Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @subpackage table
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;
* Normally this shouldn't be required. Some PHP versions, however, seem to
* require this. Why? No idea whatsoever. If I remove it, FOF crashes on some
* hosts. Same PHP version on another host and no problem occurs. Any takers?
if (class_exists('FOFTable', false))
if (!interface_exists('JTableInterface', true))
interface JTableInterface {}
* FrameworkOnFramework Table class. The Table is one part controller, one part
* model and one part data adapter. It's supposed to handle operations for single
* records.
* @package FrameworkOnFramework
* @since 1.0
class FOFTable extends FOFUtilsObject implements JTableInterface
* Cache array for instances
* @var array
protected static $instances = array();
* Include paths for searching for FOFTable classes.
* @var array
protected static $_includePaths = array();
* The configuration parameters array
* @var array
protected $config = array();
* Name of the database table to model.
* @var string
protected $_tbl = '';
* Name of the primary key field in the table.
* @var string
protected $_tbl_key = '';
* FOFDatabaseDriver object.
* @var FOFDatabaseDriver
protected $_db;
* Should rows be tracked as ACL assets?
* @var boolean
protected $_trackAssets = false;
* Does the resource support joomla tags?
* @var boolean
protected $_has_tags = false;
* The rules associated with this record.
* @var JAccessRules A JAccessRules object.
protected $_rules;
* Indicator that the tables have been locked.
* @var boolean
protected $_locked = false;
* If this is set to true, it triggers automatically plugin events for
* table actions
* @var boolean
protected $_trigger_events = false;
* Table alias used in queries
* @var string
protected $_tableAlias = false;
* Array with alias for "special" columns such as ordering, hits etc etc
* @var array
protected $_columnAlias = array();
* If set to true, it enabled automatic checks on fields based on columns properties
* @var boolean
protected $_autoChecks = false;
* Array with fields that should be skipped by automatic checks
* @var array
protected $_skipChecks = array();
* Does the table actually exist? We need that to avoid PHP notices on
* table-less views.
* @var boolean
protected $_tableExists = true;
* The asset key for items in this table. It's usually something in the
* com_example.viewname format. They asset name will be this key appended
* with the item's ID, e.g. com_example.viewname.123
* @var string
protected $_assetKey = '';
* The input data
* @var FOFInput
protected $input = null;
* Extended query including joins with other tables
* @var FOFDatabaseQuery
protected $_queryJoin = null;
* The prefix for the table class
* @var string
protected $_tablePrefix = '';
* The known fields for this table
* @var array
protected $knownFields = array();
* A list of table fields, keyed per table
* @var array
protected static $tableFieldCache = array();
* A list of tables in the database
* @var array
protected static $tableCache = array();
* An instance of FOFConfigProvider to provision configuration overrides
* @var FOFConfigProvider
protected $configProvider = null;
* FOFTableDispatcherBehavior for dealing with extra behaviors
* @var FOFTableDispatcherBehavior
protected $tableDispatcher = null;
* List of default behaviors to apply to the table
* @var array
protected $default_behaviors = array('tags', 'assets');
* The relations object of the table. It's lazy-loaded by getRelations().
* @var FOFTableRelations
protected $_relations = null;
* The configuration provider's key for this table, e.g. for the #__foobar_bars table. This is set
* automatically by the constructor
* @var string
protected $_configProviderKey = '';
* The content type of the table. Required if using tags or content history behaviour
* @var string
protected $contentType = null;
* Returns a static object instance of a particular table type
* @param string $type The table name
* @param string $prefix The prefix of the table class
* @param array $config Optional configuration variables
* @return FOFTable
public static function getInstance($type, $prefix = 'JTable', $config = array())
return self::getAnInstance($type, $prefix, $config);
* Returns a static object instance of a particular table type
* @param string $type The table name
* @param string $prefix The prefix of the table class
* @param array $config Optional configuration variables
* @return FOFTable
public static function &getAnInstance($type = null, $prefix = 'JTable', $config = array())
// Make sure $config is an array
if (is_object($config))
$config = (array) $config;
elseif (!is_array($config))
$config = array();
// Guess the component name
if (!array_key_exists('input', $config))
$config['input'] = new FOFInput;
if ($config['input'] instanceof FOFInput)
$tmpInput = $config['input'];
$tmpInput = new FOFInput($config['input']);
$option = $tmpInput->getCmd('option', '');
$tmpInput->set('option', $option);
$config['input'] = $tmpInput;
if (!in_array($prefix, array('Table', 'JTable')))
preg_match('/(.*)Table$/', $prefix, $m);
$option = 'com_' . strtolower($m[1]);
if (array_key_exists('option', $config))
$option = $config['option'];
$config['option'] = $option;
if (!array_key_exists('view', $config))
$config['view'] = $config['input']->getCmd('view', 'cpanel');
if (is_null($type))
if ($prefix == 'JTable')
$prefix = 'Table';
$type = $config['view'];
$type = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\.-]/i', '', $type);
$tableClass = $prefix . ucfirst($type);
$config['_table_type'] = $type;
$config['_table_class'] = $tableClass;
$configProvider = new FOFConfigProvider;
$configProviderKey = $option . '.views.' . FOFInflector::singularize($type) . '.config.';
if (!array_key_exists($tableClass, self::$instances))
if (!class_exists($tableClass))
$componentPaths = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getComponentBaseDirs($config['option']);
$searchPaths = array(
$componentPaths['main'] . '/tables',
$componentPaths['admin'] . '/tables'
if (array_key_exists('tablepath', $config))
array_unshift($searchPaths, $config['tablepath']);
$altPath = $configProvider->get($configProviderKey . 'table_path', null);
if ($altPath)
array_unshift($searchPaths, $componentPaths['admin'] . '/' . $altPath);
$filesystem = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getIntegrationObject('filesystem');
$path = $filesystem->pathFind(
$searchPaths, strtolower($type) . '.php'
if ($path)
require_once $path;
if (!class_exists($tableClass))
$tableClass = 'FOFTable';
$component = str_replace('com_', '', $config['option']);
$tbl_common = $component . '_';
if (!array_key_exists('tbl', $config))
$config['tbl'] = strtolower('#__' . $tbl_common . strtolower(FOFInflector::pluralize($type)));
$altTbl = $configProvider->get($configProviderKey . 'tbl', null);
if ($altTbl)
$config['tbl'] = $altTbl;
if (!array_key_exists('tbl_key', $config))
$keyName = FOFInflector::singularize($type);
$config['tbl_key'] = strtolower($tbl_common . $keyName . '_id');
$altTblKey = $configProvider->get($configProviderKey . 'tbl_key', null);
if ($altTblKey)
$config['tbl_key'] = $altTblKey;
if (!array_key_exists('db', $config))
$config['db'] = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getDbo();
// Assign the correct table alias
if (array_key_exists('table_alias', $config))
$table_alias = $config['table_alias'];
$configProviderTableAliasKey = $option . '.tables.' . FOFInflector::singularize($type) . '.tablealias';
$table_alias = $configProvider->get($configProviderTableAliasKey, false );
// Can we use the FOF cache?
