Direktori : /home1/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/libraries/regularlabs/helpers/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/libraries/regularlabs/helpers/field.php |
<?php /** * @package Regular Labs Library * @version 16.4.23089 * * @author Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com> * @link http://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2016 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; require_once __DIR__ . '/functions.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/parameters.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/text.php'; class RLFormField extends JFormField { public $type = 'Field'; public $db = null; public $max_list_count = 0; public $params = null; public function __construct($form = null) { $this->db = JFactory::getDbo(); $parameters = RLParameters::getInstance(); $params = $parameters->getPluginParams('regularlabs'); $this->max_list_count = $params->max_list_count; } protected function getInput() { return false; } protected function getOptions() { // This only returns 1 option!!! if (empty($this->element->option)) { return array(); } $option = $this->element->option; $fieldname = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '_', $this->fieldname); $value = (string) $option['value']; $text = trim((string) $option) ? trim((string) $option) : $value; return array( array( 'value' => $value, 'text' => '- ' . JText::alt($text, $fieldname) . ' -', ), ); } public function get($val, $default = '') { return (isset($this->params[$val]) && (string) $this->params[$val] != '') ? (string) $this->params[$val] : $default; } function getOptionsByList($list, $extras = array(), $levelOffset = 0) { $options = array(); foreach ($list as $item) { $options[] = $this->getOptionByListItem($item, $extras, $levelOffset); } return $options; } function getOptionByListItem($item, $extras = array(), $levelOffset = 0) { $name = trim($item->name); foreach ($extras as $key => $extra) { if (empty($item->{$extra})) { continue; } if ($extra == 'language' && $item->{$extra} == '*') { continue; } if (in_array($extra, array('id', 'alias')) && $item->{$extra} == $item->name) { continue; } $name .= ' [' . $item->{$extra} . ']'; } $name = RLText::prepareSelectItem($name, isset($item->published) ? $item->published : 1); $option = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $name, 'value', 'text', 0); if (isset($item->level)) { $option->level = $item->level + $levelOffset; } return $option; } function getOptionsTreeByList($items = array(), $root = 0) { // establish the hierarchy of the menu // TODO: use node model $children = array(); if (!empty($items)) { // first pass - collect children foreach ($items as $v) { $pt = $v->parent_id; $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array(); array_push($list, $v); $children[$pt] = $list; } } // second pass - get an indent list of the items $list = JHtml::_('menu.treerecurse', $root, '', array(), $children, 9999, 0, 0); // assemble items to the array $options = array(); if ($this->get('show_ignore')) { if (in_array('-1', $this->value)) { $this->value = array('-1'); } $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-1', '- ' . JText::_('RL_IGNORE') . ' -', 'value', 'text', 0); $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', ' ', 'value', 'text', 1); } foreach ($list as $item) { $item->treename = RLText::prepareSelectItem($item->treename, $item->published, '', 1); $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->treename, 'value', 'text', 0); } return $options; } public function prepareText($string = '') { $string = trim($string); if ($string == '') { return ''; } switch (true) { // Old fields using var attributes case (JText::_($this->get('var1'))): $string = $this->sprintf_old($string); break; // sprintf format (comma separated) case (strpos($string, ',') !== false): $string = $this->sprintf($string); break; // Normal language string default: $string = JText::_($string); } return $this->fixLanguageStringSyntax($string); } public function fixLanguageStringSyntax($string = '') { $string = trim(RLText::html_entity_decoder($string)); $string = str_replace('"', '"', $string); $string = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="rl_code"', $string); return $string; } public function sprintf($string = '') { $string = trim($string); if (strpos($string, ',') === false) { return $string; } $string_parts = explode(',', $string); $first_part = array_shift($string_parts); if ($first_part !== strtoupper($first_part)) { return $string; } $first_part = preg_replace('/\[\[%([0-9]+):[^\]]*\]\]/', '%\1$s', JText::_($first_part)); array_walk($string_parts, 'RLFormField::jText'); return vsprintf($first_part, $string_parts); } public function jText(&$string) { $string = JText::_($string); } public function sprintf_old($string = '') { // variables $var1 = JText::_($this->get('var1')); $var2 = JText::_($this->get('var2')); $var3 = JText::_($this->get('var3')); $var4 = JText::_($this->get('var4')); $var5 = JText::_($this->get('var5')); return JText::sprintf(JText::_(trim($string)), $var1, $var2, $var3, $var4, $var5); } }