Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/
Script: mootree.js
My Object Oriented Tree
- Developed by Rasmus Schultz, <>
- Tested with MooTools release 1.2, under Firefox 2, Opera 9 and Internet Explorer 6 and 7.
MIT-style license.
Inspired by:
- WebFX xTree, <>
- Destroydrop dTree, <>
- load() only worked once on the same node, fixed.
- the script would sometimes try to get 'R' from the server, fixed.
- the 'load' attribute is now supported in XML files (see example_5.html).
- enable() and disable() added - the adopt() and load() methods use these to improve performance by minimizing the number of visual updates.
- toggle() was using enable() and disable() which actually caused it to do extra work - fixed.
- adopt() now picks up 'href', 'target', 'title' and 'name' attributes of the a-tag, and stores them in the data object.
- adopt() now picks up additional constructor arguments from embedded comments, e.g. icons, colors, etc.
- documentation now generates properly with NaturalDocs, <>
- onClick events added to MooTreeControl and MooTreeNode
- nodes can now have id's - <MooTreeControl.get> method can be used to find a node with a given id
- changed icon rendering to use innerHTML, making the control faster (and code size slightly smaller).
- migrated to MooTools 1.2 (previous versions no longer supported)
var MooTreeIcon = ['I','L','Lminus','Lplus','Rminus','Rplus','T','Tminus','Tplus','_closed','_doc','_open','minus','plus'];
Class: MooTreeControl
This class implements a tree control.
root - returns the root <MooTreeNode> object.
selected - returns the currently selected <MooTreeNode> object, or null if nothing is currently selected.
onExpand - called when a node is expanded or collapsed: function(node, state) - where node is the <MooTreeNode> object that fired the event, and state is a boolean meaning true:expanded or false:collapsed.
onSelect - called when a node is selected or deselected: function(node, state) - where node is the <MooTreeNode> object that fired the event, and state is a boolean meaning true:selected or false:deselected.
onClick - called when a node is clicked: function(node) - where node is the <MooTreeNode> object that fired the event.
The constructor takes two object parameters: config and options.
The first, config, contains global settings for the tree control - you can use the configuration options listed below.
The second, options, should contain options for the <MooTreeNode> constructor - please refer to the options listed in the <MooTreeNode> documentation.
div - a string representing the div Element inside which to build the tree control.
mode - optional string, defaults to 'files' - specifies default icon behavior. In 'files' mode, empty nodes have a document icon - whereas, in 'folders' mode, all nodes are displayed as folders (a'la explorer).
grid - boolean, defaults to false. If set to true, a grid is drawn to outline the structure of the tree.
theme - string, optional, defaults to 'mootree.gif' - specifies the 'theme' GIF to use.
loader - optional, an options object for the <MooTreeNode> constructor - defaults to {icon:'mootree_loader.gif', text:'Loading...', color:'a0a0a0'}
onExpand - optional function (see Events above)
onSelect - optional function (see Events above)
var MooTreeControl = new Class({
initialize: function(config, options) {
options.control = this; // make sure our new MooTreeNode knows who it's owner control is
options.div = config.div; // tells the root node which div to insert itself into
this.root = new MooTreeNode(options); // create the root node of this tree control
this.index = new Object(); // used by the get() method
this.enabled = true; // enable visual updates of the control
this.theme = config.theme || 'mootree.gif';
this.loader = config.loader || {icon:'mootree_loader.gif', text:'Loading...', color:'#a0a0a0'};
this.selected = null; // set the currently selected node to nothing
this.mode = config.mode; // mode can be "folders" or "files", and affects the default icons
this.grid = config.grid; // grid can be turned on (true) or off (false)
this.onExpand = config.onExpand || new Function(); // called when any node in the tree is expanded/collapsed
this.onSelect = config.onSelect || new Function(); // called when any node in the tree is selected/deselected
this.onClick = config.onClick || new Function(); // called when any node in the tree is clicked
Property: insert
Creates a new node under the root node of this tree.
options - an object containing the same options available to the <MooTreeNode> constructor.
A new <MooTreeNode> instance.
insert: function(options) {
options.control = this;
return this.root.insert(options);
Property: select
Sets the currently selected node.
