Direktori : /proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/public_html/pdf/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home1/lightco1/public_html/pdf/html2fpdf.php |
<?php if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' ); /** * @version $Id: html2fpdf.php 1828 2009-06-25 06:08:11Z Aravot $ * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage HMTL2PDF * @author Renato Coelho * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2007 soeren - All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * * http://virtuemart.net */ /* *** General-use version DEBUG HINT: - Inside function printbuffer make $fill=1 - Inside function Cell make: if($fill==1 or $border==1) { // if ($fill==1) $op=($border==1) ? 'B' : 'f'; // else $op='S'; $op='S'; - Following these 2 steps you will be able to see the cell's boundaries WARNING: When adding a new tag support, also add its name inside the function DisableTags()'s very long string ODDITIES (?): . It seems like saved['border'] and saved['bgcolor'] are useless inside the FlowingBlock... These 2 attributes do the same thing?!?: . $this->currentfont - mine . $this->CurrentFont - fpdf's TODO (in the future...): - Make font-family, font-size, lineheight customizable - Increase number of HTML/CSS tags/properties, Image/Font Types, recognized/supported - allow BMP support? (tried with http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net/ but failed) - Improve CSS support - support image side-by-side or one-below-another or both? - Improve code clarity even more (modularize and get better var names like on textbuffer array's indexes for example) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////DO NOT MODIFY THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOX////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // HTML2FPDF is a php script to read a HTML text and generate a PDF file. // // Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Renato Coelho // // This script may be distributed as long as the following files are kept // // together: // // // // fpdf.php, html2fpdf.php, gif.php,htmltoolkit.php,license.txt,credits.txt // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Misc. Observations: - CSS + align = bug! (?) OBS1: para textos de mais de 1 p?gina, talvez tenha que juntar varios $texto_artigo antes de mandar gerar o PDF, para que o PDF gerado seja completo. OBS2: there are 2 types of spaces 32 and 160 (ascii values) OBS3: //! is a special comment to be used with source2doc.php, a script I created in order to generate the doc on the site html2fpdf.sf.net OBS4: var $LineWidth; // line width in user unit - use this to make css thin/medium/thick work OBS5: Images and Textareas: when they are inserted you can only type below them (==display:block) OBS6: Optimized to 'A4' paper (default font: Arial , normal , size 11 ) OBS7: Regexp + Perl ([preg]accepts non-greedy quantifiers while PHP[ereg] does not) Perl: '/regexp/x' where x == option ( x = i:ignore case , x = s: DOT gets \n as well) ========================END OF INITIAL COMMENTS================================= */ define('HTML2FPDF_VERSION','3.0(beta)'); if (!defined('RELATIVE_PATH')) define('RELATIVE_PATH',''); if (!defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/'); require_once(RELATIVE_PATH.'fpdf.php'); require_once(RELATIVE_PATH.'htmltoolkit.php'); class HTML2FPDF extends FPDF { //internal attributes var $HREF; //! string var $pgwidth; //! float var $fontlist; //! array var $issetfont; //! bool var $issetcolor; //! bool var $titulo; //! string var $oldx; //! float var $oldy; //! float var $B; //! int var $U; //! int var $I; //! int var $tablestart; //! bool var $tdbegin; //! bool var $table; //! array var $cell; //! array var $col; //! int var $row; //! int var $divbegin; //! bool var $divalign; //! char var $divwidth; //! float var $divheight; //! float var $divbgcolor; //! bool var $divcolor; //! bool var $divborder; //! int var $divrevert; //! bool var $listlvl; //! int var $listnum; //! int var $listtype; //! string //array(lvl,# of occurrences) var $listoccur; //! array //array(lvl,occurrence,type,maxnum) var $listlist; //! array //array(lvl,num,content,type) var $listitem; //! array var $buffer_on; //! bool var $pbegin; //! bool var $pjustfinished; //! bool var $blockjustfinished; //! bool var $SUP; //! bool var $SUB; //! bool var $toupper; //! bool var $tolower; //! bool var $dash_on; //! bool var $dotted_on; //! bool var $strike; //! bool var $CSS; //! array var $cssbegin; //! bool var $backupcss; //! array var $textbuffer; //! array var $currentstyle; //! string var $currentfont; //! string var $colorarray; //! array var $bgcolorarray; //! array var $internallink; //! array var $enabledtags; //! string var $lineheight; //! int var $basepath; //! string // array('COLOR','WIDTH','OLDWIDTH') var $outlineparam; //! array var $outline_on; //! bool var $specialcontent; //! string var $selectoption; //! array //options attributes var $usecss; //! bool var $usepre; //! bool var $usetableheader; //! bool var $shownoimg; //! bool function HTML2FPDF($orientation='P',$unit='mm',$format='A4') { //! @desc Constructor //! @return An object (a class instance) //Call parent constructor $this->FPDF($orientation,$unit,$format); //To make the function Footer() work properly $this->AliasNbPages(); //Enable all tags as default $this->DisableTags(); //Set default display preferences $this->DisplayPreferences(''); //Initialization of the attributes $this->SetFont('Arial','',11); // Changeable?(not yet...) $this->lineheight = 5; // Related to FontSizePt == 11 $this->pgwidth = $this->fw - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin ; $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->HREF=''; $this->titulo=''; $this->oldx=-1; $this->oldy=-1; $this->B=0; $this->U=0; $this->I=0; $this->listlvl=0; $this->listnum=0; $this->listtype=''; $this->listoccur=array(); $this->listlist=array(); $this->listitem=array(); $this->tablestart=false; $this->tdbegin=false; $this->table=array(); $this->cell=array(); $this->col=-1; $this->row=-1; $this->divbegin=false; $this->divalign="L"; $this->divwidth=0; $this->divheight=0; $this->divbgcolor=false; $this->divcolor=false; $this->divborder=0; $this->divrevert=false; $this->fontlist=array("arial","times","courier","helvetica","symbol","monospace","serif","sans"); $this->issetfont=false; $this->issetcolor=false; $this->pbegin=false; $this->pjustfinished=false; $this->blockjustfinished = true; //in order to eliminate exceeding left-side spaces $this->toupper=false; $this->tolower=false; $this->dash_on=false; $this->dotted_on=false; $this->SUP=false; $this->SUB=false; $this->buffer_on=false; $this->strike=false; $this->currentfont=''; $this->currentstyle=''; $this->colorarray=array(); $this->bgcolorarray=array(); $this->cssbegin=false; $this->textbuffer=array(); $this->CSS=array(); $this->backupcss=array(); $this->internallink=array(); $this->basepath = ""; $this->outlineparam = array(); $this->outline_on = false; $this->specialcontent = ''; $this->selectoption = array(); $this->shownoimg=false; $this->usetableheader=false; $this->usecss=true; $this->usepre=true; } function setBasePath($str) { //! @desc Inform the script where the html file is (full path - e.g. http://www.google.com/dir1/dir2/dir3/file.html ) in order to adjust HREF and SRC links. No-Parameter: The directory where this script is. //! @return void $this->basepath = dirname($str) . "/"; $this->basepath = str_replace("\\","/",$this->basepath); //If on Windows } function ShowNOIMG_GIF($opt=true) { //! @desc Enable/Disable Displaying the no_img.gif when an image is not found. No-Parameter: Enable //! @return void $this->shownoimg=$opt; } function UseCSS($opt=true) { //! @desc Enable/Disable CSS recognition. No-Parameter: Enable //! @return void $this->usecss=$opt; } function UseTableHeader($opt=true) { //! @desc Enable/Disable Table Header to appear every new page. No-Parameter: Enable //! @return void $this->usetableheader=$opt; } function UsePRE($opt=true) { //! @desc Enable/Disable pre tag recognition. No-Parameter: Enable //! @return void $this->usepre=$opt; } //Page header function Header($content='') { //! @return void //! @desc The header is printed in every page. if($this->usetableheader and $content != '') { $y = $this->y; foreach($content as $tableheader) { $this->y = $y; //Set some cell values $x = $tableheader['x']; $w = $tableheader['w']; $h = $tableheader['h']; $va = $tableheader['va']; $mih = $tableheader['mih']; $fill = $tableheader['bgcolor']; $border = $tableheader['border']; $align = $tableheader['a']; //Align $this->divalign=$align; $this->x = $x; //Vertical align if (!isset($va) || $va=='M') $this->y += ($h-$mih)/2; elseif (isset($va) && $va=='B') $this->y += $h-$mih; if ($fill) { $color = ConvertColor($fill); $this->SetFillColor($color['R'],$color['G'],$color['B']); $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'F'); } //Border if (isset($border) and $border != 'all') $this->_tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $border); elseif (isset($border) && $border == 'all') $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h); //Print cell content $this->divwidth = $w-2; $this->divheight = 1.1*$this->lineheight; $textbuffer = $tableheader['textbuffer']; if (!empty($textbuffer)) $this->printbuffer($textbuffer,false,true/*inside a table*/); $textbuffer = array(); } $this->y = $y + $h; //Update y coordinate }//end of 'if usetableheader ...' } //Page footer function Footer() { //! @return void //! @desc The footer is printed in every page! //Position at 1.0 cm from bottom $this->SetY(-10); //Copyright //especial para esta vers?o $this->SetFont('Arial','B',9); $this->SetTextColor(0); //Arial italic 9 $this->SetFont('Arial','I',9); //Page number $this->Cell(0,10,$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); //Return Font to normal $this->SetFont('Arial','',11); } /////////////////// /// HTML parser /// /////////////////// function WriteHTML($html) { //! @desc HTML parser //! @return void /* $e == content */ $this->ReadMetaTags($html); $html = AdjustHTML($html,$this->usepre); //Try to make HTML look more like XHTML if ($this->usecss) $html = $this->ReadCSS($html); //Add new supported tags in the DisableTags function $html=str_replace('<?php','< ',$html); //Fix '<?XML' bug from HTML code generated by MS Word $html=strip_tags($html,$this->enabledtags); //remove all unsupported tags, but the ones inside the 'enabledtags' string //Explode the string in order to parse the HTML code $a=preg_split('/<(.*?)>/ms',$html,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($a as $i => $e) { if($i%2==0) { if (strpos($e,"&") !== false) //HTML-ENTITIES decoding { if (strpos($e,"#") !== false) $e = value_entity_decode($e); // Decode value entities //Avoid crashing the script on PHP 4.0 $version = phpversion(); $version = str_replace('.','',$version); if ($version >= 430) $e = html_entity_decode($e,ENT_QUOTES,'cp1252'); // changes and the like by their respective char else $e = lesser_entity_decode($e); } $e = str_replace(chr(160),chr(32),$e); //unify ascii code of spaces (in order to recognize all of them correctly) if (strlen($e) == 0) continue; if ($this->divrevert) $e = strrev($e); if ($this->toupper) $e = strtoupper($e); if ($this->tolower) $e = strtolower($e); //Start of 'if/elseif's if($this->titulo) $this->SetTitle($e); elseif($this->specialcontent) { if ($this->specialcontent == "type=select" and $this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] == true) //SELECT tag (form element) { $stringwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($e); if (!isset($this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']) or $stringwidth > $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']) $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'] = $stringwidth; if (!isset($this->selectoption['SELECTED']) or $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] == '') $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = $e; } else $this->textbuffer[] = array("???"/*identifier*/.$this->specialcontent."???".$e); } elseif($this->tablestart) { if($this->tdbegin) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e,$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = $e; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->GetStringWidth($e); } //Ignore content between <table>,<tr> and a <td> tag (this content is usually only a bunch of spaces) } elseif($this->pbegin or $this->HREF or $this->divbegin or $this->SUP or $this->SUB or $this->strike or $this->buffer_on) $this->textbuffer[] = array($e,$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); //Accumulate text on buffer else { if ($this->blockjustfinished) $e = ltrim($e); if ($e != '') { $this->Write($this->lineheight,$e); //Write text directly in the PDF if ($this->pjustfinished) $this->pjustfinished = false; } } } else { //Tag if($e{0}=='/') $this->CloseTag(strtoupper(substr($e,1))); else { $regexp = '|=\'(.*?)\'|s'; // eliminate single quotes, if any $e = preg_replace($regexp,"=\"\$1\"",$e); $regexp = '| (\\w+?)=([^\\s>"]+)|si'; // changes anykey=anyvalue to anykey="anyvalue" (only do this when this happens inside tags) $e = preg_replace($regexp," \$1=\"\$2\"",$e); //Fix path values, if needed if ((stristr($e,"href=") !== false) or (stristr($e,"src=") !== false) ) { $regexp = '/ (href|src)="(.*?)"/i'; preg_match($regexp,$e,$auxiliararray); $path = $auxiliararray[2]; $path = str_replace("\\","/",$path); //If on Windows //Get link info and obtain its absolute path $regexp = '|^./|'; $path = preg_replace($regexp,'',$path); if($path{0} != '#') //It is not an Internal Link { if (strpos($path,"../") !== false ) //It is a Relative Link { $backtrackamount = substr_count($path,"../"); $maxbacktrack = substr_count($this->basepath,"/") - 1; $filepath = str_replace("../",'',$path); $path = $this->basepath; //If it is an invalid relative link, then make it go to directory root if ($backtrackamount > $maxbacktrack) $backtrackamount = $maxbacktrack; //Backtrack some directories for( $i = 0 ; $i < $backtrackamount + 1 ; $i++ ) $path = substr( $path, 0 , strrpos($path,"/") ); $path = $path . "/" . $filepath; //Make it an absolute path } elseif( strpos($path,":/") === false) //It is a Local Link { $path = $this->basepath . $path; } //Do nothing if it is an Absolute Link } $regexp = '/ (href|src)="(.*?)"/i'; $e = preg_replace($regexp,' \\1="'.$path.'"',$e); //echo $e; //exit(); }//END of Fix path values //Extract attributes $contents=array(); preg_match_all('/\\S*=["\'][^"\']*["\']/',$e,$contents); preg_match('/\\S+/',$e,$a2); $tag=strtoupper($a2[0]); $attr=array(); if (!empty($contents)) { foreach($contents[0] as $v) { if(@ereg('^([^=]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?$',$v,$a3)) { $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])]=$a3[2]; } } } $this->OpenTag($tag,$attr); } } }//end of foreach($a as $i=>$e) //Create Internal Links, if needed if (!empty($this->internallink) ) { foreach($this->internallink as $k=>$v) { if (strpos($k,"#") !== false ) continue; //ignore $ypos = $v['Y']; $pagenum = $v['PAGE']; $sharp = "#"; while (array_key_exists($sharp.$k,$this->internallink)) { $internallink = $this->internallink[$sharp.$k]; $this->SetLink($internallink,$ypos,$pagenum); $sharp .= "#"; } } } } function OpenTag($tag,$attr) { //! @return void // What this gets: < $tag $attr['WIDTH']="90px" > does not get content here </closeTag here> $align = array('left'=>'L','center'=>'C','right'=>'R','top'=>'T','middle'=>'M','bottom'=>'B','justify'=>'J'); $this->blockjustfinished=false; //Opening tag switch($tag){ case 'PAGE_BREAK': //custom-tag case 'NEWPAGE': //custom-tag $this->blockjustfinished = true; $this->AddPage(); break; case 'OUTLINE': //custom-tag (CSS2 property - browsers don't support it yet - Jan2005) //Usage: (default: width=normal color=white) //<outline width="(thin|medium|thick)" color="(usualcolorformat)" >Text</outline> //Mix this tag with the <font color="(usualcolorformat)"> tag to get mixed colors on outlined text! $this->buffer_on = true; if (isset($attr['COLOR'])) $this->outlineparam['COLOR'] = ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']); else $this->outlineparam['COLOR'] = array('R'=>255,'G'=>255,'B'=>255); //white $this->outlineparam['OLDWIDTH'] = $this->LineWidth; if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) { switch(strtoupper($attr['WIDTH'])) { case 'THIN': $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = 0.75*$this->LineWidth; break; case 'MEDIUM': $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = $this->LineWidth; break; case 'THICK': $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = 1.75*$this->LineWidth; break; } } else $this->outlineparam['WIDTH'] = $this->LineWidth; //width == oldwidth break; case 'BDO': if (isset($attr['DIR']) and (strtoupper($attr['DIR']) == 'RTL' )) $this->divrevert = true; break; case 'S': case 'STRIKE': case 'DEL': $this->strike=true; break; case 'SUB': $this->SUB=true; break; case 'SUP': $this->SUP=true; break; case 'CENTER': $this->buffer_on = true; if ($this->tdbegin) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'] = $align['center']; else { $this->divalign = $align['center']; if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); } break; case 'ADDRESS': $this->buffer_on = true; $this->SetStyle('I',true); if (!$this->tdbegin and $this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); break; case 'TABLE': // TABLE-BEGIN if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->tablestart = true; $this->table['nc'] = $this->table['nr'] = 0; if (isset($attr['REPEAT_HEADER']) and $attr['REPEAT_HEADER'] == true) $this->UseTableHeader(true); if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $this->table['w'] = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->pgwidth); if (isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $this->table['h'] = ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'],$this->pgwidth); if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) $this->table['a'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; if (isset($attr['BORDER'])) $this->table['border'] = $attr['BORDER']; if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) $this->table['bgcolor'][-1] = $attr['BGCOLOR']; break; case 'TR': $this->row++; $this->table['nr']++; $this->col = -1; if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR']))$this->table['bgcolor'][$this->row] = $attr['BGCOLOR']; break; case 'TH': $this->SetStyle('B',true); if (!isset($attr['ALIGN'])) $attr['ALIGN'] = "center"; case 'TD': $this->tdbegin = true; $this->col++; while (isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col])) $this->col++; //Update number column if ($this->table['nc'] < $this->col+1) $this->table['nc'] = $this->col+1; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col] = array(); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'] = array(); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 3; if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['w'] = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->pgwidth); if (isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'],$this->pgwidth); if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; if (isset($attr['VALIGN'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['va'] = $align[strtolower($attr['VALIGN'])]; if (isset($attr['BORDER'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['border'] = $attr['BORDER']; if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['bgcolor'] = $attr['BGCOLOR']; $cs = $rs = 1; if (isset($attr['COLSPAN']) && $attr['COLSPAN']>1) $cs = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['colspan'] = $attr['COLSPAN']; if (isset($attr['ROWSPAN']) && $attr['ROWSPAN']>1) $rs = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['rowspan'] = $attr['ROWSPAN']; //Chiem dung vi tri de danh cho cell span (?mais hein?) for ($k=$this->row ; $k < $this->row+$rs ;$k++) for($l=$this->col; $l < $this->col+$cs ;$l++) { if ($k-$this->row || $l-$this->col) $this->cell[$k][$l] = 0; } if (isset($attr['NOWRAP'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nowrap']= 1; break; case 'OL': if ( !isset($attr['TYPE']) or $attr['TYPE'] == '' ) $this->listtype = '1'; //OL default == '1' else $this->listtype = $attr['TYPE']; // ol and ul types are mixed here case 'UL': if ( (!isset($attr['TYPE']) or $attr['TYPE'] == '') and $tag=='UL') { //Insert UL defaults if ($this->listlvl == 0) $this->listtype = 'disc'; elseif ($this->listlvl == 1) $this->listtype = 'circle'; else $this->listtype = 'square'; } elseif (isset($attr['TYPE']) and $tag=='UL') $this->listtype = $attr['TYPE']; $this->buffer_on = false; if ($this->listlvl == 0) { //First of all, skip a line if (!$this->pjustfinished) { if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->Ln($this->lineheight); } $this->oldx = $this->x; $this->listlvl++; // first depth level $this->listnum = 0; // reset $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1; $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][1] = array('TYPE'=>$this->listtype,'MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum); } else { if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) { $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]); $this->listnum++; } $this->textbuffer = array(); $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]; $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum; //save previous lvl's maxnum $this->listlvl++; $this->listnum = 0; // reset if ($this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] == 0) $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1; else $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]++; $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]; $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur] = array('TYPE'=>$this->listtype,'MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum); } break; case 'LI': //Observation: </LI> is ignored if ($this->listlvl == 0) //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</p><li>Content</li><p>Paragraph1</p>(...) { //First of all, skip a line if (!$this->pjustfinished and $this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln(2*$this->lineheight); $this->oldx = $this->x; $this->listlvl++; // first depth level $this->listnum = 0; // reset $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1; $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][1] = array('TYPE'=>'disc','MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum); } if ($this->listnum == 0) { $this->buffer_on = true; //activate list 'bufferization' $this->listnum++; $this->textbuffer = array(); } else { $this->buffer_on = true; //activate list 'bufferization' if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) { $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]); $this->listnum++; } $this->textbuffer = array(); } break; case 'H1': // 2 * fontsize case 'H2': // 1.5 * fontsize case 'H3': // 1.17 * fontsize case 'H4': // 1 * fontsize case 'H5': // 0.83 * fontsize case 'H6': // 0.67 * fontsize //Values obtained from: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/sample.html if(isset($attr['LIGHTCOTP'])) { if($attr['LIGHTCOTP']=="details"){ $this->SetXY(100,99); $this->SetTextColor(0,0,0); $this->SetFont('Arial','B',14); $this->Cell(0,0,$attr['HDR_CONT'],0,0,'L',0,$attr['HDR_LNK']); $this->SetFont('Arial','B',12); $this->SetXY(100,110); } elseif($attr['LIGHTCOTP']=="bottom_part"){ $this->SetFont('Arial','',12); $this->SetXY(2,225); $this->Cell(0,0,'Notes:'); $this->Line(2,228,208,228); $this->Line(2,235,208,235); $this->Line(2,242,208,242); $this->Line(2,249,208,249); $this->Line(2,256,208,256); $this->Line(2,263,208,263); $this->Line(2,270,208,270); $this->Line(2,277,208,277); $this->Line(2,284,208,284); $this->Line(2,291,208,291); } } else{ if(isset($attr['ALIGN'])) $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; $this->buffer_on = true; if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln(2*$this->lineheight); elseif (!