Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/bkup/media/system/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/bkup/media/system/js/jquery.Jcrop.js |
/** * jquery.Jcrop.js v0.9.12 * jQuery Image Cropping Plugin - released under MIT License * Author: Kelly Hallman <khallman@gmail.com> * http://github.com/tapmodo/Jcrop * Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Tapmodo Interactive LLC {{{ * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * }}} */ (function ($) { $.Jcrop = function (obj, opt) { var options = $.extend({}, $.Jcrop.defaults), docOffset, _ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), is_msie = /msie/.test(_ua), ie6mode = /msie [1-6]\./.test(_ua); // Internal Methods {{{ function px(n) { return Math.round(n) + 'px'; } function cssClass(cl) { return options.baseClass + '-' + cl; } function supportsColorFade() { return $.fx.step.hasOwnProperty('backgroundColor'); } function getPos(obj) //{{{ { var pos = $(obj).offset(); return [pos.left, pos.top]; } //}}} function mouseAbs(e) //{{{ { return [(e.pageX - docOffset[0]), (e.pageY - docOffset[1])]; } //}}} function setOptions(opt) //{{{ { if (typeof(opt) !== 'object') opt = {}; options = $.extend(options, opt); $.each(['onChange','onSelect','onRelease','onDblClick'],function(i,e) { if (typeof(options[e]) !== 'function') options[e] = function () {}; }); } //}}} function startDragMode(mode, pos, touch) //{{{ { docOffset = getPos($img); Tracker.setCursor(mode === 'move' ? mode : mode + '-resize'); if (mode === 'move') { return Tracker.activateHandlers(createMover(pos), doneSelect, touch); } var fc = Coords.getFixed(); var opp = oppLockCorner(mode); var opc = Coords.getCorner(oppLockCorner(opp)); Coords.setPressed(Coords.getCorner(opp)); Coords.setCurrent(opc); Tracker.activateHandlers(dragmodeHandler(mode, fc), doneSelect, touch); } //}}} function dragmodeHandler(mode, f) //{{{ { return function (pos) { if (!options.aspectRatio) { switch (mode) { case 'e': pos[1] = f.y2; break; case 'w': pos[1] = f.y2; break; case 'n': pos[0] = f.x2; break; case 's': pos[0] = f.x2; break; } } else { switch (mode) { case 'e': pos[1] = f.y + 1; break; case 'w': pos[1] = f.y + 1; break; case 'n': pos[0] = f.x + 1; break; case 's': pos[0] = f.x + 1; break; } } Coords.setCurrent(pos); Selection.update(); }; } //}}} function createMover(pos) //{{{ { var lloc = pos; KeyManager.watchKeys(); return function (pos) { Coords.moveOffset([pos[0] - lloc[0], pos[1] - lloc[1]]); lloc = pos; Selection.update(); }; } //}}} function oppLockCorner(ord) //{{{ { switch (ord) { case 'n': return 'sw'; case 's': return 'nw'; case 'e': return 'nw'; case 'w': return 'ne'; case 'ne': return 'sw'; case 'nw': return 'se'; case 'se': return 'nw'; case 'sw': return 'ne'; } } //}}} function createDragger(ord) //{{{ { return function (e) { if (options.disabled) { return false; } if ((ord === 'move') && !options.allowMove) { return false; } // Fix position of crop area when dragged the very first time. // Necessary when crop image is in a hidden element when page is loaded. docOffset = getPos($img); btndown = true; startDragMode(ord, mouseAbs(e)); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }; } //}}} function presize($obj, w, h) //{{{ { var nw = $obj.width(), nh = $obj.height(); if ((nw > w) && w > 0) { nw = w; nh = (w / $obj.width()) * $obj.height(); } if ((nh > h) && h > 0) { nh = h; nw = (h / $obj.height()) * $obj.width(); } xscale = $obj.width() / nw; yscale = $obj.height() / nh; $obj.width(nw).height(nh); } //}}} function unscale(c) //{{{ { return { x: c.x * xscale, y: c.y * yscale, x2: c.x2 * xscale, y2: c.y2 * yscale, w: c.w * xscale, h: c.h * yscale }; } //}}} function doneSelect(pos) //{{{ { var c = Coords.getFixed(); if ((c.w > options.minSelect[0]) && (c.h > options.minSelect[1])) { Selection.enableHandles(); Selection.done(); } else { Selection.release(); } Tracker.setCursor(options.allowSelect ? 