Current File : //home1/lightco1/public_html/
* @package Joomla.Platform
* @subpackage Microdata
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
* Joomla Platform class for interacting with Microdata semantics.
* @since 3.2
class JMicrodata
* Array with all available Types and Properties from the vocabulary
* @var array
* @since 3.2
protected static $types = null;
* The Type
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $type = null;
* The Property
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $property = null;
* The Human content
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $content = null;
* The Machine content
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $machineContent = null;
* The Fallback Type
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $fallbackType = null;
* The Fallback Property
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $fallbackProperty = null;
* Used for checking if the library output is enabled or disabled
* @var boolean
* @since 3.2
protected $enabled = true;
* Initialize the class and setup the default $Type
* @param string $type Optional, fallback to 'Thing' Type
* @param boolean $flag Enable or disable the library output
* @since 3.2
public function __construct($type = '', $flag = true)
if ($this->enabled = (boolean) $flag)
// Fallback to 'Thing' Type
if (!$type)
$type = 'Thing';
* Load all available Types and Properties from the vocabulary contained in the types.json file
* @return void
* @since 3.2
protected static function loadTypes()
// Load the JSON
if (!static::$types)
$path = JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/microdata/types.json';
static::$types = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true);
* Reset all params
* @return void
* @since 3.2
protected function resetParams()
$this->content = null;
$this->machineContent = null;
$this->property = null;
$this->fallbackProperty = null;
$this->fallbackType = null;
* Enable or Disable the library output
* @param boolean $flag Enable or disable the library output
* @return JMicrodata Instance of $this
* @since 3.2
public function enable($flag = true)
$this->enabled = (boolean) $flag;
return $this;
* Return 'true' if the library output is enabled
* @return boolean
* @since 3.2
public function isEnabled()
return $this->enabled;
* Set a new Type
* @param string $type The $Type to be setup
* @return JMicrodata Instance of $this
* @since 3.2
public function setType($type)
if (!$this->enabled)
return $this;
// Sanitize the Type
$this->type = static::sanitizeType($type);
// If the given $Type isn't available, fallback to 'Thing' Type
if (!static::isTypeAvailable($this->type))
$this->type = 'Thing';
return $this;
* Return the current $Type name
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function getType()
return $this->type;
* Setup a $Property
* @param string $property The Property
* @return JMicrodata Instance of $this
* @since 3.2
public function property($property)
if (!$this->enabled)
return $this;
// Sanitize the $Property
$property = static::sanitizeProperty($property);
// Control if the $Property exists in the given $Type and setup it, otherwise leave it 'NULL'
if (static::isPropertyInType($this->type, $property))
$this->property = $property;
return $this;
* Return the current $Property name
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function getProperty()
return $this->property;
* Setup a Human content or content for the Machines
* @param string $content The human content or machine content to be used
* @param string $machineContent The machine content
* @return JMicrodata Instance of $this
* @since 3.2
public function content($content, $machineContent = null)
$this->content = $content;
$this->machineContent = $machineContent;
return $this;
* Return the current $content
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function getContent()
return $this->content;
* Return the current $machineContent
* @return string
* @since 3.3
public function getMachineContent()
return $this->machineContent;
* Setup a Fallback Type and Property
* @param string $type The Fallback Type
* @param string $property The Fallback Property
* @return JMicrodata Instance of $this
* @since 3.2
public function fallback($type, $property)
if (!$this->enabled)
return $this;
// Sanitize the $Type
$this->fallbackType = static::sanitizeType($type);
// If the given $Type isn't available, fallback to 'Thing' Type
if (!static::isTypeAvailable($this->fallbackType))
$this->fallbackType = 'Thing';
// Control if the $Property exist in the given $Type and setup it, otherwise leave it 'NULL'
if (static::isPropertyInType($this->fallbackType, $property))
$this->fallbackProperty = $property;
$this->fallbackProperty = null;
return $this;
* Return the current $fallbackType
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function getFallbackType()
return $this->fallbackType;
* Return the current $fallbackProperty
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function getFallbackProperty()
return $this->fallbackProperty;
* This function handles the display logic.
* It checks if the Type, Property are available, if not check for a Fallback,
* then reset all params for the next use and return the HTML.
