Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @version $Id: mobilize.php 19770 2012-12-28 08:26:19Z thailv $
* @package JSN_Mobilize
* @subpackage Template
* @author JoomlaShine Team <support@joomlashine.com>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL v2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com
* Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us/get-support.html
// No direct access to this file
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
// Import Joomla module helper library
jimport( 'joomla.application.module.helper' );
* Helper class for rendering module instance.
* @package JSN_Mobilize
* @subpackage Template
* @since 1.0.0
class JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper {
* Device specific parameters.
* @var array
protected static $config;
* Get configuration for device in use.
* @param array $device Device in use: mobile or tablet?
* @param boolean $preview Get config from cookie for backend previewing?
* @return JObject
public static function getConfig( $device = '', $preview = false ) {
// Initialize client device type
! empty( $device ) OR $device = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd( '_device' );
if ( ! isset( self::$config ) OR ! isset( self::$config[ $device ] ) ) {
// Get JSN Mobilize configuration
if ( $preview ) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery( true );
$query->select( '*' )->from( '#__jsn_mobilize_config' )->where( "name = 'tmp_config'" );
$db->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$tmpConfig = $db->loadObject();
if ( ! empty( $tmpConfig->value ) ) {
$config = json_decode( $tmpConfig->value );
else {
$detect = new JSN_Mobile_Detect;
$checkIOS = '';
if ( $detect->isiOS() ) {
if ( $detect->isTablet() ) {
$version = $detect->version( 'iPad' );
else {
$version = $detect->version( 'iPhone' );
$config = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getOSSupport( 'ios', $version, $device );
elseif ( $detect->isAndroidOS() ) {
$version = $detect->version( 'Android' );
$config = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getOSSupport( 'android', $version, $device );
elseif ( $detect->isWindowsPhoneOS() ) {
$version = $detect->version( 'Windows Phone OS' );
$config = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getOSSupport( 'wmobilie', $version, $device );
elseif ( $detect->isBlackBerryOS() ) {
$version = $detect->version( 'BlackBerry' );
$config = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getOSSupport( 'blackberry', $version, $device );
else {
$config = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getOSSupport( 'other', '', $device );
if ( $config === false ) {
$config = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getOSSupport( 'other', '', $device );
if ( ! empty( $config ) ) {
foreach ( get_object_vars( $config ) AS $k => $v ) {
isset( $tmp ) OR $tmp = new JObject;
if ( strpos( $k, "{$device}-" ) === 0 ) {
// Shorten parameter name
$k = substr( $k, strlen( "{$device}-" ) );
// Set new parameter with cleaned name
$tmp->set( $k, is_object( $v ) ? ( (array)$v ) : $v );
elseif ( ! preg_match( '/^(mobilize)-/', $k ) ) {
// Store shared parameter also
$tmp->set( $k, is_object( $v ) ? ( (array)$v ) : $v );
// Store device specific parameters
if ( ! empty( $tmp ) ) {
self::$config[ $device ] = $tmp;
// Get device specific parameters
return self::$config[ $device ];
* Render a content block.
* @param array $param Content block parameters.
* @param boolean $return Return rendered content or echo immediately.
* @return string
public static function renderBlock( $param, $return = false ) {
// Preset return value
$html = array();
if ( is_array( $param ) AND count( $param ) ) {
foreach ( $param AS $k => $v ) {
if ( $v == 'position' AND JFactory::getDocument()->countModules( $k ) ) {
$html[ ] = '<jdoc:include type="modules" style="jsnmodule" class="jsn-roundedbox" name="' . $k . '" />';
elseif ( $v == 'module' AND ( $tmp = self::renderModule( $k, array( 'style' => 'jsnmodule' ), false, true ) ) != '' ) {
$html[ ] = $tmp;
// Finalize return value
$html = count( $html ) > 0 ? implode( "\n", $html ) : '';
if ( $return ) {
return $html;
echo $html;
* Render menu instance(s) by ID.
* @param mixed $id Menu instance ID or array of Menu instance ID to be rendered.
