Direktori : /home1/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_csvi/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_csvi/changelog.txt |
CSVI Pro Author: RolandD Cyber Produksi (contact@csvimproved.com) Website: http://www.csvimproved.com/ Version: 6.6.4 Date: 25 August 2016 Legenda: + Added - Removed * Fixed / Changed Changelog Version 6.6.4 / Fine-tune VirtueMart Google Merchant export * Fixed VirtueMart Product import not setting thumbnail in some cases * Fixed thumbnail not being set in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed category name and path not matching error in VirtueMart Category import * Fixed Product override price getting updated when its empty in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed multi-variants warnings on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed VirtueMart Order export not exporting product_attribute values * Fixed FTP trying to login twice * Fixed SEF URLs containing helper/ in the URL * Fixed timestamp in logs not showing local date and time * Fixed storing of end timestamp being the same as start timestamp Version 6.6.3 * Fixed ICEcat images not being loaded * Fixed VirtueMart custom override and disabler not taking multiple values * Fixed Custom fields as available fields for Google Merchant export * Fixed About us page, view not found error * Fixed ICEcat images not being loaded * Fixed VirtueMart Google Merchant export parent products * Fixed VirtueMart Google Merchant shipping rates not calculated properly * Fixed VirtueMart Google Merchant shipping rate price not having currency / Updated the cron job to do it's own garbage collection * Fixed margin plugin not updating value when no comparison operator set * Fixed duplicate import required for Product Builder compatibility import Version 6.6.2 * Fixed HikaShop custom field import throwing notice * Fixed loading default VirtueMart language * Fixed not able to cancel template field edit page * Fixed deleting of HikaShop Custom field * Fixed importing of HikaShop Custom field / Improved the loading of a default language for VirtueMart templates Version 6.6.1 * Fixed VirtueMart product import not using the destination path * Fixed storing of template details being stripped * Fixed HikaShop product export not exporting custom fields * Fixed filtering rules input * Fixed restoring templates with no fields * Cleaned up Hikashop Custom fields available fields Version 6.6.0 + Empty Hikashop price table using maintenance menu + HikaShop Characteristic import / Moved the Settings to the Global configuration + Added option to store only media link in VirtueMart Product import + Added calculation of shipping rates in VirtueMart Google Merchant export + Added RSForms! Pro submission export + Added support for Stockable Custom Fields in combination with Custom Fields For All + Added download option to Backup templates + Added front-end import + Added selection for child products on HikaShop product export + Use billing details if there are no shipping details on VirtueMart Snelstart export + Added show a more detailed message on 500 Internal Server Error + Added limit the number of images to download from ICEcat + Added edit button in template wizard + Added option to retrieve data from a URL using POST method and verification + Added option to delete file from FTP server after import completes + Added shopper group filter to VirtueMart User Info export + Added DROP TABLE IF EXISTS to VirtueMart database backup * Fixed restoring template with one field / Changed the cron details output to be more detailed * Fixed Product price publish date fix on VirtueMart prices / Changed the update of available fields more robust * Fixed duplicate path in image in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed fatal error on VirtueMart Product import when no language set * Fixed Custom Fields For All not updating new values + Added turn the order_product_options into a human readable field in HikaShop Order export + Added HikaShop Product export to filter on child products + Added option to process empty fields in K2 Item import + Added auto-select known fields when creating a field map + Added created field for import on K2 Item import + Added HikaShop product variants import/export + Added HikaShop shipping rates import/export + Added Product Builder support by Break Designs + Added HikaShop custom fields import/export * Cleaning product manufacturer relation before importing new ones in VirtueMart Product import / Available fields update takes back to available fields view instead of logs page + Added theme in params field as an available for K2 category import and export + Added K2 tags to the system if they don't exist yet / Reworked the Google Merchant export + Added price value limit to margin plugin + Added media_published field for VirtueMart product, category and manufacturer import / Changed the layout to be Joomla-style * Fixed Save button on the fieldmapper * Fixed cron not importing multiple files from folder + Added override option per template Version 6.5.7 * Fixed fatal error on importing VirtueMart products in certain cases * Fixed VirtueMart Category import not storing the description + Added option to reset the menu entries to fix invalid URLs * Fixed the import of Product Filter plugin values * Fixed FTP username and password stored even though not used / Changed take the default language when none set in VirtueMart import and export * Fixed FTP filename not replacing placeholders / Changed to always load a language on VirtueMart template editing * Fixed VirtueMart product import Custom Fields for All not inserting repeated names Version * Fixed VirtueMart Product export returning 0 results * Fixed VirtueMart Price import not updating existing price Version 6.5.6 - Removed sensitive data from backed up templates * Fixed VirtueMart Price import not storing all imported values * Fixed Export state not working on HikaShop Product export * Fixed values of 0 not being exported * Fixed HikaShop product import not using correct ACL when ACL is not found * Fixed front-end export * Fixed error on email export * Fixed problems on importing remote media / Improve error handling on mail sending * Fixed restoring templates not setting all values / Make sure the filter data is an array in VirtueMart Product export / Prevent warnings on storing a remote image * Fixed the image import on K2 Item import * Fixed Prevent ICEcat importing previous product fields * Fixed error on VirtueMart Userinfo export Version 6.5.5 + Added the new JPG signature / Fine-tune HikaShop price access levels * Fixed possible undefined notice on installing addon / Improved the messages when a language has not been set in VirtueMart * Fixed logs not being cleaned according to setting * Fixed export filename with limits showing wrong * Fixed slug not taken from import file in VirtueMart category import * Fixed removing duplicate path from image url * Fixed Icecat importing previous record data when no product_sku found * Fixed price for child products with no category in VirtueMart Product export * Fixed compatibility with Joomla 3.5.0 Version 6.5.4 * Fixed manufacturer_id not working in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed the options not reflecting the code in VirtueMart Product import images * Fixed importing of XLS files * Fixed importing of ODS files * Fixed the price access handling on HikaShop Product and Price import * Fixed missing publish state for K2 Item export * Fixed default value not used on export * Fixed combine rule on export Version 6.5.3 * Fixed combine rule not working / Make the template ID in the URL select the template / Make the fieldmapper names clickable * Fixed fatal error on new template when no fields are available * Fixed incorrect ordering of custom_title on VirtueMart product export * Fixed an SQL error on updating available fields if no VirtueMart taxes exist * Fixed Enter key invoking FTP check * Fixed missing title on modal dialog * Fixed Order and order item fix for product filter * Fixed price not adding on HikaShop product import if user group does not exist * Fixed duplicate slug key entry error on importing VirtueMart categories * Fixed the VirtueMart order import ignoring some template settings Version 6.5.2 * Fixed available fields stopping due to invalid XML files * Fixed rule plugins no longer working as should * Fixed notice on template fields page if there are no templates * Fixed multi-select values not correctly restored on template restore - Removed obsolete VirtueMart Express Product import * Fixed remote file existence check * Fixed import custom fields * Fixed incorrect parameter retrieval on Akeeba Subscriptions subscription export * Fixed price access level in HikaShop product import Version 6.5.1 - Removed incorrect group by order ID in VirtueMart order export - Removed obsolete option to update parents only * Fixed endless loop on XML import Version 6.5.0 + Added notice if template is not enabled for cron usage + Added option to allow consecutive category imports on HikaShop product import / Changed import of custom fields in VirtueMart product import (Thanks Maik) + Added product fields to VirtueMart order export + Added include/exclude filter for VirtueMart product export + Added product fields to HikaShop order export + Added ICEcat support to HikaShop product import + Added username field to HikaShop order export / Improved reading XML files + Added HikaShop price export + Added clear filter to Quick add / Removed duplicate fields from the Quick Add window + Added filters for HikaShop order export * Fixed duplicate delete messages when deleting multiple templates / Reworked Quick Add window + Added option to remove category media relations before import in VirtueMart + Added notified status filter on the VirtueMart waitinglist export + Added remember last used template on import and export pages + Added template wizard on creating a new template * Fixed missing inheritForm and Tags fields for K2 import and export / Changed drop and create available fields table every time of update + Added Vattax column names to available fields and export in Virtuemart order + Added convert comma to dot for product_packaging field in VirtueMart product import + Added Joomla! Menu import and export + Added Joomla! User group import and export * Fixed Google Base settings not added to export XML + Added support for Stockable Custom Fields by Break Designs + Added test button to Load from server and Load from URL on import templates * Fixed products assigned to shopper group ID 0 / Improved the import of custom fields as an available field, respecting group and ordering + Added support multiple usergroups on HikaShop customer import + Added emptying of the VirtueMart manufacturer media table on Empty database option + Added shipping_ fields to VirtueMart Advanced order export / Reworked cron to work with PHP CGI + Added option to override template settings in cron and menu export + Added support for StyleWare Google Maps in K2 and Joomla import/export + Added Google Merchant export routine for VirtueMart + Added child product gets parent category path in VirtueMart Google Merchant export * Fixed Yandex export routine in VirtueMart * Fixed price formatting after currency conversion in VirtueMart product export + Added cron help button to templates * Fixed entities duplicating on VirtueMart product import + Added HikaShop price import + Added category filter to HikaShop order export + Added vendor_name to VirtueMart product import + Added category_path to HikaShop order export + Added maintenance option for VirtueMart to clean the obsolete media items + Added submenu items for quicker navigation Version 6.4.3 * Fixed Joomla! updater connection * Fixed VirtueMart media import * Fixed VirtueMart product media import * Fixed update from CSVI 5 / Changed default value for text enclosure on export / Changed to show help texts immediately on maintenance options * Fixed maintenance operation VirtueMart Sort categories not working * Fixed chosen not applied to select list on AJAX call * Fixed fatal error on deleting non-existing Custom Fields For All values in VirtueMart Product import / Improved handling of the product_attribute field on VirtueMart Order and Order item export * Fixed Child only on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed product_access not exporting names on HikaShop Product export Version 6.4.2 * Fixed lastrun not used on VirtueMart Advanced order export * Fixed lastrun not used on VirtueMart Snelstart export + Added support for duplicate XML node names / Changed VirtueMart category import * Fixed VirtueMart order export queries * Fixed ICEcat loading indexes * Fixed storing of HikaShop price access levels Version 6.4.1 * Fixed Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context Version 6.4.0 / Cleaned up VirtueMart price import. * Fixed fatal errors for missing class NodeStart + Added auto increment ordering of template fields / Improve updating custom fields on products / Update existing VirtueMart product media relations * Fixed Category model fatal error on VirtueMart product import related categories + Added support for duplicate XML node names + Added maintenance option to load example templates * Fixed VirtueMart price import not showing product SKU in error message. + Added Hikashop date format in order export + Added Hikashop product tax category for product export/import * Fixed slug not updating from import file on VirtueMart product