'crosshair' : 'default'); } //}}} function newSelection(e) //{{{ { if (options.disabled) { return false; } if (!options.allowSelect) { return false; } btndown = true; docOffset = getPos($img); Selection.disableHandles(); Tracker.setCursor('crosshair'); var pos = mouseAbs(e); Coords.setPressed(pos); Selection.update(); Tracker.activateHandlers(selectDrag, doneSelect, e.type.substring(0,5)==='touch'); KeyManager.watchKeys(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } //}}} function selectDrag(pos) //{{{ { Coords.setCurrent(pos); Selection.update(); } //}}} function newTracker() //{{{ { var trk = $('<div></div>').addClass(cssClass('tracker')); if (is_msie) { trk.css({ opacity: 0, backgroundColor: 'white' }); } return trk; } //}}} // }}} // Initialization {{{ // Sanitize some options {{{ if (typeof(obj) !== 'object') { obj = $(obj)[0]; } if (typeof(opt) !== 'object') { opt = {}; } // }}} setOptions(opt); // Initialize some jQuery objects {{{ // The values are SET on the image(s) for the interface // If the original image has any of these set, they will be reset // However, if you destroy() the Jcrop instance the original image's // character in the DOM will be as you left it. var img_css = { border: 'none', visibility: 'visible', margin: 0, padding: 0, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }; var $origimg = $(obj), img_mode = true; if (obj.tagName == 'IMG') { // Fix size of crop image. // Necessary when crop image is within a hidden element when page is loaded. if ($origimg[0].width != 0 && $origimg[0].height != 0) { // Obtain dimensions from contained img element. $origimg.width($origimg[0].width); $origimg.height($origimg[0].height); } else { // Obtain dimensions from temporary image in case the original is not loaded yet (e.g. IE 7.0). var tempImage = new Image(); tempImage.src = $origimg[0].src; $origimg.width(tempImage.width); $origimg.height(tempImage.height); } var $img = $origimg.clone().removeAttr('id').css(img_css).show(); $img.width($origimg.width()); $img.height($origimg.height()); $origimg.after($img).hide(); } else { $img = $origimg.css(img_css).show(); img_mode = false; if (options.shade === null) { options.shade = true; } } presize($img, options.boxWidth, options.boxHeight); var boundx = $img.width(), boundy = $img.height(), $div = $('<div />').width(boundx).height(boundy).addClass(cssClass('holder')).css({ position: 'relative', backgroundColor: options.bgColor }).insertAfter($origimg).append($img); if (options.addClass) { $div.addClass(options.addClass); } var $img2 = $('<div />'), $img_holder = $('<div />') .width('100%').height('100%').css({ zIndex: 310, position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden' }), $hdl_holder = $('<div />') .width('100%').height('100%').css('zIndex', 320), $sel = $('<div />') .css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 600 }).dblclick(function(){ var c = Coords.getFixed(); options.onDblClick.call(api,c); }).insertBefore($img).append($img_holder, $hdl_holder); if (img_mode) { $img2 = $('<img />') .attr('src', $img.attr('src')).css(img_css).width(boundx).height(boundy), $img_holder.append($img2); } if (ie6mode) { $sel.css({ overflowY: 'hidden' }); } var bound = options.boundary; var $trk = newTracker().width(boundx + (bound * 2)).height(boundy + (bound * 2)).css({ position: 'absolute', top: px(-bound), left: px(-bound), zIndex: 290 }).mousedown(newSelection); /* }}} */ // Set more variables {{{ var bgcolor = options.bgColor, bgopacity = options.bgOpacity, xlimit, ylimit, xmin, ymin, xscale, yscale, enabled = true, btndown, animating, shift_down; docOffset = getPos($img); // }}} // }}} // Internal Modules {{{ // Touch Module {{{ var Touch = (function () { // Touch support detection function adapted (under MIT License) // from code by Jeffrey Sambells - http://github.com/iamamused/ function hasTouchSupport() { var support = {}, events = ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend'], el = document.createElement('div'), i; try { for(i=0; i<events.length; i++) { var eventName = events[i]; eventName = 'on' + eventName; var isSupported = (eventName in el); if (!isSupported) { el.