if (!array_key_exists('use_table_cache', $config))
$config['use_table_cache'] = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->isGlobalFOFCacheEnabled();
$alt_use_table_cache = $configProvider->get($configProviderKey . 'use_table_cache', null);
if (!is_null($alt_use_table_cache))
$config['use_table_cache'] = $alt_use_table_cache;
// Create a new table instance
$instance = new $tableClass($config['tbl'], $config['tbl_key'], $config['db'], $config);
// Determine and set the asset key for this table
$assetKey = 'com_' . $component . '.' . strtolower(FOFInflector::singularize($type));
$assetKey = $configProvider->get($configProviderKey . 'asset_key', $assetKey);
if (array_key_exists('trigger_events', $config))
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.1', 'ge'))
if (array_key_exists('has_tags', $config))
$altHasTags = $configProvider->get($configProviderKey . 'has_tags', null);
if ($altHasTags)
$configProviderFieldmapKey = $option . '.tables.' . FOFInflector::singularize($type) . '.field';
$aliases = $configProvider->get($configProviderFieldmapKey, $instance->_columnAlias);
$instance->_columnAlias = array_merge($instance->_columnAlias, $aliases);
self::$instances[$tableClass] = $instance;
return self::$instances[$tableClass];
* Force an instance inside class cache. Setting arguments to null nukes all or part of the cache
* @param string|null $key TableClass to replace. Set it to null to nuke the entire cache
* @param FOFTable|null $instance Instance to replace. Set it to null to nuke $key instances
* @return bool Did I correctly switch the instance?
public static function forceInstance($key = null, $instance = null)
self::$instances = array();
return true;
elseif($key && isset(self::$instances[$key]))
// I'm forcing an instance, but it's not a FOFTable, abort! abort!
if(!$instance || ($instance && $instance instanceof FOFTable))
self::$instances[$key] = $instance;
return true;
return false;
* Class Constructor.
* @param string $table Name of the database table to model.
* @param string $key Name of the primary key field in the table.
* @param FOFDatabaseDriver &$db Database driver
* @param array $config The configuration parameters array
public function __construct($table, $key, &$db, $config = array())
$this->_tbl = $table;
$this->_tbl_key = $key;
$this->_db = $db;
// Make sure the use FOF cache information is in the config
if (!array_key_exists('use_table_cache', $config))
$config['use_table_cache'] = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->isGlobalFOFCacheEnabled();
$this->config = $config;
// Load the configuration provider
$this->configProvider = new FOFConfigProvider;
// Load the behavior dispatcher
$this->tableDispatcher = new FOFTableDispatcherBehavior;
// Initialise the table properties.
if ($fields = $this->getTableFields())
// Do I have anything joined?
$j_fields = $this->getQueryJoinFields();
if ($j_fields)
$fields = array_merge($fields, $j_fields);
$this->setKnownFields(array_keys($fields), true);
$this->_tableExists = false;
// Get the input
if (array_key_exists('input', $config))
if ($config['input'] instanceof FOFInput)
$this->input = $config['input'];
$this->input = new FOFInput($config['input']);
$this->input = new FOFInput;
// Set the $name/$_name variable
$component = $this->input->getCmd('option', 'com_foobar');
if (array_key_exists('option', $config))
$component = $config['option'];
$this->input->set('option', $component);
// Apply table behaviors
$type = explode("_", $this->_tbl);
$type = $type[count($type) - 1];
$this->_configProviderKey = $component . '.tables.' . FOFInflector::singularize($type);
$configKey = $this->_configProviderKey . '.behaviors';
if (isset($config['behaviors']))
$behaviors = (array) $config['behaviors'];
elseif ($behaviors = $this->configProvider->get($configKey, null))
$behaviors = explode(',', $behaviors);
$behaviors = $this->default_behaviors;
if (is_array($behaviors) && count($behaviors))
foreach ($behaviors as $behavior)
// If we are tracking assets, make sure an access field exists and initially set the default.
$asset_id_field = $this->getColumnAlias('asset_id');
$access_field = $this->getColumnAlias('access');
if (in_array($asset_id_field, $this->getKnownFields()))
$this->_trackAssets = true;
// If the access property exists, set the default.
if (in_array($access_field, $this->getKnownFields()))
$this->$access_field = (int) FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getConfig()->get('access');
$this->config = $config;
* Replace the entire known fields array
* @param array $fields A simple array of known field names
* @param boolean $initialise Should we initialise variables to null?
* @return void
public function setKnownFields($fields, $initialise = false)
$this->knownFields = $fields;
if ($initialise)
foreach ($this->knownFields as $field)
$this->$field = null;
* Get the known fields array
* @return array
public function getKnownFields()
return $this->knownFields;
* Does the specified field exist?
* @param string $fieldName The field name to search (it's OK to use aliases)
* @return bool
public function hasField($fieldName)
$search = $this->getColumnAlias($fieldName);
return in_array($search, $this->knownFields);
* Add a field to the known fields array
* @param string $field The name of the field to add
* @param boolean $initialise Should we initialise the variable to null?
* @return void
public function addKnownField($field, $initialise = false)
if (!in_array($field, $this->knownFields))
$this->knownFields[] = $field;
if ($initialise)
$this->$field = null;
* Remove a field from the known fields array
* @param string $field The name of the field to remove
* @return void
public function removeKnownField($field)
if (in_array($field, $this->knownFields))
$pos = array_search($field, $this->knownFields);
* Adds a behavior to the table
* @param string $name The name of the behavior
* @param array $config Optional Behavior configuration
* @return boolean
public function addBehavior($name, $config = array())
// First look for ComponentnameTableViewnameBehaviorName (e.g. FoobarTableItemsBehaviorTags)
if (isset($this->config['option']))
$option_name = str_replace('com_', '', $this->config['option']);
$behaviorClass = $this->config['_table_class'] . 'Behavior' . ucfirst(strtolower($name));
if (class_exists($behaviorClass))
$behavior = new $behaviorClass($this->tableDispatcher, $config);
return true;
// Then look for ComponentnameTableBehaviorName (e.g. FoobarTableBehaviorTags)
$option_name = str_replace('com_', '', $this->config['option']);
$behaviorClass = ucfirst($option_name) . 'TableBehavior' . ucfirst(strtolower($name));
if (class_exists($behaviorClass))
$behavior = new $behaviorClass($this->tableDispatcher, $config);
return true;
// Nothing found? Return false.
$behaviorClass = 'FOFTableBehavior' . ucfirst(strtolower($name));
if (class_exists($behaviorClass) && $this->tableDispatcher)
$behavior = new $behaviorClass($this->tableDispatcher, $config);
return true;
return false;
* Sets the events trigger switch state
* @param boolean $newState The new state of the switch (what else could it be?)
* @return void
public function setTriggerEvents($newState = false)
$this->_trigger_events = $newState ? true : false;
* Gets the events trigger switch state
* @return boolean
public function getTriggerEvents()
return $this->_trigger_events;
* Gets the has tags switch state
* @return bool
public function hasTags()
return $this->_has_tags;
* Sets the has tags switch state
* @param bool $newState
public function setHasTags($newState = false)
$this->_has_tags = false;
// Tags are available only in 3.1+
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.1', 'ge'))
$this->_has_tags = $newState ? true : false;
* Set the class prefix
* @param string $prefix The prefix
public function setTablePrefix($prefix)
$this->_tablePrefix = $prefix;
* Sets fields to be skipped from automatic checks.
* @param array/string $skip Fields to be skipped by automatic checks
* @return void
public function setSkipChecks($skip)
$this->_skipChecks = (array) $skip;
* Method to load a row from the database by primary key and bind the fields
* to the FOFTable instance properties.
* @param mixed $keys An optional primary key value to load the row by, or an array of fields to match. If not
* set the instance property value is used.
* @param boolean $reset True to reset the default values before loading the new row.
* @return boolean True if successful. False if row not found.