* @return string
public static function renderMenu( $id ) {
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menu = $app->getMenu();
$active = $menu->getActive();
$active_id = isset( $active ) ? $active->id : $menu->getDefault()->id;
$path = isset( $active ) ? $active->tree : array();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery( true )->select( 'menutype' )->from( '#__menu_types' )->where( 'id = ' . $db->Quote( $id ) );
$db->setQuery( $query );
$menuType = $db->loadResult();
$items = $menu->getItems( 'menutype', $menuType );
$lastitem = 0;
$start = 1;
$end = 0;
$showAll = 1;
if ( $items ) {
foreach ( $items as $i => $item ) {
if ( ( $start && $start > $item->level ) || ( $end && $item->level > $end ) || ( ! $showAll && $item->level > 1 && ! in_array( $item->parent_id, $path ) ) || ( $start > 1 && ! in_array( $item->tree[ $start - 2 ], $path ) ) ) {
unset( $items[ $i ] );
$item->deeper = false;
$item->shallower = false;
$item->level_diff = 0;
if ( isset( $items[ $lastitem ] ) ) {
$items[ $lastitem ]->deeper = ( $item->level > $items[ $lastitem ]->level );
$items[ $lastitem ]->shallower = ( $item->level < $items[ $lastitem ]->level );
$items[ $lastitem ]->level_diff = ( $items[ $lastitem ]->level - $item->level );
$item->parent = (boolean)$menu->getItems( 'parent_id', (int)$item->id, true );
$lastitem = $i;
$item->active = false;
$item->flink = $item->link;
// Reverted back for CMS version 2.5.6
switch ( $item->type ) {
case 'separator':
// No further action needed.
case 'url':
if ( ( strpos( $item->link, 'index.php?' ) === 0 ) && ( strpos( $item->link, 'Itemid=' ) === false ) ) {
// If this is an internal Joomla link, ensure the Itemid is set.
$item->flink = $item->link . '&Itemid=' . $item->id;
case 'alias':
// If this is an alias use the item id stored in the parameters to make the link.
$item->flink = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $item->params->get( 'aliasoptions' );
$router = JSite::getRouter();
if ( $router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF ) {
$item->flink = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $item->id;
else {
$item->flink .= '&Itemid=' . $item->id;
if ( strcasecmp( substr( $item->flink, 0, 4 ), 'http' ) && ( strpos( $item->flink, 'index.php?' ) !== false ) ) {
$item->flink = JRoute::_( $item->flink, true, $item->params->get( 'secure' ) );
else {
$item->flink = JRoute::_( $item->flink );
$item->title = htmlspecialchars( $item->title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false );
$item->anchor_css = htmlspecialchars( $item->params->get( 'menu-anchor_css', '' ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false );
$item->anchor_title = htmlspecialchars( $item->params->get( 'menu-anchor_title', '' ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false );
$item->menu_image = $item->params->get( 'menu_image', '' ) ? htmlspecialchars( $item->params->get( 'menu_image', '' ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false ) : '';
if ( isset( $items[ $lastitem ] ) ) {
$items[ $lastitem ]->deeper = ( ( $start ? $start : 1 ) > $items[ $lastitem ]->level );
$items[ $lastitem ]->shallower = ( ( $start ? $start : 1 ) < $items[ $lastitem ]->level );
$items[ $lastitem ]->level_diff = ( $items[ $lastitem ]->level - ( $start ? $start : 1 ) );
echo "<ul class=\"menu jsn-menu jsn-menu-mobile jsn-toggle menu-stickymenu\">";
foreach ( $items as $i => &$item ) {
$class = 'item-' . $item->id;
if ( $item->id == $active_id ) {
$class .= ' current';
if ( in_array( $item->id, $path ) ) {
$class .= ' active';
elseif ( $item->type == 'alias' ) {
$aliasToId = $item->params->get( 'aliasoptions' );
if ( count( $path ) > 0 && $aliasToId == $path[ count( $path ) - 1 ] ) {
$class .= ' active';
elseif ( in_array( $aliasToId, $path ) ) {
$class .= ' alias-parent-active';
if ( ! empty( $item->deeper ) ) {
$class .= ' deeper';
if ( ! empty( $item->parent ) ) {
$class .= ' parent';
if ( ! empty( $class ) ) {
$class = ' class="' . trim( $class ) . '"';
echo '<li' . $class . '>';
// Render the menu item.
// Note. It is important to remove spaces between elements.