import + Added K2 example templates + Added Hikashop example templates / Improved the HikaShop product import price handling + Added K2 filter by tags * Fixed skipping first line in xls file + Added K2 filter by author + Added K2 filter by create date and modified date on item export / Clean up the example templates / Improved the slug check for VirtueMart import + Added missing language strings to CSVI custom import / Changed Do not enforce file_url for description and meta title on VirtueMart media import + Export HikaShop usergroups as multiple values where needed / Changed enabled label to blocked + Added import new extra fields are added to custom field in K2 + Added K2 import support dictionary values * Fixed undefined notices * Fixed unable to create a custom table template / Changed Show Informative message if addon not installed * Fixed K2 extra field update * Fixed K2 custom field comma adding impossible * Fixed Hikashop username check on customer import + Added option to export prices based on logged in user for VirtueMart product export * Fixed CSVI copying entire on import * Fixed the forcing of a customer group for VirtueMart product export Version 6.3.0 + Added retrieve Parent Image when child has none on VirtueMart product export picture_url field * Fixed Hikashop import username check that username is unique * Fixed payment name not exported on VirtueMart order export + Added HikaShop discount export + Added HikaShop discount import + Added option to force a shoppergroup to be used for price calculations on VirtueMart product export + Added showing restored template filename * Fixed check for shopper group name when using * * Fixed template backup with special entities * Fixed template restore with multiple source destinations + Add notice when importing thumbnail cannot be resized due to size restrictions / A better way to clean the temp folders. * Fixed error on exporting when export folder doesn't exist + Added counter of number of restored templates * Fixed the debug log path / Improved text string in case no available fields are found + Force MySQLi as database type. / Improved the slug handling * Make sure the field comparison is done on lowercase * Fixed missing search value on tasks page + Added page filtering to tasks and available fields pages / Change the way the TMP path is set * Make sure there are any custom fields to store + Added the skip, combine and custom fields to the CSVI Pro custom table import and export. * Fixed VirtueMart product price table check * Fixed an errorneous dot in the VirtueMart currency field * Fixed ICEcat import * Fixed update of ICEcat files Version 6.2.0 * Fixed fatal error on using Field Mapper with export setting * Fixed a fatal error on loading the rules * Fixed the parent category filter on VirtueMart product export * Fixed the import of template fields not being recognized. * Fixed VirtueMart Snelstart export * Fixed rules page filter box * Fixed Joomla category export query / Updated language string * Fixed filter on user groups not working + Added check for language selection to VirtueMart exports + Added missing language string on configuration page. * Fixed image option not hidden when Process images is set to No. * Fixed language string for tab as field delimiter. / Set the template to not use columnheaders when creating a template from the fieldmapper. / Work around the PHP upload protection in Joomla! + Added the ability to use URLs with username and password for external file imports. - Remove check for slug length due to non-Latin names in VirtueMart product import * Fixed fatal error when option Add extra fields was selected. * Fixed undefined error on field combine during import * Fixed restoring templates with multiple rules per field * Fixed Multi Variants on VirtueMart product import + Show an icon if a rule is linked to a template field. + Replacement plugin make the separator configurable. Updated help text to be more informative. / Improved folder checking and fixing on About page + Add custom fields based on group for K2 + Added ordering to retrieving the custom fields to be processed on VirtueMart product import * Fixed missing default files on cron export / Better check for existing price VirtueMart * Fixed incorrect parameter retrieval for VirtueMart categories * Prevent file from being deleted on export if it is in the same location * Do not copy file if it is in the same location on export / Changed timestamps not to be timezone checked for VirtueMart prices + Added the order number for CLI usage for the VirtueMart order export Version 6.1.2 / More informative error message if no available fields are found / Updated the installer scripts to be more intelligent / Check if any templates are selected for backup. * Fixed the layout folder not being installed. * Do not use the published state for import fields. / Updated help texts + Added missing Help button on creating a new template field * Fixed layout issues * Fixed template ID not taken from field + Add more ACL options for finer control * Fixed notice when importing a template with no fields. * Check if sql folder actually exists before deleting Version 6.1.1 * Fixed importing multi variant field with duplicate names * Fixed the template backup and restore failing due to section field + Added missing language strings * Fixed fieldmapper crashing due to incorrect field class / Do not store custom field date in K2 item with timezone * Fixed fatal error on VirtueMart product export via cron Version 6.1.0 * Fixed export VirtueMart product prices * Fixed restoring multiple templates / Code cleanup by moving the XML/HTML tag to the parent + Check both the field name and column header on the combine + Add a currency select option on the HikaShop product export / Make the field check case-insensitive since each field must be unique / Export the picture URL with the config set path in HikaShop / Rework the rules / Fixed rule settings to be lost on drag and drop / Changed the combine plugin to work for both import and export + Create alias on the fly if title is available in K2 Item import + Added the template ID for cron jobs / Revert slug check in VirtueMart Product language table * Fixed layout in VirtueMart advanced order export * Fixed filtering on parent category in VirtueMart product export / Use a better method to retrieve the type of extension on VirtueMart product export + Added missing language strings * Fixed handling of product attribute on VirtueMart order export + Added custom field name to product attribute on VirtueMart order export * Fixed importing the Product Filter for VirtueMart plugin * Fixed fatal error on VirtueMart order advanced export * Fixed error on export giving Unknown column 'skip' Version 6.0.1 * Fixed error on missing fields when creating an import template * Fixed an undefined error when a plugin doesn't have the called trigger * Fixed an SQL error when deleting a template with no fields * Fixed fatal error on slug check in VirtueMart product import Version 6.0.0 A major rewrite of the complete extension. Version 5.21.2 Import * Fixed reading the VirtueMart config generated errors. Export * Fixed finding related products in VirtueMart product export Version 5.21.1 General * Fixed update available fields Version 5.21 Import * Fixed missing Textarea in VirtueMart product import * Fixed VirtueMart shipping rates shipping_cost field + Added CSVI Custom import state field / Changed the handling of images in VirtueMart category import * Fixed import of category data in VirtueMart category import * Fixed related products on VirtueMart product import + Added values are created on the fly when importing Custom Fields For All values on VirtueMart product import + Added state_2_code to Virtuemart User info import Export + Support for shopper group specific prices on export * Fixed VirtueMart order export product_attribute field when empty + Added EZ Realty multiple categories to property export * Fixed VirtueMart category export when category has no image * Fixed VirtueMart manufacturer export when category has no image * Fixed VirtueMart order export customer_note field + Added support for customer group prices on VirtueMart product export * Fixed SQL error on exporting price fields on VirtueMart product export Maintenance * Fixed backup of templates with no fields * Fixed emptying VirtueMart database * Fixed cleaning temp folder General / Replaced Liveupdate with Joomla updater Version 5.20 Import * Fixed VirtueMart product import not removing product reviews on product deletion + Added VirtueMart shopper group import + Added support for Customfields for all 2.0 and up in VirtueMart product import * Fixed custom SKU not used when retrieving manufacturer ID in the VirtueMart product import * Fixed category meta data wrongly stored in the VirtueMart category import * Fixed duplicate values in Customfields For All when different fields have the same value + Added support for newer Joomla user fields Export / JoomSEF support enabled + Added K2 author filter + Added K2 create date filter * Fixed VirtueMart product export custom_title * Fixed VirtueMart user info export on Joomla 3 + Added product_price_min_order field for VirtueMart product export / Changed the SQL_BIG_SELECTS option to work on newer MySQL versions General + Added delimiter option to field mapper / Forced ordering of fields in field mapper Version 5.19 Import + Added Support for VirtueMart 2.9.2 and higher + Added Tags support for K2 Item import Export + Added Support for VirtueMart 2.9.2 and higher + Added Tags support for K2 Item export * Fixed Joomla native SEF on Joomla 3 Version 5.18 Import / Updated the handling of K2 extra fields / The VirtueMart product import now always assumes there is one product price only. Use the Multiple prices import to add extra prices. + Added a check for Joomla 3 on the cron import script + Added a check for remote files that return HTTP code 301 Moved * Deleting existing images on second import should not be deleted / Improved the check if any plugin values should be deleted on VirtueMart product import Export / Disabled native sh404SEF support, using the alternative method for now * Fixed using the virtuemart_product_id would break the Snelstart export Version 5.17 Import + Added support for multiple categories in EZ Realty Property import * Fixed AwoCoupon Pro coupon import + Automatically update the extra_fields_search when importing custom fields for K2. It is required to import all fields otherwise not all data might be stored for searching. + Added combine and skip fields to CSVI custom table import / Use the new password hash for Joomla User import / Use the new password hash for Akeeba Subscriptions User import / Use the new password hash for Virtuemart User Info import * Fixed multiple custom fields on VirtueMart product import * Fixed category_path on Joomla Content import + Added support for StyleWare Google Maps for Articles + Added category_layout to Joomla Category import + Added category_image to Joomla Category import + Added category_layout and category_image on Joomla Category import + Added file_lang to VirtueMart Product import Export + Added custom field to CSVI custom table export * Fixed title field on VirtueMart order export + Added category_layout and category_image on Joomla Category export + Added file_lang to VirtueMart Product export General * Fixed Cherry picker available fields not loaded * Fixed JFTP issue in Joomla 3 * Fixed image filename cleaner * Fixed image type check for uppercase JPG Version 5.16 Import + Added a new JPEG signature * Fixed virtuemart_product_id ambiguous notice on the VirtueMart prices export. + Added support for custom field Custom Fields for all by Break Design + Added support for custom field plugin Related articles by Daycounts / Updated Joomla content export with a lot more fields now available + Added title field to VirtueMart Order export + Added Greek to ICEcat languages * Fixed comma not shown as field delimiter in debug log * Fixed missing Overwrite existing data option in VirtueMart Express product import * Fixed radio values not stored as string in K2 Item import + Added Editor field type to available fields in VirtueMart product import Export + Added support for custom field Custom Fields for all by Break Designs + Added support for custom field plugin Related articles by Daycounts + Added Editor field type to available fields in VirtueMart product export Version 5.15 Import + Added Overwrite existing data option to VirtueMart Manufacturer import + Added Overwrite existing data option to VirtueMart Category import * Fixed undefined notice when custom_multiple is not being used * Fixed cron and analyzer button no longer working + Added the inheritFrom option to the K2 Category import + Added option to overwrite existing images in K2 Item import + Added support for empty thumbnail filenames on VirtueMart product export + Added inheritFrom option to K2 Category import * Fixed warnings on VirtueMart User info import * Fixed non-existing shopper group assigned to VirtueMart product + Added new JPEG image signature to image helper Export + Added inheritFrom option to K2 Category export Version 5.14 Import * Fixed importing both related products and related categories creates incorrect links + Added product_override_price to be converted to dot on prices import + Added limit tab to the Media import Maintenance + Added option to convert template fields from CSVI Free Version 5.13 Import + Added the property_delete field to EZ Realty Property import * Fixed an issue with certain types of XML files Export + Added category_name to VirtueMart product export * Fixed virtuemart_shoppergroup_id on VirtueMart price export * Fixed article_url SEF on Joomla Content export * Fixed item_url SEF on K2 Item export * Fixed product attribute on VirtueMart Order export Maintenance + Added option to remove CSVI tables / Changed the template backup export to show the full server path General * Fixed selected tab is not remembered + Added the option to put in HTML code in the default value field. This only works from the edit template popup screen Version 5.12 Import + Added Extra fields to K2 Item import * Fixed shipment_element in VirtueMart Order import * Fixed user currency in VirtueMart Order import + Added product_item_price to be cast as a price in VirtueMart Order Item import * Fixed wrong variable used on Akeebasubs User import / Change the coupon import on AwoCoupon Pro + Added option to check name on the VirtueMart Calculation rule import Export + Added Extra fields to K2 Item export Version 5.11 Import / Improved Joomla categories import with transliteration * Fixed VirtueMart Product import ICEcat thumbnail images in the wrong folder / Improved update available fields routine / Improved import routine * Fixed K2 Item import to check if image exists + Added Alpha User Points point import / Modified stock import, 0 stock is now imported as 0 and not skipped * Fixed the custom fields on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed missing overwrite data on Joomla Category import + Added K2 Extra fields import Export + Added Alpha User Points point export + Added Today option on VirtueMart Order export + Added product attribute field as readable text on VirtueMart Order export + Added K2 Extra fields export * Fixed Shipping prices for Google export Maintenance + Added option to remove product <--> category links for VirtueMart General / Changed the VirtueMart config helper to use database as first config Version 5.10 Import + Added VirtueMart textarea custom field to available fields + Added VirtueMart custom fields parent added for custom fields used as available fields * Fixed VirtueMart product_discount with more than 1 decimal + Added VirtueMart file_ordering for the Media import Export * Fixed sh404SEF not always found * Fixed comma added on export file to mail + Added bedrooms filter to EZ Realty Property export + Added bathrooms filter to EZ Realty Property export + Added price filter to EZ Realty Property export + Added blocked filter to VirtueMart User info export + Added activated filter to VirtueMart User info export + Added export default path * Fixed export to local file with BOM creating empty line + Added VirtueMart file_ordering for the Media export * Fixed exporting of fields set not to process Version 5.9.6 Import * Fixed fatal error on Scroller with Tabs * Fixed certain product fields not updated on VirtueMart Product import + Added support for self-closing nodes in XML files * Fixed maximum execution time not set Export * Fixed SQL dates in queries * Fixed AkeebaSubs filter fields errors * Fixed manufacturer_name not always filled on VirtueMart Product export + Added item_url for K2 Item export + Added image_url for K2 Item export + Added image_url_thumb for K2 Item export General * Fixed tmp_path on About page + Added magic_quotes check to installer, if enabled CSVI can't install Version 5.9.5 Import + Added Joomla User import * Fixed issues with Multiple customfield search plugin * Fixed log details not always stored * Fixed incorrect table name in VirtueMart Order import + Added filter for unpublishing properties in EZ Realty Property import Export + Added Joomla User export Maintenance / Optimized code for removing empty categories + Added option to empty VirtueMart product prices table General * Fixed empty date values * Fixed maps not deleting entries + Added Joomla 3 support * Fixed Details button on log page * Fixed empty entries in debug log Version 5.9 Import * Fixed category creation on K2 Item import * Fixed slug issue on VirtueMart Product import + Added step_order_level field for VirtueMart Product import * Fixed product_override_price on VirtueMart Price import + Added name of uploaded file to debug log + Added product_price_publish_up and product_price_publish_down to VirtueMart Product import + Added product_price_publish_up and product_price_publish_down to VirtueMart Price import / Changed new products will now get default values assigned on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed possible image deletion if thumb image is the same as full image on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed product prices not updating some fields in VirtueMart Price import + Added related categories to VirtueMart Product import + Added check for existing field delimiter on import * Fixed manufacturer category import on VirtueMart Manufacturer Category import + Added support for Multiple customfield search plugin and module by MyExt[ensions] * Fixed non-image files not being marked as downloadable on VirtueMart Product import / Improved check for which field to use for ICEcat reference * Fixed ICEcat product features not being imported in VirtueMart Product import Export * Fixed ambiguous error when exporting the virtuemart_shoppergroup_id in VirtueMart Product export * Fixed custom_param not exporting empty values in VirtueMart Product export + Added Multiple prices filters to VirtueMart Product export * Fixed mf_name_trans field not being exported on VirtueMart Manufacturer export + Added shipping_full_name to VirtueMart Order export General * Fixed Cherry picker tables not added when updating Available fields + Added ICEcat statistics to the settings Version 5.8.2 Import * Fixed price shopper group check on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed custom_params and custom_field_desc on VirtueMart Custom field import * Fixed furnished field on EZ Realty Property import * Fixed price_with_tax not being used when price_override was used on VirtueMart Product import Export * Fixed Cherry Picker Product Type Names export options * Fixed Joomla Content export Version 5.8.1 Import * Fixed shopper group name on VirtueMart Price import * Fixed product slug on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed images path not taken on VirtueMart Product import Export * Fixed country and state name on VirtueMart Order export * Fixed the Google Base image export on VirtueMart Product export Version 5.8 Import * Fixed extraneous fields not ignored in VirtueMart Product import + Added product_tax_id to be used with price_with_tax on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed SQL error on finding default manufacturer + Added shopper_group_name_price to VirtueMart Product import * Fixed image path duplicate check in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed shipping rate fields not recognized on VirtueMart Shipping Rate import + Added EZ Realty Image import + Added user agent string when checking if image exists * Fixed images in subfolders on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed images in subfolders on VirtueMart Media import * Fixed issues with accented characters in error reporting + Added option to re-create slugs on VirtueMart Product import / Updated newly created manufacturers are assigned a category on VirtueMart Product import / Redesign the multiple prices management * Fixed non-image import in the VirtueMart Media import Export * Fixed multiple prices export failure on VirtueMart Multiple Prices * Fixed bug with manufacturer selection + Added shopper_group_name_price to VirtueMart Product export + Added EZ Realty Image export * Fixed template override path + Added multiple product images to picture_url for VirtueMart Product export * Fixed possible notices in VirtueMart Shipping rates export General / Let cron use hostname from settings * Fixed export template not show source + Added download debug button to Log list + Added open debug log full screen to Log list * Fixed upgrade from CSVI Free + Added Field mapper / Made the use of cookies optional * Fixed domain name for Akeeba Subscription cron jobs Version 5.7 Import * Fixed product price import + Added Y/N option for product_special field General / Updated Copyright notice + Added Live Updates Version 5.6.1 Import + Added product ordering to VirtueMart Product import Export * Fixed SQL error on certain fields in VirtueMart Product export Version 5.6 Import * Fixed checking of manufacturer name on VirtueMart Product import + Added missing shipment_name_trans field * Fixed use password_crypt trigger missing password in VirtueMart User import * Fixed possible error resizing full image * Fixed replacement executed twice + Added custom_multiple field to VirtueMart Product import + Added VirtueMart Multiple Prices import + Added icon if field has combine or replacement rules + Added support for smart_search, expanded and scrollbar_after fields in Custom Filters / Changed system limits only applied if they have a value Export + Added VirtueMart Multiple Prices export + Added icon if field has combine or replacement rules * Fixed file_ordering field in VirtueMart Product export + Added fields file_title, file_description and file_meta to VirtueMart Product export + Added support for smart_search, expanded and scrollbar_after fields in Custom Filters + Added front-end download option + Added image export to VirtueMart manufacturer export General * Fixed clean installation not creating entry for settings * Fixed example templates + Added check database structure on installation + Added database status on About page - Removed option to delete CSVI backup tables (tables are no longer created) + Added filters to the task page + Added option to load patch files from Maintenance menu Version 5.5 Import / Updated AwoCoupon Pro imports to new format * Fixed issue with products_ordered * Fixed issue with time conversion Export / Updated AwoCoupon Pro exports to new format + Added picture_url_thumb to VirtueMart product export Version 5.4 Import + Added Akeeba Subscription User import * Fixed missing import options EZ Realty Property import * Fixed child product price not imported with price_with_tax in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed subscriptions not being published on Akeeba Subscriptions Subscription import + Added custom fields support to Akeeba Subscription User import + Added K2 Item import + Added K2 Category import / Changed custom fields not to store empty values * Fixed content import not updating existing data + Added option to delete images on VirtueMart Product import Export + Added K2 Item export + Added K2 Category export General + Added CSV Analyzer / Changed version check on installer + Added Tasks reset option Version 5.3.2 Import * Fixed shopper groups not assigned to products in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed check for existing data on EZ Realty Property Import + Added alias generator for EZ Realty Property Import * Fixed fname field for EZ Realty Property Import * Fixed assignment of field name * Fixed product_packaging and product_box on VirtueMart Product import + Added custom_ordering to VirtueMart Product import Export * Fixed cron export * Fixed product_packaging and product_box on VirtueMart Product export + Added custom_ordering to VirtueMart Product export + Added language and category filter to Joomla Content export General * Fixed SQL error on updating available fields / Cleaned up the File options for imports * Fixed save as new not copying combine and replace fields * Fixed missing title on update available fields Version 5.3.1 Import * Fixed issue with order of combine and replacement fields / Update images on VirtueMart product import to check for duplicate path + Added custom_delete field to VirtueMart Product import Export * Fixed possible bug on Google export * Fixed currency not added to price on VirtueMart Product export / Updated Yandex export to allow export of value 0 * Fixed combine feature on export Maintenance + Added option to select which templates to backup * Fixed templates backup/restore losing combine and replacement settings General + Added Magic Quotes gpc setting to About screen * Fixed clean install not setting up settings table Version 5.3 Import * Fixed mime-type extension check * Fixed fatal error on VirtueMart manufacturer category details import + Added Joomla content import + Added Joomla categories import / Use file field name only for XML files + Added parent of custom field if present + Added multi-lingual VirtueMart Shipping rates import * Fixed VirtueMart manufactuer multi-lingual import + Added combine field to EZ Realty Property import * Fixed images on EZ Realty Property import Export + Added shipment_name to VirtueMart Order export + Added replacements to custom fields on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed Joomla SEF URLs on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed custom_param for stockable varianst on VirtueMart Product export General / Renamed template types to tasks + Added ordering of tasks + Added publish/unpublish of tasks / Changed installer to use Joomla! SQL scripts + Added publish/unpublish to template fields + Added clone to template fields + Added EZ Realty images table to Empty database + Added Example Joomla Category export template + Added Example Joomla Category import template + Added Example Joomla Content export template + Added Example Joomla Content