Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/plugins/content/sigplus/core/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/plugins/content/sigplus/core/params.php |
<?php /** * @file * @brief sigplus Image Gallery Plus global and local parameters * @author Levente Hunyadi * @version 1.5.0 * @remarks Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Levente Hunyadi * @remarks Licensed under GNU/GPLv3, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * @see http://hunyadi.info.hu/sigplus */ /* * sigplus Image Gallery Plus plug-in for Joomla * Copyright 2009-2017 Levente Hunyadi * * sigplus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * sigplus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'useragent.php'; define('SIGPLUS_RETINA_SCALE', 2); // default scale factor for preview images targeting retina displays define('SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS', 1); // sort criterion override modes define('SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME', 2); // sort based on file name ignoring order in labels file define('SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME', 4); // sort based on last modified time ignoring order in labels file define('SIGPLUS_SORT_FILESIZE', 8); // sort based on file size ignoring order in labels file define('SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM', 128); // random order define('SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME', SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS | SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME); // sort based on labels file with fallback to file name define('SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME', SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS | SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME); // sort based on labels file with fallback to last modified time define('SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILESIZE', SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS | SIGPLUS_SORT_FILESIZE); // sort based on labels file with fallback to file size define('SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_RANDOM', SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS | SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM); // sort based on labels file with fallback to random order // sort order define('SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING', 0); define('SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING', 1); class SigPlusNovoColors { /** Maps color names to color codes. */ private static $colors; public static function translate($value) { if (!isset(self::$colors)) { $colors = array( 'AliceBlue'=>0xF0F8FF, 'AntiqueWhite'=>0xFAEBD7, 'Aqua'=>0x00FFFF, 'Aquamarine'=>0x7FFFD4, 'Azure'=>0xF0FFFF, 'Beige'=>0xF5F5DC, 'Bisque'=>0xFFE4C4, 'Black'=>0x000000, 'BlanchedAlmond'=>0xFFEBCD, 'Blue'=>0x0000FF, 'BlueViolet'=>0x8A2BE2, 'Brown'=>0xA52A2A, 'BurlyWood'=>0xDEB887, 'CadetBlue'=>0x5F9EA0, 'Chartreuse'=>0x7FFF00, 'Chocolate'=>0xD2691E, 'Coral'=>0xFF7F50, 'CornflowerBlue'=>0x6495ED, 'Cornsilk'=>0xFFF8DC, 'Crimson'=>0xDC143C, 'Cyan'=>0x00FFFF, 'DarkBlue'=>0x00008B, 'DarkCyan'=>0x008B8B, 'DarkGoldenRod'=>0xB8860B, 'DarkGray'=>0xA9A9A9, 'DarkGrey'=>0xA9A9A9, 'DarkGreen'=>0x006400, 'DarkKhaki'=>0xBDB76B, 'DarkMagenta'=>0x8B008B, 'DarkOliveGreen'=>0x556B2F, 'Darkorange'=>0xFF8C00, 'DarkOrchid'=>0x9932CC, 'DarkRed'=>0x8B0000, 'DarkSalmon'=>0xE9967A, 'DarkSeaGreen'=>0x8FBC8F, 'DarkSlateBlue'=>0x483D8B, 'DarkSlateGray'=>0x2F4F4F, 'DarkSlateGrey'=>0x2F4F4F, 'DarkTurquoise'=>0x00CED1, 'DarkViolet'=>0x9400D3, 'DeepPink'=>0xFF1493, 'DeepSkyBlue'=>0x00BFFF, 'DimGray'=>0x696969, 'DimGrey'=>0x696969, 'DodgerBlue'=>0x1E90FF, 'FireBrick'=>0xB22222, 'FloralWhite'=>0xFFFAF0, 'ForestGreen'=>0x228B22, 'Fuchsia'=>0xFF00FF, 'Gainsboro'=>0xDCDCDC, 'GhostWhite'=>0xF8F8FF, 'Gold'=>0xFFD700, 'GoldenRod'=>0xDAA520, 'Gray'=>0x808080, 'Grey'=>0x808080, 'Green'=>0x008000, 'GreenYellow'=>0xADFF2F, 'HoneyDew'=>0xF0FFF0, 'HotPink'=>0xFF69B4, 'IndianRed'=>0xCD5C5C, 'Indigo'=>0x4B0082, 'Ivory'=>0xFFFFF0, 'Khaki'=>0xF0E68C, 'Lavender'=>0xE6E6FA, 'LavenderBlush'=>0xFFF0F5, 'LawnGreen'=>0x7CFC00, 'LemonChiffon'=>0xFFFACD, 'LightBlue'=>0xADD8E6, 'LightCoral'=>0xF08080, 'LightCyan'=>0xE0FFFF, 'LightGoldenRodYellow'=>0xFAFAD2, 'LightGray'=>0xD3D3D3, 'LightGrey'=>0xD3D3D3, 'LightGreen'=>0x90EE90, 'LightPink'=>0xFFB6C1, 'LightSalmon'=>0xFFA07A, 'LightSeaGreen'=>0x20B2AA, 'LightSkyBlue'=>0x87CEFA, 'LightSlateGray'=>0x778899, 'LightSlateGrey'=>0x778899, 'LightSteelBlue'=>0xB0C4DE, 'LightYellow'=>0xFFFFE0, 'Lime'=>0x00FF00, 'LimeGreen'=>0x32CD32, 'Linen'=>0xFAF0E6, 'Magenta'=>0xFF00FF, 'Maroon'=>0x800000, 'MediumAquaMarine'=>0x66CDAA, 'MediumBlue'=>0x0000CD, 'MediumOrchid'=>0xBA55D3, 'MediumPurple'=>0x9370D8, 'MediumSeaGreen'=>0x3CB371, 'MediumSlateBlue'=>0x7B68EE, 'MediumSpringGreen'=>0x00FA9A, 'MediumTurquoise'=>0x48D1CC, 'MediumVioletRed'=>0xC71585, 'MidnightBlue'=>0x191970, 'MintCream'=>0xF5FFFA, 'MistyRose'=>0xFFE4E1, 'Moccasin'=>0xFFE4B5, 'NavajoWhite'=>0xFFDEAD, 'Navy'=>0x000080, 'OldLace'=>0xFDF5E6, 'Olive'=>0x808000, 'OliveDrab'=>0x6B8E23, 'Orange'=>0xFFA500, 'OrangeRed'=>0xFF4500, 'Orchid'=>0xDA70D6, 'PaleGoldenRod'=>0xEEE8AA, 'PaleGreen'=>0x98FB98, 'PaleTurquoise'=>0xAFEEEE, 'PaleVioletRed'=>0xD87093, 'PapayaWhip'=>0xFFEFD5, 'PeachPuff'=>0xFFDAB9, 'Peru'=>0xCD853F, 'Pink'=>0xFFC0CB, 'Plum'=>0xDDA0DD, 'PowderBlue'=>0xB0E0E6, 'Purple'=>0x800080, 'Red'=>0xFF0000, 'RosyBrown'=>0xBC8F8F, 'RoyalBlue'=>0x4169E1, 'SaddleBrown'=>0x8B4513, 'Salmon'=>0xFA8072, 'SandyBrown'=>0xF4A460, 'SeaGreen'=>0x2E8B57, 'SeaShell'=>0xFFF5EE, 'Sienna'=>0xA0522D, 'Silver'=>0xC0C0C0, 'SkyBlue'=>0x87CEEB, 'SlateBlue'=>0x6A5ACD, 'SlateGray'=>0x708090, 'SlateGrey'=>0x708090, 'Snow'=>0xFFFAFA, 'SpringGreen'=>0x00FF7F, 'SteelBlue'=>0x4682B4, 'Tan'=>0xD2B48C, 'Teal'=>0x008080, 'Thistle'=>0xD8BFD8, 'Tomato'=>0xFF6347, 'Turquoise'=>0x40E0D0, 'Violet'=>0xEE82EE, 'Wheat'=>0xF5DEB3, 'White'=>0xFFFFFF, 'WhiteSmoke'=>0xF5F5F5, 'Yellow'=>0xFFFF00, 'YellowGreen'=>0x9ACD32 ); self::$colors = array_merge($colors, array_combine(array_map('strtolower', array_keys($colors)), array_values($colors))); } if (isset(self::$colors[$value])) { return sprintf('#%06x', self::$colors[$value]); // translate color name to color code } else { return false; } } } class SigPlusNovoFilter { /** Relationship between items. */ public $rel; /** An array of items to combine. */ public $items; public function __construct($rel = 'and') { $this->rel = $rel; $this->items = array(); } public function is_empty() { return empty($this->items); } } class SigPlusNovoFolderParameters { public $id; public $time; public $entitytag; } class SigPlusNovoImageParameters { /** Width of preview/thumbnail image (px). */ public $width = 100; /** Height of preview/thumbnail image (px). */ public $height = 100; /** Whether the original images was cropped when the preview/thumbnail was generated. */ public $crop = true; /** JPEG quality measure. */ public $quality = 85; /** Horizontal offset. Used with watermark images. */ public $x = 0; /** Vertical offset. Used with watermark images. */ public $y = 0; /** Image position. Used with watermark images. */ public $position = false; /** * The name prefix for generated images. * @return {string} A string that looks like "120x60" or "90s90". */ public function getNamingPrefix() { if ($this->width > 0 && $this->height > 0) { if ($this->crop) { $fitcode = 'x'; // center and crop } else { $fitcode = 's'; // scale to dimensions } return $this->width.$fitcode.$this->height; } else { return false; } } /** * A unique filename for a generated image avoiding name conflicts. * Absolute paths are converted into relative paths so that a site backup restored on another system preserves hashes. * @param {string} $imageref Absolute path or URL to an image file. * @param {bool|string} $base A base directory w.r.t. which absolute paths are converted to a relative path. */ public function getHash($imageref, $base) { if (is_url_http($imageref)) { $imagepath = parse_url($imageref, PHP_URL_PATH); $imagehashbase = $imageref; } elseif (strpos($imageref, JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { // file is inside Joomla root folder $imagepath = $imageref; $imagehashbase = '@root/'.str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($imageref, strlen(JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); } elseif (is_absolute_path($base) && strpos($imageref, $base.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { $imagepath = $imageref; $imagehashbase = '@base/'.str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($imageref, strlen($base.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); } else { $imagepath = $imageref; $imagehashbase = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $imageref); } $extension = pathinfo($imagepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($extension) { $extension = '.'.$extension; } switch ($extension) { case '.jpg': case '.jpeg': case '.JPG': case '.JPEG': $quality = '@'.$this->quality; break; default: $quality = ''; } if ($this->position !== false) { $position = '#'.$this->x.$this->position.$this->y; } else { $position = ''; } $hashbase = 'sigplus_'.$this->getNamingPrefix().$quality.$position.'_'.$imagehashbase; return md5($hashbase).$extension; } } class SigPlusNovoPreviewParameters extends SigPlusNovoImageParameters { public function __construct(SigPlusNovoGalleryParameters $params = null) { if ($params) { $this->width = $params->preview_width; $this->height = $params->preview_height; $this->crop = $params->preview_crop; $this->quality = $params->quality; } } } class SigPlusNovoThumbParameters extends SigPlusNovoImageParameters { public function __construct(SigPlusNovoGalleryParameters $params = null) { if ($params) { $this->width = $params->thumb_width; $this->height = $params->thumb_height; $this->crop = $params->thumb_crop; $this->quality = $params->quality; } } } class SigPlusNovoWatermarkParameters extends SigPlusNovoImageParameters { public function __construct(SigPlusNovoGalleryParameters $params = null) { $this->width = 0; $this->height = 0; $this->crop = false; if ($params) { $this->x = $params->watermark_x; // special value for watermarked image $this->y = $params->watermark_y; // special value for watermarked image $this->quality = $params->quality; $this->position = $params->watermark_position; } } } /** * Base class for configuration objects. */ class SigPlusNovoConfigurationBase { /** Settings override, provided as a string of key=value pairs. */ public $settings = null; /** * Set parameters from a JRegistry or a JSON object (typically synthesized from a JSON string). * @param $params A value of a type such as boolean or stdClass. */ public function setParameters($params) { if (isset($params)) { if ($params instanceof stdClass) { foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $name => $value) { // enumerate properties in class if (isset($params->$name)) { $this->setValue($name, $params->$name); } } } else if ($params instanceof JRegistry) { // Joomla 2.5 and earlier foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $name => $value) { // enumerate properties in class $paramvalue = $params->get($name); if (isset($paramvalue)) { $this->setValue($name, $paramvalue); } } } $this->validate(); return true; } else { return false; } } private function setValue($key, $value) { // skip setting parameters with empty value (such parameters will retain their current state) if ($value !== false && !is_null($value) && (!is_string($value) || !ctype_space($value))) { $this->$key = $value; } } /** * Return the natural typed representation of a value, guessing at its type. */ private function getValue($value) { if (ctype_digit($value)) { // digits only, treat as integer return (int) $value; } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { // can represent a number, treat as floating-point return (float) $value; } else { return (string) $value; } } /** * Set parameters based on an associative array where the keys are parameter names. */ public function setArray(array $params, $exact = true) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $key = str_replace('-', '_', $key); // PHP identifiers do not allow hyphens $exactvalue = $exact ? $value : $this->getValue($value); if (property_exists($this, $key)) { $this->setValue($key, $exactvalue); } elseif (strpos($key, ':') !