$this->pjustfinished) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->SetStyle('B',true); switch($tag) { case 'H1': $this->SetFontSize(2*$this->FontSizePt); $this->lineheight *= 2; break; case 'H2': $this->SetFontSize(1.5*$this->FontSizePt); $this->lineheight *= 1.5; break; case 'H3': $this->SetFontSize(1.17*$this->FontSizePt); $this->lineheight *= 1.17; break; case 'H4': $this->SetFontSize($this->FontSizePt); break; case 'H5': $this->SetFontSize(0.83*$this->FontSizePt); $this->lineheight *= 0.83; break; case 'H6': $this->SetFontSize(0.67*$this->FontSizePt); $this->lineheight *= 0.67; break; } } break; case 'HR': //Default values: width=100% align=center color=gray //Skip a line, if needed if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->Ln(0.2*$this->lineheight); $hrwidth = $this->pgwidth; $hralign = 'C'; $hrcolor = array('R'=>200,'G'=>200,'B'=>200); if($attr['WIDTH'] != '') $hrwidth = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->pgwidth); if($attr['ALIGN'] != '') $hralign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; if($attr['COLOR'] != '') $hrcolor = ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']); $this->SetDrawColor($hrcolor['R'],$hrcolor['G'],$hrcolor['B']); $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; switch($hralign) { case 'L': case 'J': break; case 'C': $empty = $this->pgwidth - $hrwidth; $empty /= 2; $x += $empty; break; case 'R': $empty = $this->pgwidth - $hrwidth; $x += $empty; break; } $oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth; $this->SetLineWidth(0.3); $this->Line($x,$y,$x+$hrwidth,$y); $this->SetLineWidth($oldlinewidth); $this->Ln(0.2*$this->lineheight); $this->SetDrawColor(0); $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces break; case 'INS': $this->SetStyle('U',true); break; case 'SMALL': $newsize = $this->FontSizePt - 1; $this->SetFontSize($newsize); break; case 'BIG': $newsize = $this->FontSizePt + 1; $this->SetFontSize($newsize); case 'STRONG': $this->SetStyle('B',true); break; case 'CITE': case 'EM': $this->SetStyle('I',true); break; case 'TITLE': $this->titulo = true; break; case 'B': case 'I': case 'U': if( isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE']) ) { $this->cssbegin=true; if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']]; elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']]; //Read Inline CSS if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']); //Look for name in the $this->CSS array $this->backupcss = $properties; if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties); //name found in the CSS array! } $this->SetStyle($tag,true); break; case 'A': if (isset($attr['NAME']) and $attr['NAME'] != '') $this->textbuffer[] = array('','','',array(),'',false,false,$attr['NAME']); //an internal link (adds a space for recognition) if (isset($attr['HREF'])) $this->HREF='http://www.lightco.com.au'.$attr['HREF']; //echo $attr['HREF']; //exit(); break; case 'DIV': //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</div><li>Content</li><div>DIV1</div>(...) if ($this->listlvl > 0) // We are closing (omitted) OL/UL tag(s) { $this->buffer_on = false; if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]); $this->textbuffer = array(); $this->listlvl--; $this->printlistbuffer(); $this->pjustfinished = true; //act as if a paragraph just ended } $this->divbegin=true; if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); if( isset($attr['ALIGN']) and $attr['ALIGN'] != '' ) $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; if( isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE']) ) { $this->cssbegin=true; if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']]; elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']]; //Read Inline CSS if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']); //Look for name in the $this->CSS array if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties); //name found in the CSS array! } break; case 'IMG': if(!empty($this->textbuffer) and !$this->tablestart) { //Output previously buffered content and output image below //Set some default values $olddivwidth = $this->divwidth; $olddivheight = $this->divheight; if ( $this->divwidth == 0) $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; if ( $this->divheight == 0) $this->divheight = $this->lineheight; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,true/*is out of a block (e.g. DIV,P etc.)*/); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->divwidth = $olddivwidth; $this->divheight = $olddivheight; $this->textbuffer=array(); $this->Ln($this->lineheight); } if(isset($attr['SRC'])) { $srcpath = $attr['SRC']; $srcpath = str_replace ("resized%2F", "", $srcpath); if(!isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $attr['WIDTH'] = 0; else $attr['WIDTH'] = ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->pgwidth);//$attr['WIDTH'] /= 4; if(!isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $attr['HEIGHT'] = 0; else $attr['HEIGHT'] = ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'],$this->pgwidth);//$attr['HEIGHT'] /= 4; if ($this->tdbegin) { $bak_x = $this->x; $bak_y = $this->y; //Check whether image exists locally or on the URL $f_exists = @fopen($srcpath,"rb"); if (!$f_exists) //Show 'image not found' icon instead { if(!$this->shownoimg) break; $srcpath = str_replace("\\","/",dirname(__FILE__)) . "/"; $srcpath .= 'no_img.gif'; } $sizesarray = $this->Image($srcpath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'],'','',false); $this->y = $bak_y; $this->x = $bak_x; } elseif($this->pbegin or $this->divbegin) { //In order to support <div align='center'><img ...></div> $ypos = 0; $bak_x = $this->x; $bak_y = $this->y; //Check whether image exists locally or on the URL $f_exists = @fopen($srcpath,"rb"); if (!$f_exists) //Show 'image not found' icon instead { if(!$this->shownoimg) break; $srcpath = str_replace("\\","/",dirname(__FILE__)) . "/"; $srcpath .= 'no_img.gif'; } $sizesarray = $this->Image($srcpath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'],'','',false); $this->y = $bak_y; $this->x = $bak_x; $xpos = ''; switch($this->divalign) { case "C": $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $empty = ($this->pgwidth - $sizesarray['WIDTH'])/2; $xpos = 'xpos='.$empty.','; break; case "R": $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $empty = ($this->pgwidth - $sizesarray['WIDTH']); $xpos = 'xpos='.$empty.','; break; default: break; } $numberoflines = (integer)ceil($sizesarray['HEIGHT']/$this->lineheight) ; $ypos = $numberoflines * $this->lineheight; $this->textbuffer[] = array("???"/*identifier*/."type=image,ypos=$ypos,{$xpos}width=".$sizesarray['WIDTH'].",height=".$sizesarray['HEIGHT']."???".$sizesarray['OUTPUT']); while($numberoflines) {$this->textbuffer[] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray);$numberoflines--;} } else { $imgborder = 0; if (isset($attr['BORDER'])) $imgborder = ConvertSize($attr['BORDER'],$this->pgwidth); //Check whether image exists locally or on the URL $f_exists = @fopen($srcpath,"rb"); if (!$f_exists) //Show 'image not found' icon instead { $srcpath = str_replace("\\","/",dirname(__FILE__)) . "/"; $srcpath .= 'no_img.gif'; } //lightcotp="details" if (isset($attr['LIGHTCOTP'])){ if($attr['LIGHTCOTP'] == "details"){ $this->Image($srcpath,-5,95,$attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'],'',$this->HREF); //$this->SetXY(100,95); //$this->cell(100); } } else{ $sizesarray = $this->Image($srcpath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $attr['WIDTH'], $attr['HEIGHT'],'',$this->HREF); //Output Image $ini_x = $sizesarray['X']; $ini_y = $sizesarray['Y']; } if ($imgborder) { $oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth; $this->SetLineWidth($imgborder); $this->Rect($ini_x,$ini_y,$sizesarray['WIDTH'],$sizesarray['HEIGHT']); $this->SetLineWidth($oldlinewidth); } } if ($sizesarray['X'] < $this->x) $this->x = $this->lMargin; if ($this->tablestart) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("???"/*identifier*/."type=image,width=".$sizesarray['WIDTH'].",height=".$sizesarray['HEIGHT']."???".$sizesarray['OUTPUT']); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $sizesarray['WIDTH'] + 1;// +1 == margin $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['form'] = true; // in order to make some width adjustments later if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['w'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['w'] = $sizesarray['WIDTH'] + 3; if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] + 3; } } break; case 'BLOCKQUOTE': case 'BR': if($this->tablestart) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n"; if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] +2; //+2 == margin elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']+2;//+2 == margin $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0;// reset } elseif($this->divbegin or $this->pbegin or $this->buffer_on) $this->textbuffer[] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); else {$this->Ln($this->lineheight);$this->blockjustfinished = true;} break; case 'P': //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</p><li>Content</li><p>Paragraph1</p>(...) if ($this->listlvl > 0) // We are closing (omitted) OL/UL tag(s) { $this->buffer_on = false; if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]); $this->textbuffer = array(); $this->listlvl--; $this->printlistbuffer(); $this->pjustfinished = true; //act as if a paragraph just ended } if ($this->tablestart) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e,$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n"; break; } $this->pbegin=true; if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln(2*$this->lineheight); elseif (!$this->pjustfinished) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); //Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders... $this->oldx = $this->x; $this->oldy = $this->y; if(isset($attr['ALIGN'])) $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; if(isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE']) ) { $this->cssbegin=true; if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']]; elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']]; //Read Inline CSS if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']); //Look for name in the $this->CSS array $this->backupcss = $properties; if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties); //name(id/class/style) found in the CSS array! } break; case 'SPAN': $this->buffer_on = true; //Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders... $this->oldx = $this->x; $this->oldy = $this->y; if( isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE']) ) { $this->cssbegin=true; if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']]; elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']]; //Read Inline CSS if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']); //Look for name in the $this->CSS array $this->backupcss = $properties; if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties); //name found in the CSS array! } break; case 'PRE': if($this->tablestart) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n"; } elseif($this->divbegin or $this->pbegin or $this->buffer_on) $this->textbuffer[] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); else { if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln(2*$this->lineheight); elseif (!