Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/bkup/media/jui/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/bkup/media/jui/js/jquery.searchtools.js |
(function ($, window, document, undefined) { // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "searchtools"; var defaults = { // Form options formSelector : '.js-stools-form', // Search searchFieldSelector : '.js-stools-field-search', clearBtnSelector : '.js-stools-btn-clear', // Global container mainContainerSelector : '.js-stools', // Filter fields searchBtnSelector : '.js-stools-btn-search', filterBtnSelector : '.js-stools-btn-filter', filterContainerSelector : '.js-stools-container-filters', filtersHidden : true, // List fields listBtnSelector : '.js-stools-btn-list', listContainerSelector : '.js-stools-container-list', listHidden : false, // Ordering specific orderColumnSelector : '.js-stools-column-order', orderBtnSelector : '.js-stools-btn-order', orderFieldSelector : '.js-stools-field-order', orderFieldName : 'list[fullordering]', limitFieldSelector : '.js-stools-field-limit', defaultLimit : 20, activeOrder : null, activeDirection : 'ASC', // Extra chosenSupport : true, clearListOptions : false }; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; // Initialise selectors this.theForm = $(this.options.formSelector); // Filters this.filterButton = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.filterBtnSelector); this.filterContainer = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.filterContainerSelector); this.filtersHidden = this.options.filtersHidden; // List fields this.listButton = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.listBtnSelector); this.listContainer = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.listContainerSelector); this.listHidden = this.options.listHidden; // Main container this.mainContainer = $(this.options.mainContainerSelector); // Search this.searchButton = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.searchBtnSelector); this.searchField = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.searchFieldSelector); this.searchString = null; this.clearButton = $(this.options.clearBtnSelector); // Ordering this.orderCols = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.orderColumnSelector); this.orderField = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.orderFieldSelector); // Limit this.limitField = $(this.options.formSelector + ' ' + this.options.limitFieldSelector); // Init trackers this.activeColumn = null; this.activeDirection = this.options.activeDirection; this.activeOrder = this.options.activeOrder; this.activeLimit = null; // Extra options this.chosenSupport = this.options.chosenSupport; this.clearListOptions = this.options.clearListOptions; // Selector values this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { var self = this; // IE < 9 - Avoid to submit placeholder value if(!document.addEventListener ) { if (this.searchField.val() === this.searchField.attr('placeholder')) { this.searchField.val(''); } } // Get values this.searchString = this.searchField.val(); if (this.filtersHidden) { this.hideFilters(); } else { this.showFilters(); } if (this.listHidden) { this.hideList(); } else { this.showList(); } self.filterButton.click(function(e) { self.toggleFilters(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); self.listButton.click(function(e) { self.toggleList(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Do we need to add to mark filter as enabled? self.getFilterFields().each(function(i, element) { self.checkFilter(element); $(element).change(function () { self.checkFilter(element); }); }); self.clearButton.click(function(e) { self.clear(); }); // Check/create ordering field this.createOrderField(); this.orderCols.click(function() { // Order to set var newOrderCol = $(this).attr('data-order'); var newDirection = $(this).attr('data-direction'); var newOrdering = newOrderCol + ' ' + newDirection; // The data-order attrib is required if (newOrderCol.length) { self.activeColumn = newOrderCol; if (newOrdering !== self.activeOrder) { self.activeDirection = newDirection; self.activeOrder = newOrdering; // Update the order field self.updateFieldValue(self.orderField, newOrdering); } else { self.toggleDirection(); } self.theForm.submit(); } }); }, checkFilter: function (element) { var self = this; var option = $(element).find('option:selected'); if (option.val() !