== false) { // contains special instruction for pop-up window or rotator engine list($engine, $key) = explode(':', $key, 2); $property = $engine.'_params'; // e.g. 'mobile_params', 'lightbox_params', 'rotator_params' or 'caption_params' if (property_exists($this, $property) && is_array($this->{$property})) { $this->{$property}[$key] = $exactvalue; } } } $this->validate(); } /** * Set parameters based on a string with whitespace-delimited list of "key=value" pairs. */ public function setString($paramstring) { $params = self::string_to_array($paramstring); if ($params !== false) { $this->setArray($params, false); } } /** * Converts a string containing key-value pairs into an associative array. * @param {string} $string The string to split into key-value pairs. * @param {string} $separator The optional string that separates the key from the value. * @param {string} $quotechars Quote characters for values that contain special characters. * @return array An associative array that maps keys to values. */ public static function string_to_array($string, $separator = '=', $quotechars = '\'\"|') { $separator = preg_quote($separator, '#'); $valuepatterns = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($quotechars); $i++) { $quotechar = preg_quote($quotechars{$i}, '#'); // escape characters with special meaning to regex $valuepatterns[] = $quotechar.'[^'.$quotechar.']*'.$quotechar; } $regularchar = '[A-Za-z0-9:._/-]'; $namepattern = '([A-Za-z_]'.$regularchar.'*)'; // html attribute name $valuepatterns[] = '-?[0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]+)?'; $valuepatterns[] = $regularchar.'+'; $valuepattern = '('.implode('|',$valuepatterns).')'; $pattern = '#(?<=\s|^)(?:'.$namepattern.$separator.')?'.$valuepattern.'(?=\s|$)#'; $array = array(); $matches = array(); $result = preg_match_all($pattern, $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (!$result) { return false; } foreach ($matches as $match) { $name = $match[1]; $value = trim($match[2], $quotechars); if (strlen($name) > 0) { $array[$name] = $value; } else { $array[] = $value; } } return $array; } /** * Casts a value to a true or false value. */ protected static function as_boolean($value) { if (is_string($value)) { switch ($value) { case 'true': case 'on': case 'yes': case '1': return true; case 'false': case 'off': case 'no': case '0': return false; } return false; } else { return (bool) $value; } } /** * Casts a value to one of the specified set of values. */ protected static function as_one_of($value, array $list, $default = null) { if (!isset($default)) { $default = $list[0]; } $key = array_search($value, $list); if ($key !== false) { return $list[$key]; // equal but not necessarily identical to $value } else { return $default; } } /** * Casts a value to a nonnegative integer. */ protected static function as_nonnegative_integer($value, $default = 0) { if (is_null($value) || $value === '') { return false; } elseif ($value !== false) { $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { $value = $default; } } return $value; } /** * Casts a value to a positive integer. */ protected static function as_positive_integer($value, $default = 1) { if (is_null($value) || $value === false || $value === '') { return $default; } else { $value = (int) $value; if ($value <= 0) { $value = $default; } return $value; } } /** * Casts a value to a percentage value. */ protected static function as_percentage($value) { $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0) { $value = 0; } if ($value > 100) { $value = 100; } return $value; } /** * Casts a value to a CSS hexadecimal color specification. */ protected static function as_color($value) { if (is_string($value)) { if (preg_match('/^#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{6}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{3})$/', $value)) { // a hexadecimal color code return '#'.ltrim($value, '#'); } else { // a color name return SigPlusNovoColors::translate($value); } } elseif (is_int($value)) { return sprintf('#%06x', $value); // convert integer into hexadecimal digits } else { return false; } } /** * Casts a value to a CSS dimension measure with a unit. */ protected static function as_css_measure($value) { if (!isset($value) || $value === false) { return false; } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { return $value.'px'; } elseif (preg_match('#^(?:(?:(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:[.][0-9]+)?(?:%|in|[cm]m|e[mx]|p[tcx])|0)\\b\\s*){1,4}$#', $value)) { // "1px" or "1px 2em" or "1px 2em 3pt" or "1px 2em 3pt 4cm" or "1px 0 0 4cm" return $value; } else { return 0; } } /** * Converts bulletin board code into HTML markup code. */ protected static function as_bbcode($value) { $value = (string) $value; $value = preg_replace('#\[url\](.+?)\[/url\]#S', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $value); $value = preg_replace('#\[url=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#S', '<a href="$1">$2</a>', $value); $value = str_replace( array("\r\n","\r","\n",'[b]','[/b]','[i]','[/i]','[u]','[/u]','[s]','[/s]','[sub]','[/sub]','[sup]','[/sup]'), array('<br/>','<br/>','<br/>','<b>','</b>','<i>','</i>','<u>','</u>','<strike>','</strike>','<sub>','</sub>','<sup>','</sup>'), $value ); return $value; } protected static function as_accesslevel($value) { if (empty($value)) { return false; } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { // numeric access level $result = (int)$value; } else { // access level as string $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('a.id'); $query->from('#__viewlevels AS a'); $query->where('a.title = '.