Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/modules/mod_360pano/tmpl/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/modules/mod_360pano/tmpl/js/panoramix.js |
/* global jQuery, module, require */ /* Panoramix v1.0 jQuery plugin to display a 360 degree panoramic image Jaime PĂ©rez Strongly based on https://github.com/seancoyne/pano https://github.com/perezdans/panoramix-image https://perezdans.com/experiments/panoramix */ jQuery.noConflict(); (function (factory) { if(typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { module.exports = factory(require("jquery")); } else { factory(jQuery); } }(function(jQuery) { jQuery.fn.panoramix = function(options){ this.version = "1.0"; // get a handle on the panorama and controls var img, imgWidth, screenWidth, leftLimit, rightLimit; var jQuerypanoramix = img = jQuery(this).parent().find('img.panoramixImg'); var jQueryleftCtrl = jQuery(this).find(".controls").find("a.left"); var jQueryrightCtrl = jQuery(this).find(".controls").find("a.right"); var getImageWidth = function(imgSrc) { return imgWidth; }; var moveImageTo = function(newPos, duration, cb) { duration = duration || 0; cb = cb || function(){}; if (newPos<0 && newPos>rightLimit) { jQuerypanoramix.animate({ "left": newPos.toString() + "px" }, duration, "linear", cb); } }; var moveImageBy = function(distance, duration, cb) { duration = duration || 0; cb = cb || function(){}; moveImageTo(getCurrentPosition() + distance, duration, cb); }; var getCurrentPosition = function() { reloadValues(); return parseInt(jQuerypanoramix.css("left").split(" ")[0].replace("px", "")); }; var reloadValues = function() { imgWidth = jQuery(img).width(); screenWidth = jQuery('body').innerWidth(); leftLimit = 0; rightLimit = -imgWidth + screenWidth; }; var indicateMovement = function() { jQuerypanoramix.addClass("moving"); }; var noMovement = function() { jQuerypanoramix.removeClass("moving"); }; var insideImage = function(mouseXPos) { var jQueryoffsetLeft = jQuerypanoramix.offset().left; var maxLeft = jQueryoffsetLeft; var maxRight = jQueryoffsetLeft + jQuerypanoramix.width(); if( mouseXPos < maxLeft || mouseXPos > maxRight) { return false; } return true; }; var dragMove = function(xPos, startPosition, cb) { // dont move if you're outside the image if (!insideImage(xPos)) { return false; } // calculate the change in position var diff = (xPos - startPosition); // move it moveImageBy(diff, 0, cb); }; var leftMover, rightMover, ctrlInterval = options.interval || 100, ctrlSpeed = options.speed || 50; // setup the initial styling reloadValues(); //Posicionamos inicialmente la imagen al centro center = (imgWidth/2)-(screenWidth/2); jQuerypanoramix.css("left","-"+center+'px'); var moveLeft = function(interval, speed) { interval = interval || ctrlInterval; speed = speed || ctrlSpeed; // indicate movement indicateMovement(); // immediately move moveImageBy(speed, 100); // move left on interval leftMover = setInterval(function(){ moveImageBy(speed, 100); }, interval); }; var moveRight = function(interval, speed) { interval = interval || ctrlInterval; speed = speed || ctrlSpeed; // indicate movement indicateMovement(); // immediately move moveImageBy(-speed, 100); // move right on interval rightMover = setInterval(function(){ moveImageBy(-speed, 100); }, interval); }; var stopMoving = function() { jQuerypanoramix.off("touchmove"); jQuerypanoramix.off("mousemove"); jQuerypanoramix.stop(true, true); clearInterval(leftMover); clearInterval(rightMover); noMovement(); }; jQueryleftCtrl.on("mouseover", function(event){ // dont process the drag events event.stopPropagation(); moveLeft(); }).on("mouseout", function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); stopMoving(); }).on("touchstart", function(event){ // dont process the drag events event.stopPropagation(); // don't show the context menu while holding event.preventDefault(); moveLeft(); }); jQueryrightCtrl.on("mouseover", function(event){ // dont process the drag events event.stopPropagation(); moveRight(); }).on("mouseout", function(event){ //event.stopPropagation(); stopMoving(); }).on("touchstart", function(event){ // dont process the drag events event.stopPropagation(); // don't show the context menu while holding event.preventDefault(); moveRight(); }); jQuerypanoramix.on("mousedown", function(event){ // indicate movement indicateMovement(); // don't show the context menu while holding event.preventDefault(); var startPosition = event.pageX; jQuerypanoramix.on("mousemove", function(event){ var xPos = event.pageX; dragMove(xPos, startPosition, function(){ // after animation is complete, set the "start" position to the current position startPosition =xPos; }); }); }).on("touchstart", function(event){ // indicate movement indicateMovement(); // don't show the context menu while holding event.preventDefault(); //var startPosition = event.pageX; var startPosition = event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; jQuerypanoramix.on("touchmove", function(event){ var xPos = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX; dragMove(xPos, startPosition, function(){ // after animation is complete, set the "start" position to the current position startPosition = xPos; }); }); }); jQuery("body").on("mouseup", function(){ stopMoving(); }).on("touchend", function(){ stopMoving(); }); jQuery(window).on('resize',reloadValues); return { moveLeft: moveLeft, moveRight: moveRight, stopMoving: stopMoving }; }; }));