; static $sets_config = array( 'table' => array('table', 'tr', 'td'), 'ul' => array('ul', 'li', 'div'), 'div' => array('div', 'div', 'div'), ); function __construct(){ } /* public static function bs(){ self::$template = 'bs'; } */ public static function active_set($set = 'table'){ self::$active_set = $set; } public static function set_tag($index){ return self::$sets_config[self::$active_set][$index]; } public static function image($src, $params = array()){ $attributes = array('src', 'height', 'width', 'border', 'alt', 'rel', 'title', 'style', 'class', 'onclick'); $params['src'] = $src; return self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<img ', ' />'); //break; } public static function url($text, $href = '', $params = array()){ $attributes = array('href', 'target', 'alt', 'rel', 'title', 'style', 'class', 'onclick'); //$params['href'] = $href; return self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<a href="'.$href.'" ', '>'.$text.'</a>'); //break; } public static function styles($styles = array()){ if(is_string($styles)){ return $styles; } return implode('; ', array_map(create_function('$k,$v', 'return $k.":".$v;'), array_keys($styles), array_values($styles))); } private static function _fix_field_params($name, &$params){ //force field id if it doesn't exist if(!isset($params['id'])){ $new_id = !empty($name) ? \GCore\Libs\Str::clean($name).'__#' : 'fld__#'; $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($new_id); } //fix field class if(!isset($params['class'])){ $params['class'] = ''; } //fix label params if(!isset($params['label'])){ $params['label'] = null; } if(is_string($params['label']) AND !empty($params['label'])){ $params['label'] = array('text' => $params['label']); } if(!isset($params['label']['text']) OR $params['label']['text'] == ''){ $params['label'] = null; } if(!empty($params['label'])){ if(!array_key_exists('for', $params['label']) OR (array_key_exists('for', $params['label']) AND strlen($params['label']['for']) == 0 AND $params['label']['for'] !== false)){ $params['label']['for'] = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : ''; } if(empty($params['label']['position'])){ $params['label']['position'] = 'left'; } } //check multi inputs// not needed! /*if(!empty($params['type']) AND $params['type'] == 'multi' AND !empty($params['inputs'])){ foreach($params['inputs'] as $k => $input){ self::_fix_field_params($input); $params['inputs'][$k] = $input; } }*/ /*if(!array_intersect(explode(' ', $params['class']), array('A', 'SSS', 'SS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', 'XXL', 'XXXL'))){ $params['class'] = self::addClass(array('A'), $params['class']); }*/ } public static function _concat($atts = array(), $valid = array(), $prefix = '', $postfix = ''){ $out = array(); foreach($atts as $k => $v){ if(in_array($k, $valid) OR strpos($k, ':') === 0){ if(is_array($v) AND $k == 'style'){ $v = self::styles($v); } $k = str_replace(':', '', $k); $v = str_replace('&', '&', $v); $out[] = $k.'="'.htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES).'"'; } } if(!empty($out)){ return $prefix.implode(' ', $out).$postfix; } return $prefix.$postfix; } private static function _field_uid($id){ /*$new_id = str_replace('__#', self::$counter, $id); if(!in_array($new_id, self::$usedIds)){ self::$usedIds[] = $id = $new_id; self::$counter++; }else{ if($new_id != $id){ self::$counter++; return self::_field_uid($id); } } return $id;*/ $clean_id = str_replace('__#', '', $id); $new_id = str_replace('__#', (!empty(self::$counter[$clean_id]) ? self::$counter[$clean_id] : ''), $id); if(!isset(self::$counter[$clean_id])){ self::$counter[$clean_id] = 0; } self::$counter[$clean_id]++; return $new_id; } public static function html_label($params = array(), $f_params = array()){ $attributes = array('for', 'class', 'id'); $tag = 'label'; $params['class'] = empty($params['class']) ? '' : $params['class']; if(!empty($params['sub'])){ $params['class'] = self::addClass(array('gcore-sub-label'), $params['class']); }else{ $params['position'] = !empty($params['position']) ? $params['position'] : 'left'; $default_class = 'gcore-label-'.$params['position']; $params['class'] = empty($params['class']) ? $default_class : $params['class']; } return self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<'.$tag.' ', '>'.$params['text'].'</'.$tag.'>'); } public static function container($tag = 'div', $html = '', $params = array()){ if(!empty($params['id']) AND strpos($params['id'], '__#')){ $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($params['id']); } return self::_concat($params, array_keys($params), '<'.$tag.(!empty($params) ? ' ': ''), '>'.$html.'</'.$tag.'>'); } public static function html_formStart($class = 'gcore-all', $id = ''){ return '<div class="'.$class.'"'.($id ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '').'>'; } public static function html_formSecStart($class = 'gcore-section', $id = ''){ return '<'.self::set_tag(0).' class="'.$class.'"'.($id ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '').'>'; } public static function html_formSecEnd(){ return '</'.self::set_tag(0).'>'; } public static function html_formEnd(){ return '</div>'; } public static function html_formLine($name, $params = array()){ $tags = array(); switch($params['type']){ default: $formInput = self::formInput($name, $params); $postfix = !empty($params['id']) ? '-'.