$db->quote($value)); $db->setQuery($query); $result = $db->loadResult(); // may return null if (isset($result)) { $result = (int)$result; } } if ($result) { return $result; } else { return false; } } protected static function as_filter($expression) { if ($expression instanceof SigPlusNovoFilter) { return $expression; } elseif (is_string($expression)) { $filter = new SigPlusNovoFilter('or'); $disjunction = explode(';', $expression); // a;b;c --> a or b or c foreach ($disjunction as $subexpression) { $subfilter = new SigPlusNovoFilter('and'); $subfilter->items = explode(',', $subexpression); // a,b,c --> a and b and c $filter->items[] = $subfilter; } return $filter; } else { return new SigPlusNovoFilter('and'); // empty filter } } public function validate() { // apply in-place override for configuration settings if (!empty($this->settings)) { $settings = $this->settings; $this->settings = null; $this->setString($settings); } } } /** * System-wide image gallery generation configuration parameters. */ class SigPlusNovoServiceParameters extends SigPlusNovoConfigurationBase { /** Whether to support multilingual labeling. */ public $multilingual = false; /** * Base directory for images. * @type {string} */ public $base_folder = 'images'; /** Base URL the directory for images corresponds to. */ public $base_url = false; /** Subdirectory for thumbnail images. */ public $folder_thumb = 'thumb'; /** Subdirectory for preview images. */ public $folder_preview = 'preview'; /** Subdirectory for full-size images. */ public $folder_fullsize = false; /** Subdirectory for watermarked images. */ public $folder_watermarked = 'watermarked'; /** Subdirectory for external script files. */ public $folder_script = 'script'; /** * Whether to use Joomla cache folder, the Joomla media folder or the image source folder for storing generated images. * @type {bool|'cache'|'media'|'source'} */ public $cache_image = 'cache'; /** * Whether to use Joomla cache folder for storing temporary generated content. * @type {bool} */ public $cache_content = true; /** * Metadata to extract from image files. * @type {'default'|'all'|'iptc'|'minimal'|'exif'|'none'} */ public $metadata_filter = 'default'; /** * Image processing library to use. * @type {'default'|'none'|'gd'|'gmagick'|'imagick'} */ public $library_image = 'default'; /** * Whether to use uncompressed versions of lightbox and rotator engine scripts. * @type {bool} */ public $debug_client = false; /** * Whether to print verbose status messages of actions performed on the server. * @type {'default'|'laconic'|'verbose'} */ public $debug_server = 'default'; /** * Whether database tables are flushed (truncated) when extension configuration is saved. * @type {bool} */ public $clean_database = false; public function validate() { parent::validate(); $this->multilingual = (bool) $this->multilingual; $this->cache_image = (string) $this->cache_image; switch ($this->cache_image) { case 'cache': case 'media': case 'source': break; case '0': $this->cache_image = 'source'; break; case '1': default: $this->cache_image = 'cache'; break; } $this->cache_content = (bool) $this->cache_content; $this->metadata_filter = self::as_one_of($this->metadata_filter, array('default','all','iptc','minimal','exif','none')); switch ($this->library_image) { case 'gd': if (!is_gd_supported()) { $this->library_image = 'none'; } break; case 'imagick': if (!is_imagick_supported()) { $this->library_image = 'none'; } break; default: if (is_gd_supported()) { $this->library_image = 'gd'; } elseif (is_imagick_supported()) { $this->library_image = 'imagick'; } elseif (is_gmagick_supported()) { $this->library_image = 'gmagick'; } else { $this->library_image = 'none'; } } $this->debug_client = self::as_boolean($this->debug_client); $this->debug_server = self::as_one_of($this->debug_server, array('default','laconic','verbose')); $this->clean_database = self::as_boolean($this->clean_database); $this->checkFolders(); } private function checkFolders() { // determine if image base folder is absolute or relative if (preg_match('#^(?:[a-zA-Z]+:)?[/\\\\]#', $this->base_folder)) { // an absolute path, which starts with a leading slash (UNIX) or a drive letter designation and a backslash (Windows) $folder = rtrim(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->base_folder), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // remove leading and trailing slashes $path = $folder; } else { // a path relative to the Joomla root $folder = rtrim(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->base_folder), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // remove leading and trailing slashes $path = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$folder; } // verify validity of path $path = realpath($path); if ($path === false) { throw new SigPlusNovoBaseFolderException($this->base_folder); } $this->base_folder = $path; // deduce base URL from base folder if not set if ($this->base_url === '') { $this->base_url = false; } if ($this->base_url === false && strpos($path, JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { // starts with Joomla root folder $this->base_url = JURI::base(true).str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', substr($path, strlen(JPATH_ROOT))); // build path relative to Joomla root } // verify presence of base URL if ($this->base_url === false) { throw new SigPlusNovoBaseURLException(); } // trim excess trailing slash $this->base_url = rtrim($this->base_url, '/'); // thumbnail folder (either inside image folder or cache folder) if (!is_filename($this->folder_thumb)) { throw new SigPlusNovoInvalidFolderException($this->folder_thumb, 'SIGPLUS_IMAGETYPE_THUMB'); } // preview image folder (either inside image folder or cache folder) if (!is_filename($this->folder_preview)) { throw new SigPlusNovoInvalidFolderException($this->folder_preview, 'SIGPLUS_IMAGETYPE_PREVIEW'); } // full size image folder if ($this->folder_fullsize) { if (!is_filename($this->folder_fullsize)) { throw new SigPlusNovoInvalidFolderException($this->folder_fullsize, 'SIGPLUS_IMAGETYPE_FULLSIZE'); } } else { // no folder available for high-resolution images $this->folder_fullsize = false; } // watermarked image folder (either inside image folder or cache folder) if (!is_filename($this->folder_watermarked)) { throw new SigPlusNovoInvalidFolderException($this->folder_watermarked, 'SIGPLUS_IMAGETYPE_WATERMARKED'); } // check that generated images folders are all different $foldercounts = array_count_values( array_filter( array( $this->folder_thumb, $this->folder_preview, $this->folder_fullsize, $this->folder_watermarked ) ) ); foreach ($foldercounts as $folder => $count) { if ($count > 1) { throw new SigPlusNovoFolderConflictException($folder); } } } } /** * Parameter values for images galleries. * * Parameters have a priority which is enforced with a stack mechanism. Settings with higher * priority (near top of stack) override settings with lower priority (near bottom of stack). * (1) Factory values, as set in class property initializers, have the lowest precedence. * (2) Global values are defined in the administration back-end, and typically set using * a JRegistry object. * (3) Local values are usually specified directly in the article body, with activation tag * attribute values, and typically set using a parameter string of name-value pairs. */ class SigPlusNovoGalleryParameters extends SigPlusNovoConfigurationBase { /** * Title of Joomla module that acts as a base template for parameter values. * * This parameter accepts a <em>mod_sigplus</em> module title, whose configuration parameters act as a base for * plug-in parameters. In-line parameters specified in the plug-in activation tag override those parameters * inherited from the base module. This lets users set some default parameter values on the configuration page of * a module, and specify the module title in the plug-in activation tag as a single parameter or add some further * overrides. The module must be accessible in the context where it is referenced, i.e. it must be enabled, * assigned to the same menu item that the content is assigned to in which the activation tag is typed (or assigned * to all pages), and the user must have the appropriate access rights. */ public $base_module = null; /** * The JavaScript lightbox engine to use, or false to disable the lightbox engine. * @type {string} * @example <kbd>{gallery lightbox=boxplus/dark}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> uses the boxplus pop-up window dark theme to display images when a preview image is clicked. */ public $lightbox = 'boxplusx'; /** * The JavaScript image rotator engine to use, or false to disable the rotator engine. * @type {string} */ public $rotator = 'slideplus'; /** * The JavaScript image caption engine to use, or false to disable the caption engine. * @type {string} */ public $caption = 'captionplus'; /** * Unique identifier to use for gallery. * @type {string} */ public $id = null; /** * Image gallery source. * @type {string} */ public $source = null; /** * The way the gallery is rendered in HTML. * @type {'fixed'|'flow'|'packed'|'hidden'} */ public $layout = 'fixed'; /** * Number of rows per rotator page. * Applicable to fixed (grid) layout. * @type {positive_integer} * @example <kbd>{gallery layout=fixed rows=2 cols=3}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> shows a gallery in a 2-by-3 grid arrangement. */ public $rows = false; /** * Number of columns per rotator page. * Applicable to fixed (grid) layout. * @type {positive_integer} */ public $cols = false; /** * Number of items to show in a single layout unit. * Applicable to flow and packed layout. * @type {positive_integer} */ public $limit = false; /** * Maximum number of preview images to show in the gallery. * @type {integer} * @example <kbd>{gallery rows=2 cols=3 maxcount=5}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> shows at most 5 preview images arranged in a 2-by-3 grid. */ public $maxcount = 0; /** * Width of preview images [px]. * @type {nonnegative_integer} */ public $preview_width = 100; /** * Height of preview images [px]. * @type {nonnegative_integer} */ public $preview_height = 100; /** * Whether to allow cropping images for more aesthetic preview images. * @type {boolean} */ public $preview_crop = true; /** * Scale factor for preview images targeted at retina displays. */ public $preview_retina_scale = SIGPLUS_RETINA_SCALE; /** * Width of thumbnail images [px]. * @type {positive_integer} */ public $thumb_width = 100; /** * Height of thumbnail images [px]. * @type {positive_integer} */ public $thumb_height = 100; /** * Whether to allow cropping images for more aesthetic thumbnails. * @type {boolean} */ public $thumb_crop = true; /** * Scale factor for thumbnail images targeted at retina displays. */ public $thumb_retina_scale = SIGPLUS_RETINA_SCALE; /** * JPEG quality. * @type {percentage} */ public $quality = 85; /** * Alignment of image gallery. * @type {'left'|'center'|'right'|'before'|'after'|'left-float'|'right-float'|'before-float'|'after-float'|'left-clear'|'right-clear'|'before-clear'|'after-clear'} * @example <kbd>{gallery alignment=before-float}fruit{/gallery}</kbd> left-aligns the gallery on an English site, allowing text to wrap around. */ public $alignment = 'before'; /** * Whether the lightbox engine automatically centers the image in the browser window. * @type {boolean} */ public $lightbox_autocenter = true; /** * Whether the lightbox engine automatically reduces oversized images. * @type {boolean} */ public $lightbox_autofit = true; /** * Position to show small thumbnails for faster navigation inside the lightbox. * @type {'none'|'inside'|'outside'} */ public $lightbox_thumbs = false; /** * Time an image is shown before navigating to the next in a slideshow. * @type {nonnegative_integer} * @example <kbd>{gallery lightbox-slideshow=4000}fruit{/gallery}</kbd> makes a slideshow control button appear in the pop-up window; pressing the button will trigger a slideshow, automatically showing the next image after 4 seconds of delay. */ public $lightbox_slideshow = 0; /** * Whether to automatically activate slideshow mode when the lightbox opens. * @example <kbd>{gallery lightbox-slideshow=4000 lightbox-autostart=1}fruit{/gallery}</kbd> triggers a slideshow when the pop-up window appears, automatically showing the next image after 4 seconds of delay. * @type {boolean} */ public $lightbox_autostart = false; /** * Lightbox transition effect easing equation. * @type {string} */ public $lightbox_transition = 'linear'; /** * Orientation of image gallery viewport. * @type {'horizontal'|'vertical'} */ public $rotator_orientation = 'horizontal'; /** * Position of navigation and paging