* @param string $displayType Optional, 'inline', available options ['inline'|'span'|'div'|meta]
* @param boolean $emptyOutput Return an empty string if the library output is disabled and there is a $content value
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function display($displayType = '', $emptyOutput = false)
// Initialize the HTML to output
$html = ($this->content !== null && !$emptyOutput) ? $this->content : '';
// Control if the library output is enabled, otherwise return the $content or an empty string
if (!$this->enabled)
// Reset params
return $html;
// If the $property is wrong for the current $Type check if a Fallback is available, otherwise return an empty HTML
if ($this->property)
// Process and return the HTML the way the user expects to
if ($displayType)
switch ($displayType)
case 'span':
$html = static::htmlSpan($html, $this->property);
case 'div':
$html = static::htmlDiv($html, $this->property);
case 'meta':
$html = ($this->machineContent !== null) ? $this->machineContent : $html;
$html = static::htmlMeta($html, $this->property);
// Default $displayType = 'inline'
$html = static::htmlProperty($this->property);
* Process and return the HTML in an automatic way,
* with the $Property expected Types and display everything in the right way,
* check if the $Property is 'normal', 'nested' or must be rendered in a metadata tag
switch (static::getExpectedDisplayType($this->type, $this->property))
case 'nested':
// Retrieve the expected 'nested' Type of the $Property
$nestedType = static::getExpectedTypes($this->type, $this->property);
$nestedProperty = '';
// If there is a Fallback Type then probably it could be the expectedType
if (in_array($this->fallbackType, $nestedType))
$nestedType = $this->fallbackType;
if ($this->fallbackProperty)
$nestedProperty = $this->fallbackProperty;
$nestedType = $nestedType[0];
// Check if a $content is available, otherwise fallback to an 'inline' display type
if ($this->content !== null)
if ($nestedProperty)
$html = static::htmlSpan(
$html = static::htmlSpan(
$html = static::htmlProperty($this->property) . ' ' . static::htmlScope($nestedType);
if ($nestedProperty)
$html .= ' ' . static::htmlProperty($nestedProperty);
case 'meta':
// Check if a $content is available, otherwise fallback to an 'inline' display type
if ($this->content !== null)
$html = ($this->machineContent !== null) ? $this->machineContent : $this->content;
$html = static::htmlMeta($html, $this->property) . $this->content;
$html = static::htmlProperty($this->property);
* Default expected display type = 'normal'
* Check if a $content is available,
* otherwise fallback to an 'inline' display type
if ($this->content !== null)
$html = static::htmlSpan($this->content, $this->property);
$html = static::htmlProperty($this->property);
elseif ($this->fallbackProperty)
// Process and return the HTML the way the user expects to
if ($displayType)
switch ($displayType)
case 'span':
$html = static::htmlSpan($html, $this->fallbackProperty, $this->fallbackType);
case 'div':
$html = static::htmlDiv($html, $this->fallbackProperty, $this->fallbackType);
case 'meta':
$html = ($this->machineContent !== null) ? $this->machineContent : $html;
$html = static::htmlMeta($html, $this->fallbackProperty, $this->fallbackType);
// Default $displayType = 'inline'
$html = static::htmlScope($this->fallbackType) . ' ' . static::htmlProperty($this->fallbackProperty);
* Process and return the HTML in an automatic way,
* with the $Property expected Types an display everything in the right way,
* check if the Property is 'nested' or must be rendered in a metadata tag
switch (static::getExpectedDisplayType($this->fallbackType, $this->fallbackProperty))
case 'meta':
// Check if a $content is available, otherwise fallback to an 'inline' display Type
if ($this->content !== null)
$html = ($this->machineContent !== null) ? $this->machineContent : $this->content;
$html = static::htmlMeta($html, $this->fallbackProperty, $this->fallbackType);
$html = static::htmlScope($this->fallbackType) . ' ' . static::htmlProperty($this->fallbackProperty);
* Default expected display type = 'normal'
* Check if a $content is available,
* otherwise fallback to an 'inline' display Type
if ($this->content !== null)
$html = static::htmlSpan($this->content, $this->fallbackProperty);
$html = static::htmlSpan($html, '', $this->fallbackType);
$html = static::htmlScope($this->fallbackType) . ' ' . static::htmlProperty($this->fallbackProperty);
elseif (!$this->fallbackProperty && $this->fallbackType !== null)
$html = static::htmlScope($this->fallbackType);
// Reset params
return $html;
* Return the HTML of the current Scope
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public function displayScope()
// Control if the library output is enabled, otherwise return the $content or empty string
if (!$this->enabled)
return '';
return static::htmlScope($this->type);
* Return the sanitized $Type
