Current File : //home1/lightco1/public_html/
* @package Joomla.Libraries
* @subpackage Version
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
* Version information class for the Joomla CMS.
* @since 1.0
final class JVersion
* Product name.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const PRODUCT = 'Joomla!';
* Release version.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const RELEASE = '3.6';
* Maintenance version.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const DEV_LEVEL = '4';
* Development status.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const DEV_STATUS = 'Stable';
* Build number.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const BUILD = '';
* Code name.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const CODENAME = 'Noether';
* Release date.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const RELDATE = '21-October-2016';
* Release time.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const RELTIME = '16:33';
* Release timezone.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const RELTZ = 'GMT';
* Copyright Notice.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.';
* Link text.
* @var string
* @since 3.5
const URL = '<a href="">Joomla!</a> is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License.';
* Magic getter providing access to constants previously defined as class member vars.
* @param string $name The name of the property.
* @return mixed A value if the property name is valid.
* @since 3.5
* @deprecated 4.0 Access the constants directly
public function __get($name)
if (defined("JVersion::$name"))
'Accessing JVersion data through class member variables is deprecated, use the corresponding constant instead.',
return constant("JVersion::$name");
$trace = debug_backtrace();
'Undefined constant via __get(): ' . $name . ' in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line'],
* Check if we are in development mode
* @return boolean
* @since 3.4.3
public function isInDevelopmentState()
return strtolower(self::DEV_STATUS) != 'stable';
* Compares two a "PHP standardized" version number against the current Joomla version.
* @param string $minimum The minimum version of the Joomla which is compatible.
* @return boolean True if the version is compatible.
* @see
* @since 1.0
public function isCompatible($minimum)
return version_compare(JVERSION, $minimum, 'ge');
* Method to get the help file version.
* @return string Version suffix for help files.
* @since 1.0
public function getHelpVersion()
return '.' . str_replace('.', '', self::RELEASE);
* Gets a "PHP standardized" version string for the current Joomla.
* @return string Version string.
* @since 1.5
public function getShortVersion()
return self::RELEASE . '.' . self::DEV_LEVEL;
* Gets a version string for the current Joomla with all release information.
* @return string Complete version string.
* @since 1.5
public function getLongVersion()
return self::PRODUCT . ' ' . self::RELEASE . '.' . self::DEV_LEVEL . ' '
. self::DEV_STATUS . ' [ ' . self::CODENAME . ' ] ' . self::RELDATE . ' '
. self::RELTIME . ' ' . self::RELTZ;
* Returns the user agent.
* @param string $component Name of the component.
* @param bool $mask Mask as Mozilla/5.0 or not.
* @param bool $add_version Add version afterwards to component.
* @return string User Agent.
* @since 1.0
public function getUserAgent($component = null, $mask = false, $add_version = true)
if ($component === null)
$component = 'Framework';
if ($add_version)
$component .= '/' . self::RELEASE;
// If masked pretend to look like Mozilla 5.0 but still identify ourselves.
if ($mask)
return 'Mozilla/5.0 ' . self::PRODUCT . '/' . self::RELEASE . '.' . self::DEV_LEVEL . ($component ? ' ' . $component : '');
return self::PRODUCT . '/' . self::RELEASE . '.' . self::DEV_LEVEL . ($component ? ' ' . $component : '');
* Generate a media version string for assets
* Public to allow third party developers to use it
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function generateMediaVersion()
$date = new JDate;
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
return md5($this->getLongVersion() . $config->get('secret') . $date->toSql());
* Gets a media version which is used to append to Joomla core media files.
* This media version is used to append to Joomla core media in order to trick browsers into
* reloading the CSS and JavaScript, because they think the files are renewed.
* The media version is renewed after Joomla core update, install, discover_install and uninstallation.
* @return string The media version.
* @since 3.2
public function getMediaVersion()
// Load the media version and cache it for future use
static $mediaVersion = null;
if ($mediaVersion === null)
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$debugEnabled = $config->get('debug', 0);
// Get the joomla library params
$params = JLibraryHelper::getParams('joomla');
// Get the media version
$mediaVersion = $params->get('mediaversion', '');
// Refresh assets in debug mode or when the media version is not set
if ($debugEnabled || empty($mediaVersion))
$mediaVersion = $this->generateMediaVersion();
return $mediaVersion;
* Function to refresh the media version
* @return JVersion Instance of $this to allow chaining.
* @since 3.2
public function refreshMediaVersion()
$newMediaVersion = $this->generateMediaVersion();
return $this->setMediaVersion($newMediaVersion);
* Sets the media version which is used to append to Joomla core media files.
* @param string $mediaVersion The media version.
* @return JVersion Instance of $this to allow chaining.
* @since 3.2
public function setMediaVersion($mediaVersion)
// Do not allow empty media versions
if (!empty($mediaVersion))
// Get library parameters
$params = JLibraryHelper::getParams('joomla');
$params->set('mediaversion', $mediaVersion);
// Save modified params
JLibraryHelper::saveParams('joomla', $params);
return $this;