Direktori : /home1/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/libraries/regularlabs/helpers/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/libraries/regularlabs/helpers/assignments.php |
<?php /** * @package Regular Labs Library * @version 16.4.23089 * * @author Peter van Westen <info@regularlabs.com> * @link http://www.regularlabs.com * @copyright Copyright © 2016 Regular Labs All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; require_once __DIR__ . '/cache.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/functions.php'; /** * Assignments * $assignment = no / include / exclude / none */ class RLAssignmentsHelper { var $db = null; var $params = null; var $init = false; var $types = array(); var $maintype = ''; var $subtype = ''; public function __construct() { $this->db = JFactory::getDbo(); $this->has = array(); $this->has['easyblog'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('easyblog'); $this->has['flexicontent'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('flexicontent'); $this->has['form2content'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('form2content'); $this->has['k2'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('k2'); $this->has['zoo'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('zoo'); $this->has['akeebasubs'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('akeebasubs'); $this->has['hikashop'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('hikashop'); $this->has['mijoshop'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('mijoshop'); $this->has['redshop'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('redshop'); $this->has['virtuemart'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('virtuemart'); $this->has['cookieconfirm'] = RLFunctions::extensionInstalled('cookieconfirm'); $this->types = array( 'menuitems' => 'Menu', 'homepage' => 'HomePage', 'date' => 'DateTime.Date', 'seasons' => 'DateTime.Seasons', 'months' => 'DateTime.Months', 'days' => 'DateTime.Days', 'time' => 'DateTime.Time', 'usergrouplevels' => 'Users.UserGroupLevels', 'users' => 'Users.Users', 'languages' => 'Languages', 'ips' => 'IPs', 'geocontinents' => 'Geo.Continents', 'geocountries' => 'Geo.Countries', 'georegions' => 'Geo.Regions', 'geopostalcodes' => 'Geo.Postalcodes', 'templates' => 'Templates', 'urls' => 'URLs', 'os' => 'Agents.OS', 'browsers' => 'Agents.Browsers', 'components' => 'Components', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'contentpagetypes' => 'Content.PageTypes', 'cats' => 'Content.Categories', 'articles' => 'Content.Articles', 'easyblogpagetypes' => 'EasyBlog.PageTypes', 'easyblogcats' => 'EasyBlog.Categories', 'easyblogtags' => 'EasyBlog.Tags', 'easyblogitems' => 'EasyBlog.Items', 'flexicontentpagetypes' => 'FlexiContent.PageTypes', 'flexicontenttags' => 'FlexiContent.Tags', 'flexicontenttypes' => 'FlexiContent.Types', 'form2contentprojects' => 'Form2Content.Projects', 'k2pagetypes' => 'K2.PageTypes', 'k2cats' => 'K2.Categories', 'k2tags' => 'K2.Tags', 'k2items' => 'K2.Items', 'zoopagetypes' => 'Zoo.PageTypes', 'zoocats' => 'Zoo.Categories', 'zooitems' => 'Zoo.Items', 'akeebasubspagetypes' => 'AkeebaSubs.PageTypes', 'akeebasubslevels' => 'AkeebaSubs.Levels', 'hikashoppagetypes' => 'HikaShop.PageTypes', 'hikashopcats' => 'HikaShop.Categories', 'hikashopproducts' => 'HikaShop.Products', 'mijoshoppagetypes' => 'MijoShop.PageTypes', 'mijoshopcats' => 'MijoShop.Categories', 'mijoshopproducts' => 'MijoShop.Products', 'redshoppagetypes' => 'RedShop.PageTypes', 'redshopcats' => 'RedShop.Categories', 'redshopproducts' => 'RedShop.Products', 'virtuemartpagetypes' => 'VirtueMart.PageTypes', 'virtuemartcats' => 'VirtueMart.Categories', 'virtuemartproducts' => 'VirtueMart.Products', 'cookieconfirm' => 'CookieConfirm', 'php' => 'PHP', ); $this->thirdparty = array( 'EasyBlog', 'FlexiContent', 'Form2Content', 'K2', 'Zoo', 'AkeebaSubs', 'HikaShop', 'MijoShop', 'RedShop', 'VirtueMart', 'CookieConfirm', ); $this->nonarray = array( 'PHP', ); $this->setIdNames(); $this->classes = array(); } function setIdNames() { $this->names = array(); foreach ($this->types as $type) { $type = explode('.', $type, 2); $this->names[strtolower($type['0'])] = $type['0']; if (isset($type['1'])) { $this->names[strtolower($type['1'])] = $type['1']; } } $this->names['menuitems'] = 'Menu'; $this->names['cats'] = 'Categories'; } function init() { if ($this->init) { return; } $tz = new DateTimeZone(JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('offset')); $this->date = JFactory::getDate()->setTimeZone($tz); $this->request = new stdClass; $this->request->idname = 'id'; $this->request->option = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option'); $this->request->view = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('view'); $this->request->task = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('task'); $this->request->layout = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('layout', '', 'string'); $this->request->Itemid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('Itemid', 0); $id = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('id', array(0), 'array'); $this->request->id = (int) $id['0']; switch ($this->request->option) { case 'com_categories': $extension = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('extension'); $this->request->option = $extension ? $extension : 'com_content'; $this->request->view = 'category'; break; case 'com_breezingforms': if ($this->request->view == 'article') { $this->request->option = 'com_content'; } break; } $option = strtolower(str_replace('com_', '', $this->request->option)); if (JFile::exists(__DIR__ . '/assignments/' . $option . '.