$this->pjustfinished) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->buffer_on = true; //Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders... $this->oldx = $this->x; $this->oldy = $this->y; if(isset($attr['ALIGN'])) $this->divalign = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; if(isset($attr['CLASS']) or isset($attr['ID']) or isset($attr['STYLE']) ) { $this->cssbegin=true; if (isset($attr['CLASS'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['CLASS']]; elseif (isset($attr['ID'])) $properties = $this->CSS[$attr['ID']]; //Read Inline CSS if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) $properties = $this->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']); //Look for name in the $this->CSS array $this->backupcss = $properties; if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties); //name(id/class/style) found in the CSS array! } } case 'TT': case 'KBD': case 'SAMP': case 'CODE': $this->SetFont('courier'); $this->currentfont='courier'; break; case 'TEXTAREA': $this->buffer_on = true; $colsize = 20; //HTML default value $rowsize = 2; //HTML default value if (isset($attr['COLS'])) $colsize = $attr['COLS']; if (isset($attr['ROWS'])) $rowsize = $attr['ROWS']; if (!$this->tablestart) { if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->col = $colsize; $this->row = $rowsize; } else //it is inside a table { $this->specialcontent = "type=textarea,lines=$rowsize,width=".((2.2*$colsize) + 3); //Activate form info in order to paint FORM elements within table $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += (2.2*$colsize) + 6;// +6 == margin if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = 1.1*$this->lineheight*$rowsize + 2.5; } break; case 'SELECT': $this->specialcontent = "type=select"; //Activate form info in order to paint FORM elements within table break; case 'OPTION': $this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] = true; if (empty($this->selectoption)) { $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'] = ''; $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = ''; } if (isset($attr['SELECTED'])) $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = ''; break; case 'FORM': if($this->tablestart) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e,$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n"; } elseif ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); //Skip a line, if needed break; case 'INPUT': if (!isset($attr['TYPE'])) $attr['TYPE'] == ''; //in order to allow default 'TEXT' form (in case of malformed HTML code) if (!$this->tablestart) { switch(strtoupper($attr['TYPE'])){ case 'CHECKBOX': //Draw Checkbox $checked = false; if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) $checked = true; $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->x += 3; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y+1,3,3,'DF'); if ($checked) { $this->Line($this->x,$this->y+1,$this->x+3,$this->y+1+3); $this->Line($this->x,$this->y+1+3,$this->x+3,$this->y+1); } $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->x += 3.5; break; case 'RADIO': //Draw Radio button $checked = false; if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) $checked = true; $this->x += 4; $this->Circle($this->x,$this->y+2.2,1,'D'); $this->_out('0.000 g'); if ($checked) $this->Circle($this->x,$this->y+2.2,0.4,'DF'); $this->Write(5,$texto,$this->x); $this->x += 2; break; case 'BUTTON': // Draw a button case 'SUBMIT': case 'RESET': $texto=''; if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) $texto = $attr['VALUE']; $nihil = 2.5; $this->x += 2; $this->SetFillColor(190,190,190); $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,$this->GetStringWidth($texto)+2*$nihil,4.5,'DF'); // 4.5 in order to avoid overlapping $this->x += $nihil; $this->Write(5,$texto,$this->x); $this->x += $nihil; $this->SetFillColor(255); break; case 'PASSWORD': if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) { $num_stars = strlen($attr['VALUE']); $attr['VALUE'] = str_repeat('*',$num_stars); } case 'TEXT': //Draw TextField default: //default == TEXT $texto=''; if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) $texto = $attr['VALUE']; $tamanho = 20; if (isset($attr['SIZE']) and ctype_digit($attr['SIZE']) ) $tamanho = $attr['SIZE']; $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->x += 2; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,2*$tamanho,4.5,'DF');// 4.5 in order to avoid overlapping if ($texto != '') { $this->x += 1; $this->Write(5,$texto,$this->x); $this->x -= $this->GetStringWidth($texto); } $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->x += 2*$tamanho; break; } } else //we are inside a table { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['form'] = true; // in order to make some width adjustments later $type = ''; $text = ''; $height = 0; $width = 0; switch(strtoupper($attr['TYPE'])){ case 'CHECKBOX': //Draw Checkbox $checked = false; if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) $checked = true; $text = $checked; $type = 'CHECKBOX'; $width = 4; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("???"/*identifier*/."type=input,subtype=$type,width=$width,height=$height"."???".$text); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width; if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight; break; case 'RADIO': //Draw Radio button $checked = false; if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) $checked = true; $text = $checked; $type = 'RADIO'; $width = 3; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("???"/*identifier*/."type=input,subtype=$type,width=$width,height=$height"."???".$text); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width; if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight; break; case 'BUTTON': $type = 'BUTTON'; // Draw a button case 'SUBMIT': if ($type == '') $type = 'SUBMIT'; case 'RESET': if ($type == '') $type = 'RESET'; $texto=''; if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) $texto = " " . $attr['VALUE'] . " "; $text = $texto; $width = $this->GetStringWidth($texto)+3; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("???"/*identifier*/."type=input,subtype=$type,width=$width,height=$height"."???".$text); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width; if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight + 2; break; case 'PASSWORD': if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) { $num_stars = strlen($attr['VALUE']); $attr['VALUE'] = str_repeat('*',$num_stars); } $type = 'PASSWORD'; case 'TEXT': //Draw TextField default: //default == TEXT $texto=''; if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) $texto = $attr['VALUE']; $tamanho = 20; if (isset($attr['SIZE']) and ctype_digit($attr['SIZE']) ) $tamanho = $attr['SIZE']; $text = $texto; $width = 2*$tamanho; if ($type == '') $type = 'TEXT'; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("???"/*identifier*/."type=input,subtype=$type,width=$width,height=$height"."???".$text); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $width; if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight + 2; break; } } break; case 'FONT': //Font size is ignored for now if (isset($attr['COLOR']) and $attr['COLOR']!='') { $cor = ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']); //If something goes wrong switch color to black $cor['R'] = (isset($cor['R'])?$cor['R']:0); $cor['G'] = (isset($cor['G'])?$cor['G']:0); $cor['B'] = (isset($cor['B'])?$cor['B']:0); $this->colorarray = $cor; $this->SetTextColor($cor['R'],$cor['G'],$cor['B']); $this->issetcolor = true; } if (isset($attr['FACE']) and in_array(strtolower($attr['FACE']), $this->fontlist)) { $this->SetFont(strtolower($attr['FACE'])); $this->issetfont=true; } //'If' disabled in this version due lack of testing (you may enable it if you want) // if (isset($attr['FACE']) and in_array(strtolower($attr['FACE']), $this->fontlist) and isset($attr['SIZE']) and $attr['SIZE']!='') { // $this->SetFont(strtolower($attr['FACE']),'',$attr['SIZE']); // $this->issetfont=true; // } break; }//end of switch $this->pjustfinished=false; } function CloseTag($tag) { //! @return void //Closing tag if($tag=='OPTION') $this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] = false; if($tag=='BDO') $this->divrevert = false; if($tag=='INS') $tag='U'; if($tag=='STRONG') $tag='B'; if($tag=='EM' or $tag=='CITE') $tag='I'; if($tag=='OUTLINE') { if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart) { //Deactivate $this->outlineparam for its info is already stored inside $this->textbuffer //if (isset($this->outlineparam['OLDWIDTH'])) $this->SetTextOutline($this->outlineparam['OLDWIDTH']); $this->SetTextOutline(false); $this->outlineparam=array(); //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,true/*is out of a block (e.g. DIV,P etc.)*/); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->Reset(); $this->buffer_on=false; } $this->SetTextOutline(false); $this->outlineparam=array(); } if($tag=='A') { if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart and !$this->buffer_on) { //Deactivate $this->HREF for its info is already stored inside $this->textbuffer $this->HREF=''; //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,true/*is out of a block (e.g. DIV,P etc.)*/); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->Reset(); } $this->HREF=''; } if($tag=='TH') $this->SetStyle('B',false); if($tag=='TH' or $tag=='TD') $this->tdbegin = false; if($tag=='SPAN') { if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart) { if($this->cssbegin) { //Check if we have borders to print if ($this->cssbegin and ($this->divborder or $this->dash_on or $this->dotted_on or $this->divbgcolor)) { $texto=''; foreach($this->textbuffer as $vetor) $texto.=$vetor[0]; $tempx = $this->x; if($this->divbgcolor) $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($texto),$this->lineheight,'',$this->divborder,'','L',$this->divbgcolor); if ($this->dash_on) $this->Rect($this->oldx,$this->oldy,$this->GetStringWidth($texto),$this->lineheight); if ($this->dotted_on) $this->DottedRect($this->x - $this->GetStringWidth($texto),$this->y,$this->GetStringWidth($texto),$this->lineheight); $this->x = $tempx; $this->x -= 1; //adjust alignment } $this->cssbegin=false; $this->backupcss=array(); } //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,true/*is out of a block (e.g. DIV,P etc.)*/); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->Reset(); } $this->buffer_on=false; } if($tag=='P' or $tag=='DIV') //CSS in BLOCK mode { $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces if(!$this->tablestart) { if ($this->divwidth == 0) $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth; if ($tag=='P') { $this->pbegin=false; $this->pjustfinished=true; } else $this->divbegin=false; $content=''; foreach($this->textbuffer as $aux) $content .= $aux[0]; $numlines = $this->WordWrap($content,$this->divwidth); if ($this->divheight == 0) $this->divheight = $numlines * 5; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); if ($tag=='P') $this->Ln($this->lineheight); }//end of 'if (!this->tablestart)' //Reset values $this->Reset(); $this->cssbegin=false; $this->backupcss=array(); } if($tag=='TABLE') { // TABLE-END $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces $this->table['cells'] = $this->cell; $this->table['wc'] = array_pad(array(),$this->table['nc'],array('miw'=>0,'maw'=>0)); $this->table['hr'] = array_pad(array(),$this->table['nr'],0); $this->_tableColumnWidth($this->table); $this->_tableWidth($this->table); $this->_tableHeight($this->table); //Output table on PDF $this->_tableWrite($this->table); //Reset values $this->tablestart=false; //bool $this->table=array(); //array $this->cell=array(); //array $this->col=-1; //int $this->row=-1; //int $this->Reset(); $this->Ln(0.5*$this->lineheight); } if(($tag=='UL') or ($tag=='OL')) { if ($this->buffer_on == false) $this->listnum--;//Adjust minor BUG (this happens when there are two </OL> together) if ($this->listlvl == 1) // We are closing the last OL/UL tag { $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces $this->buffer_on = false; if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]); $this->textbuffer = array(); $this->listlvl--; $this->printlistbuffer(); } else // returning one level { if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) $this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]); $this->textbuffer = array(); $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]; $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum; //save previous lvl's maxnum $this->listlvl--; $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]; $this->listnum = $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM']; // recover previous level's number $this->listtype = $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['TYPE']; // recover previous level's type $this->buffer_on = false; } } if($tag=='H1' or $tag=='H2' or $tag=='H3' or $tag=='H4' or $tag=='H5' or $tag=='H6') { $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart) { //These 2 codelines are useless? $texto=''; foreach($this->textbuffer as $vetor) $texto.