$params['id'] : '__#'; $table_cell_class = 'gcore-line-td'; $form_cell = self::container(self::set_tag(2), $formInput, array('class' => $table_cell_class, 'id' => 'ftd'.$postfix)); $tags[] = self::container(self::set_tag(1), $form_cell, array('class' => 'gcore-line-tr gcore-form-row', 'id' => 'ftr'.$postfix)); break; } return implode("\n", $tags); } public static function html_formInput($name, $params = array(), $formInputParams = array()){ $postfix = !empty($params['id']) ? '-'.$params['id'] : '__#'; $tags = array(); $class = 'gcore-input'; if(!empty($params['label']['position']) AND $params['label']['position'] == 'top'){ $class = 'gcore-input-wide'; } if(!empty($formInputParams['class'])){ $class .= ' '.$formInputParams['class']; }else{ $class = (!empty($params['sub_input'])? 'gcore-input-container ' : '').'gcore-display-table '.$class;//gcore-input-container } $id = 'fin'.$postfix; if(!empty($formInputParams['id'])){ $id = $formInputParams['id']; } switch($params['type']){ case 'radio': case 'checkbox_group': $input = self::input($name, $params); $column = 'single'; if(!empty($params['horizontal'])){ $column = 'multiple'; } $input = self::container('div', $input, array('class' => 'gcore-'.$column.'-column', 'id' => 'fclmn__#')); break; default: $input = self::input($name, $params); break; } //$params = self::$last_field_params; //the main label is NOT a sub label, inject it before the input if(!empty($params['label']) AND empty($params['label']['sub'])){ $tags[] = self::label($params['label'], $params); } if(!empty($params['sublabel'])){ //we have a secondary sublabel description $tags[] = self::container('div', $input.self::label(array('text' => $params['sublabel'], 'sub' => true), $params), array('class' => $class, 'id' => $id)); }else{ if($params['type'] == 'multi'){ $tags[] = $input; }else{ $tags[] = self::container('div', $input, array('class' => $class, 'id' => $id)); } } //the main label is a sub label, inject it after the input if(!empty($params['label']) AND !empty($params['label']['sub'])){ $tags[] = self::label($params['label'], $params); } return implode("\n", $tags); } public static function html_input($name, $params = array()){ $output = ''; $tags = array(); switch($params['type']){ case 'hidden': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'alt', 'class'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'submit': case 'button': case 'reset': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'class', 'style', 'onclick'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'textarea': $attributes = array('name', 'id', 'class', 'rows', 'cols', 'title', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt', 'placeholder', 'readonly'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<textarea ', '>'.(isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : '').'</textarea>'); break; case 'dropdown': $attributes = array('name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'multiple', 'size', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(array_key_exists('multiple', $params) AND empty($params['multiple'])){ unset($params['multiple']); } $set_empty = false; if(array_key_exists('empty', $params) AND !empty($params['empty'])){ $set_empty = true; } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<select ', '>'); if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_string($params['options']) AND strpos($params['options'], '=')){ $params['options'] = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($params['options'], '='); } if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_array($params['options'])){ if($set_empty){ $params['options'] = array('' => $params['empty']) + $params['options']; } foreach($params['options'] as $value => $title){ if(is_array($title)){ //this is an optgroup $tags[] = self::_concat(array('label' => $value), array('value', 'label', 'class'), '<optgroup ', '>'); foreach($title as $opt_v => $opt_l){ $option_params = array('value' => $opt_v); if(isset($params['values']) AND in_array($opt_v, (array)$params['values'])){ $option_params['selected'] = 'selected'; } if(!empty($params['options_classes'][$opt_v])){ $option_params['class'] = $params['options_classes'][$opt_v]; } $tags[] = self::_concat($option_params, array('value', 'selected', 'class'), '<option ', '>'.$opt_l.'</option>'); } $tags[] = '</optgroup>'; }else{ $option_params = array('value' => $value); if(isset($params['values']) AND in_array($value, (array)$params['values'])){ $option_params['selected'] = 'selected'; } if(!empty($params['options_classes'][$value])){ $option_params['class'] = $params['options_classes'][$value]; } $tags[] = self::_concat($option_params, array('value', 'selected', 'class'), '<option ', '>'.$title.'</option>'); } } } $tags[] = '</select>'; break; case 'radio': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input($params['name'], array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_array($params['options'])){ $id = $params['id'].'__#'; $originals = $params; foreach($params['options'] as $value => $label){ unset($params['checked']); if(isset($originals['value']) AND strlen($originals['value']) AND $value == $originals['value']){ $params['checked'] = 'checked'; } $params['value'] = $value; $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($id); $item = array(); $item[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); if(!empty($params['label_input'])){ $label = array_pop($item).