== '') { self.activeFilter(element); } else { self.deactiveFilter(element); } }, clear: function () { var self = this; self.getFilterFields().each(function(i, element) { $(element).val(''); self.checkFilter(element); if (self.chosenSupport) { $(element).trigger('liszt:updated'); } }); if (self.clearListOptions) { self.getListFields().each(function(i, element) { $(element).val(''); self.checkFilter(element); if (self.chosenSupport) { $(element).trigger('liszt:updated'); } }); // Special case to limit box to the default config limit $('#list_limit').val(self.options.defaultLimit); if (self.chosenSupport) { $('#list_limit').trigger('liszt:updated'); } } self.searchField.val(''); self.theForm.submit(); }, activeFilter: function (element) { var self = this; $(element).addClass('active'); var chosenId = '#' + $(element).attr('id') + '_chzn'; $(chosenId).addClass('active'); }, deactiveFilter: function (element) { var self = this; $(element).removeClass('active'); var chosenId = '#' + $(element).attr('id') + '_chzn'; $(chosenId).removeClass('active'); }, getFilterFields: function () { return this.filterContainer.find('select'); }, getListFields: function () { return this.listContainer.find('select'); }, // Common container functions hideContainer: function (container) { $(container).hide('fast'); $(container).removeClass('shown'); }, showContainer: function (container) { $(container).show('fast'); $(container).addClass('shown'); }, toggleContainer: function (container) { if ($(container).hasClass('shown')) { this.hideContainer(container); } else { this.showContainer(container); } }, // List container management hideList: function () { this.hideContainer(this.listContainer); this.listButton.removeClass('btn-primary'); }, showList: function () { this.showContainer(this.listContainer); this.listButton.addClass('btn-primary'); }, toggleList: function () { this.toggleContainer(this.listContainer); if (this.listContainer.hasClass('shown')) { this.listButton.addClass('btn-primary'); } else { this.listButton.removeClass('btn-primary'); } }, // Filters container management hideFilters: function () { this.hideContainer(this.filterContainer); this.filterButton.removeClass('btn-primary'); }, showFilters: function () { this.showContainer(this.filterContainer); this.filterButton.addClass('btn-primary'); }, toggleFilters: function () { this.toggleContainer(this.filterContainer); if (this.filterContainer.hasClass('shown')) { this.filterButton.addClass('btn-primary'); } else { this.filterButton.removeClass('btn-primary'); } }, toggleDirection: function () { var self = this; var newDirection = 'ASC'; if (self.activeDirection.toUpperCase() == 'ASC') { newDirection = 'DESC'; } self.activeDirection = newDirection; self.activeOrder = self.activeColumn + ' ' + newDirection; self.updateFieldValue(self.orderField, self.activeOrder); }, createOrderField: function () { var self = this; if (!this.orderField.length) { this.orderField = $('<input>').attr({ type: 'hidden', id: 'js-stools-field-order', 'class': 'js-stools-field-order', name: self.options.orderFieldName, value: self.activeOrder + ' ' + this.activeDirection }); this.orderField.appendTo(this.theForm); } // Add missing columns to the order select if (this.orderField.is('select')) { this.orderCols.each(function(){ var value = $(this).attr('data-order'); var name = $(this).attr('data-name'); var direction = $(this).attr('data-direction'); if (value.length) { value = value + ' ' + direction; var option = self.findOption(self.orderField, value); if (!option.length) { var option = $('<option>'); option.text(name).val(value); // If it is the active option select it if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { option.attr('selected', 'selected'); } // Append the option an repopulate the chosen field self.orderField.append(option); } } }); this.orderField.trigger('liszt:updated'); } this.activeOrder = this.orderField.val(); }, updateFieldValue: function (field, newValue) { var self = this; var type = field.attr('type'); if (type === 'hidden' || type === 'text') { field.attr('value', newValue); } else if (field.is('select')) { // Select the option result var desiredOption = field.find('option').filter(function () { return $(this).val() == newValue; }); if (desiredOption.length) { desiredOption.attr('selected', 'selected'); } // If the option does not exist create it on the fly else { var option = $('<option>'); option.text(newValue).val(newValue); option.attr('selected','selected'); // Append the option an repopulate the chosen field field.append(option); } // Trigger the chosen update if (self.chosenSupport) { field.trigger('liszt:updated'); } } }, findOption: function(select, value) { return select.find('option').filter(function () { return $(this).val() == value; }); } }; // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);