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
public function load($keys = null, $reset = true)
if (!$this->_tableExists)
$result = false;
return $this->onAfterLoad($result);
if (empty($keys))
// If empty, use the value of the current key
$keyName = $this->_tbl_key;
if (isset($this->$keyName))
$keyValue = $this->$keyName;
$keyValue = null;
// If empty primary key there's is no need to load anything
if (empty($keyValue))
$result = true;
return $this->onAfterLoad($result);
$keys = array($keyName => $keyValue);
elseif (!is_array($keys))
// Load by primary key.
$keys = array($this->_tbl_key => $keys);
if ($reset)
// Initialise the query.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($this->_tbl . '.*');
// Joined fields are ok, since I initialized them in the constructor
$fields = $this->getKnownFields();
foreach ($keys as $field => $value)
// Check that $field is in the table.
if (!in_array($field, $fields))
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Missing field in table %s : %s.', $this->_tbl, $field));
// Add the search tuple to the query.
$query->where($this->_db->qn($this->_tbl . '.' . $field) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($value));
// Do I have any joined table?
$j_query = $this->getQueryJoin();
if ($j_query)
if ($j_query->select && $j_query->select->getElements())
//$query->select($this->normalizeSelectFields($j_query->select->getElements(), true));
if ($j_query->join)
foreach ($j_query->join as $join)
$t = (string) $join;
// Joomla doesn't provide any access to the "name" variable, so I have to work with strings...
if (stripos($t, 'inner') !== false)
elseif (stripos($t, 'left') !== false)
elseif (stripos($t, 'right') !== false)
elseif (stripos($t, 'outer') !== false)
$row = $this->_db->loadAssoc();
// Check that we have a result.
if (empty($row))
$result = false;
return $this->onAfterLoad($result);
// Bind the object with the row and return.
$result = $this->bind($row);
return $result;
* Based on fields properties (nullable column), checks if the field is required or not
* @return boolean
public function check()
if (!$this->_autoChecks)
return true;
$fields = $this->getTableFields();
// No fields? Why in the hell am I here?
return false;
$result = true;
$known = $this->getKnownFields();
$skipFields[] = $this->_tbl_key;
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('title'), $known)
&& in_array($this->getColumnAlias('slug'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('slug');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('hits'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('hits');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('created_on'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('created_on');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('created_by'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('created_by');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('modified_on'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('modified_on');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('modified_by'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('modified_by');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('locked_by'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
if(in_array($this->getColumnAlias('locked_on'), $known)) $skipFields[] = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_on');
// Let's merge it with custom skips
$skipFields = array_merge($skipFields, $this->_skipChecks);
foreach ($fields as $field)
$fieldName = $field->Field;
if (empty($fieldName))
$fieldName = $field->column_name;
// Field is not nullable but it's null, set error
if ($field->Null == 'NO' && $this->$fieldName == '' && !in_array($fieldName, $skipFields))
$text = str_replace('#__', 'COM_', $this->getTableName()) . '_ERR_' . $fieldName;
$result = false;
return $result;
* Method to reset class properties to the defaults set in the class
* definition. It will ignore the primary key as well as any private class
* properties.
* @return void
public function reset()
if (!$this->onBeforeReset())
return false;
// Get the default values for the class from the table.
$fields = $this->getTableFields();
$j_fields = $this->getQueryJoinFields();
if ($j_fields)
$fields = array_merge($fields, $j_fields);
if (is_array($fields) && !empty($fields))
foreach ($fields as $k => $v)
// If the property is not the primary key or private, reset it.
if ($k != $this->_tbl_key && (strpos($k, '_') !== 0))
$this->$k = $v->Default;
if (!$this->onAfterReset())
return false;
* Clones the current object, after resetting it
* @return static
public function getClone()
$clone = clone $this;
$key = $this->getKeyName();
$clone->$key = null;
return $clone;
* Generic check for whether dependencies exist for this object in the db schema
* @param integer $oid The primary key of the record to delete
* @param array $joins Any joins to foreign table, used to determine if dependent records exist
* @return boolean True if the record can be deleted
public function canDelete($oid = null, $joins = null)
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if ($oid)
$this->$k = intval($oid);
if (is_array($joins))
$db = $this->_db;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->select($db->qn('master') . '.' . $db->qn($k))
->from($db->qn($this->_tbl) . ' AS ' . $db->qn('master'));
$tableNo = 0;
foreach ($joins as $table)
'COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $db->qn('t' . $tableNo) . '.' . $db->qn($table['idfield']) . ') AS ' . $db->qn($table['idalias'])
$query->join('LEFT', $db->qn($table['name']) .
' AS ' . $db->qn('t' . $tableNo) .
' ON ' . $db->qn('t' . $tableNo) . '.' . $db->qn($table['joinfield']) .
' = ' . $db->qn('master') . '.' . $db->qn($k)
$query->where($db->qn('master') . '.' . $db->qn($k) . ' = ' . $db->q($this->$k));
$query->group($db->qn('master') . '.' . $db->qn($k));
$this->_db->setQuery((string) $query);
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge'))
$obj = $this->_db->loadObject();
catch (Exception $e)
if (!$obj = $this->_db->loadObject())
return false;
$msg = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($joins as $table)
$k = $table['idalias'];
if ($obj->$k > 0)
$msg[] = JText::_($table['label']);
if (count($msg))
$option = $this->input->getCmd('option', 'com_foobar');
$comName = str_replace('com_', '', $option);
$tview = str_replace('#__' . $comName . '_', '', $this->_tbl);
$prefix = $option . '_' . $tview . '_NODELETE_';
foreach ($msg as $key)
$this->setError(JText::_($prefix . $key));
return false;
return true;
return true;
* Method to bind an associative array or object to the FOFTable instance.This
* method only binds properties that are publicly accessible and optionally
* takes an array of properties to ignore when binding.
* @param mixed $src An associative array or object to bind to the FOFTable instance.
* @param mixed $ignore An optional array or space separated list of properties to ignore while binding.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function bind($src, $ignore = array())
if (!$this->onBeforeBind($src))
return false;
// If the source value is not an array or object return false.
if (!is_object($src) && !is_array($src))
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s::bind(*%s*)', get_class($this), gettype($src)));
// If the source value is an object, get its accessible properties.
if (is_object($src))
$src = get_object_vars($src);
// If the ignore value is a string, explode it over spaces.
if (!is_array($ignore))
$ignore = explode(' ', $ignore);
// Bind the source value, excluding the ignored fields.
foreach ($this->getKnownFields() as $k)
// Only process fields not in the ignore array.
if (!in_array($k, $ignore))
if (isset($src[$k]))
$this->$k = $src[$k];
$result = $this->onAfterBind($src);
return $result;
* Method to store a row in the database from the FOFTable instance properties.
* If a primary key value is set the row with that primary key value will be
* updated with the instance property values. If no primary key value is set
* a new row will be inserted into the database with the properties from the
* FOFTable instance.
* @param boolean $updateNulls True to update fields even if they are null.
* @return boolean True on success.
public function store($updateNulls = false)
if (!$this->onBeforeStore($updateNulls))
return false;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if ($this->$k == 0)
$this->$k = null;
// Create the object used for inserting/updating data to the database
$fields = $this->getTableFields();
$properties = $this->getKnownFields();
$keys = array();
foreach ($properties as $property)
// 'input' property is a reserved name
if (isset($fields[$property]))
$keys[] = $property;
$updateObject = array();
foreach ($keys as $key)
$updateObject[$key] = $this->$key;
$updateObject = (object)$updateObject;
* While the documentation for update/insertObject and execute() say they return a boolean,
* not all of the implemtnations. Depending on the version of J! and the specific driver,
* they may return a database object, or boolean, or a mix, or toss an exception. So try/catch,
* and test for false.