import template Version 5.2 Import * Fixed XML attribute values not being processed / Changed empty fields not used for combining * Fixed usergroup_name not being handled + Added checking for alternative ICEcat code + Added multi-lingual support for VirtueMart manufacturers import + Added VirtueMart Express Product import Export * Fixed custom fields delimiter from | to ~ Version 5.1.1 General * Fixed replacement table missing a field Version 5.1 Import * Fixed custom available fields with mixed case not being imported in VirtueMart Product import / Changed custom fields separator from | to ~ in VirtueMart Product import / Changed handling of files retrieved from URL + Added shipment_element to VirtueMart Shipping import + Added product_discount_id to VirtueMart Product import + Added state and country to VirtueMart Userinfo import + Added custom update field to EZ Realty Property import + Added Cherry Picker Product Types support Export * Fixed template category/manufacturer not loaded with template language * Fixed SEF URLs on multi-language Virtuemart sites + Added product_discount to VirtueMart Product export + Added Cherry Picker Product Types support General + Added support for Backend Token + Added ordering to replacements * Fixed external images being converted and saved on server were deleted + Added better support for spaces in remote images Version 5.0 Import * Fixed custom fields import on VirtueMart Product import + Added option to select which fields NOT to import with ICEcat data in VirtueMart Product import * Fixed the import of ICEcat images in combination with create image name option in VirtueMart Product import + Added support for new EZ Realty images table in EZ Realty Property import Export / Update sh404SEF to support version 3.5.2 / Changed product_url to take parent category if child has none on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed front-end export + Added Yandex support General - Removed JoomFish support * Fixed templates not deleting fields * Fixed templates not copying fields on Save as new Version 5.0 beta 1 Import + Added option to combine any chosen import field + Added option to set combine character for each combine operation + Added option to store an import field into multiple database fields + Added support for inconsistent XML files * Fixed override value of -1 on VirtueMart Product import + Added check if manufacturer main entry exists on VirtueMart Manufacturer import + Added field calc_kind to set the Type of Arithmetic Operation on VirtueMart Product import + Added Integer, Boolean, Date, Time and Media fields as Available Fields + Added zip support to all import sources * Fixed edit button not working on subdomain Export + Added option to combine any chosen export field + Added option to set combine character for each combine operation + Added option to set CDATA tags on chosen fields * Fixed category_path_trans on VirtueMart Category export + Added custom fields to be used as available fields on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed edit button not working on subdomain Maintenane + Added empty tables for EZ Realty Version 4.5.2 Import * Fixed VirtueMart user info import / Improved FTP handling + Added selector for VirtueMart shipping method plugin on VirtueMart Shipping rates Import * Fixed auto-generate images not called when not importing file_url on VirtueMart Product Import Export * Fixed shopper group name on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed replacement rules not applied to custom field / Improved FTP handling * Fixed manufacturer not being loaded on language change on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed number of records to export being ignored * Fixed sh404SEF export Version 4.5.1 Import * Fixed category_path not importing on VirtueMart Product import Version 4.5 Import * Fixed image mimetypes * Fixed property import issues on EZ Realty Property import + Added convertdate options * Fixed city EZ Realty Property import - Removed automatic setting override option / Changed labels on image width and height + Added custom fields to be used as available fields / Fixed multiple images on generated name are not unique on VirtueMart Product import + Added option to force updating stockable variant parents on VirtueMart Product import / Fixed wait time not being applied + Added images support to VirtueMart Manufacturer import + Added multiple images support to VirtueMart Category import + Added multi-language support to VirtueMart Category import + Added option to automatically fill required media fields Export * Fixed min_order_level on VirtueMart Product export * Fixed max_order_level on VirtueMart Product export + Added Advanced XML order export for VirtueMart / Fixed some possible issues on loading VirtueMart order export page + Added basic replacement for HTML entities on Google XML export General + Added new jpg definition to the images helper / Fixed replacements being stripped - Removed built-in version check, now using Joomla version check Version 4.4 Import - Removed setting manufacturer category to 1 on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed product discount not correctly processed * Fixed Virtuemart Product import thumbnail missing path when not resizing + Added shipping rate shopper groups to VirtueMart Shipping rates import * Fixed undefined warnings on VirtueMart Shipping rates import + Added plugin trigger onImportComplete to do post processing * Fixed multiple thumbnail handling on VirtueMart Product import Export + Added invoice number to VirtueMart order export * Fixed log warning on VirtueMart User Info export * Fixed VirtueMart shipping rate export tax field + Added shipping rate shopper groups to VirtueMart Shipping rates export + Added VirtueMart Order export example template / Changed VirtueMart Product export to handle VirtueMart core changes in prices Maintenance + Added option to remove all VirtueMart Product media links + Added option to removed empty VirtueMart categories General * Fixed VirtueMart manufacturers language table not emptied + Added VirtueMart manufacturers categories table emptied + Added some info about the site to the About dialog * Fixed 500 error on saving settings + Added Joomla Extension Updater to check for new releases / Changed PHP requirement to PHP 5.2 Version 4.3.3 Import + Added product_override_price to be converted to dots + Added better messages on reading XML files + Added product_tax_id and product_discount_id to list of fields for VirtueMart Product import * Fixed price_with_tax adding the same price on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed multiple images on VirtueMart Product import + Added ordering to multiple images on VirtueMart Product import + Added city and state field to EZ Realty Property import Export * Fixed possible warning with category_id export + Added product_tax_id and product_discount_id to list of fields for VirtueMart Product export + Added city, state, country field to EZ Realty Property export General * Fixed cron * Fixed templates saved as new now also clones fields * Fixed maintenance not showing translated component names Version 4.3.2 Import * Fixed stockable child products issue on VirtueMart product import * Fixed override being set on product_price VirtueMart product import + Added min_order_level and max_order_level to VirtueMart product import + Added FTP details test button + Added check that thumbnail does not overwrite original file + Added ICEcat search similar SKU option to VirtueMart product import Export + Added category field to EZ Realty Property export General / Changed adding a new template field ordering is automatically set Version 4.3.1 Import * Fixed field order when using template fields * Fixed product_price on VirtueMart Product import + Added VirtueMart Product import stockable variants + Added Scroller with tabs Content import + Added VirtueMart Shipping rate import * Fixed undefined warning on VirtueMart manufacturer import - Removed category_path constraint for child products Export * Fixed URL containing administrator + Added file_url and file_url_thumb fields to VirtueMart Product export + Added option to specify VirtueMart Itemid + Added Scroller with tabs Content export + Added VirtueMart Shipping rate export General * Fixed an issue in the installer if no replacement fields are present * Fixed storing of template not being assigned correct type Version 4.3 Import * Fixed watermark options on VirtueMart category import * Fixed product discount with a % sign + Added AwoCoupon for VirtueMart gift certificate import + Added AwoCoupon for VirtueMart gift certificate codes import * Fixed product_box/product_packaging on VirtueMart Product import * Fixed product currency on VirtueMart product import + Added missing images are not reported in the statistics + Added file_title, file_description and file_meta to VirtueMart Product Import + Added file_title, file_description and file_meta to VirtueMart Category Import + Added EZ Realty Property import + Added EZ Realty Category import Export + Added AwoCoupon for VirtueMart gift certificate export * Fixed manufacturers selection list + Added EZ Realty Property export * Fixed field names not showing in debug log * Fixed multiple category IDs on VirtueMart Product export + Added EZ Realty Category export Maintenance * Fixed update process stuck on non-English languages General / Rewrote field management / Templates now show grouped by their process Version 4.2.1 Export * Fixed category selector on VirtueMart products Version 4.2 Import + Added Custom Filters customfields import + Added delete all fields button + Added auto-loading template + Added ICEcat product specifications * Fixed combine import * Fixed I'm Mac option * Fixed image name generation * Fixed cron not using template override + Added watermark option to VirtueMart product import + Added watermark option to VirtueMart category import + Added watermark option to VirtueMart media import * Fixed prices containing commas in VirtueMart product import * Fixed product discount ID not using -1 in VirtueMart product import * Fixed remote images * Fixed product_discount in VirtueMart product import + Added product_override_price in VirtueMart product import + Added AwoCoupon for VirtueMart coupon import + Added support for new VirtueMart customtitle field on categories and products Export + Added Custom Filters customfields export + Added delete all fields button + Added auto-loading template + Added customizable combine character(s) * Fixed missing custom field export + Added date ranges to VirtueMart order export + Added date ranges to Akeeba Subscriptions subscription export + Added AwoCoupon for VirtueMart coupon export + Added support for new VirtueMart customtitle field on categories and products * Fixed some VirtueMart category fields on export Settings - Removed preview lines Version 4.1 Import * Fixed VirtueMart transliteration * Fixed image options * Fixed VirtueMart product import custom fields missing ID field / Changed replacement fields to allow for multiple rules Export * Fixed VirtueMart category details export * Fixed export to e-mail * Fixed VirtueMart media import not linking to products + Added Akeeba subscriptions export options * Fixed VirtueMart calculation rule category export * Fixed VirtueMart rating export publish field * Fixed VirtueMart shopperfield export publish field / Changed replacement fields to allow for multiple rules Replacement + Added multiple values option / Changed size of find and replace fields / Changed replace field not to be mandatory General + Added always load en-GB as backup language / Changed use of INFORMATON_SCHEMA as shared hosts don't always allow this Version 4.0 General / Major rewrite to work with Joomla 2.5 and VirtueMart 2.0 Version 3.7 Import * Fixed product files import for non-images * Fixed combine separator for categories * Fixed order item import not showing log information + Added Billing address and shipping address options to address_type * Fixed checking uppercase image extension Export * Fixed product type names export * Fixed adding signature gives empty column * Fixed missing producttypenames field on product export Version 3.6 Import * Fixed import not taking template text enclosure + Added setting for processing images * Fixed product type parameters import Export * Fixed logdetails link * Fixed product currency not applied * Fixed price conversion not working * Fixed setting the memory limit + Added product_type_name to product type parameters export General + Added component name to template types Version 3.5 Import + Added reset of child products when parent product gets deleted + Added option to skip non-existing files in the product files import * Fixed child products attributes / Reset counters if import crashed * Fixed product type names import not correctly checking product ID * Fixed session not to be overloaded * Fixed thumbnails not created when create image name from product SKU + Added import overrides (like Joomla template overrides) + Added remember last used template + Added support for VMF * Fixed looking for product currency * Fixed checking for existing multiple price * Fixed producttypenames expecting a comma + Added possibility to add fields not in import file Export * Fixed fieldname not used when column header is empty * Fixed attribute_with_tax field + Added shipping fee table for shopper sites - Removed default value for decimal separator - Removed default value for thousand