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;'); isSupported = typeof el[eventName] == 'function'; } support[events[i]] = isSupported; } return support.touchstart && support.touchend && support.touchmove; } catch(err) { return false; } } function detectSupport() { if ((options.touchSupport === true) || (options.touchSupport === false)) return options.touchSupport; else return hasTouchSupport(); } return { createDragger: function (ord) { return function (e) { if (options.disabled) { return false; } if ((ord === 'move') && !options.allowMove) { return false; } docOffset = getPos($img); btndown = true; startDragMode(ord, mouseAbs(Touch.cfilter(e)), true); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }; }, newSelection: function (e) { return newSelection(Touch.cfilter(e)); }, cfilter: function (e){ e.pageX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX; e.pageY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY; return e; }, isSupported: hasTouchSupport, support: detectSupport() }; }()); // }}} // Coords Module {{{ var Coords = (function () { var x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, ox, oy; function setPressed(pos) //{{{ { pos = rebound(pos); x2 = x1 = pos[0]; y2 = y1 = pos[1]; } //}}} function setCurrent(pos) //{{{ { pos = rebound(pos); ox = pos[0] - x2; oy = pos[1] - y2; x2 = pos[0]; y2 = pos[1]; } //}}} function getOffset() //{{{ { return [ox, oy]; } //}}} function moveOffset(offset) //{{{ { var ox = offset[0], oy = offset[1]; if (0 > x1 + ox) { ox -= ox + x1; } if (0 > y1 + oy) { oy -= oy + y1; } if (boundy < y2 + oy) { oy += boundy - (y2 + oy); } if (boundx < x2 + ox) { ox += boundx - (x2 + ox); } x1 += ox; x2 += ox; y1 += oy; y2 += oy; } //}}} function getCorner(ord) //{{{ { var c = getFixed(); switch (ord) { case 'ne': return [c.x2, c.y]; case 'nw': return [c.x, c.y]; case 'se': return [c.x2, c.y2]; case 'sw': return [c.x, c.y2]; } } //}}} function getFixed() //{{{ { if (!options.aspectRatio) { return getRect(); } // This function could use some optimization I think... var aspect = options.aspectRatio, min_x = options.minSize[0] / xscale, //min_y = options.minSize[1]/yscale, max_x = options.maxSize[0] / xscale, max_y = options.maxSize[1] / yscale, rw = x2 - x1, rh = y2 - y1, rwa = Math.abs(rw), rha = Math.abs(rh), real_ratio = rwa / rha, xx, yy, w, h; if (max_x === 0) { max_x = boundx * 10; } if (max_y === 0) { max_y = boundy * 10; } if (real_ratio < aspect) { yy = y2; w = rha * aspect; xx = rw < 0 ? x1 - w : w + x1; if (xx < 0) { xx = 0; h = Math.abs((xx - x1) / aspect); yy = rh < 0 ? y1 - h : h + y1; } else if (xx > boundx) { xx = boundx; h = Math.abs((xx - x1) / aspect); yy = rh < 0 ? y1 - h : h + y1; } } else { xx = x2; h = rwa / aspect; yy = rh < 0 ? y1 - h : y1 + h; if (yy < 0) { yy = 0; w = Math.abs((yy - y1) * aspect); xx = rw < 0 ? x1 - w : w + x1; } else if (yy > boundy) { yy = boundy; w = Math.abs(yy - y1) * aspect; xx = rw < 0 ? x1 - w : w + x1; } } // Magic %-) if (xx > x1) { // right side if (xx - x1 < min_x) { xx = x1 + min_x; } else if (xx - x1 > max_x) { xx = x1 + max_x; } if (yy > y1) { yy = y1 + (xx - x1) / aspect; } else { yy = y1 - (xx - x1) / aspect; } } else if (xx < x1) { // left side if (x1 - xx < min_x) { xx = x1 - min_x; } else if (x1 - xx > max_x) { xx = x1 - max_x; } if (yy > y1) { yy = y1 + (x1 - xx) / aspect; } else { yy = y1 - (x1 - xx) / aspect; } } if (xx < 0) { x1 -= xx; xx = 0; } else