$class = ! empty( $item->anchor_css ) ? 'class="' . $item->anchor_css . '" ' : '';
$title = ! empty( $item->anchor_title ) ? 'title="' . $item->anchor_title . '" ' : '';
if ( ! empty( $item->menu_image ) ) {
$item->params->get( 'menu_text', 1 ) ? $linktype = '<img src="' . $item->menu_image . '" alt="' . $item->title . '" /><span class="image-title">' . $item->title . '</span> ' : $linktype = '<img src="' . $item->menu_image . '" alt="' . $item->title . '" />';
else {
$linktype = $item->title;
$flink = ! empty( $item->flink ) ? $item->flink : "";
$flink = JFilterOutput::ampReplace( htmlspecialchars( $flink ) );
switch ( $item->browserNav ) :
case 0:
<a <?php echo $class; ?>href="<?php echo $flink; ?>" <?php echo $title; ?>><?php echo $linktype; ?></a><?php
case 1:
// _blank
<a <?php echo $class; ?>href="<?php echo $flink; ?>" target="_blank" <?php echo $title; ?>><?php echo $linktype; ?></a><?php
// The next item is deeper.
if ( ! empty( $item->deeper ) ) {
echo '<ul>';
// The next item is shallower.
elseif ( ! empty( $item->shallower ) ) {
echo '</li>';
echo str_repeat( '</ul></li>', $item->level_diff );
// The next item is on the same level.
else {
echo '</li>';
echo "</ul>";
* Render module instance(s) by ID.
* @param mixed $id Module instance ID or array of Module instance ID to be rendered.
* @param array $attributes Module chrome attributes.
* @param boolean $hideTitle Set to true to always hide module title regardless of module instance settings.
* @param boolean $return Return rendered content or echo immediately.
* @return string
public static function renderModule( $id, $attributes = array(), $hideTitle = false, $return = false ) {
// Preset return value
$html = '';
// Get database object
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$Itemid = $app->input->getInt( 'Itemid' );
// Load Access User group view level
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels());
// Build query to load module data
$query = $db->getQuery( true );
$query->select( 'm.*' );
$query->from( '#__modules AS m' );
$query->where( 'id = ' . (int)$id );
$query->where('m.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
$query->join( 'LEFT', '#__modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id' );
$query->where( 'm.published = 1' );
$query->where( '(mm.menuid = ' . (int)$Itemid . ' OR mm.menuid = 0)' );
// Query for module data
$db->setQuery( $query );
if ( $row = $db->loadObject() ) {
// Is module title visible?
! $hideTitle OR $row->showtitle = 0;
// Render the module instance
$html = JModuleHelper::renderModule( $row, $attributes );
if ( $return ) {
return $html;
echo $html;
* Render content block.
* @param string $name Content block name.
* @param string $device Client device type.
* @param integer $preview Previewing or not?
* @param String $IDBlock ID Block
* @param String $class Class css
* @return void
public static function renderHtmlBlock($bgstyke = NULL, $name, $device, $preview, $IDBlock = '', $class = 'row-fluid' ) {
// Initialize variables
$mCfg = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::getConfig( $device, $preview );
$detect = new JSN_Mobile_Detect;
$classPreview = "";
$urlRequest = isset( $_SERVER[ "REQUEST_URI" ] ) ? $_SERVER[ "REQUEST_URI" ] : "";
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$get = $app->input->getArray($_GET);
$getPreView = ! empty( $get[ 'jsn_mobilize_preview' ] ) ? $get[ 'jsn_mobilize_preview' ] : '';
if ( $getPreView == 1 ) {
$classPreview = "jsn-mobilize-block ";
if ( ! empty( $name ) ) {
$nameLeft = $name . '-left';
$nameRight = $name . '-right';
// Counting block content
$counted[ $name ] = is_array( $mCfg->get( $name ) ) ? count( $mCfg->get( $name ) ) : 0;
$counted[ $nameLeft ] = is_array( $mCfg->get( $nameLeft ) ) ? count( $mCfg->get( $nameLeft ) ) : 0;
$counted[ $nameRight ] = is_array( $mCfg->get( $nameRight ) ) ? count( $mCfg->get( $nameRight ) ) : 0;
$htmlBlock = "";
// Render block content
$html[ $nameLeft ] = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::renderBlock( $mCfg->get( $nameLeft ), true );
$html[ $nameRight ] = JSNMobilizeTemplateHelper::renderBlock( $mCfg->get( $nameRight ), true );
$classSpan = 'span6';
if ( ! empty( $html[ $nameLeft ] ) OR ! empty( $html[ $nameRight ] ) ) {