// If a primary key exists update the object, otherwise insert it.
if ($this->$k)
$result = $this->_db->updateObject($this->_tbl, $updateObject, $this->_tbl_key, $updateNulls);
$result = $this->_db->insertObject($this->_tbl, $updateObject, $this->_tbl_key);
if ($result === false)
return false;
catch (Exception $e)
if ($this->_locked)
$result = $this->onAfterStore();
return $result;
* Method to move a row in the ordering sequence of a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause.
* Negative numbers move the row up in the sequence and positive numbers move it down.
* @param integer $delta The direction and magnitude to move the row in the ordering sequence.
* @param string $where WHERE clause to use for limiting the selection of rows to compact the
* ordering values.
* @return mixed Boolean True on success.
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
public function move($delta, $where = '')
if (!$this->onBeforeMove($delta, $where))
return false;
// If there is no ordering field set an error and return false.
$ordering_field = $this->getColumnAlias('ordering');
if (!in_array($ordering_field, $this->getKnownFields()))
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s does not support ordering.', $this->_tbl));
// If the change is none, do nothing.
if (empty($delta))
$result = $this->onAfterMove();
return $result;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
$row = null;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
// If the table is not loaded, return false
if (empty($this->$k))
return false;
// Select the primary key and ordering values from the table.
$query->select(array($this->_db->qn($this->_tbl_key), $this->_db->qn($ordering_field)));
// If the movement delta is negative move the row up.
if ($delta < 0)
$query->where($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' < ' . $this->_db->q((int) $this->$ordering_field));
$query->order($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' DESC');
// If the movement delta is positive move the row down.
elseif ($delta > 0)
$query->where($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' > ' . $this->_db->q((int) $this->$ordering_field));
$query->order($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' ASC');
// Add the custom WHERE clause if set.
if ($where)
// Select the first row with the criteria.
$this->_db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
$row = $this->_db->loadObject();
// If a row is found, move the item.
if (!empty($row))
// Update the ordering field for this instance to the row's ordering value.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->set($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q((int) $row->$ordering_field));
$query->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($this->$k));
// Update the ordering field for the row to this instance's ordering value.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->set($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q((int) $this->$ordering_field));
$query->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($row->$k));
// Update the instance value.
$this->$ordering_field = $row->$ordering_field;
// Update the ordering field for this instance.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->set($this->_db->qn($ordering_field) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q((int) $this->$ordering_field));
$query->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($this->$k));
$result = $this->onAfterMove();
return $result;
* Change the ordering of the records of the table
* @param string $where The WHERE clause of the SQL used to fetch the order
* @return boolean True is successful
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
public function reorder($where = '')
if (!$this->onBeforeReorder($where))
return false;
// If there is no ordering field set an error and return false.
$order_field = $this->getColumnAlias('ordering');
if (!in_array($order_field, $this->getKnownFields()))
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s does not support ordering.', $this->_tbl_key));
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
// Get the primary keys and ordering values for the selection.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($this->_tbl_key . ', ' . $this->_db->qn($order_field));
$query->where($this->_db->qn($order_field) . ' >= ' . $this->_db->q(0));
// Setup the extra where and ordering clause data.
if ($where)
$rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// Compact the ordering values.
foreach ($rows as $i => $row)
// Make sure the ordering is a positive integer.
if ($row->$order_field >= 0)
// Only update rows that are necessary.
if ($row->$order_field != $i + 1)
// Update the row ordering field.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->set($this->_db->qn($order_field) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($i + 1));
$query->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($row->$k));
$result = $this->onAfterReorder();
return $result;
* Check out (lock) a record
* @param integer $userId The locking user's ID
* @param integer $oid The primary key value of the record to lock
* @return boolean True on success
public function checkout($userId, $oid = null)
$fldLockedBy = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
$fldLockedOn = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_on');
if (!(in_array($fldLockedBy, $this->getKnownFields())
|| in_array($fldLockedOn, $this->getKnownFields())))
return true;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if ($oid !== null)
$this->$k = $oid;
// No primary key defined, stop here
if (!$this->$k)
return false;
$date = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getDate();
if (method_exists($date, 'toSql'))
$time = $date->toSql();
$time = $date->toMySQL();
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
$this->_db->qn($fldLockedBy) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q((int) $userId),
$this->_db->qn($fldLockedOn) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($time)
->where($this->_db->qn($this->_tbl_key) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($this->$k));
$this->_db->setQuery((string) $query);
$this->$fldLockedBy = $userId;
$this->$fldLockedOn = $time;
return $this->_db->execute();
* Check in (unlock) a record
* @param integer $oid The primary key value of the record to unlock
* @return boolean True on success
public function checkin($oid = null)
$fldLockedBy = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
$fldLockedOn = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_on');
if (!(in_array($fldLockedBy, $this->getKnownFields())
|| in_array($fldLockedOn, $this->getKnownFields())))
return true;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if ($oid !== null)
$this->$k = $oid;
if ($this->$k == null)
return false;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
$this->_db->qn($fldLockedBy) . ' = 0',
$this->_db->qn($fldLockedOn) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($this->_db->getNullDate())
->where($this->_db->qn($this->_tbl_key) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($this->$k));
$this->_db->setQuery((string) $query);
$this->$fldLockedBy = 0;
$this->$fldLockedOn = '';
return $this->_db->execute();
* Is a record locked?
* @param integer $with The userid to preform the match with. If an item is checked
* out by this user the function will return false.
* @param integer $unused_against Junk inherited from JTable; ignore
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
* @return boolean True if the record is locked by another user
public function isCheckedOut($with = 0, $unused_against = null)
$against = null;
$fldLockedBy = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
// If no primary key is given, return false.
if ($this->$k === null)
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Null primary key not allowed.');
if (isset($this) && is_a($this, 'FOFTable') && !$against)
$against = $this->get($fldLockedBy);
// Item is not checked out, or being checked out by the same user
if (!$against || $against == $with)
return false;
$session = JTable::getInstance('session');
return $session->exists($against);
* Copy (duplicate) one or more records
* @param integer|array $cid The primary key value (or values) or the record(s) to copy
* @return boolean True on success
public function copy($cid = null)
//We have to cast the id as array, or the helper function will return an empty set
$cid = (array) $cid;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if (count($cid) < 1)
if ($this->$k)
$cid = array($this->$k);
$this->setError("No items selected.");
return false;
$created_by = $this->getColumnAlias('created_by');
$created_on = $this->getColumnAlias('created_on');
$modified_by = $this->getColumnAlias('modified_by');
$modified_on = $this->getColumnAlias('modified_on');
$locked_byName = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
$checkin = in_array($locked_byName, $this->getKnownFields());
foreach ($cid as $item)
// Prevent load with id = 0
if (!$item)
if ($checkin)
// We're using the checkin and the record is used by someone else
if ($this->isCheckedOut($item))
if (!$this->onBeforeCopy($item))
$this->$k = null;
$this->$created_by = null;
$this->$created_on = null;
$this->$modified_on = null;
$this->$modified_by = null;
// Let's fire the event only if everything is ok
if ($this->store())
return true;
* Publish or unpublish records
* @param integer|array $cid The primary key value(s) of the item(s) to publish/unpublish
* @param integer $publish 1 to publish an item, 0 to unpublish
* @param integer $user_id The user ID of the user (un)publishing the item.