if (xx > boundx) { x1 -= xx - boundx; xx = boundx; } if (yy < 0) { y1 -= yy; yy = 0; } else if (yy > boundy) { y1 -= yy - boundy; yy = boundy; } return makeObj(flipCoords(x1, y1, xx, yy)); } //}}} function rebound(p) //{{{ { if (p[0] < 0) p[0] = 0; if (p[1] < 0) p[1] = 0; if (p[0] > boundx) p[0] = boundx; if (p[1] > boundy) p[1] = boundy; return [Math.round(p[0]), Math.round(p[1])]; } //}}} function flipCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2) //{{{ { var xa = x1, xb = x2, ya = y1, yb = y2; if (x2 < x1) { xa = x2; xb = x1; } if (y2 < y1) { ya = y2; yb = y1; } return [xa, ya, xb, yb]; } //}}} function getRect() //{{{ { var xsize = x2 - x1, ysize = y2 - y1, delta; if (xlimit && (Math.abs(xsize) > xlimit)) { x2 = (xsize > 0) ? (x1 + xlimit) : (x1 - xlimit); } if (ylimit && (Math.abs(ysize) > ylimit)) { y2 = (ysize > 0) ? (y1 + ylimit) : (y1 - ylimit); } if (ymin / yscale && (Math.abs(ysize) < ymin / yscale)) { y2 = (ysize > 0) ? (y1 + ymin / yscale) : (y1 - ymin / yscale); } if (xmin / xscale && (Math.abs(xsize) < xmin / xscale)) { x2 = (xsize > 0) ? (x1 + xmin / xscale) : (x1 - xmin / xscale); } if (x1 < 0) { x2 -= x1; x1 -= x1; } if (y1 < 0) { y2 -= y1; y1 -= y1; } if (x2 < 0) { x1 -= x2; x2 -= x2; } if (y2 < 0) { y1 -= y2; y2 -= y2; } if (x2 > boundx) { delta = x2 - boundx; x1 -= delta; x2 -= delta; } if (y2 > boundy) { delta = y2 - boundy; y1 -= delta; y2 -= delta; } if (x1 > boundx) { delta = x1 - boundy; y2 -= delta; y1 -= delta; } if (y1 > boundy) { delta = y1 - boundy; y2 -= delta; y1 -= delta; } return makeObj(flipCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2)); } //}}} function makeObj(a) //{{{ { return { x: a[0], y: a[1], x2: a[2], y2: a[3], w: a[2] - a[0], h: a[3] - a[1] }; } //}}} return { flipCoords: flipCoords, setPressed: setPressed, setCurrent: setCurrent, getOffset: getOffset, moveOffset: moveOffset, getCorner: getCorner, getFixed: getFixed }; }()); //}}} // Shade Module {{{ var Shade = (function() { var enabled = false, holder = $('<div />').css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 240, opacity: 0 }), shades = { top: createShade(), left: createShade().height(boundy), right: createShade().height(boundy), bottom: createShade() }; function resizeShades(w,h) { shades.left.css({ height: px(h) }); shades.right.css({ height: px(h) }); } function updateAuto() { return updateShade(Coords.getFixed()); } function updateShade(c) { shades.top.css({ left: px(c.x), width: px(c.w), height: px(c.y) }); shades.bottom.css({ top: px(c.y2), left: px(c.x), width: px(c.w), height: px(boundy-c.y2) }); shades.right.css({ left: px(c.x2), width: px(boundx-c.x2) }); shades.left.css({ width: px(c.x) }); } function createShade() { return $('<div />').css({ position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: options.shadeColor||options.bgColor }).appendTo(holder); } function enableShade() { if (!enabled) { enabled = true; holder.insertBefore($img); updateAuto(); Selection.setBgOpacity(1,0,1); $img2.hide(); setBgColor(options.shadeColor||options.bgColor,1); if (Selection.isAwake()) { setOpacity(options.bgOpacity,1); } else setOpacity(1,1); } } function setBgColor(color,now) { colorChangeMacro(getShades(),color,now); } function disableShade() { if (enabled) { holder.remove(); $img2.show(); enabled = false; if (Selection.isAwake()) { Selection.setBgOpacity(options.bgOpacity,1,1); } else { Selection.setBgOpacity(1,1,1); Selection.disableHandles(); } colorChangeMacro($div,0,1); } } function setOpacity(opacity,now) { if (enabled) { if (options.bgFade && !now) { holder.animate({ opacity: 1-opacity },{ queue: false, duration: options.fadeTime }); } else holder.css({opacity:1-opacity}); } } function refreshAll() { options.shade ? enableShade() : disableShade(); if (Selection.isAwake()) setOpacity(options.bgOpacity); } function