separator + Added product price filter + Added export overrides (like Joomla template overrides) / Updated Google Base export to handle tax field + Added support for VMF * Fixed price_with_discount being incorrect when using fixed value Maintenance / Changed the loading of available fields + Added option to unpublish published products in unpublished categories + Added option to delete CSVI VirtueMart backup tables General * Fixed configuration settings lost between updates * Fixed filtering with the log details / Changed storing of files in the administrator/cache folder to the tmp folder + Added list of available template types and explanation * Fixed settings being reloaded on every request / Changed cron to work with : instead of . for separation of commands + Added support for Admin Tools secret word Version 3.4.1 Import * Fixed missing available fields Version 3.4 Import / Improved import performance * Fixed import timer when using preview * Fixed product type names import when using product_type_id field + Added ICEcat tolerant matching MPN / Improved image handling Export + Added option to only export parent products and products without children + Added option to only export child products and products without children * Fixed field check not returning correct value * Fixed front-end export + Added category state filter to product export General * Fixed Update button on Available Fields page Version 3.3.1 Import * Fixed jumping around of radio buttons * Fixed related products * Fixed thumbnail import to lose / in http:// Export * Fixed jumping around of radio buttons + Added check for combine field General + Added German language * Fixed hardcoded jos in installation - Removed VirtueMart check Version 3.3 Import * Fixed fatal error Call to undefined method CsviLog::AddStat() + Added timer and progressbar / Improved handling of unknown extensions / Updated cron handling in case of errors * Fixed the manufacturer xref not created when only importing manufacturer_name / Not force the path settings Export / Not force the text enclosure * Fixed sh404SEF URLs on cron export * Fixed category_path not using CDATA Maintenance / Cleaned up sample templates + Added staggered import for ICEcat index file + Added gzip option for ICEcat / Cleaned up functions General * Fixed XML nodes map not being converted Version 3.2.3 Export * Another go at fixing the custom table handling General * Fixed available fields showing wrong fields Version 3.2.2 Import * Fixed custom table not showing on loading template Export * Fixed custom table not showing on loading template * Fixed custom table not showing when only 1 selected General * Fixed Empty Database warnings / Updated ICEcat loading Version 3.2.1 General * Fixed Settings could not be saved Version 3.2 Import / Improved error messaging on import errors * Fixed import failing when using template fields * Fixed import looping when running into maximum execution time limit * Fixed result page when not saving log reports / Updated replacements to be editable after saving Export * Fixed category tree not showing more than 2 levels * Fixed frontend XML/HTML export fatal error / Updated replacements to be editable after saving General + Added Settings reset button * Fixed website not showing on HTML selection + Added _POST variables to cron Version 3.1 Import * Fixed cancel button not going back to import screen + Added tax rates import * Fixed fatal error when uploading a file with .txt extension * Fixed fatal error when importing XML with fieldnames * Fixed 0 values being ignored + Added waiting list import Export / Made replacement feature work more granular * Fixed JoomFish languages not being shown + Added tax rates export + Added waiting list export Maintenance * Fixed logdetails on maintenance result screen + Added more options to load ICEcat indexes * Fixed ICEcat index file not importing General * Fixed toolbar buttons Log page not working / Updated help pages * Fixed custom tables not showing when only 1 selected + Added FlexTax (http://www.virtuemartflextax.com/) support / Updated installer Version 3.0 Import / Changed layout to include all settings + Added replacement option + Added load file from FTP / Changed unsupported fields are now skipped, import will use known fields found / Improved status reporting * Fixed user fields import not adding new user fields / Improved the preview + Added option to import based on SKU, MPN or child SKU + Added product type names to the product import + Added option to change case of image name + Added option to empty image data if image does not exist + Added option to keep original image files + Added option to check thumbnail file type * Fixed memory limit of -1 not set correctly + Added cleanup for prices that use currency + Added ICEcat integration for product import + Added ICEcat integration for product type names import + Added ICEcat integration for product files import + Added custom tables import + Added quick add fields option + Added combining of fields + Added option to load file from URL + Added manufacturer_delete field to allow deleting manufacturers + Added resizing of full images + Added category separator setting Export / Changed layout to include all settings + Added replacement to export template + Added FTP support * Fixed time field on review export * Fixed cdate, mdate and product price on multiple prices export * Fixed coupon_value on coupon export * Fixed shipping_rate_value and shipping_rate_package_fee on shipping rates export * Fixed shopper_group_discount on user info export + Added published filter to category, reviews, product type, product files export / Frontend export shows the URL it was called from in the log + Added combining of fields * Fixed category details export grouping too greedy + Added product name to multiple prices export + Added date and time modifiers to the export filename + Added product type names to product export * Fixed child product URLs on export + Added AceSEF support + Added collect debug support + Added custom tables export + Added option to also select subcategories when only parent categories are selected + Added JoomFish translation + Added quick add fields option + Added sort option + Added header/footer options + Added cutomized XML exports + Added category separator setting / Updated product SKU filter to allow for more SKU's General - Removed replacement view - Removed template view - Removed template fields view + Added automatic log cleanup + Added log settings + Added line limit to debug log settings + Added version check + Added internal help system / Upgraded jQuery to version 1.4.4 / Upgraded jQuery UI to version 1.8.6 + Added log details view with filters + Added create option for missing folders / Updated the complete language file * Fixed missing ; on comments in database backup + Added installer + Added template backup/restore + Added help files Version Import * Fixed Call to undefined method TableCsvivirtuemart_templates::getValue() * Fixed product files import not finding image * Fixed memory check if set to -1 Export - Removed check if any templates are defined * Fixed mail not being sent over SMTP Version 2.3.18 Import * Fixed product price to be emptied when importing as unpublished field * Fixed XLS preview to be moved over 1 column * Fixed memory setting of -1 appplied incorrectly Export * Fixed the encryption key not being read correctly * Fixed product type names export getting confused of duplicate column names + Added product name to multiple prices export + Added AceSEF support + Added export filename customizing with date and time tags * Fixed product price export not being formatted correctly on multiple prices export General / Cleaned up log report by removing duplicate line number Version 2.3.17 Import * Fixed non-image product files + Added remote file check (thanks Phil) Maintenance * Fixed possible undefined error on removing empty categories Version Import * Fixed fatal error when cleaning filename Version 2.3.16 Import + Added custom fields import for product files + Added support for default values for XML import (thanks Phil) * Fixed attribute on a non-record node (thanks Phil) * Fixed fatal error on import when creating image name based on product ID Version Import * Fixed a code error on the product type parameters import * Fixed fields for order item import Version 2.3.15 Import / Change the handling of product_box and product_packaging. They both need to be used. * Fixed handling non-image files in another folder * Fixed mixed case headings on import (thanks Phil) + Added suppression of error messages when resizing images (thanks Phil) * Fixed problems with remote URLs (thanks Phil) * Fixed error messages on cron usage (thanks Phil) * Fixed BOM check + Added support for customer number Export / Updating SEF export + Added full_name and order_status_name to order item export Version 2.3.14 Import * Fixed category details import not handling images * Fixed issue with shopper_group_id Export * Update the cron generator * Fixed product type names export matching wrong tablename * Fixed category_name in product export General / Further improvements in image handling Version 2.3.13 Import * Generated image name gets extension none / Polish up image handling * Fix possible warnings on reading column headers Export + Added export filters to Basic export + Added more price fields to use the price format from the template + Added option to turn of SEF URL generation on export Replacement - Removed automatic adding of / before and after regular expression to support modifiers + Added confirmation on replacement delete General / Update jQuery to version 1.4.2 / Improved domain name parsing + On installation whitelist CSVI VirtueMart with RS Firewall (thanks to the RS Firewall team) Version 2.3.12 Import * Fixed field order for XML files / Rename selectfile to choosefile to prevent false/positive + Added Collect debug information to basic import / Workaround for MySQL bug (http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=37521) Export + Added filter for exporting featured products + Added support for JoomSEF SEF URLs + Added support for Joomla SEF URLs + Added template system limits to export + Added modification date to export filter for user info export General / Improved writable folder check Version 2.3.11 Import / Improved cron support / Improved order import details * Fixed order items import * Fixed order import / Improved image handling / Improved support for downloadable files * Fixed a download issue with non-image product files * Fixed category image handling Export * Fixed front-end export not showing domainname * Fixed some undefined errors on e-mail export General + Added a log viewer Version 2.3.10 Import + Added products per row from VirtueMart config when creating a category on product import / More work on the product files import * Fixed misaligned columns when using template fields / Changed order import behavior. Orders can now be imported with an order ID. Export + Added signature to cron export generator / Better handling of exporting non-existing product type names General + Added overview of folder permissions * Fixed incorrect fields on sample templates + Added more sample templates (order import, order item import) + Added folder checks in About section Version 2.3.9 Import * Fixed external image on product files import * Fixed XLS file eating first column * Fixed preview using template fields / Changed product_discount to properly handle a value of 0 Export + Added option to add a UTF-8 signature (BOM) on export Version 2.3.8 Import * Fixed product stock import * Fixed product files import * Fixed preview not showing when Import lines set to 0 * Fixed first line not being skipped in preview + Added some runtime statistics to cron import Templates * Fixed pasting of file paths Version 2.3.7 Import * Fixed remote images import / Improved error reporting on preview screen + Added use of template ID for cron import * Fixed XLS import Templates + Added template ID to templates list General + Added another JPEG signature Version 2.3.6 Import * Fixed XLS import * Fixed XML mixed case column headers Export * Fixed price_with_discount sometimes calculate incorrectly General * Fixed an issue with installing sample templates / Minor changes for Joomla 1.6 compatibility + Added update button on the Available Fields button * Fixed Empty categories deleting too many categories Version 2.3.5 Import / More work on the image handling Export * Fixed product type names export not to use replacement Templates + Added confirmation dialog for deleting template + Added existing available fields check for the template fields General / Some changes to the cron handler * Fixed error in case of non-existing template in replacement Version 2.3.4 Import * Fixed broken product type parameters import * Fixed cron import / Always uppercase product currency Export + Added order ID list selection * Fixed category details export to be filled with fieldnames in case field is empty * Fixed user info export General + Added the column Cancelled on log view to see if an import was cancelled + Added filter on the Log view Version 2.3.3 Import * Fixed duplicate data on product files import + Added a number of options for image handling / Improved error handling in preview / Rewrote image handling Export * Fixed a possible error using the regex replacement * Fixed price format and this time it should really be fixed / Updated export result screen / Better handling if no