=$vetor[0]; //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); //Reset values $this->Reset(); } $this->buffer_on=false; $this->lineheight = 5; $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->SetFontSize(11); $this->SetStyle('B',false); } if($tag=='TITLE') {$this->titulo=false; $this->blockjustfinished = true;} if($tag=='FORM') $this->Ln($this->lineheight); if($tag=='PRE') { if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart) { if ($this->divwidth == 0) $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth; $content=''; foreach($this->textbuffer as $aux) $content .= $aux[0]; $numlines = $this->WordWrap($content,$this->divwidth); if ($this->divheight == 0) $this->divheight = $numlines * 5; //Print content $this->textbuffer[0][0] = ltrim($this->textbuffer[0][0]); //Remove exceeding left-side space $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); if ($this->x != $this->lMargin) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); //Reset values $this->Reset(); $this->Ln(1.1*$this->lineheight); } if($this->tablestart) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = "\n"; } if($this->divbegin or $this->pbegin or $this->buffer_on) $this->textbuffer[] = array("\n",$this->HREF,$this->currentstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfont,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,''/*internal link*/,$this->strike,$this->outlineparam,$this->bgcolorarray); $this->cssbegin=false; $this->backupcss=array(); $this->buffer_on = false; $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces $this->pjustfinished = true; //behaves the same way } if($tag=='CODE' or $tag=='PRE' or $tag=='TT' or $tag=='KBD' or $tag=='SAMP') { $this->currentfont=''; $this->SetFont('arial'); } if($tag=='B' or $tag=='I' or $tag=='U') { $this->SetStyle($tag,false); if ($this->cssbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->pbegin and !$this->buffer_on) { //Reset values $this->Reset(); $this->cssbegin=false; $this->backupcss=array(); } } if($tag=='TEXTAREA') { if (!$this->tablestart) //not inside a table { //Draw arrows too? $texto = ''; foreach($this->textbuffer as $v) $texto .= $v[0]; $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->SetFont('courier'); $this->x +=3; $linesneeded = $this->WordWrap($texto,($this->col*2.2)+3); if ( $linesneeded > $this->row ) //Too many words inside textarea { $textoaux = explode("\n",$texto); $texto = ''; for($i=0;$i < $this->row;$i++) { if ($i == $this->row-1) $texto .= $textoaux[$i]; else $texto .= $textoaux[$i] . "\n"; } //Inform the user that some text has been truncated $texto{strlen($texto)-1} = "."; $texto{strlen($texto)-2} = "."; $texto{strlen($texto)-3} = "."; } $backup_y = $this->y; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,(2.2*$this->col)+6,5*$this->row,'DF'); if ($texto != '') $this->MultiCell((2.2*$this->col)+6,$this->lineheight,$texto); $this->y = $backup_y + $this->row*$this->lineheight; $this->SetFont('arial'); } else //inside a table { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = $this->textbuffer[0]; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = $this->textbuffer[0]; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['form'] = true; // in order to make some width adjustments later $this->specialcontent = ''; } $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->textbuffer=array(); $this->buffer_on = false; } if($tag=='SELECT') { $texto = ''; $tamanho = 0; if (isset($this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'])) $tamanho = $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']; if ($this->tablestart) { $texto = "???".$this->specialcontent."???".$this->selectoption['SELECTED']; $aux = explode("???",$texto); $texto = $aux[2]; $texto = "???".$aux[1].",width=$tamanho,height=".($this->lineheight + 2)."???".$texto; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $tamanho + 7; // margin + arrow box $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['form'] = true; // in order to make some width adjustments later if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'])) $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['h'] = $this->lineheight + 2; $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($texto); $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = ''; } else //not inside a table { $texto = $this->selectoption['SELECTED']; $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->x += 2; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,$tamanho+2,5,'DF');//+2 margin $this->x += 1; if ($texto != '') $this->Write(5,$texto,$this->x); $this->x += $tamanho - $this->GetStringWidth($texto) + 2; $this->SetFillColor(190,190,190); $this->Rect($this->x-1,$this->y,5,5,'DF'); //Arrow Box $this->SetFont('zapfdingbats'); $this->Write(5,chr(116),$this->x); //Down arrow $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->x += 1; } $this->selectoption = array(); $this->specialcontent = ''; $this->textbuffer = array(); } if($tag=='SUB' or $tag=='SUP') //subscript or superscript { if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart and !$this->buffer_on and !$this->strike) { //Deactivate $this->SUB/SUP for its info is already stored inside $this->textbuffer $this->SUB=false; $this->SUP=false; //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,true/*is out of a block (e.g. DIV,P etc.)*/); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->Reset(); } $this->SUB=false; $this->SUP=false; } if($tag=='S' or $tag=='STRIKE' or $tag=='DEL') { if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart) { //Deactivate $this->strike for its info is already stored inside $this->textbuffer $this->strike=false; //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,true/*is out of a block (e.g. DIV,P etc.)*/); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->Reset(); } $this->strike=false; } if($tag=='ADDRESS' or $tag=='CENTER') // <ADDRESS> or <CENTER> tag { $this->blockjustfinished = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces if(!$this->pbegin and !$this->divbegin and !$this->tablestart) { //Save x,y coords ??? $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; //Set some default values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth - $x + $this->lMargin; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); //Reset values $this->Reset(); } $this->buffer_on=false; if ($tag == 'ADDRESS') $this->SetStyle('I',false); } if($tag=='BIG') { $newsize = $this->FontSizePt - 1; $this->SetFontSize($newsize); $this->SetStyle('B',false); } if($tag=='SMALL') { $newsize = $this->FontSizePt + 1; $this->SetFontSize($newsize); } if($tag=='FONT') { if ($this->issetcolor == true) { $this->colorarray = array(); $this->SetTextColor(0); $this->issetcolor = false; } if ($this->issetfont) { $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->issetfont=false; } if ($this->cssbegin) { //Get some attributes back! $this->setCSS($this->backupcss); } } } function printlistbuffer() { //! @return void //! @desc Prints all list-related buffered info //Save x coordinate $x = $this->oldx; foreach($this->listitem as $item) { //Set default width & height values $this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth; $this->divheight = $this->lineheight; //Get list's buffered data $lvl = $item[0]; $num = $item[1]; $this->textbuffer = $item[2]; $occur = $item[3]; $type = $this->listlist[$lvl][$occur]['TYPE']; $maxnum = $this->listlist[$lvl][$occur]['MAXNUM']; switch($type) //Format type { case 'A': $num = dec2alpha($num,true); $maxnum = dec2alpha($maxnum,true); $type = str_pad($num,strlen($maxnum),' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . "."; break; case 'a': $num = dec2alpha($num,false); $maxnum = dec2alpha($maxnum,false); $type = str_pad($num,strlen($maxnum),' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . "."; break; case 'I': $num = dec2roman($num,true); $maxnum = dec2roman($maxnum,true); $type = str_pad($num,strlen($maxnum),' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . "."; break; case 'i': $num = dec2roman($num,false); $maxnum = dec2roman($maxnum,false); $type = str_pad($num,strlen($maxnum),' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . "."; break; case '1': $type = str_pad($num,strlen($maxnum),' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . "."; break; case 'disc': $type = chr(149); break; case 'square': $type = chr(110); //black square on Zapfdingbats font break; case 'circle': $type = chr(186); break; default: break; } $this->x = (5*$lvl) + $x; //Indent list //Get bullet width including margins $oldsize = $this->FontSize * $this->k; if ($type == chr(110)) $this->SetFont('zapfdingbats','',5); $type .= ' '; $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth($type)+$this->cMargin*2; //Output bullet $this->Cell($blt_width,5,$type,'','','L'); $this->SetFont('arial','',$oldsize); $this->divwidth = $this->divwidth + $this->lMargin - $this->x; //Print content $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); } //Reset all used values $this->listoccur = array(); $this->listitem = array(); $this->listlist = array(); $this->listlvl = 0; $this->listnum = 0; $this->listtype = ''; $this->textbuffer = array(); $this->divwidth = 0; $this->divheight = 0; $this->oldx = -1; //At last, but not least, skip a line $this->Ln($this->lineheight); } function printbuffer($arrayaux,$outofblock=false,$is_table=false) { //! @return headache //! @desc Prepares buffered text to be printed with FlowingBlock() //Save some previous parameters $save = array(); $save['strike'] = $this->strike; $save['SUP'] = $this->SUP; $save['SUB'] = $this->SUB; $save['DOTTED'] = $this->dotted_on; $save['DASHED'] = $this->dash_on; $this->SetDash(); //restore to no dash $this->dash_on = false; $this->dotted_on = false; $bak_y = $this->y; $bak_x = $this->x; $align = $this->divalign; $oldpage = $this->page; //Overall object size == $old_height //Line height == $this->divheight $old_height = $this->divheight; if ($is_table) { $this->divheight = 1.1*$this->lineheight; $fill = 0; } else { $this->divheight = $this->lineheight; if ($this->FillColor == '1.000 g') $fill = 0; //avoid useless background painting (1.000 g == white background color) else $fill = 1; } $this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$this->divborder,$align,$fill,$is_table); $array_size = count($arrayaux); for($i=0;$i < $array_size; $i++) { $vetor = $arrayaux[$i]; if ($i == 0 and $vetor[0] != "\n") $vetor[0] = ltrim($vetor[0]); if (empty($vetor[0]) and empty($vetor[7])) continue; //Ignore empty text and not carrying an internal link //Activating buffer properties if(isset($vetor[10]) and !empty($vetor[10])) //Background color { $cor = $vetor[10]; $this->SetFillColor($cor['R'],$cor['G'],$cor['B']); $this->divbgcolor = true; } if(isset($vetor[9]) and !empty($vetor[9])) // Outline parameters { $cor = $vetor[9]['COLOR']; $outlinewidth = $vetor[9]['WIDTH']; $this->SetTextOutline($outlinewidth,$cor['R'],$cor['G'],$cor['B']); $this->outline_on = true; } if(isset($vetor[8]) and $vetor[8] === true) // strike-through the text { $this->strike = true; } if(isset($vetor[7]) and $vetor[7] != '') // internal link: <a name="anyvalue"> { $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = array("Y"=>$this->y,"PAGE"=>$this->page ); $this->Bookmark($vetor[7]." (pg. $this->page)",0,$this->y); if (empty($vetor[0])) continue; //Ignore empty text } if(isset($vetor[6]) and $vetor[6] === true) // Subscript { $this->SUB = true; $this->SetFontSize(6); } if(isset($vetor[5]) and $vetor[5] === true) // Superscript { $this->SUP = true; $this->SetFontSize(6); } if(isset($vetor[4]) and $vetor[4] != '') $this->SetFont($vetor[4]); // Font Family if (!empty($vetor[3])) //Font Color { $cor = $vetor[3]; $this->SetTextColor($cor['R'],$cor['G'],$cor['B']); } if(isset($vetor[2]) and $vetor[2] != '') //Bold,Italic,Underline styles { if (strpos($vetor[2],"B") !