Direktori : /home1/lightco1/tmp/awstats/ssl/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/tmp/awstats/ssl/awstats092024.siru.com.au.lightco.com.au.txt |
AWSTATS DATA FILE 7.8 (build 20200416) # If you remove this file, all statistics for date 202409 will be lost/reset. # Last config file used to build this data file was /home/lightco1/tmp/awstats/ssl/awstats.siru.com.au.lightco.com.au.conf. # Position (offset in bytes) in this file for beginning of each section for # direct I/O access. If you made changes somewhere in this file, you should # also remove completely the MAP section (AWStats will rewrite it at next # update). BEGIN_MAP 28 POS_GENERAL 2027 POS_TIME 2686 POS_VISITOR 11485 POS_DAY 12639 POS_DOMAIN 3304 POS_LOGIN 3586 POS_ROBOT 3741 POS_WORMS 4022 POS_EMAILSENDER 4153 POS_EMAILRECEIVER 4296 POS_SESSION 13058 POS_SIDER 13215 POS_FILETYPES 4431 POS_DOWNLOADS 4513 POS_OS 4561 POS_BROWSER 4706 POS_SCREENSIZE 4930 POS_UNKNOWNREFERER 5004 POS_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 5694 POS_ORIGIN 6061 POS_SEREFERRALS 6193 POS_PAGEREFS 6337 POS_SEARCHWORDS 6485 POS_KEYWORDS 6637 POS_MISC 2350 POS_ERRORS 6696 POS_CLUSTER 3442 POS_SIDER_404 6812 END_MAP # LastLine = Date of last record processed - Last record line number in last log - Last record offset in last log - Last record signature value # FirstTime = Date of first visit for history file # LastTime = Date of last visit for history file # LastUpdate = Date of last update - Nb of parsed records - Nb of parsed old records - Nb of parsed new records - Nb of parsed corrupted - Nb of parsed dropped # TotalVisits = Number of visits # TotalUnique = Number of unique visitors # MonthHostsKnown = Number of hosts known # MonthHostsUnKnown = Number of hosts unknown BEGIN_GENERAL 8 LastLine 20241001045831 1 0 11408229106804 FirstTime 0 LastTime 20240928020803 LastUpdate 20241001220522 1 0 0 0 0 TotalVisits 33 TotalUnique 29 MonthHostsKnown 0 MonthHostsUnknown 29 END_GENERAL # Misc ID - 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Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 1 Expanse,_a_Palo_Alto_Networks_company,_searches_across_the_global_IPv4_space_multiple_times_per_day_to_identify_customers'_presences_on_the_Internet._If_you_would_like_to_be_excluded_from_our_scans,_please_send_IP_addresses/domains_to:_scaninfo@paloaltonetworks.com 20240921132052 END_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER # Origin - Pages - Hits BEGIN_ORIGIN 6 From0 35 35 From1 0 0 From2 0 0 From3 0 0 From4 0 0 From5 0 0 END_ORIGIN # Search engine referers ID - Pages - Hits BEGIN_SEREFERRALS 0 END_SEREFERRALS # External page referers - Pages - Hits # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_PAGEREFS 0 END_PAGEREFS # Search keyphrases - Number of search # The 10 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SEARCHWORDS 0 END_SEARCHWORDS # Search keywords - Number of search # The 25 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_KEYWORDS 0 END_KEYWORDS # Errors - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_ERRORS 3 404 232 47249 400 2 496 403 1345 347010 END_ERRORS # URL with 404 errors - 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