This is called by <MooTreeNode> when a node is selected (e.g. by clicking it's title with the mouse).
node - the <MooTreeNode> object to select.
select: function(node) {
this.onClick(node); node.onClick(); // fire click events
if (this.selected === node) return; // already selected
if (this.selected) {
// deselect previously selected node:;
this.onSelect(this.selected, false);
// select new node:
this.selected = node;;
this.onSelect(node, true);
Property: expand
Expands the entire tree, recursively.
expand: function() {
this.root.toggle(true, true);
Property: collapse
Collapses the entire tree, recursively.
collapse: function() {
this.root.toggle(true, false);
Property: get
Retrieves the node with the given id - or null, if no node with the given id exists.
id - a string, the id of the node you wish to retrieve.
Node id can be assigned via the <MooTreeNode> constructor, e.g. using the <MooTreeNode.insert> method.
get: function(id) {
return this.index[id] || null;
Property: adopt
Adopts a structure of nested ul/li/a elements as tree nodes, then removes the original elements.
id - a string representing the ul element to be adopted, or an element reference.
parentNode - optional, a <MooTreeNode> object under which to import the specified ul element. Defaults to the root node of the parent control.
The ul/li structure must be properly nested, and each li-element must contain one a-element, e.g.:
><ul id="mytree">
> <li><a href="test.html">Item One</a></li>
> <li><a href="test.html">Item Two</a>
> <ul>
> <li><a href="test.html">Item Two Point One</a></li>
> <li><a href="test.html">Item Two Point Two</a></li>
> </ul>
> </li>
> <li><a href="test.html"><!-- icon:_doc; color:#ff0000 -->Item Three</a></li>
The "href", "target", "title" and "name" attributes of the a-tags are picked up and stored in the
data property of the node.
CSS-style comments inside a-tags are parsed, and treated as arguments for <MooTreeNode> constructor,
e.g. "icon", "openicon", "color", etc.
adopt: function(id, parentNode) {
if (parentNode === undefined) parentNode = this.root;
this._adopt(id, parentNode);
_adopt: function(id, parentNode) {
/* adopts a structure of ul/li elements into this tree */
e =;
var i=0, c = e.getChildren();
for (i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
if (c[i].nodeName == 'LI') {
var con={text:''}, comment='', node=null, subul=null;
var n=0, z=0, se=null, s = c[i].getChildren();
for (n=0; n<s.length; n++) {
switch (s[n].nodeName) {
case 'A':
for (z=0; z<s[n].childNodes.length; z++) {
se = s[n].childNodes[z];
switch (se.nodeName) {
case '#text': con.text += se.nodeValue; break;
case '#comment': comment += se.nodeValue; break;
} = s[n].getProperties('href','target','title','name');
case 'UL':
subul = s[n];
if (con.label != '') { =['href']; // (for backwards compatibility)
if (comment != '') {
var bits = comment.split(';');
for (z=0; z<bits.length; z++) {
var pcs = bits[z].trim().split(':');
if (pcs.length == 2) con[pcs[0].trim()] = pcs[1].trim();
if (c[i].id != null) { = 'node_'+c[i].id;
node = parentNode.insert(con);
if (subul) this._adopt(subul, node);
Property: disable
Call this to temporarily disable visual updates -- if you need to insert/remove many nodes
at a time, many visual updates would normally occur. By temporarily disabling the control,
these visual updates will be skipped.
When you're done making changes, call <MooTreeControl.enable> to turn on visual updates
again, and automatically repaint all nodes that were changed.
disable: function() {
this.enabled = false;
Property: enable
Enables visual updates again after a call to <MooTreeControl.disable>
enable: function() {
this.enabled = true;
this.root.update(true, true);
Class: MooTreeNode
This class implements the functionality of a single node in a <MooTreeControl>.
You should not manually create objects of this class -- rather, you should use
<MooTreeControl.insert> to create nodes in the root of the tree, and then use
the similar function <MooTreeNode.insert> to create subnodes.