//echo '<div id="jsn-mobilize-' . str_replace('_', '-', $name) . '" class="row-fluid">';
if ( ! empty( $html[ $nameLeft ] ) ) {
$htmlBlock .= "\t" . '<div id="jsn-mobilize-' . str_replace( '_', '-', $nameLeft ) . '" class="' . $classPreview . ( ! empty( $html[ $nameRight ] ) ? $classSpan : 'span12' ) . '">' . "\n\t\t" . $html[ $nameLeft ] . "\n\t" . '</div>';
if ( ! empty( $html[ $nameRight ] ) ) {
$htmlBlock .= "\t" . '<div id="jsn-mobilize-' . str_replace( '_', '-', $nameRight ) . '" class=" ' . $classPreview . ( ! empty( $html[ $nameLeft ] ) ? $classSpan : 'span12' ) . '">' . "\n\t\t" . $html[ $nameRight ] . "\n\t" . '</div>';
//echo '</div>';
if ( ! empty( $htmlBlock ) ) {
$class = ! empty( $class ) ? 'class="' . $class . '"' : '';
echo '<div id="' . $IDBlock . '"' . $class . '>'.$bgstyke.'<div class="row-fluid">' . $htmlBlock . '</div></div>';
* Get options design os support
* @param String $type Type OS
* @param String $version Version OS
* @param String $device Device
* @return stdClass
public static function getOSSupport( $type, $version, $device ) {
// Get database object
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Build query to load module data
$query = $db->getQuery( true );
$query->select( '*' );
$query->from( '#__jsn_mobilize_os' );
$query->where( 'os_type = ' . $db->Quote( $type ) );
$db->setQuery( $query );
$lisOS = $db->loadObjectList();
$support = "";
if ( ! empty( $version ) ) {
$ver = explode( ".", $version );
if ( ! empty( $ver[ 1 ] ) ) {
$version = $ver[ 0 ] . '.' . $ver[ 1 ];
else {
$version = $ver[ 0 ];
if ( $type != "other" ) {
foreach ( $lisOS as $os ) {
$osValue = json_decode( $os->os_value );
if ( ! empty( $osValue ) ) {
foreach ( $osValue as $value ) {
if ( ! empty( $value[ 1 ] ) && ! empty( $value[ 0 ] ) && $value[ 1 ] == "<" ) {
if ( is_float( $value[ 0 ] ) && version_compare( $value[ 0 ], $version, ">=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
elseif ( version_compare( $value[ 0 ], (int)$version, ">=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
elseif ( ! empty( $value[ 1 ] ) && ! empty( $value[ 0 ] ) && $value[ 1 ] == ">" ) {
if ( is_float( $value[ 0 ] ) && version_compare( $value[ 0 ], $version, "<=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
elseif ( version_compare( $value[ 0 ], (int)$version, "<=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
elseif ( empty( $value[ 1 ] ) && ! empty( $value[ 0 ] ) ) {
if ( is_float( $value[ 0 ] ) && version_compare( $value[ 0 ], $version, "=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
elseif ( version_compare( $value[ 0 ], (int)$version, "=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
elseif ( ! empty( $value[ 1 ] ) && ! empty( $value[ 0 ] ) ) {
if ( version_compare( $value[ 0 ], $version, "=" ) || version_compare( $value[ 1 ], $version, "=" ) ) {
$support = $os->os_id;
if ( empty( $support ) ) {
return false;
else {
$support = $lisOS[ 0 ]->os_id;
$detect = new JSN_Mobile_Detect;
$pfl_device = ($detect->isTablet()) ? '"jsn_tablet"' : '"jsn_mobile"';
$query = $db->getQuery( true );
$query->select( '*' );
$query->from( '#__jsn_mobilize_profiles AS p' );
$query->join( 'INNER', '#__jsn_mobilize_os_support AS s ON s.profile_id = p.profile_id' );
$query->where( 's.os_id = ' . $db->Quote( $support ) );
$query->where( 'p.profile_state = 1 AND p.profile_device = '.$pfl_device );
// $query->order( "p.ordering" );
$db->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 );
$profile = $db->loadObject();
$profileID = ! empty( $profile->profile_id ) ? $profile->profile_id : '';
$query = $db->getQuery( true );
$query->select( '*' );
$query->from( '#__jsn_mobilize_design' );
$query->where( 'profile_id = ' . $db->Quote( $profileID ) );
$db->setQuery( $query );
$dataDesign = $db->loadObjectList();
$optionDesign = new stdClass;
if ( ! empty( $dataDesign ) ) {
foreach ( $dataDesign as $item ) {
$name = $item->name;
$value = json_decode( $item->value );
if ( ! empty( $value ) ) {
$optionDesign->$name = $value;
else {
if ($name == 'mobilize-css') {
$item->value = self::addDomainPrefix($item->value);
$optionDesign->$name = $item->value;
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set( 'jsn_mobilize_profile', $profile );
return $optionDesign;
* Add domain prefix before background url
* @return string