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/assignments/' . $option . '.php'; $class = 'RLAssignments' . $option; if (class_exists($class)) { $this->classes[$this->maintype] = new $class($this->request, $this->date); $this->classes[$this->maintype]->init(); } } if (!$this->request->id) { $cid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('cid', array(0), 'array'); $this->request->id = (int) $cid['0']; } // if no id is found, check if menuitem exists to get view and id if (JFactory::getApplication()->isSite() && (!$this->request->option || !$this->request->id) ) { $menuItem = empty($this->request->Itemid) ? JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu('site')->getActive() : JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu('site')->getItem($this->request->Itemid); if ($menuItem) { if (!$this->request->option) { $this->request->option = (empty($menuItem->query['option'])) ? null : $menuItem->query['option']; } $this->request->view = (empty($menuItem->query['view'])) ? null : $menuItem->query['view']; $this->request->task = (empty($menuItem->query['task'])) ? null : $menuItem->query['task']; if (!$this->request->id) { $this->request->id = (empty($menuItem->query[$this->request->idname])) ? $menuItem->params->get($this->request->idname) : $menuItem->query[$this->request->idname]; } } unset($menuItem); } $this->init = true; } function initParamsByType(&$params, $type = '') { $this->getAssignmentState($params->assignment); $params->id = $type; if (strpos($type, '.') === false) { $params->maintype = $type; $params->subtype = $type; return; } $type = explode('.', $type, 2); $params->maintype = $type['0']; $params->subtype = $type['1']; } function passAll(&$assignments, $match_method = 'and', $article = 0) { if (empty($assignments)) { return 1; } $aid = ($article && isset($article->id)) ? '[' . $article->id . ']' : ''; $hash = md5('passAll_' . $aid . '_' . $match_method . '_' . json_encode($assignments)); if (RLCache::has($hash)) { return RLCache::get($hash); } $this->init(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $pass = (bool) ($match_method == 'and'); foreach ($this->types as $type) { // Break if not passed and matching method is ALL // Or if passed and matching method is ANY if ( (!$pass && $match_method == 'and') || ($pass && $match_method == 'or') ) { break; } if (!isset($assignments[$type])) { continue; } $pass = $this->passAllByType($assignments[$type], $type, $article); } return RLCache::set( $hash, $pass ); } private function passAllByType(&$assignment, $type, $article = 0) { $aid = ($article && isset($article->id)) ? '[' . $article->id . ']' : ''; $hash = md5('passAllByType_' . $type . '_' . $aid . '_' . json_encode($assignment) . '_' . json_encode($article)); if (RLCache::has($hash)) { return RLCache::get($hash); } $this->initParamsByType($assignment, $type); $hash = md5('passAllByType_' . $type . '_' . $aid . '_' . json_encode($assignment) . '_' . json_encode($article)); if (RLCache::has($hash)) { return RLCache::get($hash); } switch ($assignment->assignment) { case 'all': $pass = true; break; case 'none': $pass = false; break; default: $main_type = $assignment->maintype; $sub_type = $assignment->subtype; $pass = false; if (!isset($this->classes[$main_type]) && JFile::exists(__DIR__ . '/assignments/' . strtolower($main_type) . '.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/assignments/' . strtolower($main_type) . '.php'; $class = 'RLAssignments' . $main_type; $this->classes[$main_type] = new $class($this->request, $this->date); } if (isset($this->classes[$main_type])) { $method = 'pass' . $sub_type; if (method_exists('RLAssignments' . $main_type, $method)) { $this->classes[$main_type]->initAssignment($assignment, $article); $pass = $this->classes[$main_type]->{$method}(); } } break; } return RLCache::set( $hash, $pass ); } public function hasAssignments(&$assignments) { if (empty($assignments)) { return false; } foreach ($this->types as $type) { if (isset($assignments[$type]) && isset($assignments[$type]->assignment) && $assignments[$type]->assignment) { return true; } } return false; } private function getAssignmentState(&$assignment) { switch ($assignment . '') { case 1: case 'include': $assignment = 'include'; break; case 2: case 'exclude': $assignment = 'exclude'; break; case 3: case -1: case 'none': $assignment = 'none'; break; default: $assignment = 'all'; break; } } function makeArray($array = '', $onlycommas = 0, $trim = 1) { if (empty($array)) { return array(); } $hash = md5('makeArray_' . json_encode($array) . '_' . $onlycommas . '_' . $trim); if (RLCache::has($hash)) { return RLCache::get($hash); } $array = $this->mixedDataToArray($array, $onlycommas); if (empty($array)) { return $array; } if (!