== false) $this->SetStyle('B',true); if (strpos($vetor[2],"I") !== false) $this->SetStyle('I',true); if (strpos($vetor[2],"U") !== false) $this->SetStyle('U',true); } if(isset($vetor[1]) and $vetor[1] != '') //LINK { if (strpos($vetor[1],".") === false) //assuming every external link has a dot indicating extension (e.g: .html .txt .zip www.somewhere.com etc.) { //Repeated reference to same anchor? while(array_key_exists($vetor[1],$this->internallink)) $vetor[1]="#".$vetor[1]; $this->internallink[$vetor[1]] = $this->AddLink(); $vetor[1] = $this->internallink[$vetor[1]]; } $this->HREF = $vetor[1]; $this->SetTextColor(0,0,255); $this->SetStyle('U',true); } //Print-out special content if (isset($vetor[0]) and $vetor[0]{0} == '?' and $vetor[0]{1} == '?' and $vetor[0]{2} == '?') //identifier has been identified! { $content = explode("???",$vetor[0]); $texto = $content[2]; $content = explode(",",$content[1]); foreach($content as $value) { $value = explode("=",$value); $specialcontent[$value[0]] = $value[1]; } if ($this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentWidth' ] > 0) // Print out previously accumulated content { $width_used = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentWidth' ] / $this->k; //Restart Flowing Block $this->finishFlowingBlock($outofblock); $this->x = $bak_x + ($width_used % $this->divwidth) + 0.5;// 0.5 == margin $this->y -= ($this->lineheight + 0.5); $extrawidth = 0; //only to be used in case $specialcontent['width'] does not contain all used width (e.g. Select Box) if ($specialcontent['type'] == 'select') $extrawidth = 7; //arrow box + margin if(($this->x - $bak_x) + $specialcontent['width'] + $extrawidth > $this->divwidth ) { $this->x = $bak_x; $this->y += $this->lineheight - 1; } $this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$this->divborder,$align,$fill,$is_table ); } switch(strtoupper($specialcontent['type'])) { case 'IMAGE': //xpos and ypos used in order to support: <div align='center'><img ...></div> $xpos = 0; $ypos = 0; if (isset($specialcontent['ypos']) and $specialcontent['ypos'] != '') $ypos = (float)$specialcontent['ypos']; if (isset($specialcontent['xpos']) and $specialcontent['xpos'] != '') $xpos = (float)$specialcontent['xpos']; $width_used = (($this->x - $bak_x) + $specialcontent['width'])*$this->k; //in order to adjust x coordinate later //Is this the best way of fixing x,y coordinates? $fix_x = ($this->x+2) * $this->k + ($xpos*$this->k); //+2 margin $fix_y = ($this->h - (($this->y+2) + $specialcontent['height'])) * $this->k;//+2 margin $imgtemp = explode(" ",$texto); $imgtemp[5]=$fix_x; // x $imgtemp[6]=$fix_y; // y $texto = implode(" ",$imgtemp); $this->_out($texto); //Readjust x coordinate in order to allow text to be placed after this form element $this->x = $bak_x; $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $spacenum = (integer)ceil(($width_used / $spacesize)); //Consider the space used so far in this line as a bunch of spaces if ($ypos != 0) $this->Ln($ypos); else $this->WriteFlowingBlock(str_repeat(' ',$spacenum)); break; case 'INPUT': switch($specialcontent['subtype']) { case 'PASSWORD': case 'TEXT': //Draw TextField $width_used = (($this->x - $bak_x) + $specialcontent['width'])*$this->k; //in order to adjust x coordinate later $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->x += 1; $this->y += 1; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,$specialcontent['width'],4.5,'DF');// 4.5 in order to avoid overlapping if ($texto != '') { $this->x += 1; $this->Write(5,$texto,$this->x); $this->x -= $this->GetStringWidth($texto); } $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->y -= 1; //Readjust x coordinate in order to allow text to be placed after this form element $this->x = $bak_x; $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $spacenum = (integer)ceil(($width_used / $spacesize)); //Consider the space used so far in this line as a bunch of spaces $this->WriteFlowingBlock(str_repeat(' ',$spacenum)); break; case 'CHECKBOX': //Draw Checkbox $width_used = (($this->x - $bak_x) + $specialcontent['width'])*$this->k; //in order to adjust x coordinate later $checked = $texto; $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->y += 1; $this->x += 1; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,3,3,'DF'); if ($checked) { $this->Line($this->x,$this->y,$this->x+3,$this->y+3); $this->Line($this->x,$this->y+3,$this->x+3,$this->y); } $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->y -= 1; //Readjust x coordinate in order to allow text to be placed after this form element $this->x = $bak_x; $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $spacenum = (integer)ceil(($width_used / $spacesize)); //Consider the space used so far in this line as a bunch of spaces $this->WriteFlowingBlock(str_repeat(' ',$spacenum)); break; case 'RADIO': //Draw Radio button $width_used = (($this->x - $bak_x) + $specialcontent['width']+0.5)*$this->k; //in order to adjust x coordinate later $checked = $texto; $this->x += 2; $this->y += 1.5; $this->Circle($this->x,$this->y+1.2,1,'D'); $this->_out('0.000 g'); if ($checked) $this->Circle($this->x,$this->y+1.2,0.4,'DF'); $this->y -= 1.5; //Readjust x coordinate in order to allow text to be placed after this form element $this->x = $bak_x; $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $spacenum = (integer)ceil(($width_used / $spacesize)); //Consider the space used so far in this line as a bunch of spaces $this->WriteFlowingBlock(str_repeat(' ',$spacenum)); break; case 'BUTTON': // Draw a button case 'SUBMIT': case 'RESET': $nihil = ($specialcontent['width']-$this->GetStringWidth($texto))/2; $this->x += 1.5; $this->y += 1; $this->SetFillColor(190,190,190); $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,$specialcontent['width'],4.5,'DF'); // 4.5 in order to avoid overlapping $this->x += $nihil; $this->Write(5,$texto,$this->x); $this->x += $nihil; $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->y -= 1; break; default: break; } break; case 'SELECT': $width_used = (($this->x - $bak_x) + $specialcontent['width'] + 8)*$this->k; //in order to adjust x coordinate later $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); //light gray $this->x += 1.5; $this->y += 1; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,$specialcontent['width']+2,$this->lineheight,'DF'); // +2 == margin $this->x += 1; if ($texto != '') $this->Write($this->lineheight,$texto,$this->x); //the combobox content $this->x += $specialcontent['width'] - $this->GetStringWidth($texto) + 2; $this->SetFillColor(190,190,190); //dark gray $this->Rect($this->x-1,$this->y,5,5,'DF'); //Arrow Box $this->SetFont('zapfdingbats'); $this->Write($this->lineheight,chr(116),$this->x); //Down arrow $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->SetFillColor(255); //Readjust x coordinate in order to allow text to be placed after this form element $this->x = $bak_x; $spacesize = $this->CurrentFont[ 'cw' ][ ' ' ] * ( $this->FontSizePt / 1000 ); $spacenum = (integer)ceil(($width_used / $spacesize)); //Consider the space used so far in this line as a bunch of spaces $this->WriteFlowingBlock(str_repeat(' ',$spacenum)); break; case 'TEXTAREA': //Setup TextArea properties $this->SetFillColor(235,235,235); $this->SetFont('courier'); $this->currentfont='courier'; $ta_lines = $specialcontent['lines']; $ta_height = 1.1*$this->lineheight*$ta_lines; $ta_width = $specialcontent['width']; //Adjust x,y coordinates $this->x += 1.5; $this->y += 1.5; $linesneeded = $this->WordWrap($texto,$ta_width); if ( $linesneeded > $ta_lines ) //Too many words inside textarea { $textoaux = explode("\n",$texto); $texto = ''; for($i=0;$i<$ta_lines;$i++) { if ($i == $ta_lines-1) $texto .= $textoaux[$i]; else $texto .= $textoaux[$i] . "\n"; } //Inform the user that some text has been truncated $texto{strlen($texto)-1} = "."; $texto{strlen($texto)-2} = "."; $texto{strlen($texto)-3} = "."; } $backup_y = $this->y; $backup_x = $this->x; $this->Rect($this->x,$this->y,$ta_width+3,$ta_height,'DF'); if ($texto != '') $this->MultiCell($ta_width+3,$this->lineheight,$texto); $this->y = $backup_y - 1.5; $this->x = $backup_x + $ta_width + 2.5; $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->currentfont=''; break; default: break; } } else //THE text { if ($vetor[0] == "\n") //We are reading a <BR> now turned into newline ("\n") { //Restart Flowing Block $this->finishFlowingBlock($outofblock); if($outofblock) $this->Ln($this->lineheight); $this->x = $bak_x; $this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$this->divborder,$align,$fill,$is_table ); } else $this->WriteFlowingBlock( $vetor[0] , $outofblock ); } //Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block if ($i == ($array_size-1)) $this->finishFlowingBlock($outofblock); //Now we must deactivate what we have used if( (isset($vetor[1]) and $vetor[1] != '') or $this->HREF != '') { $this->SetTextColor(0); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->HREF = ''; } if(isset($vetor[2]) and $vetor[2] != '') { $this->SetStyle('B',false); $this->SetStyle('I',false); $this->SetStyle('U',false); } if(isset($vetor[3]) and $vetor[3] != '') { unset($cor); $this->SetTextColor(0); } if(isset($vetor[4]) and $vetor[4] != '') $this->SetFont('arial'); if(isset($vetor[5]) and $vetor[5] === true) { $this->SUP = false; $this->SetFontSize(11); } if(isset($vetor[6]) and $vetor[6] === true) { $this->SUB = false; $this->SetFontSize(11); } //vetor7-internal links if(isset($vetor[8]) and $vetor[8] === true) // strike-through the text { $this->strike = false; } if(isset($vetor[9]) and !empty($vetor[9])) // Outline parameters { $this->SetTextOutline(false); $this->outline_on = false; } if(isset($vetor[10]) and !empty($vetor[10])) //Background color { $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->divbgcolor = false; } }//end of for(i=0;i<arraysize;i++) //Restore some previously set parameters $this->strike = $save['strike']; $this->SUP = $save['SUP']; $this->SUB = $save['SUB']; $this->dotted_on = $save['DOTTED']; $this->dash_on = $save['DASHED']; if ($this->dash_on) $this->SetDash(2,2); //Check whether we have borders to paint or not //(only works 100% if whole content spans only 1 page) if ($this->cssbegin and ($this->divborder or $this->dash_on or $this->dotted_on or $this->divbgcolor)) { if ($oldpage != $this->page) { //Only border on last page is painted (known bug) $x = $this->lMargin; $y = $this->tMargin; $old_height = $this->y - $y; } else { if ($this->oldx < 0) $x = $this->x; else $x = $this->oldx; if ($this->oldy < 0) $y = $this->y - $old_height; else $y = $this->oldy; } if ($this->divborder) $this->Rect($x,$y,$this->divwidth,$old_height); if ($this->dash_on) $this->Rect($x,$y,$this->divwidth,$old_height); if ($this->dotted_on) $this->DottedRect($x,$y,$this->divwidth,$old_height); $this->x = $bak_x; } } function Reset() { //! @return void //! @desc Resets several class attributes // if ( $this->issetcolor !