export fields are chosen / Better handling of the basic export + Added general export options to the basic export * Fixed front-end export not creating a unique ID General * Fixed the sample templates Version 2.3.2 Import + Added basic import + Product price can now contain thousand separator e.g. 1,300.25 or 1.300,25 * Fixed product files thumbnail not always having correct name * Fixed using wrong path name on image check Export * Fixed price format + Added basic export * Fixed a number of small issues Templates - Removed replace field as it is superseded by the Replacement section General + Added PHP requirement to installation routine Version 2.3.1 Import * Fixed first line being imported * Fixed products always being unpublished * Fixed preview not always showing * Fixed incorrect column check / Cleaned up import files * Fixed shopper group ID not to update correctly on user info import * Fixed vendor ID not to update correctly on user info import * Fixed maintenance not working via cron (Thanks Erik) Replacement + Added option to clone replacement * Fixed pagination to not load all templates General + Added result counters to Replacement, Available Fields and Templates lists + Added sample templates for user info import/export Version 2.3 Import * Fixed import hang + Added advanced XML import (thanks Phil) * Fixed image resizing not handling uppercase extensions + Added support for mixed case fieldnames (thanks Phil) / Changed product_cdate to always be applied if supplied * Fixed external image URLs not creating thumbnails Replacement * Fixed field name not being stored when adding a new replacement Export * Fixed some fields not being replaced General / Changed defaults for text delimiter to , and text enclosure " Version 2.2.1 Import / Changed first line check to handle text delimiters in strings (thanks Phil) * Fixed missing files for order item export * Fixed skipping a line too many with XLS import Export * Fixed missing files for order item export * Fixed category export not grouping on category_name General / Updated log layout / Updated installer package layout Version 2.2 Import + Added order import + Added order items import + Added support for encrypted user passwords. Use the field password_crypt + Added support for image URLs without image name Export + Added order payment method for order export / Changed handling of price format. Check your templates if you customized it !! * Fixed price quantity start from and price quantity end + Added order items export Maintenance + Added VirtueMart backup * Fixed public_html been given 777 permission General * Fixed log details not always showing up * Fixed SQL error on installation * Fixed deprecated messages - Removed all languages except English due to being too old Version 2.1.3 Export * Fixed manufacturer details export not exporting data / Improved the SEF url export for products / Updated domain name handling using cron * Fixed replacement not working as should for product exports General * Fixed Invalid argument warning on using Clean cache * Fixed Argument #1 is not an array on using Clean cache Version 2.1.2 General * Fixed installer not creating export price format column Version 2.1.1 Import * Fixed skipping first line issue (thanks Phil) + Added timer to check for possible script termination * Fixed import hangs when image is corrupted Export + Added select options for multiple price groups Templates + Added check if website is chosen for XML export + Added option to set price format output - Removed the Column Header field for import templates General * Fixed old logs not deleted (thanks Phil) + Added finer control over the replacement, is now set per field + Added field order when using Quick Add Version 2.1 Import * Fixed attribute_with_tax not handling prices in thousands correctly * Fixed LOCAL_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST on import with preview + Added unlimited import * Fixed product type names import not finding new product IDs / Check for valid image creation on generating thumbnails * Fixed shipping rates import * Fixed product type names import not importing on different case + Added cancel button to import process Export * Really fix the product_url * Fixed user details export + Added order last modified date to selection criteria Templates + Add input filter to template list General / Keep configuration between new installations / Change installation to check if old CSV Improved tables exist / Updated log handling + Added clear cache to maintenance + Added number of preview lines in the settings / Updated Hungarian language * Fixed calendars not working on order options Version 2.0.2 Import + Added option to import zip files (only 1 file per zip for now) * Cleanup after imported file is no longer needed / Expanded debug report * Fixed Fatal error: Class 'CsvimprovedModelAvailablefields' not found on Product Type Parameters import * Fixed product price not set correctly / Changed product_tax behavior to do nothing when field is empty * Fixed numerous issues in the product type name import + Added support for image SEF urls Export / Changed product type parameter names export, can now mix different parameter types * Fixed front-end export not working in subdomain * Fixed Column 'list_order' in field list is ambiguous on order export / Updated the replacement during export General + Added Czech language thanks to Komanche * Fixed Update available fields overwriting other product_type_x tables except last one / Clean up for PHP 5.3 compatibility Version 2.0.1 Import / Fixed delimiters not always set correctly / Fixed category_path mistaken for category_id Export / Fixed product_url missing domain name / Fixed picture_url missing forward slash General + Added product_type_x fields to the list of available fields + Added search filter to available fields page / Fixed sorting on available fields page / Updated French language Version 2.0 Import / Improved shopper group ID check * Fixed product_files_url for downloadable products + Added category browse and flypage to new category creation * Fixed product type names to lose HTML formatting + Added option to store remote images on the server + Added option to auto-generate imagenames based on SKU + Added option to unpublish products before import * Fixed possible crash if template type not found on import + Added option to auto-detect CSV delimiter and enclosure characters * Fixed several issues with product files import + Added category_delete field + Added field attribute_with_tax * Fixed product_discount_id keeps previous value + Added userfields import + Added product reviews import + Added product_files_delete option + Added calculations to product_in_stock field / Improved product manufacturer relation check Export * Fixed attribute export causing undefined error + Added initialisation of big SQL selects + Added replacement feature + Added Google Base channel header + Added e-mail export option * Fixed child products not being exported with category filter * Fixed non-existing product discounts to export as 0.00 + Added option to choose VirtueMart Item ID * Fixed issues with sh404SEF + Added category_name to productexport + Added field attribute_with_tax + Added userfields export + Added product reviews export + Added cron command line generator + Added HTML export format + Added front-end export / Fixed multiple category id export Templates + Added Quick Template Fields General * Fixed cron not using language file * Fixed cron not using domain name + Added replacement table + Added maintenance option to cron support + Added settings screen * Fixed tooltips on import/export screen / A lot of optimizations done to product import + Added option to not store logging + Added global category separator + Added sorting to Available Fields + Added sorting to Templates List / Moved sample templates to maintenance section / Updated German language Version 1.9 Import + Added support for ignoring empty lines thanks to doorknob * More fixing of thumbnail creation + Added message on preview screen to click Import * Fixed template fields import not importing duplicate fields * Fixed category details import to not always look for category_id * Fixed user info import to not handle user_info_id correctly + Added extra signature for JPG files + Added test check for delimiters on import failure Export * Fixed price_with_discount export * Fixed price_with_tax export not to remove too many 0 * Fixed writing to file garbles UTF-8 text * Fixed export results not being shown * Fixed undefined property with custom fields on coupon export * Fixed export with same field names to use only the last + Added condition field to Google Base sample as this is now a required field * Fixed Unknown column 'jos_vm_order_user_info.first_name' in 'field list' * Fixed product type names export to be empty when choosing Don't use Templates + Added template name when editing template + Added option to specify different kind of paths * Fixed field order ID to follow the highest order number General + Added delete all option for log entries + Added support for multiple select boxes to cron + Added another jpeg signature + Added German translation thanks to crissxcross / Updated French translation / Updated Hungarian translation / Updated Brazilian-Portugese translation / Updated Slovenian translation Version 1.8.1 Import * Fixed Fatal error: Call to undefined method TableVm_product::setValue() Export * Fixed export could give error not using product_sku Version 1.8 Import * Fixed external images not being resized * Fixed shopper_group_id ignored on user info import * Fixed shopper_group_name not foud on user info import / Changed product file import to use thumbnail sizes from template setting when not creating thumbnail * Fixed thumbnail creation for subfolders. A resized folder MUST be specified now. * Fixed file_url to be always the same for product files import / Changed import not to stop on error but only report it * Fixed user info import not creating shopper vendor xref * Fixed user info import not to create a name for Joomla user * Fixed product files import causing index.php on file download * Fixed shopper <--> vendor relation for user * Fixed undefined errors on userinfoimport * Fixed product_packaging being reset to 0 * Fixed double / in product_url + Added product stock import * Fixed Not overwrite existing data always return product exists when disabled * Fixed manufacturer details import not working without manufacturer_id * Fixed template fields import not handling "not overwrite existing data" correctly * Added check if category_name matches category_path / Updated memory usage check * Fixed incorrect import when using category_path and category_id in upload file * Fixed product files thumbnail not being put in resized/ folder + Added modal window to show template fields * Fixed undefined error in case of incorrect attribute Export * Fixed undefined error for export filename + Added sh404SEF URLs for product URL export * Fixed missing product_box field + Added modal window to show template fields General + Added Russian translation thanks to progressor / Updated Slovenian translation / Updated French translation / Updated Hungarian translation Version 1.7 Import * Fixed bug where filename loses first character on the product files import * Fixed fatal error when overwrite data is unchecked * Fixed fatal error with ToPeriod function * Fixed product_mdate and product_cdate not being processed * Fixed category list order not being processed + Added Joomla user details to user info import * Fixed XML import not using first entry + Added shipping rates import * Improved product deletion * Fixed manufacturer ID import + Added comma to period conversion on multiple prices import + Added detailed output on column mismatch + Added option to import selected columns / Changed filename handling for product files + Added check for category details import if category_name matches category_path Export + Added payment method to order export * Fixed template export not showing template selection list * Fixed template fields export not showing template selection list * Fixed order export to fail on a number of fields + Remove slashes in vendor name on user info export + Added country name to order export + Added Joomla user details to user info export * Fixed category details export + Added shipping rates export + Added currency conversion on export * Fixed missing product_box Templates + Added option to add currency to price on export Maintenance + Added product files table to emtpy database + Added option to remove empty categories General + Added Portugese translation thanks to dadus + Added Brazilian Portugese translation thanks to Igaeta + Added French translation thanks to ahamel + Added Hungarian translation thanks to dkg11hu * Fixed control panel images and links + Added template name to log view + Added Slovenian translation thanks to VidKo + Added Swedish translation thanks to cpthaddock + Added Dutch translation thanks to djors Version 1.6 Import + Added coupon import / Updated thumbnail creation process to check for sensible thumb sizes * Fixed product files import creating duplicate entries * Fixed product type names import warning if product type does not exist * Fixed vendor_id returning no result Export * Fixed product with discount has no tax + Added stock level values to product export + Added user-interactive user selector + Added user-interactive product selector * Fixed Product Type Names not exporting