public static function addDomainPrefix($contents)
$patternUrl = 'background:url\(\/';
$replaceWithUrl = 'background:url('.JURI::root();
$patternImage = 'background-image:url\(\/';
$replaceWithImage = 'background-image:url('.JURI::root();
if ($contents) {
preg_match('/'.$patternUrl.'/', $contents, $r1);
if ( count($r1))
$contents = preg_replace('/'.$patternUrl.'/', $replaceWithUrl, $contents);
preg_match('/'.$patternImage.'/', $contents, $r2);
if ( count($r2))
$contents = preg_replace('/'.$patternImage.'/', $replaceWithImage, $contents);
return $contents;
* Check Version Joomla
* @return mixed
public static function isJoomla3() {
$version = new JVersion;
$isJoomla3 = version_compare( $version->getShortVersion(), '3.0', '>=' );
return $isJoomla3;
* Wrap first word inside a <span>
* @param String $value Value
* @return null|string
public function wrapFirstWord( $value ) {
$processed_string = null;
$explode_string = explode( ' ', trim( $value ) );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $explode_string ); $i ++ ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$processed_string .= '<span>' . $explode_string[ $i ] . '</span>';
else {
$processed_string .= ' ' . $explode_string[ $i ];
return $processed_string;
* Check item menu is the last menu
* @param Object $item item menu
* @return bool
public static function isLastMenu( $item ) {
if ( isset( $item->tree[ 0 ] ) && isset( $item->tree[ 1 ] ) ) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$q = $db->getQuery( true );
$q->select( 'lft, rgt' );
$q->from( '#__menu' );
$q->where( 'id = ' . (int)$item->tree[ 0 ], 'OR' );
$q->where( 'id = ' . (int)$item->tree[ 1 ] );
$db->setQuery( $q );
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
if ( $results[ 1 ]->rgt == ( (int)$results[ 0 ]->rgt - 1 ) && $item->deeper ) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
* Check if current page is rendered by a specific component and/or has any module of that specific component assigned to.
* @param string $option Component folder name, e.g. com_k2
* @param string $module Prefix of module belonging to the specified component above, e.g. mod_k2_
* @return boolean
protected function checkExt($option, $module = '')
// Get input object
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
// Check if current page is generated by specified component
if ($input->getCmd('option') == $option)
return true;
if ( ! empty($module))
// Get current page menu item id
$itemId = $input->getInt('Itemid', 0);
// Get template positions
static $positions;
if ( ! isset($positions))
// Read template manifest file for available positions
$xml = simplexml_load_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate(true)->template . '/templateDetails.xml');
foreach ($xml->xpath('positions/position') AS $position)
$positions[] = (string) $position;
// Get Joomla database object
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// First query for module instances that are always hidden in current page
$q = $db->getQuery(true);
$q->from('#__modules AS m');
$q->join('INNER', '#__modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id');
$q->where('m.client_id = 0');
$q->where('m.published = 1');
$q->where('m.module LIKE ' . $q->quote("{$module}%"));
$q->where('(mm.menuid < 0 AND mm.menuid = ' . (0 - $itemId) . ')');
if (isset($positions))
$q->where('m.position IN ("' . implode('", "', $positions) . '")');
$excludes = is_array($excludes = $db->loadColumn()) ? $excludes : array();
// Then query for modules instances that are assigned to show in all page or current page
$q = $db->getQuery(true);
$q->from('#__modules AS m');
$q->join('INNER', '#__modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id');
$q->where('m.client_id = 0');
$q->where('m.published = 1');
$q->where('m.module LIKE ' . $q->quote("{$module}%"));
$q->where('(mm.menuid = ' . $itemId . ' OR mm.menuid = 0 OR (mm.menuid < 0 AND mm.menuid != ' . (0 - $itemId) . '))');
if (isset($positions))
$q->where('m.position IN ("' . implode('", "', $positions) . '")');
if (is_array($includes = $db->loadColumn()))
// Compare include and exclude arrays
$includes = array_diff($includes, $excludes);
return count($includes);
return false;
* Check if current page is rendered by K2 component and/or has any K2 module assigned to.