== true ) // { $this->SetTextColor(0); $this->SetDrawColor(0); $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->colorarray = array(); $this->bgcolorarray = array(); $this->issetcolor = false; // } $this->HREF = ''; $this->SetTextOutline(false); //$this->strike = false; $this->SetFontSize(11); $this->SetStyle('B',false); $this->SetStyle('I',false); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->divwidth = 0; $this->divheight = 0; $this->divalign = "L"; $this->divrevert = false; $this->divborder = 0; $this->divbgcolor = false; $this->toupper = false; $this->tolower = false; $this->SetDash(); //restore to no dash $this->dash_on = false; $this->dotted_on = false; $this->oldx = -1; $this->oldy = -1; } function ReadMetaTags($html) { //! @return void //! @desc Pass meta tag info to PDF file properties $regexp = '/ (\\w+?)=([^\\s>"]+)/si'; // changes anykey=anyvalue to anykey="anyvalue" (only do this when this happens inside tags) $html = preg_replace($regexp," \$1=\"\$2\"",$html); $regexp = '/<meta .*?(name|content)="(.*?)" .*?(name|content)="(.*?)".*?>/si'; preg_match_all($regexp,$html,$aux); $firstattr = $aux[1]; $secondattr = $aux[3]; for( $i = 0 ; $i < count($aux[0]) ; $i++) { $name = ( strtoupper($firstattr[$i]) == "NAME" )? strtoupper($aux[2][$i]) : strtoupper($aux[4][$i]); $content = ( strtoupper($firstattr[$i]) == "CONTENT" )? $aux[2][$i] : $aux[4][$i]; switch($name) { case "KEYWORDS": $this->SetKeywords($content); break; case "AUTHOR": $this->SetAuthor($content); break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->SetSubject($content); break; } } //Comercial do Aplicativo usado (no caso um script): $this->SetCreator("HTML2FPDF >> http://html2fpdf.sf.net"); } ////////////////// /// CSS parser /// ////////////////// function ReadCSS($html) { //! @desc CSS parser //! @return string /* * This version ONLY supports: .class {...} / #id { .... } * It does NOT support: body{...} / a#hover { ... } / p.right { ... } / other mixed names * This function must read the CSS code (internal or external) and order its value inside $this->CSS. */ $match = 0; // no match for instance $regexp = ''; // This helps debugging: showing what is the REAL string being processed //CSS inside external files $regexp = '/<link rel="stylesheet".*?href="(.+?)"\\s*?\/?>/si'; $match = preg_match_all($regexp,$html,$CSSext); $ind = 0; while($match){ //Fix path value $path = $CSSext[1][$ind]; $path = str_replace("\\","/",$path); //If on Windows //Get link info and obtain its absolute path $regexp = '|^./|'; $path = preg_replace($regexp,'',$path); if (strpos($path,"../") !== false ) //It is a Relative Link { $backtrackamount = substr_count($path,"../"); $maxbacktrack = substr_count($this->basepath,"/") - 1; $filepath = str_replace("../",'',$path); $path = $this->basepath; //If it is an invalid relative link, then make it go to directory root if ($backtrackamount > $maxbacktrack) $backtrackamount = $maxbacktrack; //Backtrack some directories for( $i = 0 ; $i < $backtrackamount + 1 ; $i++ ) $path = substr( $path, 0 , strrpos($path,"/") ); $path = $path . "/" . $filepath; //Make it an absolute path } elseif( strpos($path,":/") === false) //It is a Local Link { $path = $this->basepath . $path; } //Do nothing if it is an Absolute Link //END of fix path value $CSSextblock = file_get_contents($path); //Get class/id name and its characteristics from $CSSblock[1] $regexp = '/[.# ]([^.]+?)\\s*?\{(.+?)\}/s'; // '/s' PCRE_DOTALL including \n preg_match_all( $regexp, $CSSextblock, $extstyle); //Make CSS[Name-of-the-class] = array(key => value) $regexp = '/\\s*?(\\S+?):(.+?);/si'; for($i=0; $i < count($extstyle[1]) ; $i++) { preg_match_all( $regexp, $extstyle[2][$i], $extstyleinfo); $extproperties = $extstyleinfo[1]; $extvalues = $extstyleinfo[2]; for($j = 0; $j < count($extproperties) ; $j++) { //Array-properties and Array-values must have the SAME SIZE! $extclassproperties[strtoupper($extproperties[$j])] = trim($extvalues[$j]); } $this->CSS[$extstyle[1][$i]] = $extclassproperties; $extproperties = array(); $extvalues = array(); $extclassproperties = array(); } $match--; $ind++; } //end of match $match = 0; // reset value, if needed //CSS internal //Get content between tags and order it, using regexp $regexp = '/<style.*?>(.*?)<\/style>/si'; // it can be <style> or <style type="txt/css"> $match = preg_match($regexp,$html,$CSSblock); if ($match) { //Get class/id name and its characteristics from $CSSblock[1] $regexp = '/[.#]([^.]+?)\\s*?\{(.+?)\}/s'; // '/s' PCRE_DOTALL including \n preg_match_all( $regexp, $CSSblock[1], $style); //Make CSS[Name-of-the-class] = array(key => value) $regexp = '/\\s*?(\\S+?):(.+?);/si'; for($i=0; $i < count($style[1]) ; $i++) { preg_match_all( $regexp, $style[2][$i], $styleinfo); $properties = $styleinfo[1]; $values = $styleinfo[2]; for($j = 0; $j < count($properties) ; $j++) { //Array-properties and Array-values must have the SAME SIZE! $classproperties[strtoupper($properties[$j])] = trim($values[$j]); } $this->CSS[$style[1][$i]] = $classproperties; $properties = array(); $values = array(); $classproperties = array(); } } // end of match //Remove CSS (tags and content), if any $regexp = '/<style.*?>(.*?)<\/style>/si'; // it can be <style> or <style type="txt/css"> $html = preg_replace($regexp,'',$html); return $html; } function readInlineCSS($html) { //! @return array //! @desc Reads inline CSS and returns an array of properties //Fix incomplete CSS code $size = strlen($html)-1; if ($html{$size} != ';') $html .= ';'; //Make CSS[Name-of-the-class] = array(key => value) $regexp = '|\\s*?(\\S+?):(.+?);|i'; preg_match_all( $regexp, $html, $styleinfo); $properties = $styleinfo[1]; $values = $styleinfo[2]; //Array-properties and Array-values must have the SAME SIZE! $classproperties = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($properties) ; $i++) $classproperties[strtoupper($properties[$i])] = trim($values[$i]); return $classproperties; } function setCSS($arrayaux) { //! @return void //! @desc Change some class attributes according to CSS properties if (!is_array($arrayaux)) return; //Removes PHP Warning foreach($arrayaux as $k => $v) { switch($k){ case 'WIDTH': $this->divwidth = ConvertSize($v,$this->pgwidth); break; case 'HEIGHT': $this->divheight = ConvertSize($v,$this->pgwidth); break; case 'BORDER': // width style color (width not supported correctly - it is always considered as normal) $prop = explode(' ',$v); if ( count($prop) != 3 ) break; // Not supported: borders not fully declared //style: dashed dotted none (anything else => solid ) if (strnatcasecmp($prop[1],"dashed") == 0) //found "dashed"! (ignores case) { $this->dash_on = true; $this->SetDash(2,2); //2mm on, 2mm off } elseif (strnatcasecmp($prop[1],"dotted") == 0) //found "dotted"! (ignores case) { $this->dotted_on = true; } elseif (strnatcasecmp($prop[1],"none") == 0) $this->divborder = 0; else $this->divborder = 1; //color $coul = ConvertColor($prop[2]); $this->SetDrawColor($coul['R'],$coul['G'],$coul['B']); $this->issetcolor=true; break; case 'FONT-FAMILY': // one of the $this->fontlist fonts //If it is a font list, get all font types $aux_fontlist = explode(",",$v); $fontarraysize = count($aux_fontlist); for($i=0;$i<$fontarraysize;$i++) { $fonttype = $aux_fontlist[$i]; $fonttype = trim($fonttype); //If font is found, set it, and exit loop if ( in_array(strtolower($fonttype), $this->fontlist) ) {$this->SetFont(strtolower($fonttype));break;} //If font = "courier new" for example, try simply looking for "courier" $fonttype = explode(" ",$fonttype); $fonttype = $fonttype[0]; if ( in_array(strtolower($fonttype), $this->fontlist) ) {$this->SetFont(strtolower($fonttype));break;} } break; case 'FONT-SIZE': //Does not support: smaller, larger if(is_numeric($v{0})) { $mmsize = ConvertSize($v,$this->pgwidth); $this->SetFontSize( $mmsize*(72/25.4) ); //Get size in points (pt) } else{ $v = strtoupper($v); switch($v) { //Values obtained from http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_reference.asp case 'XX-SMALL': $this->SetFontSize( (0.7)* 11); break; case 'X-SMALL': $this->SetFontSize( (0.77) * 11); break; case 'SMALL': $this->SetFontSize( (0.86)* 11); break; case 'MEDIUM': $this->SetFontSize(11); break; case 'LARGE': $this->SetFontSize( (1.2)*11); break; case 'X-LARGE': $this->SetFontSize( (1.5)*11); break; case 'XX-LARGE': $this->SetFontSize( 2*11); break; } } break; case 'FONT-STYLE': // italic normal oblique switch (strtoupper($v)) { case 'ITALIC': case 'OBLIQUE': $this->SetStyle('I',true); break; case 'NORMAL': break; } break; case 'FONT-WEIGHT': // normal bold //Does not support: bolder, lighter, 100..900(step value=100) switch (strtoupper($v)) { case 'BOLD': $this->SetStyle('B',true); break; case 'NORMAL': break; } break; case 'TEXT-DECORATION': // none underline //Does not support: overline, blink switch (strtoupper($v)) { case 'LINE-THROUGH': $this->strike = true; break; case 'UNDERLINE': $this->SetStyle('U',true); break; case 'NONE': break; } case 'TEXT-TRANSFORM': // none uppercase lowercase //Does not support: capitalize switch (strtoupper($v)) //Not working 100% { case 'UPPERCASE': $this->toupper=true; break; case 'LOWERCASE': $this->tolower=true; break; case 'NONE': break; } case 'TEXT-ALIGN': //left right center justify switch (strtoupper($v)) { case 'LEFT': $this->divalign="L"; break; case 'CENTER': $this->divalign="C"; break; case 'RIGHT': $this->divalign="R"; break; case 'JUSTIFY': $this->divalign="J"; break; } break; case 'DIRECTION': //ltr(default) rtl if (strtolower($v) == 'rtl') $this->divrevert = true; break; case 'BACKGROUND': // bgcolor only $cor = ConvertColor($v); $this->bgcolorarray = $cor; $this->SetFillColor($cor['R'],$cor['G'],$cor['B']); $this->divbgcolor = true; break; case 'COLOR': // font color $cor = ConvertColor($v); $this->colorarray = $cor; $this->SetTextColor($cor['R'],$cor['G'],$cor['B']); $this->issetcolor=true; break; }//end of switch($k) }//end of foreach } function SetStyle($tag,$enable) { //! @return void //! @desc Enables/Disables B,I,U styles //Modify style and select corresponding font $this->$tag+=($enable ? 1 : -1); $style=''; //Fix some SetStyle misuse if ($this->$tag < 0) $this->$tag = 0; if ($this->$tag > 1) $this->$tag = 1; foreach(array('B','I','U') as $s) if($this->$s>0) $style.=$s; $this->currentstyle=$style; $this->SetFont('',$style); } function DisableTags($str='') { //! @return void //! @desc Disable some tags using ',' as separator. Enable all tags calling this function without parameters. if ($str == '') //enable all tags { //Insert new supported tags in the long string below. $this->enabledtags = "<tt><kbd><samp><option><outline><span><newpage><page_break><s><strike><del><bdo><big><small><address><ins><cite><font><center><sup><sub><input><select><option><textarea><title><form><ol><ul><li><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><pre><b><u><i><a><img><p><br><strong><em><code><th><tr><blockquote><hr><td><tr><table><div>"; } else { $str = explode(",",$str); foreach($str as $v) $this->enabledtags = str_replace(trim($v),'',$this->enabledtags); } } ////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)///////////////////////////////////// //Thanks to vietcom (vncommando at yahoo dot com) /* Modified by Renato Coelho in order to print tables that span more than 1 page and to allow bold,italic and the likes inside table cells (and alignment now works with styles!) */ //table Array of (w, h, bc, nr, wc, hr, cells) //w Width of table //h Height of table //nc Number column //nr Number row //hr List of height of each row //wc List of width of each column //cells List of cells of each rows, cells[i][j] is a cell in the table function _tableColumnWidth(&$table){ //! @return void $cs = &$table['cells']; $mw = $this->getStringWidth('W'); $nc = $table['nc']; $nr = $table['nr']; $listspan = array(); //Xac dinh do rong cua cac cell va cac cot tuong ung for($j = 0 ; $j < $nc ; $j++ ) //columns { $wc = &$table['wc'][$j]; for($i = 0 ; $i < $nr ; $i++ ) //rows { if (isset($cs[$i][$j]) && $cs[$i][$j]) { $c = &$cs[$i][$j]; $miw = $mw; if (isset($c['maxs']) and $c['maxs'] != '') $c['s'] = $c['maxs']; $c['maw'] = $c['s']; if (isset($c['nowrap'])) $miw = $c['maw']; if (isset($c['w'])) { if ($miw<$c['w']) $c['miw'] = $c['w']; if ($miw>$c['w']) $c['miw'] = $c['w'] = $miw; if (!isset($wc['w'])) $wc['w'] = 1; } else $c['miw'] = $miw; if ($c['maw'] < $c['miw']) $c['maw'] = $c['miw']; if (!isset($c['colspan'])) { if ($wc['miw'] < $c['miw']) $wc['miw'] = $c['miw']; if ($wc['maw'] < $c['maw']) $wc['maw'] = $c['maw']; } else $listspan[] = array($i,$j); //Check if minimum width of the whole column is big enough for a huge word to fit $auxtext = implode("",$c['text']); $minwidth = $this->WordWrap($auxtext,$wc['miw']-2);// -2 == margin if ($minwidth < 0 and (-$minwidth) > $wc['miw']) $wc['miw'] = (-$minwidth) +2; //increase minimum width if ($wc['miw'] > $wc['maw']) $wc['maw'] = $wc['miw']; //update maximum width, if needed } }//rows }//columns //Xac dinh su anh huong cua cac cell colspan len cac cot va nguoc lai $wc = &$table['wc']; foreach ($listspan as $span) { list($i,$j) = $span; $c = &$cs[$i][$j]; $lc = $j + $c['colspan']; if ($lc > $nc) $lc = $nc; $wis = $wisa = 0; $was = $wasa = 0; $list = array(); for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) { $wis += $wc[$k]['miw']; $was += $wc[$k]['maw']; if (!isset($c['w'])) { $list[] = $k; $wisa += $wc[$k]['miw']; $wasa += $wc[$k]['maw']; } } if ($c['miw'] > $wis) { if (!