getShades() { return holder.children(); } return { update: updateAuto, updateRaw: updateShade, getShades: getShades, setBgColor: setBgColor, enable: enableShade, disable: disableShade, resize: resizeShades, refresh: refreshAll, opacity: setOpacity }; }()); // }}} // Selection Module {{{ var Selection = (function () { var awake, hdep = 370, borders = {}, handle = {}, dragbar = {}, seehandles = false; // Private Methods function insertBorder(type) //{{{ { var jq = $('<div />').css({ position: 'absolute', opacity: options.borderOpacity }).addClass(cssClass(type)); $img_holder.append(jq); return jq; } //}}} function dragDiv(ord, zi) //{{{ { var jq = $('<div />').mousedown(createDragger(ord)).css({ cursor: ord + '-resize', position: 'absolute', zIndex: zi }).addClass('ord-'+ord); if (Touch.support) { jq.bind('touchstart.jcrop', Touch.createDragger(ord)); } $hdl_holder.append(jq); return jq; } //}}} function insertHandle(ord) //{{{ { var hs = options.handleSize, div = dragDiv(ord, hdep++).css({ opacity: options.handleOpacity }).addClass(cssClass('handle')); if (hs) { div.width(hs).height(hs); } return div; } //}}} function insertDragbar(ord) //{{{ { return dragDiv(ord, hdep++).addClass('jcrop-dragbar'); } //}}} function createDragbars(li) //{{{ { var i; for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { dragbar[li[i]] = insertDragbar(li[i]); } } //}}} function createBorders(li) //{{{ { var cl,i; for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { switch(li[i]){ case'n': cl='hline'; break; case's': cl='hline bottom'; break; case'e': cl='vline right'; break; case'w': cl='vline'; break; } borders[li[i]] = insertBorder(cl); } } //}}} function createHandles(li) //{{{ { var i; for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { handle[li[i]] = insertHandle(li[i]); } } //}}} function moveto(x, y) //{{{ { if (!options.shade) { $img2.css({ top: px(-y), left: px(-x) }); } $sel.css({ top: px(y), left: px(x) }); } //}}} function resize(w, h) //{{{ { $sel.width(Math.round(w)).height(Math.round(h)); } //}}} function refresh() //{{{ { var c = Coords.getFixed(); Coords.setPressed([c.x, c.y]); Coords.setCurrent([c.x2, c.y2]); updateVisible(); } //}}} // Internal Methods function updateVisible(select) //{{{ { if (awake) { return update(select); } } //}}} function update(select) //{{{ { var c = Coords.getFixed(); resize(c.w, c.h); moveto(c.x, c.y); if (options.shade) Shade.updateRaw(c); awake || show(); if (select) { options.onSelect.call(api, unscale(c)); } else { options.onChange.call(api, unscale(c)); } } //}}} function setBgOpacity(opacity,force,now) //{{{ { if (!awake && !force) return; if (options.bgFade && !now) { $img.animate({ opacity: opacity },{ queue: false, duration: options.fadeTime }); } else { $img.css('opacity', opacity); } } //}}} function show() //{{{ { $sel.show(); if (options.shade) Shade.opacity(bgopacity); else setBgOpacity(bgopacity,true); awake = true; } //}}} function release() //{{{ { disableHandles(); $sel.hide(); if (options.shade) Shade.opacity(1); else setBgOpacity(1); awake = false; options.onRelease.call(api); } //}}} function showHandles() //{{{ { if (seehandles) { $hdl_holder.show(); } } //}}} function enableHandles() //{{{ { seehandles = true; if (options.allowResize) { $hdl_holder.show(); return true; } } //}}} function disableHandles() //{{{ { seehandles = false; $hdl_holder.hide(); } //}}} function animMode(v) //{{{ { if (v) { animating = true; disableHandles(); } else { animating = false; enableHandles(); } } //}}} function done() //{{{ { animMode(false); refresh(); } //}}} // Insert draggable elements {{{ // Insert border divs for outline if (options.dragEdges && $.isArray(options.createDragbars)) createDragbars(options.createDragbars); if ($.isArray(options.createHandles)) createHandles(options.createHandles); if (options.drawBorders && $.isArray(options.createBorders)) createBorders(options.createBorders); //}}} // This is a hack for iOS5 to support drag/move touch functionality $(document).bind('touchstart.jcrop-ios',function(e) { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass('jcrop-tracker')) e.stopPropagation(); }); var $track = newTracker().mousedown(createDragger('move')).css({ cursor: 'move', position: 'absolute', zIndex: 360 }); if (Touch.support) { $track.bind('touchstart.jcrop', Touch.createDragger('move')); } $img_holder.append($track); disableHandles(); return { updateVisible: updateVisible, update: update, release: release, refresh: refresh, isAwake: function () { return awake; }, setCursor: function (cursor) { $track.css('cursor', cursor); }, enableHandles: enableHandles, enableOnly: function () { seehandles = true; }, showHandles: showHandles, disableHandles: disableHandles, animMode: animMode, setBgOpacity: setBgOpacity, done: done }; }()); //}}} // Tracker Module {{{ var Tracker = (function () { var onMove = function () {}, onDone = function () {}, trackDoc = options.trackDocument; function toFront(touch) //{{{ { $trk.css({ zIndex: 450 }); if (touch) $(document) .bind('touchmove.jcrop', trackTouchMove) .bind('touchend.jcrop', trackTouchEnd); else if (trackDoc) $(document) .bind('mousemove.jcrop',trackMove) .bind('mouseup.jcrop',trackUp); } //}}} function toBack() //{{{ { $trk.css({ zIndex: 290 }); $(document).unbind('.jcrop'); } //}}} function trackMove(e) //{{{ { onMove(mouseAbs(e)); return false; } //}}} function trackUp(e) //{{{ { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (btndown) { btndown = false; onDone(mouseAbs(e)); if (Selection.isAwake()) { options.onSelect.call(api, unscale(Coords.getFixed())); } toBack(); onMove = function () {}; onDone = function () {}; } return false; } //}}} function activateHandlers(move, done, touch) //{{{ { btndown = true; onMove = move; onDone = done; toFront(touch); return false; } //}}} function trackTouchMove(e) //{{{ { onMove(mouseAbs(Touch.cfilter(e))); return false; } //}}} function trackTouchEnd(e) //{{{ { return trackUp(Touch.cfilter(e)); } //}}} function setCursor(t) //{{{ { $trk.css('cursor', t); } //}}} if (!trackDoc) { $trk.mousemove(trackMove).mouseup(trackUp).mouseout(trackUp); } $img.before($trk); return { activateHandlers: activateHandlers, setCursor: setCursor }; }()); //}}} // KeyManager Module {{{ var KeyManager = (function () { var $keymgr = $('<input type="radio" />').css({ position: 'fixed', left: '-120px', width: '12px' }).addClass('jcrop-keymgr'), $keywrap = $('<div />').css({ position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden' }).append($keymgr); function watchKeys() //{{{ { if (options.keySupport) { $keymgr.show(); $keymgr.focus(); } } //}}} function onBlur(e) //{{{ { $keymgr.hide(); } //}}} function doNudge(e, x, y) //{{{ { if (options.allowMove) { Coords.moveOffset([x, y]); Selection.updateVisible(true); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } //}}} function parseKey(e) //{{{ { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { return true; } shift_down = e.shiftKey ? true : false; var nudge = shift_down ? 10 : 1; switch (e.keyCode) { case 37: doNudge(e, -nudge, 0); break; case 39: doNudge(e, nudge, 0); break; case 38: doNudge(e, 0, -nudge); break; case 40: doNudge(e, 0, nudge); break; case 27: if (options.allowSelect) Selection.release(); break; case 9: return true; } return false; } //}}} if (options.keySupport) { $keymgr.keydown(parseKey).blur(onBlur); if (ie6mode || !options.fixedSupport) { $keymgr.