* @return boolean True on success, false on failure (e.g. record is locked)
public function publish($cid = null, $publish = 1, $user_id = 0)
$enabledName = $this->getColumnAlias('enabled');
$locked_byName = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
// Mhm... you called the publish method on a table without publish support...
if(!in_array($enabledName, $this->getKnownFields()))
return false;
//We have to cast the id as array, or the helper function will return an empty set
$cid = (array) $cid;
$user_id = (int) $user_id;
$publish = (int) $publish;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if (count($cid) < 1)
if ($this->$k)
$cid = array($this->$k);
$this->setError("No items selected.");
return false;
if (!$this->onBeforePublish($cid, $publish))
return false;
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->set($this->_db->qn($enabledName) . ' = ' . (int) $publish);
$checkin = in_array($locked_byName, $this->getKnownFields());
if ($checkin)
' (' . $this->_db->qn($locked_byName) .
' = 0 OR ' . $this->_db->qn($locked_byName) . ' = ' . (int) $user_id . ')', 'AND'
// TODO Rewrite this statment using IN. Check if it work in SQLServer and PostgreSQL
$cids = $this->_db->qn($k) . ' = ' . implode(' OR ' . $this->_db->qn($k) . ' = ', $cid);
$query->where('(' . $cids . ')');
$this->_db->setQuery((string) $query);
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge'))
catch (Exception $e)
if (!$this->_db->execute())
return false;
if (count($cid) == 1 && $checkin)
if ($this->_db->getAffectedRows() == 1)
if ($this->$k == $cid[0])
$this->$enabledName = $publish;
return true;
* Delete a record
* @param integer $oid The primary key value of the item to delete
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
* @return boolean True on success
public function delete($oid = null)
if ($oid)
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
$pk = (!$oid) ? $this->$k : $oid;
// If no primary key is given, return false.
if (!$pk)
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Null primary key not allowed.');
// Execute the logic only if I have a primary key, otherwise I could have weird results
if (!$this->onBeforeDelete($oid))
return false;
// Delete the row by primary key.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($pk));
$result = $this->onAfterDelete($oid);
return $result;
* Register a hit on a record
* @param integer $oid The primary key value of the record
* @param boolean $log Should I log the hit?
* @return boolean True on success
public function hit($oid = null, $log = false)
if (!$this->onBeforeHit($oid, $log))
return false;
// If there is no hits field, just return true.
$hits_field = $this->getColumnAlias('hits');
if (!in_array($hits_field, $this->getKnownFields()))
return true;
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
$pk = ($oid) ? $oid : $this->$k;
// If no primary key is given, return false.
if (!$pk)
$result = false;
// Check the row in by primary key.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->set($this->_db->qn($hits_field) . ' = (' . $this->_db->qn($hits_field) . ' + 1)')
->where($this->_tbl_key . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($pk));
// In order to update the table object, I have to load the table
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)
->where($this->_db->qn($this->_tbl_key) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($pk));
$this->$hits_field = $this->_db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
// Set table values in the object.
$result = true;
if ($result)
$result = $this->onAfterHit($oid);
return $result;
* Export the item as a CSV line
* @param string $separator CSV separator. Tip: use "\t" to get a TSV file instead.
* @return string The CSV line
public function toCSV($separator = ',')
$csv = array();
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v)
if (!in_array($k, $this->getKnownFields()))
$csv[] = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $v) . '"';
$csv = implode($separator, $csv);
return $csv;
* Exports the table in array format
* @return array
public function getData()
$ret = array();
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v)
if (!in_array($k, $this->getKnownFields()))
$ret[$k] = $v;
return $ret;
* Get the header for exporting item list to CSV
* @param string $separator CSV separator. Tip: use "\t" to get a TSV file instead.
* @return string The CSV file's header
public function getCSVHeader($separator = ',')
$csv = array();
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v)
if (!in_array($k, $this->getKnownFields()))
$csv[] = '"' . str_replace('"', '\"', $k) . '"';
$csv = implode($separator, $csv);
return $csv;
* Get the columns from a database table.
* @param string $tableName Table name. If null current table is used
* @return mixed An array of the field names, or false if an error occurs.
public function getTableFields($tableName = null)
// Should I load the cached data?
$useCache = array_key_exists('use_table_cache', $this->config) ? $this->config['use_table_cache'] : false;
// Make sure we have a list of tables in this db
if (empty(self::$tableCache))
if ($useCache)
// Try to load table cache from a cache file
$cacheData = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getCache('tables', null);
// Unserialise the cached data, or set the table cache to empty
// if the cache data wasn't loaded.
if (!is_null($cacheData))
self::$tableCache = json_decode($cacheData, true);
self::$tableCache = array();
// This check is true if the cache data doesn't exist / is not loaded
if (empty(self::$tableCache))
self::$tableCache = $this->_db->getTableList();
if ($useCache)
FOFPlatform::getInstance()->setCache('tables', json_encode(self::$tableCache));
// Make sure the cached table fields cache is loaded
if (empty(self::$tableFieldCache))
if ($useCache)
// Try to load table cache from a cache file
$cacheData = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getCache('tablefields', null);
// Unserialise the cached data, or set to empty if the cache
// data wasn't loaded.
if (!is_null($cacheData))
$decoded = json_decode($cacheData, true);
$tableCache = array();
if (count($decoded))
foreach ($decoded as $myTableName => $tableFields)
$temp = array();
if (is_array($tableFields))
foreach($tableFields as $field => $def)
$temp[$field] = (object)$def;
$tableCache[$myTableName] = $temp;
elseif (is_object($tableFields) || is_bool($tableFields))
$tableCache[$myTableName] = $tableFields;
self::$tableFieldCache = $tableCache;
self::$tableFieldCache = array();
if (!$tableName)
$tableName = $this->_tbl;
// Try to load again column specifications if the table is not loaded OR if it's loaded and
// the previous call returned an error
if (!array_key_exists($tableName, self::$tableFieldCache) ||
(isset(self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName]) && !self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName]))
// Lookup the fields for this table only once.
$name = $tableName;
$prefix = $this->_db->getPrefix();
if (substr($name, 0, 3) == '#__')
$checkName = $prefix . substr($name, 3);
$checkName = $name;
if (!in_array($checkName, self::$tableCache))
// The table doesn't exist. Return false.
self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName] = false;
elseif (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge'))
$fields = $this->_db->getTableColumns($name, false);
if (empty($fields))
$fields = false;
self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName] = $fields;
$fields = $this->_db->getTableFields($name, false);
if (!isset($fields[$name]))
$fields = false;
self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName] = $fields[$name];
// PostgreSQL date type compatibility
if (($this->_db->name == 'postgresql') && (self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName] != false))
foreach (self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName] as $field)
if (strtolower($field->type) == 'timestamp without time zone')
if (stristr($field->Default, '\'::timestamp without time zone'))
list ($date, $junk) = explode('::', $field->Default, 2);
$field->Default = trim($date, "'");
// Save the data for this table into the cache
if ($useCache)
$cacheData = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->setCache('tablefields', json_encode(self::$tableFieldCache));
return self::$tableFieldCache[$tableName];
public function getTableAlias()
return $this->_tableAlias;
public function setTableAlias($string)
$string = preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9_]#i', '', $string);
$this->_tableAlias = $string;
* Method to return the real name of a "special" column such as ordering, hits, published
* etc etc. In this way you are free to follow your db naming convention and use the
* built in Joomla functions.