$wis) {//Cac cot chua co kich thuoc => chia deu for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) $wc[$k]['miw'] = $c['miw']/$c['colspan']; } elseif(!count($list)) {//Khong co cot nao co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho tat ca $wi = $c['miw'] - $wis; for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) $wc[$k]['miw'] += ($wc[$k]['miw']/$wis)*$wi; } else {//Co mot so cot co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho cac cot auto $wi = $c['miw'] - $wis; foreach ($list as $k) $wc[$k]['miw'] += ($wc[$k]['miw']/$wisa)*$wi; } } if ($c['maw'] > $was) { if (!$wis) {//Cac cot chua co kich thuoc => chia deu for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) $wc[$k]['maw'] = $c['maw']/$c['colspan']; } elseif (!count($list)) { //Khong co cot nao co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho tat ca $wi = $c['maw'] - $was; for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) $wc[$k]['maw'] += ($wc[$k]['maw']/$was)*$wi; } else {//Co mot so cot co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho cac cot auto $wi = $c['maw'] - $was; foreach ($list as $k) $wc[$k]['maw'] += ($wc[$k]['maw']/$wasa)*$wi; } } } } function _tableWidth(&$table){ //! @return void //! @desc Calculates the Table Width // @desc Xac dinh chieu rong cua table $widthcols = &$table['wc']; $numcols = $table['nc']; $tablewidth = 0; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++ ) { $tablewidth += isset($widthcols[$i]['w']) ? $widthcols[$i]['miw'] : $widthcols[$i]['maw']; } if ($tablewidth > $this->pgwidth) $table['w'] = $this->pgwidth; if (isset($table['w'])) { $wis = $wisa = 0; $list = array(); for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++ ) { $wis += $widthcols[$i]['miw']; if (!isset($widthcols[$i]['w'])){ $list[] = $i;$wisa += $widthcols[$i]['miw'];} } if ($table['w'] > $wis) { if (!count($list)) {//Khong co cot nao co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho tat ca //http://www.ksvn.com/anhviet_new.htm - translating comments... //bent shrink essence move size measure automatic => divide against give as a whole //$wi = $table['w'] - $wis; $wi = ($table['w'] - $wis)/$numcols; for($k=0;$k<$numcols;$k++) //$widthcols[$k]['miw'] += ($widthcols[$k]['miw']/$wis)*$wi; $widthcols[$k]['miw'] += $wi; } else {//Co mot so cot co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho cac cot auto //$wi = $table['w'] - $wis; $wi = ($table['w'] - $wis)/count($list); foreach ($list as $k) //$widthcols[$k]['miw'] += ($widthcols[$k]['miw']/$wisa)*$wi; $widthcols[$k]['miw'] += $wi; } } for ($i=0;$i<$numcols;$i++) { $tablewidth = $widthcols[$i]['miw']; unset($widthcols[$i]); $widthcols[$i] = $tablewidth; } } else //table has no width defined { $table['w'] = $tablewidth; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++) { $tablewidth = isset($widthcols[$i]['w']) ? $widthcols[$i]['miw'] : $widthcols[$i]['maw']; unset($widthcols[$i]); $widthcols[$i] = $tablewidth; } } } function _tableHeight(&$table){ //! @return void //! @desc Calculates the Table Height $cells = &$table['cells']; $numcols = $table['nc']; $numrows = $table['nr']; $listspan = array(); for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ )//rows { $heightrow = &$table['hr'][$i]; for( $j = 0 ; $j < $numcols ; $j++ ) //columns { if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) { $c = &$cells[$i][$j]; list($x,$cw) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $i,$j); //Check whether width is enough for this cells' text $auxtext = implode("",$c['text']); $auxtext2 = $auxtext; //in case we have text with styles $nostyles_size = $this->GetStringWidth($auxtext) + 3; // +3 == margin $linesneeded = $this->WordWrap($auxtext,$cw-2);// -2 == margin if ($c['s'] > $nostyles_size and !isset($c['form'])) //Text with styles { $auxtext = $auxtext2; //recover original characteristics (original /n placements) $diffsize = $c['s'] - $nostyles_size; //with bold et al. char width gets a bit bigger than plain char if ($linesneeded == 0) $linesneeded = 1; //to avoid division by zero $diffsize /= $linesneeded; $linesneeded = $this->WordWrap($auxtext,$cw-2-$diffsize);//diffsize used to wrap text correctly } if (isset($c['form'])) { $linesneeded = ceil(($c['s']-3)/($cw-2)); //Text + form in a cell //Presuming the use of styles if ( ($this->GetStringWidth($auxtext) + 3) > ($cw-2) ) $linesneeded++; } $ch = $linesneeded * 1.1 * $this->lineheight; //If height is bigger than page height... if ($ch > ($this->fh - $this->bMargin - $this->tMargin)) $ch = ($this->fh - $this->bMargin - $this->tMargin); //If height is defined and it is bigger than calculated $ch then update values if (isset($c['h']) && $c['h'] > $ch) { $c['mih'] = $ch; //in order to keep valign working $ch = $c['h']; } else $c['mih'] = $ch; if (isset($c['rowspan'])) $listspan[] = array($i,$j); elseif ($heightrow < $ch) $heightrow = $ch; if (isset($c['form'])) $c['mih'] = $ch; } }//end of columns }//end of rows $heightrow = &$table['hr']; foreach ($listspan as $span) { list($i,$j) = $span; $c = &$cells[$i][$j]; $lr = $i + $c['rowspan']; if ($lr > $numrows) $lr = $numrows; $hs = $hsa = 0; $list = array(); for($k=$i;$k<$lr;$k++) { $hs += $heightrow[$k]; if (!isset($c['h'])) { $list[] = $k; $hsa += $heightrow[$k]; } } if ($c['mih'] > $hs) { if (!$hs) {//Cac dong chua co kich thuoc => chia deu for($k=$i;$k<$lr;$k++) $heightrow[$k] = $c['mih']/$c['rowspan']; } elseif (!count($list)) {//Khong co dong nao co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho tat ca $hi = $c['mih'] - $hs; for($k=$i;$k<$lr;$k++) $heightrow[$k] += ($heightrow[$k]/$hs)*$hi; } else {//Co mot so dong co kich thuoc auto => chia deu phan du cho cac dong auto $hi = $c['mih'] - $hsa; foreach ($list as $k) $heightrow[$k] += ($heightrow[$k]/$hsa)*$hi; } } } } function _tableGetWidth(&$table, $i,$j){ //! @return array(x,w) // @desc Xac dinh toa do va do rong cua mot cell $cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j]; if ($cell) { if (isset($cell['x0'])) return array($cell['x0'], $cell['w0']); $x = 0; $widthcols = &$table['wc']; for( $k = 0 ; $k < $j ; $k++ ) $x += $widthcols[$k]; $w = $widthcols[$j]; if (isset($cell['colspan'])) { for ( $k = $j+$cell['colspan']-1 ; $k > $j ; $k-- ) $w += $widthcols[$k]; } $cell['x0'] = $x; $cell['w0'] = $w; return array($x, $w); } return array(0,0); } function _tableGetHeight(&$table, $i,$j){ //! @return array(y,h) $cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j]; if ($cell){ if (isset($cell['y0'])) return array($cell['y0'], $cell['h0']); $y = 0; $heightrow = &$table['hr']; for ($k=0;$k<$i;$k++) $y += $heightrow[$k]; $h = $heightrow[$i]; if (isset($cell['rowspan'])){ for ($k=$i+$cell['rowspan']-1;$k>$i;$k--) $h += $heightrow[$k]; } $cell['y0'] = $y; $cell['h0'] = $h; return array($y, $h); } return array(0,0); } function _tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $type=1){ //! @return void if ($type==1) $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h); elseif (strlen($type)==4){ $x2 = $x + $w; $y2 = $y + $h; if (intval($type{0})) $this->Line($x , $y , $x2, $y ); if (intval($type{1})) $this->Line($x2, $y , $x2, $y2); if (intval($type{2})) $this->Line($x , $y2, $x2, $y2); if (intval($type{3})) $this->Line($x , $y , $x , $y2); } } function _tableWrite(&$table){ //! @desc Main table function //! @return void $cells = &$table['cells']; $numcols = $table['nc']; $numrows = $table['nr']; $x0 = $this->x; $y0 = $this->y; $right = $this->pgwidth - $this->rMargin; if (isset($table['a']) and ($table['w'] != $this->pgwidth)) { if ($table['a']=='C') $x0 += (($right-$x0) - $table['w'])/2; elseif ($table['a']=='R') $x0 = $right - $table['w']; } $returny = 0; $tableheader = array(); //Draw Table Contents and Borders for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) //Rows { $skippage = false; for( $j = 0 ; $j < $numcols ; $j++ ) //Columns { if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) { $cell = &$cells[$i][$j]; list($x,$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $i, $j); list($y,$h) = $this->_tableGetHeight($table, $i, $j); $x += $x0; $y += $y0; $y -= $returny; if ((($y + $h) > ($this->fh - $this->bMargin)) && ($y0 >0 || $x0 > 0)) { if (!$skippage) { $y -= $y0; $returny += $y; $this->AddPage(); if ($this->usetableheader) $this->Header($tableheader); if ($this->usetableheader) $y0 = $this->y; else $y0 = $this->tMargin; $y = $y0; } $skippage = true; } //Align $this->x = $x; $this->y = $y; $align = isset($cell['a'])? $cell['a'] : 'L'; //Vertical align if (!isset($cell['va']) || $cell['va']=='M') $this->y += ($h-$cell['mih'])/2; elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va']=='B') $this->y += $h-$cell['mih']; //Fill $fill = isset($cell['bgcolor']) ? $cell['bgcolor'] : (isset($table['bgcolor'][$i]) ? $table['bgcolor'][$i] : (isset($table['bgcolor'][-1]) ? $table['bgcolor'][-1] : 0)); if ($fill) { $color = ConvertColor($fill); $this->SetFillColor($color['R'],$color['G'],$color['B']); $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'F'); } //Border if (isset($cell['border'])) $this->_tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $cell['border']); elseif (isset($table['border']) && $table['border']) $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h); $this->divalign=$align; $this->divwidth=$w-2; //Get info of first row == table header if ($this->usetableheader and $i == 0 ) { $tableheader[$j]['x'] = $x; $tableheader[$j]['y'] = $y; $tableheader[$j]['h'] = $h; $tableheader[$j]['w'] = $w; $tableheader[$j]['text'] = $cell['text']; $tableheader[$j]['textbuffer'] = $cell['textbuffer']; $tableheader[$j]['a'] = isset($cell['a'])? $cell['a'] : 'L'; $tableheader[$j]['va'] = $cell['va']; $tableheader[$j]['mih'] = $cell['mih']; $tableheader[$j]['bgcolor'] = $fill; if ($table['border']) $tableheader[$j]['border'] = 'all'; elseif (isset($cell['border'])) $tableheader[$j]['border'] = $cell['border']; } if (!empty($cell['textbuffer'])) $this->printbuffer($cell['textbuffer'],false,true/*inside a table*/); //Reset values $this->Reset(); }//end of (if isset(cells)...) }// end of columns if ($i == $numrows-1) $this->y = $y + $h; //last row jump (update this->y position) }// end of rows }//END OF FUNCTION _tableWrite() /////////////////////////END OF TABLE CODE////////////////////////////////// }//end of Class /* ---- JUNK(?)/OLD CODE: ------ // <?php <- this fixes HIGHLIGHT PSPAD bug ... */ ?>