Both insert methods have a similar syntax, and both return the newly created
<MooTreeNode> object.
options - an object. See options below.
text - this is the displayed text of the node, and as such as is the only required parameter.
id - string, optional - if specified, must be a unique node identifier. Nodes with id can be retrieved using the <MooTreeControl.get> method.
color - string, optional - if specified, must be a six-digit hexadecimal RGB color code.
open - boolean value, defaults to false. Use true if you want the node open from the start.
icon - use this to customize the icon of the node. The following predefined values may be used: '_open', '_closed' and '_doc'. Alternatively, specify the URL of a GIF or PNG image to use - this should be exactly 18x18 pixels in size. If you have a strip of images, you can specify an image number (e.g. 'my_icons.gif#4' for icon number 4).
openicon - use this to customize the icon of the node when it's open.
data - an object containing whatever data you wish to associate with this node (such as an url and/or an id, etc.)
onExpand - called when the node is expanded or collapsed: function(state) - where state is a boolean meaning true:expanded or false:collapsed.
onSelect - called when the node is selected or deselected: function(state) - where state is a boolean meaning true:selected or false:deselected.
onClick - called when the node is clicked (no arguments).
var MooTreeNode = new Class({
initialize: function(options) {
this.text = options.text; // the text displayed by this node = || null; // the node's unique id
this.nodes = new Array(); // subnodes nested beneath this node (MooTreeNode objects)
this.parent = null; // this node's parent node (another MooTreeNode object)
this.last = true; // a flag telling whether this node is the last (bottom) node of it's parent
this.control = options.control; // owner control of this node's tree
this.selected = false; // a flag telling whether this node is the currently selected node in it's tree
this.color = options.color || null; // text color of this node = || {}; // optional object containing whatever data you wish to associate with the node (typically an url or an id)
this.onExpand = options.onExpand || new Function(); // called when the individual node is expanded/collapsed
this.onSelect = options.onSelect || new Function(); // called when the individual node is selected/deselected
this.onClick = options.onClick || new Function(); // called when the individual node is clicked = ? true : false; // flag: node open or closed?
this.icon = options.icon;
this.openicon = options.openicon || this.icon;
// add the node to the control's node index:
if ( this.control.index[] = this;
// create the necessary divs:
this.div = {
main: new Element('div').addClass('mooTree_node'),
indent: new Element('div'),
gadget: new Element('div'),
icon: new Element('div'),
text: new Element('div').addClass('mooTree_text'),
sub: new Element('div')
// put the other divs under the main div:
// put the main and sub divs in the specified parent div:;;
// attach event handler to gadget:
this.div.gadget._node = this;
this.div.gadget.onclick = this.div.gadget.ondblclick = function() {
// attach event handler to icon/text:
this.div.icon._node = this.div.text._node = this;
this.div.icon.onclick = this.div.icon.ondblclick = this.div.text.onclick = this.div.text.ondblclick = function() {;
Property: insert
Creates a new node, nested inside this one.
options - an object containing the same options available to the <MooTreeNode> constructor.
A new <MooTreeNode> instance.
insert: function(options) {
// set the parent div and create the node:
options.div = this.div.sub;
options.control = this.control;
var node = new MooTreeNode(options);
// set the new node's parent:
node.parent = this;
// mark this node's last node as no longer being the last, then add the new last node:
var n = this.nodes;
if (n.length) n[n.length-1].last = false;
// repaint the new node:
// repaint the new node's parent (this node):
if (n.length == 1) this.update();
// recursively repaint the new node's previous sibling node:
if (n.length > 1) n[n.length-2].update(true);
return node;
Property: remove
Removes this node, and all of it's child nodes. If you want to remove all the childnodes without removing the node itself, use <MooTreeNode.clear>
remove: function() {
var p = this.parent;
_remove: function() {
// recursively remove this node's subnodes:
var n = this.nodes;
while (n.length) n[n.length-1]._remove();
// remove the node id from the control's index:
delete this.control.index[];
// remove this node's divs:
if (this.parent) {
// remove this node from the parent's collection of nodes:
var p = this.parent.nodes;
// in case we removed the parent's last node, flag it's current last node as being the last:
if (p.length) p[p.length-1].last = true;
Property: clear
Removes all child nodes under this node, without removing the node itself.