* @return boolean
public function checkK2()
return self::checkExt('com_k2', 'mod_k2_');
* Check if current page is rendered by VirtueMart component and/or has any VirtueMart module assigned to.
public function checkVM()
return self::checkExt('com_virtuemart', 'mod_virtuemart_');
* Check if current page is rendered by VirtueMart component and/or has any VirtueMart module assigned to.
public function checkMTREE()
return self::checkExt('com_mtree', 'mod_mtree_');
* Convert color HEX to rgba
* @param string $hex color Hex
* @param string $op opacity
* @return string color rgba
public function hex2rgb($hex,$op) {
$hex = str_replace("#", "", $hex);
if(strlen($hex) == 3) {
$r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,1).substr($hex,0,1));
$g = hexdec(substr($hex,1,1).substr($hex,1,1));
$b = hexdec(substr($hex,2,1).substr($hex,2,1));
} else {
$r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,2));
$g = hexdec(substr($hex,2,2));
$b = hexdec(substr($hex,4,2));
$rgb = "rgba(".$r.",". $g .",". $b .",". $op .")";
//return implode(",", $rgb); // returns the rgb values separated by commas
return $rgb; // returns an array with the rgb values
* Render opacity for background module
* @param int $cm
* @param int $preview
* @param array $cookieStyle
* @param array $cookieStl
* @param string $keyworld
* @param string $str div id
* @return string
public function renderOpcity($cm = NULL,$preview,$cookieStyle,$cookieStl,$keyworld) {
if($preview == 1){
$arrStyle = $cookieStyle[$keyworld];
$arrStyle = json_decode($cookieStl[$keyworld]);
$radius ='';
if (count($arrStyle))
foreach ($arrStyle as $temp){
if($temp->key === $keyworld.'_container_bo_border_radius'){
$radius = $temp->value;
if($temp->key == $keyworld . '_container_ba_backgroundType'){
if($temp->value == 'img'){
if(isset($cmd) && !empty($cmd)){
if($temp->key == $keyworld . '_container_image'){
$pathImg = $temp->value;
if($temp->key === $keyworld.'_container_effectColor'){
$colorEffect = $temp->value;
if($temp->key === $keyworld.'_container_opacity'){
$colorOpacity = $temp->value;
if($temp->key === $keyworld.'_container_imageWidth'){
$imgW = $temp->value;
if($temp->key === $keyworld.'_container_imageHeight'){
$imgH = $temp->value;
if($pathImg !=''){
if (strpos($pathImg,'http://') !== false) {
$pathImg = $pathImg;
/* if($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] !== ''){
$pathImg = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']. JURI::root(true) .'/'. $pathImg;
$pathImg = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . JURI::root(true) .'/'. $pathImg;
} */
$pathImg = JURI::root(true) .'/'. $pathImg;
$cssBG = ' position:relative;background:url('.$pathImg.');background-size: '.$imgW .' '. $imgH .';';
$pathImg ='';
$str ='';
if($cm ==1 && $keyworld == 'jsn_template'){
$str.= '<style>#jsn-master'.$cssBG .';#'.str_replace("_", "-", $keyworld).' .row-fluid{position:relative}</style>';
$str.= '<style>#'.str_replace("_", "-", $keyworld).'.row-fluid{position:relative} #'.str_replace("_", "-", $keyworld).' .row-fluid{position:relative}</style>';
if(isset($colorEffect) && !empty($colorEffect)){
$str.= '<div class="divOpacity" style="border-radius:'. $radius .';width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background:'.$this->hex2rgb($colorEffect,$colorOpacity). '"></div>';
return $str;
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0