* @param string $column Name of the "special" column (ie ordering, hits etc etc)
* @return string The string that identify the special
public function getColumnAlias($column)
if (isset($this->_columnAlias[$column]))
$return = $this->_columnAlias[$column];
$return = $column;
$return = preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9_]#i', '', $return);
return $return;
* Method to register a column alias for a "special" column.
* @param string $column The "special" column (ie ordering)
* @param string $columnAlias The real column name (ie foo_ordering)
* @return void
public function setColumnAlias($column, $columnAlias)
$column = strtolower($column);
$column = preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9_]#i', '', $column);
$this->_columnAlias[$column] = $columnAlias;
* Get a JOIN query, used to join other tables
* @param boolean $asReference Return an object reference instead of a copy
* @return FOFDatabaseQuery Query used to join other tables
public function getQueryJoin($asReference = false)
if ($asReference)
return $this->_queryJoin;
if ($this->_queryJoin)
return clone $this->_queryJoin;
return null;
* Sets the query with joins to other tables
* @param FOFDatabaseQuery $query The JOIN query to use
* @return void
public function setQueryJoin($query)
$this->_queryJoin = $query;
* Extracts the fields from the join query
* @return array Fields contained in the join query
protected function getQueryJoinFields()
$query = $this->getQueryJoin();
if (!$query)
return array();
$tables = array();
$j_tables = array();
$j_fields = array();
// Get joined tables. Ignore FROM clause, since it should not be used (the starting point is the table "table")
$joins = $query->join;
foreach ($joins as $join)
$tables = array_merge($tables, $join->getElements());
// Clean up table names
foreach($tables as $table)
preg_match('#(.*)((\w)*(on|using))(.*)#i', $table, $matches);
if($matches && isset($matches[1]))
// I always want the first part, no matter what
$parts = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
$t_table = $parts[0];
$t_table = substr($t_table, 1, strlen($t_table) - 2);
if(!in_array($t_table, $j_tables))
$j_tables[] = $t_table;
// Do I have the current table inside the query join? Remove it (its fields are already ok)
$find = array_search($this->getTableName(), $j_tables);
if($find !== false)
// Get table fields
$fields = array();
foreach ($j_tables as $table)
$t_fields = $this->getTableFields($table);
if ($t_fields)
$fields = array_merge($fields, $t_fields);
// Remove any fields that aren't in the joined select
$j_select = $query->select;
if ($j_select && $j_select->getElements())
$j_fields = $this->normalizeSelectFields($j_select->getElements());
// I can intesect the keys
$fields = array_intersect_key($fields, $j_fields);
// Now I walk again the array to change the key of columns that have an alias
foreach ($j_fields as $column => $alias)
if ($column != $alias)
$fields[$alias] = $fields[$column];
return $fields;
* Normalizes the fields, returning an associative array with all the fields.
* Ie array('foobar as foo, bar') becomes array('foobar' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar')
* @param array $fields Array with column fields
* @return array Normalized array
protected function normalizeSelectFields($fields)
$db = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getDbo();
$return = array();
foreach ($fields as $field)
$t_fields = explode(',', $field);
foreach ($t_fields as $t_field)
// Is there any alias?
$parts = preg_split('#\sas\s#i', $t_field);
// Do I have a table.column situation? Let's get the field name
$tableField = explode('.', $parts[0]);
$column = trim($tableField[1]);
$column = trim($tableField[0]);
// Is this field quoted? If so, remove the quotes
$column = substr($column, 1, strlen($column) - 2);
$alias = trim($parts[1]);
// Is this field quoted? If so, remove the quotes
$alias = substr($alias, 1, strlen($alias) - 2);
$alias = $column;
$return[$column] = $alias;
return $return;
* Is the field quoted?
* @param string $column Column field
* @return bool Is the field quoted?
protected function isQuoted($column)
// Empty string, un-quoted by definition
return false;
// I need some "magic". If the first char is not a letter, a number
// an underscore or # (needed for table), then most likely the field is quoted
preg_match_all('/^[a-z0-9_#]/i', $column, $matches);
return true;
return false;
* The event which runs before binding data to the table
* When you override the following methods in your child classes,
* be sure to call parent::method *AFTER* your code, otherwise the
* plugin events do NOT get triggered
* Example:
* protected function onBeforeBind(){
* // Your code here
* return parent::onBeforeBind() && $your_result;
* }
* Do not do it the other way around, e.g. return $your_result && parent::onBeforeBind()
* Due to PHP short-circuit boolean evaluation the parent::onBeforeBind()
* will not be called if $your_result is false.
* @param object|array &$from The data to bind
* @return boolean True on success
protected function onBeforeBind(&$from)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeBind', array(&$this, &$from));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeBind' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, &$from));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after loading a record from the database
* @param boolean &$result Did the load succeeded?
* @return void
protected function onAfterLoad(&$result)
// Call the behaviors
$eventResult = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterLoad', array(&$this, &$result));
if (in_array(false, $eventResult, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
$result = false;
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterLoad' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, &$result));
* The event which runs before storing (saving) data to the database
* @param boolean $updateNulls Should nulls be saved as nulls (true) or just skipped over (false)?
* @return boolean True to allow saving
protected function onBeforeStore($updateNulls)
// Do we have a "Created" set of fields?
$created_on = $this->getColumnAlias('created_on');
$created_by = $this->getColumnAlias('created_by');
$modified_on = $this->getColumnAlias('modified_on');
$modified_by = $this->getColumnAlias('modified_by');
$locked_on = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_on');
$locked_by = $this->getColumnAlias('locked_by');
$title = $this->getColumnAlias('title');
$slug = $this->getColumnAlias('slug');
$hasCreatedOn = in_array($created_on, $this->getKnownFields());
$hasCreatedBy = in_array($created_by, $this->getKnownFields());
if ($hasCreatedOn && $hasCreatedBy)
$hasModifiedOn = in_array($modified_on, $this->getKnownFields());
$hasModifiedBy = in_array($modified_by, $this->getKnownFields());
$nullDate = $this->_db->getNullDate();
if (empty($this->$created_by) || ($this->$created_on == $nullDate) || empty($this->$created_on))
$uid = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getUser()->id;
if ($uid)
$this->$created_by = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getUser()->id;
$date = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getDate('now', null, false);
$this->$created_on = method_exists($date, 'toSql') ? $date->toSql() : $date->toMySQL();
elseif ($hasModifiedOn && $hasModifiedBy)
$uid = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getUser()->id;
if ($uid)
$this->$modified_by = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getUser()->id;
$date = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->getDate('now', null, false);
$this->$modified_on = method_exists($date, 'toSql') ? $date->toSql() : $date->toMySQL();
// Do we have a set of title and slug fields?