controls. * @type {'bottom'|'top'|'none'|'both'} */ public $rotator_navigation = 'bottom'; /** * Show control buttons in navigation bar. * @type {boolean} */ public $rotator_buttons = true; /** * Show page links in navigation bar. * @type {boolean} */ public $rotator_links = true; /** * User action to advance the rotator. * @type {'click'|'mouseover'} */ public $rotator_trigger = 'click'; /** * Unit the rotator advances upon a single mouse click. * @type {'single'|'page'} * @example <kbd>{gallery rows=2 cols=3 rotator-orientation=horizontal rotator-step=single}mygallery{/gallery}</kbd> causes the rotator to advance by a single column when using navigation controls <em>Previous</em> and <em>Next</em>. */ public $rotator_step = 'single'; /** * Time taken for the rotator to move from one page to another [ms]. * @type {nonnegative_integer} * @example <kbd>{gallery rotator-duration=800}fruit{/gallery}</kbd> makes the slide animation between pages take 0.8 seconds. */ public $rotator_duration = 800; /** * Animation delay. * @type {nonnegative_integer} */ public $rotator_delay = 0; /** * Alignment of rotator items within their container. * @type {'c'|'n'|'ne'|'e'|'se'|'s'|'sw'|'w'|'nw'} */ public $rotator_alignment = 'c'; /** * Rotator transition effect easing equation. * @type {string} */ public $rotator_transition = 'linear'; /** * Whether the rotator (and the lightbox) engine wraps around. * @type {boolean} */ public $loop = true; /** * Caption visibility. * @type {'none'|'mouseover'|'always'} */ public $caption_visibility = 'mouseover'; /** * Position of image captions. * @type {'overlay-bottom'|'overlay-top'|'bottom'|'top'|'below'|'above'} */ public $caption_position = 'overlay-bottom'; /** * Caption area height in CSS length units, or false for default (inherit from sigplus.css). */ public $caption_height = false; /** * The name of the file from where text for captions is drawn. * @type {string} */ public $caption_source = 'labels.txt'; /** * Default title to assign to images. * @type {string} */ public $caption_title = null; /** * Default description to assign to images. * @type {string} */ public $caption_summary = null; /** * Title template used to build the image title. * @type {string} */ public $caption_title_template = null; /** * Description template used to build the image description. * @type {string} */ public $caption_summary_template = null; /** * Access level required to download original image. * @example <kbd>{gallery download="Registered"}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> makes the gallery accessible to registered users only (on a standard Joomla installation). */ public $download = false; /** * Access level required to display metadata information. */ public $metadata = false; /** * Client-side protection for images. * @type {boolean} */ public $protection = false; /** * Margin [px] (with or without unit), or false for default (inherit from sigplus.css). * @example <kbd>{gallery preview-margin=4}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> adds a margin of 4 pixels around the border of each image in the gallery.</td> */ public $preview_margin = false; /** Border width [px] (with or without unit), or false for default (inherit from sigplus.css). */ public $preview_border_width = false; /** Border style, or false for default (inherit from sigplus.css). */ public $preview_border_style = false; /** * Border color as a hexadecimal value in between "#000000" and "#ffffff" inclusive, a standard color name, or false for default (inherit from sigplus.css). * @example <kbd>{gallery preview-border-width=1 preview-border-style=dotted preview-border-color="#000000"}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> adds a black dotted border of a single pixel width around each image in the gallery. */ public $preview_border_color = false; /** Padding [px] (with or without unit), or false for default (inherit from sigplus.css). */ public $preview_padding = false; /** * Sort criterion. * @example <kbd>{gallery sort-criterion=filename sort-order=asc}myfolder{/gallery}</kbd> sorts images in the gallery by filename in ascending order (A to Z). */ public $sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME; /** * Sort order, ascending or descending. * @example <kbd>{gallery sort-criterion=mtime sort-order=desc}mygallery{/gallery}</kbd> sorts images in the gallery by last modification time in descending order (image last uploaded first). */ public $sort_order = SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING; /** * Depth limit for scanning directory hierarchies recursively. Use -1 to set no recursion limit. * @type {nonnegative_integer} */ public $depth = 0; /** * The position of the watermark within the image [n|ne|e|se|s|sw|w|nw|c], or false for no watermark. * @type {''|'n'|'ne'|'e'|'se'|'s'|'sw'|'w'|'nw'|'c'} * @example <kbd>{gallery watermark-position=se watermark-x=15 watermark-y=10}buildings{/gallery}</kbd> applies a watermark to each image in the folder <kbd>buildings</kbd>. The watermark is placed in the bottom right (southeast) corner, 15 pixels from the right edge and 10 pixels from the bottom edge. */ public $watermark_position = false; /** * The distance to keep from the left or right edge, as appropriate. * @type {nonnegative_integer} */ public $watermark_x = 0; /** * The distance to keep from the top or bottom edge, as appropriate. * @type {nonnegative_integer} */ public $watermark_y = 0; /** * Image file to use for watermarking. * @type {string} */ public $watermark_source = 'watermark.png'; /** * One-based index of representative image in the gallery. * @type {positive_integer} */ public $index = 1; /** * Files to include in a filtered gallery. * @type {array|boolean} */ public $filter_include = false; /** * Files to exclude in a filtered gallery. * @type {array|boolean} */ public $filter_exclude = false; /** * Advertise gallery images with Open Graph meta tags. * @type {boolean} */ public $open_graph = true; /** * Custom CSS class to annotate the generated gallery with. */ public $classname = false; /** Parameter overrides for handheld devices. */ public $mobile_params = array(); /** Additional parameters to pass to the lightbox engine. */ public $lightbox_params = array(); /** Additional parameters to pass to the rotator engine. */ public $rotator_params = array(); /** Additional parameters to pass to the caption engine. */ public $caption_params = array(); /** * Enforces that parameters are of the valid type and value. */ public function validate() { parent::validate(); // apply parameter overrides for handheld devices if (!empty($this->mobile_params) && SigPlusNovoUserAgent::handheld()) { // settings for mobile devices foreach ($this->mobile_params as $key => $value) { $this->$key = $value; // override values set for desktop computers } } // force type for gallery identifier $this->id = !empty($this->id) ? (string) $this->id : null; // get engines to use if ($this->lightbox !