$label; } $item[] = self::label(array('text' => $label, 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-radio-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); } $params['id'] = ''; } break; case 'checkbox_group': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input(str_replace('[]', '', $params['name']), array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } $params['type'] = 'checkbox'; if(!array_key_exists('brackets', $params) OR $params['brackets'] === true){ $params['name'] = $params['name'].'[]'; } if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_array($params['options'])){ $id = $params['id'].'__#'; foreach($params['options'] as $value => $label){ unset($params['checked']); if(isset($params['values']) AND in_array($value, (array)$params['values'])){ $params['checked'] = 'checked'; } $params['value'] = $value; $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($id); $item = array(); $item[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); if(!empty($params['label_input'])){ $label = array_pop($item).$label; } $item[] = self::label(array('text' => $label, 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-checkbox-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); } $params['id'] = ''; } break; case 'checkbox': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input($params['name'], array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } if(array_key_exists('checked', $params) AND empty($params['checked'])){ unset($params['checked']); } if(array_key_exists('checked', $params) AND !empty($params['checked'])){ $params['checked'] = 'checked'; } if(array_key_exists('secondary_label', $params) AND !empty($params['secondary_label'])){ $item = array(); $item[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); $item[] = self::label(array('text' => $params['secondary_label'], 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-checkbox-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); }else{ $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); } break; case 'file': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt', 'multiple'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input($params['name'], array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } if(!empty($params['multiple']) AND (bool)$params['multiple'] === true){ $params['multiple'] = 'multiple'; }else{ if(isset($params['multiple'])){ unset($params['multiple']); } } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'multi': $layout = !empty($params['layout']) ? '-'.$params['layout'] : ''; if(!empty($params['inputs'])){ foreach($params['inputs'] as $sub_input){ if(!empty($sub_input['name'])){ //$tags[] = self::formInput($sub_input['name'], $sub_input, array('class' => 'gcore-subinput-container'.$layout, 'id' => 'fitem__#')); $sub_input['sub_input'] = true; $postfix = !empty($sub_input['id']) ? '-'.$sub_input['id'] : '__#'; $generated_input = self::formInput($sub_input['name'], $sub_input, array('class' => 'gcore-subfield-container'.$layout, 'id' => 'fld'.$postfix)); $tags[] = self::container('div', $generated_input, array('class' => 'gcore-subinput-container'.$layout, 'id' => 'fitem'.$postfix)); } } } break; case 'custom': $tags[] = (isset($params['code']) AND strlen($params['code'])) ? $params['code'] : ''; break; case 'text': case 'password': default: $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'class', 'size', 'maxlength', 'title', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt', 'placeholder', 'readonly'); $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($params['id']); //clear empty parameters if exists if(isset($params['size']) AND empty($params['size'])){ unset($params['size']); } if(isset($params['maxlength']) AND empty($params['maxlength'])){ unset($params['maxlength']); } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; } //self::$last_field_params = $params; $return = implode("\n", $tags); if(!empty($params['beforeInput'])){ $return = $params['beforeInput'].$return; } if(!empty($params['afterInput'])){ $return = $return.$params['afterInput']; } return $return; } public static function addClass($new, $orig){ if(is_array($orig)){ return trim(implode(' ', array_merge($orig, (array)$new))); }else{ $orig = array_filter(explode(' ', $orig)); return trim(implode(' ', array_merge($orig, (array)$new))); } } public static function removeClass($rem, $orig){ if(is_array($orig)){ foreach($orig as $k => $class){ if(in_array($class, $rem)){ unset($orig[$k]); } } return implode(' ', $orig); }else{ $orig = array_filter(explode(' ', $orig)); return self::removeClass($rem, $orig); } } private static function _check_args($args){ $name = $args[0]; $params = $args[1]; //make sure that we have a field name and type set if(empty($name) OR empty($params['type'])){ return null; } self::_fix_field_params($name, $params); $params['name'] = $name; return array(0 => $name, 1 => $params); } public function __call($name, $args){ if(in_array($name, array('input', 'formInput', 'formLine'))){ $args = self::_check_args($args); if(is_null($args)){ return ''; } } return parent::__call($name, $args); } public static function __callStatic($name, $args){ if(in_array($name, array('input', 'formInput', 'formLine'))){ $args = self::_check_args($args); if(is_null($args)){ return ''; } } return parent::__callStatic($name, $args); } }