$hasTitle = in_array($title, $this->getKnownFields());
$hasSlug = in_array($slug, $this->getKnownFields());
if ($hasTitle && $hasSlug)
if (empty($this->$slug))
// Create a slug from the title
$this->$slug = FOFStringUtils::toSlug($this->$title);
// Filter the slug for invalid characters
$this->$slug = FOFStringUtils::toSlug($this->$slug);
// Make sure we don't have a duplicate slug on this table
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn($slug) . ' = ' . $db->q($this->$slug))
->where('NOT ' . $db->qn($this->_tbl_key) . ' = ' . $db->q($this->{$this->_tbl_key}));
$existingItems = $db->loadAssocList();
$count = 0;
$newSlug = $this->$slug;
while (!empty($existingItems))
$newSlug = $this->$slug . '-' . $count;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn($slug) . ' = ' . $db->q($newSlug))
->where('NOT '. $db->qn($this->_tbl_key) . ' = ' . $db->q($this->{$this->_tbl_key}));
$existingItems = $db->loadAssocList();
$this->$slug = $newSlug;
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeStore', array(&$this, $updateNulls));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
// Execute onBeforeStore<tablename> events in loaded plugins
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeStore' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $updateNulls));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after binding data to the class
* @param object|array &$src The data to bind
* @return boolean True to allow binding without an error
protected function onAfterBind(&$src)
// Call the behaviors
$options = array(
'component' => $this->input->get('option'),
'view' => $this->input->get('view'),
'table_prefix' => $this->_tablePrefix
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterBind', array(&$this, &$src, $options));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterBind' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, &$src));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after storing (saving) data to the database
* @return boolean True to allow saving without an error
protected function onAfterStore()
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterStore', array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterStore' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs before moving a record
* @param boolean $updateNulls Should nulls be saved as nulls (true) or just skipped over (false)?
* @return boolean True to allow moving
protected function onBeforeMove($updateNulls)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeMove', array(&$this, $updateNulls));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeMove' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $updateNulls));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after moving a record
* @return boolean True to allow moving without an error
protected function onAfterMove()
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterMove', array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterMove' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs before reordering a table
* @param string $where The WHERE clause of the SQL query to run on reordering (record filter)
* @return boolean True to allow reordering
protected function onBeforeReorder($where = '')
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeReorder', array(&$this, $where));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeReorder' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $where));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after reordering a table
* @return boolean True to allow the reordering to complete without an error
protected function onAfterReorder()
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterReorder', array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterReorder' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs before deleting a record
* @param integer $oid The PK value of the record to delete
* @return boolean True to allow the deletion
protected function onBeforeDelete($oid)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDelete', array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeDelete' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after deleting a record
* @param integer $oid The PK value of the record which was deleted
* @return boolean True to allow the deletion without errors
protected function onAfterDelete($oid)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterDelete', array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterDelete' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs before hitting a record
* @param integer $oid The PK value of the record to hit
* @param boolean $log Should we log the hit?
* @return boolean True to allow the hit
protected function onBeforeHit($oid, $log)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeHit', array(&$this, $oid, $log));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeHit' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $oid, $log));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after hitting a record
* @param integer $oid The PK value of the record which was hit
* @return boolean True to allow the hitting without errors
protected function onAfterHit($oid)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterHit', array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterHit' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The even which runs before copying a record
* @param integer $oid The PK value of the record being copied
* @return boolean True to allow the copy to take place
protected function onBeforeCopy($oid)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeCopy', array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeCopy' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The even which runs after copying a record
* @param integer $oid The PK value of the record which was copied (not the new one)
* @return boolean True to allow the copy without errors
protected function onAfterCopy($oid)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterCopy', array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterCopy' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, $oid));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs before a record is (un)published
* @param integer|array &$cid The PK IDs of the records being (un)published
* @param integer $publish 1 to publish, 0 to unpublish
* @return boolean True to allow the (un)publish to proceed
protected function onBeforePublish(&$cid, $publish)
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforePublish', array(&$this, &$cid, $publish));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforePublish' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this, &$cid, $publish));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The event which runs after the object is reset to its default values.
* @return boolean True to allow the reset to complete without errors
protected function onAfterReset()
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onAfterReset', array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onAfterReset' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* The even which runs before the object is reset to its default values.
* @return boolean True to allow the reset to complete
protected function onBeforeReset()
// Call the behaviors
$result = $this->tableDispatcher->trigger('onBeforeReset', array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// Behavior failed, return false
return false;
if ($this->_trigger_events)
$name = FOFInflector::pluralize($this->getKeyName());
$result = FOFPlatform::getInstance()->runPlugins('onBeforeReset' . ucfirst($name), array(&$this));
if (in_array(false, $result, true))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* Replace the input object of this table with the provided FOFInput object
* @param FOFInput $input The new input object
* @return void
public function setInput(FOFInput $input)
$this->input = $input;
* Get the columns from database table.
* @return mixed An array of the field names, or false if an error occurs.
* @deprecated 2.1
public function getFields()
return $this->getTableFields();
* Add a filesystem path where FOFTable should search for table class files.
* You may either pass a string or an array of paths.
* @param mixed $path A filesystem path or array of filesystem paths to add.
* @return array An array of filesystem paths to find FOFTable classes in.
public static function addIncludePath($path = null)
// If the internal paths have not been initialised, do so with the base table path.
if (empty(self::$_includePaths))
self::$_includePaths = array(__DIR__);
// Convert the passed path(s) to add to an array.
settype($path, 'array');
// If we have new paths to add, do so.
if (!empty($path) && !in_array($path, self::$_includePaths))
// Check and add each individual new path.
foreach ($path as $dir)
// Sanitize path.
$dir = trim($dir);
// Add to the front of the list so that custom paths are searched first.
array_unshift(self::$_includePaths, $dir);
return self::$_includePaths;
* Loads the asset table related to this table.
* This will help tests, too, since we can mock this function.
* @return bool|JTableAsset False on failure, otherwise JTableAsset
protected function getAsset()
$name = $this->_getAssetName();
// Do NOT touch JTable here -- we are loading the core asset table which is a JTable, not a FOFTable
$asset = JTable::getInstance('Asset');
if (!$asset->loadByName($name))
return false;
return $asset;
* Method to compute the default name of the asset.
* The default name is in the form
* where id is the value of the primary key of the table.
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
* @return string
public function getAssetName()
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
// If there is no assetKey defined, stop here, or we'll get a wrong name
if(!$this->_assetKey || !$this->$k)
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Table must have an asset key defined and a value for the table id in order to track assets');
return $this->_assetKey . '.' . (int) $this->$k;
* Method to compute the default name of the asset.
* The default name is in the form
* where id is the value of the primary key of the table.
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
* @return string
public function getAssetKey()
return $this->_assetKey;
* Method to return the title to use for the asset table. In
* tracking the assets a title is kept for each asset so that there is some
* context available in a unified access manager. Usually this would just
* return $this->title or $this->name or whatever is being used for the
* primary name of the row. If this method is not overridden, the asset name is used.
* @return string The string to use as the title in the asset table.
public function getAssetTitle()
return $this->getAssetName();
* Method to get the parent asset under which to register this one.
* By default, all assets are registered to the ROOT node with ID,
* which will default to 1 if none exists.
* The extended class can define a table and id to lookup. If the
* asset does not exist it will be created.
* @param FOFTable $table A FOFTable object for the asset parent.
* @param integer $id Id to look up
* @return integer
public function getAssetParentId($table = null, $id = null)
// For simple cases, parent to the asset root.
$assets = JTable::getInstance('Asset', 'JTable', array('dbo' => $this->getDbo()));
$rootId = $assets->getRootId();
if (!empty($rootId))
return $rootId;
return 1;
* This method sets the asset key for the items of this table. Obviously, it
* is only meant to be used when you have a table with an asset field.
* @param string $assetKey The name of the asset key to use
* @return void
public function setAssetKey($assetKey)
$this->_assetKey = $assetKey;
* Method to get the database table name for the class.
* @return string The name of the database table being modeled.
public function getTableName()
return $this->_tbl;
* Method to get the primary key field name for the table.
* @return string The name of the primary key for the table.
public function getKeyName()
return $this->_tbl_key;
* Returns the identity value of this record
* @return mixed
public function getId()
$key = $this->getKeyName();
return $this->$key;
* Method to get the FOFDatabaseDriver object.