== false) { switch ($this->lightbox) { case 'none': $this->lightbox = false; break; default: $this->lightbox = (string) $this->lightbox; } } if ($this->rotator !== false) { switch ($this->rotator) { case 'none': $this->rotator = false; break; default: $this->rotator = (string) $this->rotator; } } if ($this->caption !== false) { switch ($this->caption) { case 'none': $this->caption = false; break; default: $this->caption = (string) $this->caption; } } // gallery layout, desired preview image count, dimensions and other preview image properties switch ($this->layout) { case 'hidden': $this->caption_visibility = false; $this->caption_position = false; $this->caption = false; $this->rotator = false; $this->rows = false; $this->cols = false; $this->limit = false; break; case 'flow': $this->rotator = false; $this->rows = false; $this->cols = false; $this->limit = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->limit); break; case 'packed': $this->rotator = 'scrollplus'; // manual scrolling $this->rows = false; $this->cols = false; $this->limit = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->limit); break; default: // case 'fixed': $this->layout = 'fixed'; if ($this->rotator === false) { $properties = get_class_vars(__CLASS__); $this->rotator = $properties['rotator']; // get default rotator } $this->rows = self::as_positive_integer($this->rows); $this->cols = self::as_positive_integer($this->cols); $this->limit = false; } $this->alignment = self::as_one_of($this->alignment, array( 'before', // 'left' (LTR) or 'right' (RTL) depending on language 'after', // 'right' (LTR) or 'left' (RTL) depending on language 'before-clear', 'after-clear', 'before-float', 'after-float', 'center', 'left', 'right', // 'left' or 'right' independent of language 'left-clear', 'right-clear', 'left-float', 'right-float' ) ); $language = JFactory::getLanguage(); $this->alignment = str_replace(array('after','before'), $language->isRTL() ? array('left','right') : array('right','left'), $this->alignment); $this->maxcount = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->maxcount); $this->preview_width = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->preview_width, 0); $this->preview_height = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->preview_height, 0); $this->preview_retina_scale = floatval($this->preview_retina_scale); $this->preview_crop = self::as_boolean($this->preview_crop); $this->quality = self::as_percentage($this->quality); if ($this->preview_crop) { // cropping enabled, both width and height are required if ($this->preview_width == 0) { $this->preview_width = 100; } if ($this->preview_height == 0) { $this->preview_height = 100; } } else { // cropping disabled, at least width or height is required if ($this->preview_width == 0 && $this->preview_height == 0) { // both width and height is set to be determined automatically $this->preview_width = 100; } } $this->thumb_width = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->thumb_width, 0); $this->thumb_height = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->thumb_height, 0); $this->thumb_retina_scale = floatval($this->thumb_retina_scale); $this->thumb_crop = self::as_boolean($this->thumb_crop); if ($this->thumb_crop) { // cropping enabled, both width and height are required if ($this->thumb_width == 0) { $this->thumb_width = 100; } if ($this->thumb_height == 0) { $this->thumb_height = 100; } } else { // cropping disabled, at least width or height is required if ($this->thumb_width == 0 && $this->thumb_height == 0) { // both width and height is set to be determined automatically $this->thumb_width = 100; } } // lightbox properties $this->lightbox_autocenter = self::as_boolean($this->lightbox_autocenter); $this->lightbox_autofit = self::as_boolean($this->lightbox_autofit); $this->lightbox_thumbs = self::as_one_of($this->lightbox_thumbs, array(false,'inside','outside')); // lightbox animation and transition effects $this->lightbox_slideshow = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->lightbox_slideshow); $this->lightbox_autostart = self::as_boolean($this->lightbox_autostart); $this->lightbox_transition = self::as_one_of($this->lightbox_transition, array('linear','quad','cubic','quart','quint','expo','circ','sine','back','bounce','elastic')); // image rotator alignment, navigation bar positioning, and navigation control settings $this->rotator_orientation = self::as_one_of($this->rotator_orientation, array('horizontal','vertical')); $this->rotator_navigation = self::as_one_of($this->rotator_navigation, array('bottom','top','none','both')); $this->rotator_buttons = self::as_boolean($this->rotator_buttons); $this->rotator_links = self::as_boolean($this->rotator_links); // image rotator advancement $this->rotator_trigger = self::as_one_of($this->rotator_trigger, array('click','mouseover')); $this->rotator_step = self::as_one_of($this->rotator_step, array('single','page')); // miscellaneous visual clues for the image rotator $this->rotator_duration = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->rotator_duration); $this->rotator_delay = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->rotator_delay); $this->rotator_transition = self::as_one_of($this->rotator_transition, array('linear','quad','cubic','quart','quint','expo','circ','sine','back','bounce','elastic')); $this->rotator_alignment = self::as_one_of($this->rotator_alignment, array('c','n','ne','e','se','s','sw','w','nw')); $this->loop = self::as_boolean($this->loop); // also applicable to lightbox // image labeling $this->caption_visibility = self::as_one_of($this->caption_visibility, array('none','mouseover','always')); if ($this->caption_visibility === 'none') { $this->caption = false; } $this->caption_position = self::as_one_of($this->caption_position, array('overlay-bottom','overlay-top','bottom','top','below','above')); $this->caption_height = self::as_css_measure($this->caption_height); switch ($this->caption_position) { case 'bottom': $this->caption_position = 'overlay-bottom'; break; case 'top': $this->caption_position = 'overlay-top'; break; } if ($this->caption_visibility === false) { $this->caption_position = false; } if (isset($this->caption_title)) { $this->caption_title = self::as_bbcode($this->caption_title); } if (isset($this->caption_summary)) { $this->caption_summary = self::as_bbcode($this->caption_summary); } if (empty($this->caption_title_template)) { $this->caption_title_template = null; } else { $this->caption_title_template = self::as_bbcode($this->caption_title_template); } if (empty($this->caption_summary_template)) { $this->caption_summary_template = null; } else { $this->caption_summary_template = self::as_bbcode($this->caption_summary_template); } // download and metadata $this->download = self::as_accesslevel($this->download); $this->metadata = self::as_accesslevel($this->metadata); // client-side protection measures $this->protection = self::as_boolean($this->protection); // image styling $this->preview_margin = self::as_css_measure($this->preview_margin); $this->preview_border_width = self::as_css_measure($this->preview_border_width); $this->preview_border_style = self::as_one_of($this->preview_border_style, array(false,'none','dotted','dashed','solid','double','groove','ridge','inset','outset')); $this->preview_border_color = self::as_color($this->preview_border_color); $this->preview_padding = self::as_css_measure($this->preview_padding); // sort criterion and sort order if (is_numeric($this->sort_criterion)) { $this->sort_criterion = self::as_one_of((int) $this->sort_criterion, array(SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME,SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME,SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME,SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS,SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME,SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILESIZE,SIGPLUS_SORT_FILESIZE,SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_RANDOM,SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM)); } else { switch ($this->sort_criterion) { case 'labels': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS; break; case 'labels-filename': case 'labels-fname': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME; break; case 'labels-filemtime': case 'labels-mtime': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME; break; case 'labels-filesize': case 'labels-fsize': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILESIZE; break; case 'filename': case 'fname': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME; break; case 'filemtime': case 'mtime': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME; break; case 'filesize': case 'fsize': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_FILESIZE; break; case 'random': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM; break; case 'labels-random': case 'randomlabels': $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_RANDOM; break; default: $this->sort_criterion = SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME; } } if (is_numeric($this->sort_order)) { $this->sort_order = self::as_one_of((int) $this->sort_order, array(SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING,SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING)); } else { switch ($this->sort_order) { case 'asc': case 'ascending': $this->sort_order = SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING; break; case 'desc': case 'descending': $this->sort_order = SIGPLUS_SORT_DESCENDING; break; default: $this->sort_order = SIGPLUS_SORT_ASCENDING; } } // watermarking $this->watermark_position = self::as_one_of($this->watermark_position, array('n','ne','e','se','s','sw','w','nw','c'), false); $this->watermark_x = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->watermark_x); $this->watermark_y = self::as_nonnegative_integer($this->watermark_y); // representative image index $this->index = self::as_positive_integer($this->index); // filters $this->filter_include = self::as_filter($this->filter_include); $this->filter_exclude = self::as_filter($this->filter_exclude); // Open Graph support $this->open_graph = self::as_boolean($this->open_graph); // miscellaneous advanced settings $this->depth = (int) $this->depth; if ($this->depth < -1) { // -1 for recursive listing with no limit, 0 for flat listing (no subdirectories), >0 for recursive listing with limit $this->depth = 0; } // force meaningful settings for single-image view (disable slider and activate flow layout) if ($this->layout != 'hidden' && $this->maxcount == 1) { $this->layout = 'flow'; $this->rows = false; $this->cols = false; $this->rotator = false; } } } class SigPlusNovoConfigurationParameters { public $gallery; public $service; } /** * A parameter stack. */ class SigPlusNovoParameterStack { private $stack; public function top() { return end($this->stack); } public function push($value) { $this->stack[] = $value; } public function dup() { $this->stack[] = clone end($this->stack); } public function pop() { return array_pop($this->stack); } /** * Set parameters from a JSON object (typically synthesized from a JSON string). */ public function setObject($object) { $this->dup(); $param = $this->top(); $param->setParameters($object); } public function setArray(array $array) { $this->dup(); $param = $this->top(); $param->setArray($array); } public function setString($string) { $this->dup(); $param = $this->top(); $param->setString($string); } }