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '-20px' }); $keywrap.append($keymgr).insertBefore($img); } else { $keymgr.insertBefore($img); } } return { watchKeys: watchKeys }; }()); //}}} // }}} // API methods {{{ function setClass(cname) //{{{ { $div.removeClass().addClass(cssClass('holder')).addClass(cname); } //}}} function animateTo(a, callback) //{{{ { var x1 = a[0] / xscale, y1 = a[1] / yscale, x2 = a[2] / xscale, y2 = a[3] / yscale; if (animating) { return; } var animto = Coords.flipCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2), c = Coords.getFixed(), initcr = [c.x, c.y, c.x2, c.y2], animat = initcr, interv = options.animationDelay, ix1 = animto[0] - initcr[0], iy1 = animto[1] - initcr[1], ix2 = animto[2] - initcr[2], iy2 = animto[3] - initcr[3], pcent = 0, velocity = options.swingSpeed; x1 = animat[0]; y1 = animat[1]; x2 = animat[2]; y2 = animat[3]; Selection.animMode(true); var anim_timer; function queueAnimator() { window.setTimeout(animator, interv); } var animator = (function () { return function () { pcent += (100 - pcent) / velocity; animat[0] = Math.round(x1 + ((pcent / 100) * ix1)); animat[1] = Math.round(y1 + ((pcent / 100) * iy1)); animat[2] = Math.round(x2 + ((pcent / 100) * ix2)); animat[3] = Math.round(y2 + ((pcent / 100) * iy2)); if (pcent >= 99.8) { pcent = 100; } if (pcent < 100) { setSelectRaw(animat); queueAnimator(); } else { Selection.done(); Selection.animMode(false); if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { callback.call(api); } } }; }()); queueAnimator(); } //}}} function setSelect(rect) //{{{ { setSelectRaw([rect[0] / xscale, rect[1] / yscale, rect[2] / xscale, rect[3] / yscale]); options.onSelect.call(api, unscale(Coords.getFixed())); Selection.enableHandles(); } //}}} function setSelectRaw(l) //{{{ { Coords.setPressed([l[0], l[1]]); Coords.setCurrent([l[2], l[3]]); Selection.update(); } //}}} function tellSelect() //{{{ { return unscale(Coords.getFixed()); } //}}} function tellScaled() //{{{ { return Coords.getFixed(); } //}}} function setOptionsNew(opt) //{{{ { setOptions(opt); interfaceUpdate(); } //}}} function disableCrop() //{{{ { options.disabled = true; Selection.disableHandles(); Selection.setCursor('default'); Tracker.setCursor('default'); } //}}} function enableCrop() //{{{ { options.disabled = false; interfaceUpdate(); } //}}} function cancelCrop() //{{{ { Selection.done(); Tracker.activateHandlers(null, null); } //}}} function destroy() //{{{ { $div.remove(); $origimg.show(); $origimg.css('visibility','visible'); $(obj).removeData('Jcrop'); } //}}} function setImage(src, callback) //{{{ { Selection.release(); disableCrop(); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { var iw = img.width; var ih = img.height; var bw = options.boxWidth; var bh = options.boxHeight; $img.width(iw).height(ih); $img.attr('src', src); $img2.attr('src', src); presize($img, bw, bh); boundx = $img.width(); boundy = $img.height(); $img2.width(boundx).height(boundy); $trk.width(boundx + (bound * 2)).height(boundy + (bound * 2)); $div.width(boundx).height(boundy); Shade.resize(boundx,boundy); enableCrop(); if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { callback.call(api); } }; img.src = src; } //}}} function colorChangeMacro($obj,color,now) { var mycolor = color || options.bgColor; if (options.bgFade && supportsColorFade() && options.fadeTime && !now) { $obj.animate({ backgroundColor: mycolor }, { queue: false, duration: options.fadeTime }); } else { $obj.css('backgroundColor', mycolor); } } function interfaceUpdate(alt) //{{{ // This method tweaks the interface based on options object. // Called when options are changed and at end of initialization. { if (options.allowResize) { if (alt) { Selection.enableOnly(); } else { Selection.enableHandles(); } } else { Selection.disableHandles(); } Tracker.setCursor(options.allowSelect ? 'crosshair' : 'default'); Selection.setCursor(options.allowMove ? 