column headers / Changed product type names export not to force lowercase + Added coupon export * Fixed product files export * Fixed manufacturer details export not working + Added product_files_download to product files export + Added product SKU filter for product export + Added product type name filter * Fixed product_attribute not using CDATA Maintenance + Added confirmation message to database delete + Added option to resize product name field General + Added jQuery for improved GUI + Added Croation language thanks to tatamata Version Export * Fixed category export being ignored + Added multiple category selection Version 1.5.2 Import * Fixed error when only importing manufacturer ID * Fixed incorrect preview / Changed processing of related SKU's to be more efficient Export * Fixed product export when manufacturer is set * Fixed fatal error when mysqli is set as database handler * Fixed vendor_id not exporting * Fixed delimiters not duplicated if they occur in the text / Made group by checkbox checked by default + Added order export option to export shipping address in case it exists + Added category selection to product export Templates + Added filter for import/export templates General * Fixed license check / Updated folder layout Version 1.5.1 Import * Fixed manufacturer not assigned to first product if manufacturer doesn't exist / Changed handling of auto creating thumbnails + Added auto creating thumbnails for category details import + Added some performance tweaks / Changed import routine to stop immediately when timeout has been reached / Changed product type names import to only update the parameters specified in uploaded file Export * Fixed incorrect flypage as VirtueMart config is ignored * Fixed group by not ignoring a few custom fields + Added option to set date format on export templates General * Fixed cron not logging out user / Changed informational messages to be no longer classified as success * Fixed some undefined errors in the logging * Fixed version number not always showing on about page Version 1.5 Stable Import / Updated product type parameters / Changed applying system limits only if value is greater than 0 * Fixed template import * Fixed template fields import + Added template_name field to template fields import - Removed converting HTML entities to real characters on product description / Update thumbnail creation check * Fixed undefined errors when database structure is bad Export + Added tab delimiter * Fixed missing price_with_discount field * Fixed template export not showing all templates * Fixed template export in XML format no CDATA tag on cusom field value + Added template_name field to template fields import + Added disable Export button if no templates with fields are found / Fixed handling of templates with 0 fields in case the export gets called / Fixed file export to disk not UTF-8 / Fixed Beslist.nl XML export to not include linebreaks for elements / Fixed errors showing up when no records are found to export * Fixed undefined errors when database structure is bad General / Updated license check / Updated installer to check if database can be read / Updated images Version 1.5 RC 2 Import + Added default currency read from VirtueMart on Multiple Prices import / Fixed shopper groups ignored on Multiple Prices import + Added attributes tag to Product Import + Added product_sku tag to Multiple Prices import + Added shopper_group_name tag to Multiple Prices import * Fixed products per row not working on category details import - Removed UTF-8 conversion as it does more bad than good + Added first manufacturer is assigned to product when importing new products without manufacturer Export * Fixed filtering on address did not work for order and user info export / Changed loading of usernames to not load if there are more than 5000 users + Added disable export templates without fields + Added attributes tag to Product Export + Added product_sku tag to Multiple Prices export + Added shopper_group_name tag to Multiple Prices export / Fixed cron ignoring filepath set in general settings * Fixed product type names export Templates + Added missing text for non-existing images General * Fixed unclosed quotes in installation script * Moved requirements checks to beginning of script + Added memory limits to sample templates + Added removal of images folder on un-installation as Joomla doesn't clean up / Updated install XML DTD / Changed license check - Removed CURL requirement / Replaced license check on external server with license key Version 1.5 RC 1 Import * Fixed tax not associated with product + Added preview column to import selection screen + Added shopper details to user info import * Fixed undefined errors in cron * Fixed undefined errors on result page * Fixed a bug in thumbnail creation where file is not found Export * Fixed undefined error on export result screen / Moved record grouping from order export to general settings + Added user address filter to user info export + Added user vendor filter to user info export + Added user permission filter to user info export + Added custom field to user info export + Added full_name field to user info export (combines first, middle and last name) + Added full_name field to order export (combines first, middle and last name) + Added discount_percentage field to order export (order_discount/order_total) + Added product_price_total field to order export (product_price*product_quantity) + Added total_order_items field to order export (counts number of items per order) + Added shopper details to user info export * Fixed undefined errors in cron * Fixed undefined errors on result page Templates + Added auto increment value when adding template fields / Changed field size of column headers to give more space Maintenance * Fixed not deleting product type names tables > 9 General + Added links to the available fields online help pages * Fixed pagination on available fields page + Added server address to About page / Updated license check for working locally Version 1.5 beta 5 Import / Updated available fields for product import + Added changing product_weight commas to periods + Added changing product_length commas to periods + Added changing product_width commas to periods + Added changing product_height commas to periods - Removed category details from product import Export / Updated available fields for product export * Fixed filename incorrect when downloading file + Added product type export + Added product type parameters export + Added product type names export + Added currency filter to order export / Changed some order export options to multiple select - Removed category details from product export Templates * Fixed file location having mixed path separators Version 1.5 beta 4 Import * Fixed category_id not processed Export * Fixed file location not used when exporting to local file based on template + Added log entry when SQL query is incorrect * Fixed product_parent_sku missing * Fixed local file not saving in the correct folder + Added option to group records together on order export + Added option to select address type on order export * Fixed missing product_sku, product_name on order export Templates * Fixed error message if no templates are created General * Fix icons not showing if installed in subfolder Version 1.5 beta 3.0.1 General / Updated license check * Fixed license expire date incorrectly shown Version 1.5 beta 3 Import * Fixed categories not added correctly + Added product_list Export * Fixed product_name export / Changed product_url to be enclosed in CDATA tags for XML exports * Fixed custom field not handled in product export Templates * Fixed typo in Google Base template * Fixed template list not always showing General / Completely revised language file Version 1.5 beta 2.2 Import * Fixed manufacturer_name not being imported * Fixed tax rate not being imported Export * Fixed category_name Category Details export * Fixed category_path misssing from Category Details export Templates + Added default system values for System Limits General * Fixed error messages when no logs exist Version 1.5 beta 2.1 Import + Added check and warning if no templates exist + Added a default selected template Export + Added check and warning if no templates exist + Added a default selected template * Fixed missing category_path on product export * Fixed missing number of fields General + Added Romanian thanks to Danny Version 1.5 beta 2 Import + Added option to append categories / Fixed bug where multiple categories per product were not imported Export + Added order export by sold product Templates / Fixed wrong save button Version 1.5 beta 1.3 General / Moved the creation of the log object to the parts that use it Version 1.5 beta 1.2 General / Updated license check / Update database table definition to prevent possible key length error Version 1.5 beta 1.1 General / Updated license check Version 1.5 beta 1 Import + Added price calculations for both regular and multiple prices import + Added price_with_tax + Added option to ignore non-existing products + Added manufacturer category ID + Added downloadable files option to Multiple Files import (product_files_download) + Added product_type_parameter_delete option + Added manufacturer_category_details import - Removed 100 character limitation on import preview + Added support for ODS files (OpenOffice Spreadsheet) + Added check if cache folder is writable * Fixed cron support + Added default values from template to preview + Added option to set default thumbnail format + Added user info import Export + Added order export by order number + Added order export by date range + Added order export by order status + Added order export by price + Added order export by customer name + Added removal of linebreaks on export + Added export results to log table * Fixed dates exporting as Unix timestamps * Fixed cron support + Added XML support for Oodle.com + Added user info export / Drastically reduced memory usage on export General / Converted to Joomla 1.5 codebase + Added logging storage + Added browseable list of available fields Version 0.9 Import * Fixed the product type parameters not able to update Export + Added removal of linebreaks for product export * Fixed discount start and end date to export as regular dates * Fixed product type exports were broken * product_thumb_image was exported as product_full_image Templates / Changed field adding and removing to no longer use AJAX / Updated layout to specify add field section General / Changed DB layout check to ensure DB structure consistency Version 0.9 RC 1 Import * Fixed multiple prices import to reset shopper groups * Fixed Fatal error: Class 'product_files' not found in product type parameters Templates * Fixed template not being saved * Fixed manufacturer selection got lost Version 0.9 beta 2 Import * Fixed conversion option lost + Add price field check if entry is numeric * Fixed preview losing convert choice * Fixed cron throwing a GetObject() on a non-object error Export * Fixed order export to include non-existing users * Fixed export not exporting first record Templates * Fixed settings getting lost General / Updated installer script Version 0.9 beta 1 Import + Added cron import via command line + Added support for passwords without salt + Added warning if more than 1 product <--> manufacturer link exists * Fixed manufacturer name not being escaped for database insert * Fixed generic manufacturers created when only importing manufacturer ID + Added category_id + Added custom database fields from the #__vm_product table + Added support for CSVI XML * Improved the file upload handling / Changed the preview layout Export * Fix price_with_discount using wrong discount + Added category_id / Updated Google Base XML for category paths * Fix picture URL path / Updated product description for Google Base to always be filled + Added custom database fields from the #__vm_product table + Added support for CSVI XML + Added export per manufacturer for products Templates + Added export filename + Added system limit settings - Removed standard delimiters + Added wizard for adding and editing templates / Redo Field management * Fix error when publishing no selected fields / Moved renumber icon from toolbar to field list Languages + Added French translation by Michel Loriaut and Xavier Lemoine / Updated Spanish translation by Juan Ferrari / Updated Polish translation by Keran from Quarkbit Software Version 0.8 Stable Import * Fixed attribute_values not properly added * Fixed duplicate product_tax_id Languages / Updated German language file thanks kaltokri Version 0.8 RC 3 Export + Add user_id and product_id fields to order export * Updated XML export by adding CDATA tags * Added UTF-8 encoding to the Froogle XML export / Changed mf_name to manufacturer_name for order export + Added username to order export * Fixed duplication of products on export * Fixed category details export / Changed export filename to use template name Import * Fixed fatal error Call to undefined method CsviSupportedFields::FieldsProductTypeXref() * Fixed cannot access empty property in the rpc file * Fixed Fatal error: Call to undefined method CsviRegistry::CloneObje() + Added Create manufacturer link if none exists * Fixed undefined $debug * Fixed a timeout bug where max_execution_time is set to 0 * Fixed incorrect manufacturer <---> product links * Fixed possible double vendor_id in add product query Maintenance / Changed layout of maintenance page General * Fixed VirtueMart check Version 