Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home1/lightco1/public_html/lightingrepublic.com.au/templates/beez3/css/
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Current File : //home1/lightco1/public_html/lightingrepublic.com.au/templates/beez3/css/red.css

/* This beautiful CSS-File has been crafted with LESS (lesscss.org) and compiled by simpLESS (wearekiss.com/simpless) */
body {
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h3 {
	color: #555

h2 a {
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h2, .moduletable h3, .items-leading h2 {
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.items-row h2 {
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a:link, a:visited {
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a:hover, a:active, a:focus {
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.logoheader {
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#all {
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#shadow #all {
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#header ul.menu {
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#header ul.menu a:link, #header ul.menu a:visited {
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.button, button, p.readmore a, #header input.button, .pagenav a:link, .pagenav a:visited, #advanced-search-toggle, .profile-edit a:link, .profile-edit a:visited, h3.js_heading, .article-info {
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.article-info {
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table {
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table th a:link, table th a:visited {
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tr.odd, tr.cat-list-row1 {
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table tr:hover td {
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.button:hover, .button:active, .button:focus, button:hover, p.readmore a:hover, #header ul.menu a:hover, #header ul.menu a:active, #header ul.menu a:focus, .pagenav a:hover, .pagenav a:active, .pagenav a:focus, #advanced-search-toggle:hover, #advanced-search-toggle:active, #advanced-search-toggle:focus, .profile-edit a:hover, .profile-edit a:active, .profile-edit a:focus, #fontsize a:hover, #fontsize a:active, #fontsize a:focus, #mobile_select h2 a, table th, .logoheader {
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span.pagenav {
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.pagination-start span.pagenav, .pagination-prev span.pagenav, .pagination-end span.pagenav, .pagination-next span.pagenav {
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ul.menu a:link, ul.menu a:visited {
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.moduletable_menu {
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#header ul.menu {
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#header ul.menu a {
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ul.menu a:hover, ul.menu a:active, ul.menu a:focus {
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ul.menu li.active a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active ul li.active a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active ul li.active ul li.active a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active ul li.active ul li.active ul li.active a {
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ul.menu li.active ul li a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active ul li a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active ul li.active ul li a, ul.menu li.active ul li.active ul li.active ul li.active ul li a {
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ul.menu a {
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ul.menu ul a {
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ul.menu ul ul ul a {
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ul.menu ul ul ul ul a {
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.panel h3.pane-toggler a {
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.panel h3.pane-toggler-down a {
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ul.tabs li, dl.tabs dt h3 a:link, dl.tabs dt h3 a:visited {
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ul.tabs li a:link, ul.tabs li a:visited, dl.tabs dt a {
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ul.tabs li a:hover, ul.tabs li a:active, ul.tabs li a:focus {
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.tabcontent .linkclosed {
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ul.tabs li a.linkopen, dl.tabs dt.open h3 a:link, dl.tabs dt.open h3 a:visited {
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#footer a {
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#bottom a {
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.box1 {
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.box3 {
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#bottom ul li a {
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#mobile_select h2 {
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#mobile_select h2 a {
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@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0