Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @subpackage less
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;
* This class is taken verbatim from:
* lessphp v0.3.9
* http://leafo.net/lessphp
* LESS css compiler, adapted from http://lesscss.org
* Copyright 2012, Leaf Corcoran <leafot@gmail.com>
* Licensed under MIT or GPLv3, see LICENSE
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @since 2.0
class FOFLessFormatterClassic
public $indentChar = " ";
public $break = "\n";
public $open = " {";
public $close = "}";
public $selectorSeparator = ", ";
public $assignSeparator = ":";
public $openSingle = " { ";
public $closeSingle = " }";
public $disableSingle = false;
public $breakSelectors = false;
public $compressColors = false;
* Public constructor
public function __construct()
$this->indentLevel = 0;
* Indent a string by $n positions
* @param integer $n How many positions to indent
* @return string The indented string
public function indentStr($n = 0)
return str_repeat($this->indentChar, max($this->indentLevel + $n, 0));
* Return the code for a property
* @param string $name The name of the porperty
* @param string $value The value of the porperty
* @return string The CSS code
public function property($name, $value)
return $name . $this->assignSeparator . $value . ";";
* Is a block empty?
* @param stdClass $block The block to check
* @return boolean True if the block has no lines or children
protected function isEmpty($block)
if (empty($block->lines))
foreach ($block->children as $child)
if (!$this->isEmpty($child))
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Output a CSS block
* @param stdClass $block The block definition to output
* @return void
public function block($block)
if ($this->isEmpty($block))
$inner = $pre = $this->indentStr();
$isSingle = !$this->disableSingle &&
is_null($block->type) && count($block->lines) == 1;
if (!empty($block->selectors))
if ($this->breakSelectors)
$selectorSeparator = $this->selectorSeparator . $this->break . $pre;
$selectorSeparator = $this->selectorSeparator;
echo $pre .
implode($selectorSeparator, $block->selectors);
if ($isSingle)
echo $this->openSingle;
$inner = "";
echo $this->open . $this->break;
$inner = $this->indentStr();
if (!empty($block->lines))
$glue = $this->break . $inner;
echo $inner . implode($glue, $block->lines);
if (!$isSingle && !empty($block->children))
echo $this->break;
foreach ($block->children as $child)
if (!empty($block->selectors))
if (!$isSingle && empty($block->children))
echo $this->break;
if ($isSingle)
echo $this->closeSingle . $this->break;
echo $pre . $this->close . $this->break;
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0