$trim) { return $array; } foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (!is_string($v)) { continue; } $array[$k] = trim($v); } return RLCache::set( $hash, $array ); } private function mixedDataToArray($array = '', $onlycommas = 0) { if (!is_array($array)) { $delimiter = ($onlycommas || strpos($array, '|') === false) ? ',' : '|'; return explode($delimiter, $array); } if (empty($array)) { return $array; } if (isset($array['0']) && is_array($array['0'])) { return $array['0']; } if (count($array) === 1 && strpos($array['0'], ',') !== false) { return explode(',', $array['0']); } return $array; } public function getAssignmentsFromParams(&$params) { $hash = md5('getAssignmentsFromParams_' . json_encode($params)); if (RLCache::has($hash)) { return RLCache::get($hash); } $types = array(); foreach ($this->types as $id => $type) { if (!isset($params->{'assignto_' . $id}) || !$params->{'assignto_' . $id}) { continue; } $types[$type] = (object) array( 'assignment' => $params->{'assignto_' . $id}, 'selection' => array(), 'params' => new stdClass(), ); if (isset($params->{'assignto_' . $id . '_selection'})) { $selection = $params->{'assignto_' . $id . '_selection'}; $types[$type]->selection = in_array($type, $this->nonarray) ? $selection : $this->makeArray($selection); } $this->addParams($types[$type], $type, $id, $params); } return RLCache::set( $hash, $types ); return $types; } private function addParams(&$object, $type, $id, &$params) { $bool_params = array(); $array_params = array(); $includes = array(); switch ($type) { case 'Menu': $bool_params = array('inc_children', 'inc_noitemid'); break; case 'DateTime.Date': $bool_params = array('publish_up', 'publish_down', 'recurring'); break; case 'DateTime.Seasons': $bool_params = array('hemisphere'); break; case 'DateTime.Time': $bool_params = array('publish_up', 'publish_down'); break; case 'URLs': if (is_array($object->selection)) { $object->selection = implode("\n", $object->selection); } if (isset($params->assignto_urls_selection_sef)) { $object->selection .= "\n" . $params->assignto_urls_selection_sef; } $object->selection = trim(str_replace("\r", '', $object->selection)); $object->selection = explode("\n", $object->selection); $object->params->regex = isset($params->assignto_urls_regex) ? $params->assignto_urls_regex : 1; break; case 'Agents.Browsers': if (!empty($params->assignto_mobile_selection)) { $object->selection = array_merge($this->makeArray($object->selection), $this->makeArray($params->assignto_mobile_selection)); } if (!empty($params->assignto_searchbots_selection)) { $object->selection = array_merge($object->selection, $this->makeArray($params->assignto_searchbots_selection)); } break; case 'Tags': $bool_params = array('inc_children'); break; case 'Content.Categories': $bool_params = array('inc_children'); $includes = array('cats' => 'categories', 'arts' => 'articles', 'others'); break; case 'EasyBlog.Categories': case 'K2.Categories': case 'HikaShop.Categories': case 'MijoShop.Categories': case 'RedShop.Categories': case 'VirtueMart.Categories': $bool_params = array('inc_children'); $includes = array('cats' => 'categories', 'items'); break; case 'Zoo.Categories': $bool_params = array('inc_children'); $includes = array('apps', 'cats' => 'categories', 'items'); break; case 'EasyBlog.Tags': case 'FlexiContent.Tags': case 'K2.Tags': $includes = array('tags', 'items'); break; case 'Content.Articles': $bool_params = array('content_keywords', 'keywords' => 'meta_keywords', 'authors'); break; case 'K2.Items': $bool_params = array('content_keywords', 'meta_keywords', 'authors'); break; case 'EasyBlog.Items': $bool_params = array('content_keywords', 'authors'); break; case 'Zoo.Items': $bool_params = array('authors'); break; } if (empty($bool_params) && empty($array_params) && empty($includes)) { return; } $this->addParamsByType($object, $id, $params, $bool_params, $array_params, $includes); } private function addParamsByType(&$object, $id, $params, $bool_params = array(), $array_params = array(), $includes = array()) { foreach ($bool_params as $key => $param) { $key = is_numeric($key) ? $param : $key; $object->params->{$param} = $this->getTypeParamValue($id, $params, $key); } foreach ($array_params as $key => $param) { $key = is_numeric($key) ? $param : $key; $object->params->{$param} = $this->getTypeParamValue($id, $params, $key, true); } if (empty($includes)) { return; } $incs = $this->getTypeParamValue($id, $params, 'inc', true); foreach ($includes as $key => $param) { $key = is_numeric($key) ? $param : $key; $object->params->{'inc_' . $param} = in_array('inc_' . $key, $incs) ? 1 : 0; } unset($object->params->inc); } private function getTypeParamValue($id, $params, $key, $is_array = false) { if (isset($params->{'assignto_' . $id . '_' . $key})) { return $params->{'assignto_' . $id . '_' . $key}; } if ($is_array) { return array(); } return 0; } }