0.8 RC 2.1 Export * Fix layout of discounted price * Fix exports giving blank files Version 0.8 RC 2 Import * Fixed product_parent_sku deleted on import * Fixed Fatal error: Class 'product_files' not found on multiple prices import - Removed product type cross reference import + Product type names spaces converted to underscores Export + Added Order export * Fix attribute_values for downloadables * Fix incorrect fieldname for order export + Added manufacturer name to order export - Removed product type cross reference export + Added record limits to all exports Templates + Added page navigation to template list + Added filter to field page + Added alternate row colors on template and field page General * Merged the product type cross reference into product type names import Version 0.8 RC 1 Import * Fixed invalid reference in mime type detection * Fixed preview mode broken with imported file only 5 lines * Fixed debug reporting being overridden * Fixed template fields import * Fixed product discount id not being used + Added more details for import preview errors * Fixed product files import * Fixed import not reading fields correctly / Changed loading of template details now uses AJAX Export * Fix hardcoded table prefixes + Add manufacturer export * Fixed incorrect column header / Changed loading of template details now uses AJAX Templates / Changed template fields page to Joomla style + Added button to add custom field * Standard thumb width and height set to 90x90 General - Removed Help section + Added link to wiki (http://www.csvimproved.com/wiki/doku.php/) + Added AJAX support Version 0.8 beta 6 Import + Added option to choose to convert encoding + Added check if iconv is available + Added BOM removal + Added check if memory_get_usage is available * Fixed linenumbers not always showing * Fixed the mdate/cdate import fields + Added default file location path to import template Export - Removed standard UTF-8 export, iconv might not be installed * Fixed the export to file, not being able to write General - Removed PHP 4 support + Added check for PHP 5 installation Version 0.8 beta 5 Import + Added filename to import results + Added button to return to import page on results page + Added manufacturer data import / Changed template list to only show import templates + Added table of site limits for import for user to check + Added check for maximum execution time + Added category details import + Added preview option for templates and template fields + Added character translation to UTF-8 Export * Fixed missing delimiter on product price in CSV export + Added export limits / Changed template list to only show export templates + Added export per shopper group + Added export to local file + Added product url suffix / Changed product_url to force http + Added list of templates to export / Changed export to respect template fields + Added record limits to filename if used + Added category details export / Changed file encoding to be UTF-8 + Added field to export discounted price + Added option to export published/unpublished/both products - Removed full server path from imagename Templates + Added tabs to clarify what options are meant for + Added thumbnail sizes for import - Removed support for required field + Added option to clone templates + Added configurable file location for product files/product images + Added check if no more fields available to add + Added automatic field ordering + Added option to select state of products to export Maintenance * Fixed product type tables not being deleted + Added option to sort categories alphabetically General + Added check if Virtuemart is installed + Added logging class * Recoded import process + Added support for Virtuemart 1.1 display options + Added Italian translation by Crisalex + Added Joomla 1.5 support using legacy mode + Added CSVI standard templates Version 0.8 beta 4.1 Import * Fixed data not being processed * Fixed txt file upload causing foreach error Export * Fixed not allowed in XML export Version 0.8 beta 4 Import * Fixed preview to show on all product imports + Added multiple prices import to also update prices * Fixed not using default values + Added Excel support * Fixed missing price_delete field - Removed radiobutton selection * Fixed field configuration not matching Export * Fixed bug with product discount that has too many delimiters * Fixed default values not always used * Fixed product_available_date not being exported correctly * Fixed XML entities / Changed export filenames to be more descriptive * Fixed invalid XML file header General * Cleaned up file import code to allow other filetypes to upload + Supported fields now being alphabetized Version 0.8 beta 3 Import + Added tax value import * Fixed import of category names with apostrophe - Removed Empty Database option - Removed the Price List Only Upload obsolete due to templates / Changed page layout + Added template import + Added template fields import Export * Fixed export not using CSVI configuration table * Fixed product_available_date not adding field delimiter / Changed page layout + Added creation of product URL if there is none in the database + Added support for custom column names + Added template export + Added template fields export + Added picture url export + Added price with tax export + Added XML support for beslist.nl + Added XML support for froogle.com * Fixed manufacturer_name and manufacturer_id Templates * Fixed fatal error on templates page * Fixed bug available fields not selected on template ID * Fixed bug where template fields were not deleted on template removal * Fixed cancel returning to templates page showing no templates / Changed page layout + Added custom fields + Added a Froogle Export template Maintenance + Added Empty Database option + Added Removal of orphaned fields + Added Optimization of the CSV Improved tables General + Added Russian translation by Sbmart + Added Spanish translation by Joao + Added Polish translation by Jurek + Added German translation by Jingo + Added icons kindly supplied by Joao / Changed layout of program + Added maintenance page / Changed output totals to only show if count is greater than 0 * Choose language according to Joomla language setting * Split the language file. Help texts are now separated from main texts Version 0.8 beta 2.1 Import * Fixed updating of discounts when field not used * Fixed updating of prices when field not used + Added updating to product type names imports * Fixed preview mode Export * Fixed product type export layout as it had an incorrect column header * Fixed product type names export layout. Removed ^ at the end of the line Version 0.8 beta 2 Import * Fixed fatal error with manufacturer import Export / Changed price export to drop trailing zeroes after second digit * Order export on SKU + Added product type parameters export + Added product type names export General / Changed tab system to use Joomla tabs + Added Joomla toolbar - Removed deletion of tables on uninstall Version 0.8 beta 1 Import * Fixed product type details upload * Fixed error where child products did not have a price set Export + Added product type export * Fixed export of customized ordering + Export now uses the template settings / Changed the types of export to match the types of import Templates / Changed layout of templates * Fixed " and ' as delimiter not showing * Fixed skip first line not being updated General + Converted CSV Improved into Joomla! component * Added product_relations table to empty database list Version 0.7.5 Import * Fixed product adding error in certain cases + Added SQL Error reporting / Changed unsupported fields reporting * Fixed bug with shopper group name if not specified + Added related products + Added multiple files + Added template system for import General + Added attribute documentation + Created CSV Improved language file + Created CSV Improved CSS file - Removed Dutch since the file is too old Version 0.7.4 Import * Fixed error "Missing argument 1 for product_details::ProcessDiscount()." * Fixed first line of file not imported * Fixed not adding or updating products * Fixed category path not updated Version 0.7.3 Import - Removed product_discount_id * Fixed child products upload + Added shopper group name to multiple prices upload * Improved error handling on multiple prices upload * Improved code for stabilizing import Preview * Removed Continue button when an error is encountered General * Updated language file * Updated help texts Version 0.7.2 Import * Fixed error with field enclosure set to none * Fixed error "Cannot break/continue ..." * Fixed undefined variable Configuration * Fixed error with wrong datatype on saving the configuration Version 0.7.1 Import * Fixed product discount not being imported * Fixed problem where download dialog pops up * Fixed update of several fields not working * Fixed price update if price is 0 or blank * Re-added product_discount_id * Fixed child products Export + Added column headers to the Default ordering * Export takes all fields as stated in configuration page General * Improved debug collection * Fixed image not to display from front-end * Fixed navigation bar in front-end after saving configuration * Code rewrite export - Removed required fields from configuration Version 0.7 Import + Added field product_currency + Added option to import product types + Added option to import multiple prices per product + Added option to empty database * Fixed skip first line with preview mode * Fixed updating non-existing prices * Fixed preview layout that is wider than the screen Configuration * Fixed Add Field button does not work * Fixed problem with existing fields in csv table that are not supported General * Code rewrite * Improved debug collection * Updated Documentation tab * Updated Available Fields tab Translations + Added Dutch translation by giovi2002 Version 0.6.1 Import * Fixed preview not working * Fixed preview with Upload price list only * Fixed preview with " or ' as enclosure character * Fixed problem that uploaded file was always saved in cache folder Version 0.6 Import + Added option to use column headers as configuration + Added option to preview import + Added option to collect debug information * Improved support for child products * Fixed bug with date import for product_available_date Export * Fixed broken export General * Replaced text input fields in configuration tab with dropdown menus for easier configuration * Finalized changes Documentation page + Added the About page Version 0.5.1 Import * Fixed bug where Price List Upload only did not work because of not overwriting existing data Version 0.5 Import + Added option to do a Upload price list only * Only product_sku is mandatory now * Fixed bug when using custom enclosure and/or delimeter + Added option to import manufacturers * Fixed bug where product_publish was added twice to the SQL query * Fixed bug where commas in product_price was not replaced with a period * Fixed bug where all fields were imported General * Updated documentation Version 0.4 Import + Added option to import product_available_date using a regular date format + Added option to import product_box + Added option to import product_packaging + Added option to import product discounts * Fixed bug if product_publish is not used, items were not published * Fixed bug if product_delete is not used, items were not added, import crashed General + Added import statistics to the CSV upload result page * Updated the message output on the CSV upload result page * Updated localization * Updated the descriptions on the Available Fields page Version 0.3 Import * Fixed if product_publish is empty, default is now set to Yes * Fixed the vendor id. If no vendor is set, vendor id should be 1 instead of 0 + Added a check for correct number of columns + Added option to choose not to overwrite existing data + Added option to skip the default value and not use the field in the update Settings / Changed default field delimiter to ^ and text enclosure to ~ General + Added a link to the CSV import/export on the CSV upload result page + Added import flow description to readme.txt * Updated the Available Fields page with the minimal required fields * Updated the layout of the import/export tab Version 0.2.1 Import * Fixed a few undefined variables * Fixed check for required fields Version 0.2 Import + Allow empty fields + Made all fields from the product table optional except for product_id, product_sku, vendor_id, cdate, mdate, product_name. + Possibility to delete products on import General + Added a tab with the possible fields that can be used including documentation / Changed layout of the result page / Changed font size on the description page so it reads better in Firefox. Version 0.1 Import + Numbers imported with a comma are changed to a period for correct database insertion. This I found necessary since my locale uses comma as a seperator. The only thing I do not know/understand is, how to get a comma on the webshop frontend? + Imported data is sanitized for database insertion. This means that you can use regular HTML code in your long description or apostrophe in your products name for example. Export + Removed backslashes from the export Settings + Added the delimiter and field closure from Lauries Excel Generator + Added an inputbox for both the delimeter and field closure + Added an option to choose to add column headers General + Renamed Field Required? to Field Included? + Made the system honor the choice to include or not include a field for export