'move' : 'default'); if (options.hasOwnProperty('trueSize')) { xscale = options.trueSize[0] / boundx; yscale = options.trueSize[1] / boundy; } if (options.hasOwnProperty('setSelect')) { setSelect(options.setSelect); Selection.done(); delete(options.setSelect); } Shade.refresh(); if (options.bgColor != bgcolor) { colorChangeMacro( options.shade? Shade.getShades(): $div, options.shade? (options.shadeColor || options.bgColor): options.bgColor ); bgcolor = options.bgColor; } if (bgopacity != options.bgOpacity) { bgopacity = options.bgOpacity; if (options.shade) Shade.refresh(); else Selection.setBgOpacity(bgopacity); } xlimit = options.maxSize[0] || 0; ylimit = options.maxSize[1] || 0; xmin = options.minSize[0] || 0; ymin = options.minSize[1] || 0; if (options.hasOwnProperty('outerImage')) { $img.attr('src', options.outerImage); delete(options.outerImage); } Selection.refresh(); } //}}} //}}} if (Touch.support) $trk.bind('touchstart.jcrop', Touch.newSelection); $hdl_holder.hide(); interfaceUpdate(true); var api = { setImage: setImage, animateTo: animateTo, setSelect: setSelect, setOptions: setOptionsNew, tellSelect: tellSelect, tellScaled: tellScaled, setClass: setClass, disable: disableCrop, enable: enableCrop, cancel: cancelCrop, release: Selection.release, destroy: destroy, focus: KeyManager.watchKeys, getBounds: function () { return [boundx * xscale, boundy * yscale]; }, getWidgetSize: function () { return [boundx, boundy]; }, getScaleFactor: function () { return [xscale, yscale]; }, getOptions: function() { // careful: internal values are returned return options; }, ui: { holder: $div, selection: $sel } }; if (is_msie) $div.bind('selectstart', function () { return false; }); $origimg.data('Jcrop', api); return api; }; $.fn.Jcrop = function (options, callback) //{{{ { var api; // Iterate over each object, attach Jcrop this.each(function () { // If we've already attached to this object if ($(this).data('Jcrop')) { // The API can be requested this way (undocumented) if (options === 'api') return $(this).data('Jcrop'); // Otherwise, we just reset the options... else $(this).data('Jcrop').setOptions(options); } // If we haven't been attached, preload and attach else { if (this.tagName == 'IMG') $.Jcrop.Loader(this,function(){ $(this).css({display:'block',visibility:'hidden'}); api = $.Jcrop(this, options); if ($.isFunction(callback)) callback.call(api); }); else { $(this).css({display:'block',visibility:'hidden'}); api = $.Jcrop(this, options); if ($.isFunction(callback)) callback.call(api); } } }); // Return "this" so the object is chainable (jQuery-style) return this; }; //}}} // $.Jcrop.Loader - basic image loader {{{ $.Jcrop.Loader = function(imgobj,success,error){ var $img = $(imgobj), img = $img[0]; function completeCheck(){ if (img.complete) { $img.unbind('.jcloader'); if ($.isFunction(success)) success.call(img); } else window.setTimeout(completeCheck,50); } $img .bind('load.jcloader',completeCheck) .bind('error.jcloader',function(e){ $img.unbind('.jcloader'); if ($.isFunction(error)) error.call(img); }); if (img.complete && $.isFunction(success)){ $img.unbind('.jcloader'); success.call(img); } }; //}}} // Global Defaults {{{ $.Jcrop.defaults = { // Basic Settings allowSelect: true, allowMove: true, allowResize: true, trackDocument: true, // Styling Options baseClass: 'jcrop', addClass: null, bgColor: 'black', bgOpacity: 0.6, bgFade: false, borderOpacity: 0.4, handleOpacity: 0.5, handleSize: null, aspectRatio: 0, keySupport: true, createHandles: ['n','s','e','w','nw','ne','se','sw'], createDragbars: ['n','s','e','w'], createBorders: ['n','s','e','w'], drawBorders: true, dragEdges: true, fixedSupport: true, touchSupport: null, shade: null, boxWidth: 0, boxHeight: 0, boundary: 2, fadeTime: 400, animationDelay: 20, swingSpeed: 3, minSelect: [0, 0], maxSize: [0, 0], minSize: [0, 0], // Callbacks / Event Handlers onChange: function () {}, onSelect: function () {}, onDblClick: function () {}, onRelease: function () {} }; // }}} }(jQuery));