To remove all nodes including this one, use <MooTreeNode.remove>
clear: function() {
while (this.nodes.length) this.nodes[this.nodes.length-1].remove();
Property: update
Update the tree node's visual appearance.
recursive - boolean, defaults to false. If true, recursively updates all nodes beneath this one.
invalidated - boolean, defaults to false. If true, updates only nodes that have been invalidated while the control has been disabled.
update: function(recursive, invalidated) {
var draw = true;
if (!this.control.enabled) {
// control is currently disabled, so we don't do any visual updates
this.invalidated = true;
draw = false;
if (invalidated) {
if (!this.invalidated) {
draw = false; // this one is still valid, don't draw
} else {
this.invalidated = false; // we're drawing this item now
if (draw) {
var x;
// make selected, or not:
this.div.main.className = 'mooTree_node' + (this.selected ? ' mooTree_selected' : '');
// update indentations:
var p = this, i = '';
while (p.parent) {
p = p.parent;
i = this.getImg(p.last || !this.control.grid ? '' : 'I') + i;
this.div.indent.innerHTML = i;
// update the text:
x = this.div.text;
if (this.color) = this.color;
// update the icon:
this.div.icon.innerHTML = this.getImg( this.nodes.length ? ( ? (this.openicon || this.icon || '_open') : (this.icon || '_closed') ) : ( this.icon || (this.control.mode == 'folders' ? '_closed' : '_doc') ) );
// update the plus/minus gadget:
this.div.gadget.innerHTML = this.getImg( ( this.control.grid ? ( this.control.root == this ? (this.nodes.length ? 'R' : '') : (this.last?'L':'T') ) : '') + (this.nodes.length ? ('minus':'plus') : '') );
// show/hide subnodes: = ? 'block' : 'none';
// if recursively updating, update all child nodes:
if (recursive) this.nodes.forEach( function(node) {
node.update(true, invalidated);
Property: getImg
Creates a new image, in the form of HTML for a DIV element with appropriate style.
You should not need to manually call this method. (though if for some reason you want to, you can)
name - the name of new image to create, defined by <MooTreeIcon> or located in an external file.
The HTML for a new div Element.
getImg: function(name) {
var html = '<div class="mooTree_img"';
if (name != '') {
var img = this.control.theme;
var i = MooTreeIcon.indexOf(name);
if (i == -1) {
// custom (external) icon:
var x = name.split('#');
img = x[0];
i = (x.length == 2 ? parseInt(x[1])-1 : 0);
html += ' style="background-image:url(' + img + '); background-position:-' + (i*18) + 'px 0px;"';
html += "></div>";
return html;
Property: toggle
By default (with no arguments) this function toggles the node between expanded/collapsed.
Can also be used to recursively expand/collapse all or part of the tree.
recursive - boolean, defaults to false. With recursive set to true, all child nodes are recursively toggle to this node's new state.
state - boolean. If undefined, the node's state is toggled. If true or false, the node can be explicitly opened or closed.
toggle: function(recursive, state) { = (state === undefined ? ! : state);
if (recursive) this.nodes.forEach( function(node) {
}, this);
Property: select
Called by <MooTreeControl> when the selection changes.
You should not manually call this method - to set the selection, use the <> method.
select: function(state) {
this.selected = state;
Property: load
Asynchronously load an XML structure into a node of this tree.
url - string, required, specifies the URL from which to load the XML document.
vars - query string, optional.
load: function(url, vars) {
if (this.loading) return; // if this node is already loading, return
this.loading = true; // flag this node as loading
this.toggle(false, true); // expand the node to make the loader visible
var f = function() {
new Request({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
onSuccess: this._loaded.bind(this),
onFailure: this._load_err.bind(this)
}).send(vars || '');
//window.setTimeout(f.bind(this), 20); // allowing a small delay for the browser to draw the loader-icon.
_loaded: function(text, xml) {
// called on success - import nodes from the root element:
this.loading = false;
_import: function(e) {
// import childnodes from an xml element:
var n = e.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<n.length; i++) if (n[i].tagName == 'node') {
var opt = {data:{}};
var a = n[i].attributes;
for (var t=0; t<a.length; t++) {
switch (a[t].name) {
case 'text':
case 'id':
case 'icon':
case 'openicon':
case 'color':
case 'open':
opt[a[t].name] = a[t].value;
default:[a[t].name] = a[t].value;
var node = this.insert(opt);
if ( { = false; // can't have a dynamically loading node that's already open!
node.onExpand = function(state) {
this.onExpand = new Function();
// recursively import subnodes of this node:
if (n[i].childNodes.length) node._import(n[i]);
_load_err: function(req) {
window.alert('Error loading: ' + this.text);