* @return FOFDatabaseDriver The internal database driver object.
public function getDbo()
return $this->_db;
* Method to set the FOFDatabaseDriver object.
* @param FOFDatabaseDriver $db A FOFDatabaseDriver object to be used by the table object.
* @return boolean True on success.
public function setDBO($db)
$this->_db = $db;
return true;
* Method to set rules for the record.
* @param mixed $input A JAccessRules object, JSON string, or array.
* @return void
public function setRules($input)
if ($input instanceof JAccessRules)
$this->_rules = $input;
$this->_rules = new JAccessRules($input);
* Method to get the rules for the record.
* @return JAccessRules object
public function getRules()
return $this->_rules;
* Method to check if the record is treated as an ACL asset
* @return boolean [description]
public function isAssetsTracked()
return $this->_trackAssets;
* Method to manually set this record as ACL asset or not.
* We have to do this since the automatic check is made in the constructor, but here we can't set any alias.
* So, even if you have an alias for `asset_id`, it wouldn't be reconized and assets won't be tracked.
* @param $state
public function setAssetsTracked($state)
$state = (bool) $state;
$this->_trackAssets = $state;
* Method to provide a shortcut to binding, checking and storing a FOFTable
* instance to the database table. The method will check a row in once the
* data has been stored and if an ordering filter is present will attempt to
* reorder the table rows based on the filter. The ordering filter is an instance
* property name. The rows that will be reordered are those whose value matches
* the FOFTable instance for the property specified.
* @param mixed $src An associative array or object to bind to the FOFTable instance.
* @param string $orderingFilter Filter for the order updating
* @param mixed $ignore An optional array or space separated list of properties
* to ignore while binding.
* @return boolean True on success.
public function save($src, $orderingFilter = '', $ignore = '')
// Attempt to bind the source to the instance.
if (!$this->bind($src, $ignore))
return false;
// Run any sanity checks on the instance and verify that it is ready for storage.
if (!$this->check())
return false;
// Attempt to store the properties to the database table.
if (!$this->store())
return false;
// Attempt to check the row in, just in case it was checked out.
if (!$this->checkin())
return false;
// If an ordering filter is set, attempt reorder the rows in the table based on the filter and value.
if ($orderingFilter)
$filterValue = $this->$orderingFilter;
$this->reorder($orderingFilter ? $this->_db->qn($orderingFilter) . ' = ' . $this->_db->q($filterValue) : '');
// Set the error to empty and return true.
return true;
* Method to get the next ordering value for a group of rows defined by an SQL WHERE clause.
* This is useful for placing a new item last in a group of items in the table.
* @param string $where WHERE clause to use for selecting the MAX(ordering) for the table.
* @return mixed Boolean false an failure or the next ordering value as an integer.
public function getNextOrder($where = '')
// If there is no ordering field set an error and return false.
$ordering = $this->getColumnAlias('ordering');
if (!in_array($ordering, $this->getKnownFields()))
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s does not support ordering.', get_class($this)));
// Get the largest ordering value for a given where clause.
$query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
if ($where)
$max = (int) $this->_db->loadResult();
// Return the largest ordering value + 1.
return ($max + 1);
* Method to lock the database table for writing.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @throws RuntimeException
protected function _lock()
$this->_locked = true;
return true;
* Method to unlock the database table for writing.
* @return boolean True on success.
protected function _unlock()
$this->_locked = false;
return true;
public function setConfig(array $config)
$this->config = $config;
* Get the content type for ucm
* @return string The content type alias
public function getContentType()
if ($this->contentType)
return $this->contentType;
* When tags was first introduced contentType variable didn't exist - so we guess one
* This will fail if content history behvaiour is enabled. This code is deprecated
* and will be removed in FOF 3.0 in favour of the content type class variable
$component = $this->input->get('option');
$view = FOFInflector::singularize($this->input->get('view'));
$alias = $component . '.' . $view;
return $alias;
* Returns the table relations object of the current table, lazy-loading it if necessary
* @return FOFTableRelations
public function getRelations()
if (is_null($this->_relations))
$this->_relations = new FOFTableRelations($this);
return $this->_relations;
* Gets a reference to the configuration parameters provider for this table
* @return FOFConfigProvider
public function getConfigProvider()
return $this->configProvider;
* Returns the configuration parameters provider's key for this table
* @return string
public function getConfigProviderKey()
return $this->_configProviderKey;
* Check if a UCM content type exists for this resource, and
* create it if it does not
* @param string $alias The content type alias (optional)
* @return null
public function checkContentType($alias = null)
$contentType = new JTableContenttype($this->getDbo());
if (!$alias)
$alias = $this->getContentType();
$aliasParts = explode('.', $alias);
// Fetch the extension name
$component = $aliasParts[0];
$component = JComponentHelper::getComponent($component);
// Fetch the name using the menu item
$query = $this->getDbo()->getQuery(true);
$query->select('title')->from('#__menu')->where('component_id = ' . (int) $component->id);
$component_name = JText::_($this->getDbo()->loadResult());
$name = $component_name . ' ' . ucfirst($aliasParts[1]);
// Create a new content type for our resource
if (!$contentType->load(array('type_alias' => $alias)))
$contentType->type_title = $name;
$contentType->type_alias = $alias;
$contentType->table = json_encode(
'special' => array(
'dbtable' => $this->getTableName(),
'key' => $this->getKeyName(),
'type' => $name,
'prefix' => $this->_tablePrefix,
'class' => 'FOFTable',
'config' => 'array()'
'common' => array(
'dbtable' => '#__ucm_content',
'key' => 'ucm_id',
'type' => 'CoreContent',
'prefix' => 'JTable',
'config' => 'array()'
$contentType->field_mappings = json_encode(
'common' => array(
0 => array(
"core_content_item_id" => $this->getKeyName(),
"core_title" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('title'),
"core_state" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('enabled'),
"core_alias" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('alias'),
"core_created_time" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('created_on'),
"core_modified_time" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('created_by'),
"core_body" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('body'),
"core_hits" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('hits'),
"core_publish_up" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('publish_up'),
"core_publish_down" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('publish_down'),
"core_access" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('access'),
"core_params" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('params'),
"core_featured" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('featured'),
"core_metadata" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('metadata'),
"core_language" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('language'),
"core_images" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('images'),
"core_urls" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('urls'),
"core_version" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('version'),
"core_ordering" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('ordering'),
"core_metakey" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('metakey'),
"core_metadesc" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('metadesc'),
"core_catid" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('cat_id'),
"core_xreference" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('xreference'),
"asset_id" => $this->getUcmCoreAlias('asset_id')
'special' => array(
0 => array(
$ignoreFields = array(
$this->getUcmCoreAlias('modified_on', null),
$this->getUcmCoreAlias('modified_by', null),
$this->getUcmCoreAlias('locked_by', null),
$this->getUcmCoreAlias('locked_on', null),
$this->getUcmCoreAlias('hits', null),
$this->getUcmCoreAlias('version', null)
$contentType->content_history_options = json_encode(
"ignoreChanges" => array_filter($ignoreFields, 'strlen')
$contentType->router = '';
* Utility methods that fetches the column name for the field.
* If it does not exists, returns a "null" string
* @param string $alias The alias for the column
* @param string $null What to return if no column exists
* @return string The column name
protected function getUcmCoreAlias($alias, $null = "null")
$alias = $this->getColumnAlias($alias);
if (in_array($alias, $this->getKnownFields()))
return $alias;
return $null;