* @param string $type The Type to sanitize
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function sanitizeType($type)
return ucfirst(trim($type));
* Return the sanitized $Property
* @param string $property The Property to sanitize
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function sanitizeProperty($property)
return lcfirst(trim($property));
* Return an array with all available Types and Properties from the vocabulary
* @return array
* @since 3.2
public static function getTypes()
return static::$types;
* Return an array with all available Types from the vocabulary
* @return array
* @since 3.2
public static function getAvailableTypes()
return array_keys(static::$types);
* Return the expected Types of the given Property
* @param string $type The Type to process
* @param string $property The Property to process
* @return array
* @since 3.2
public static function getExpectedTypes($type, $property)
$tmp = static::$types[$type]['properties'];
// Check if the $Property is in the $Type
if (isset($tmp[$property]))
return $tmp[$property]['expectedTypes'];
// Check if the $Property is inherit
$extendedType = static::$types[$type]['extends'];
// Recursive
if (!empty($extendedType))
return static::getExpectedTypes($extendedType, $property);
return array();
* Return the expected display type: [normal|nested|meta]
* In which way to display the Property:
* normal -> itemprop="name"
* nested -> itemprop="director" itemscope itemtype=""
* meta -> `<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="1991-05-01">`
* @param string $type The Type where to find the Property
* @param string $property The Property to process
* @return string
* @since 3.2
protected static function getExpectedDisplayType($type, $property)
$expectedTypes = static::getExpectedTypes($type, $property);
// Retrieve the first expected type
$type = $expectedTypes[0];
// Check if it's a 'meta' display
if ($type === 'Date' || $type === 'DateTime' || $property === 'interactionCount')
return 'meta';
// Check if it's a 'normal' display
if ($type === 'Text' || $type === 'URL' || $type === 'Boolean' || $type === 'Number')
return 'normal';
// Otherwise it's a 'nested' display
return 'nested';
* Recursive function, control if the given Type has the given Property
* @param string $type The Type where to check
* @param string $property The Property to check
* @return boolean
* @since 3.2
public static function isPropertyInType($type, $property)
if (!static::isTypeAvailable($type))
return false;
// Control if the $Property exists, and return 'true'
if (array_key_exists($property, static::$types[$type]['properties']))
return true;
// Recursive: Check if the $Property is inherit
$extendedType = static::$types[$type]['extends'];
if (!empty($extendedType))
return static::isPropertyInType($extendedType, $property);
return false;
* Control if the given Type class is available
* @param string $type The Type to check
* @return boolean
* @since 3.2
public static function isTypeAvailable($type)
return (array_key_exists($type, static::$types)) ? true : false;
* Return Microdata semantics in a `<meta>` tag with content for machines.
* @param string $content The machine content to display
* @param string $property The Property
* @param string $scope Optional, the Type scope to display
* @param boolean $invert Optional, default = false, invert the $scope with the $property
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function htmlMeta($content, $property, $scope = '', $invert = false)
return static::htmlTag('meta', $content, $property, $scope, $invert);
* Return Microdata semantics in a `<span>` tag.
* @param string $content The human content
* @param string $property Optional, the human content to display
* @param string $scope Optional, the Type scope to display
* @param boolean $invert Optional, default = false, invert the $scope with the $property
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function htmlSpan($content, $property = '', $scope = '', $invert = false)
return static::htmlTag('span', $content, $property, $scope, $invert);
* Return Microdata semantics in a `<div>` tag.
* @param string $content The human content
* @param string $property Optional, the human content to display
* @param string $scope Optional, the Type scope to display
* @param boolean $invert Optional, default = false, invert the $scope with the $property
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function htmlDiv($content, $property = '', $scope = '', $invert = false)
return static::htmlTag('div', $content, $property, $scope, $invert);
* Return Microdata semantics in a specified tag.
* @param string $tag The HTML tag
* @param string $content The human content
* @param string $property Optional, the human content to display
* @param string $scope Optional, the Type scope to display
* @param boolean $invert Optional, default = false, invert the $scope with the $property
* @return string
* @since 3.3
public static function htmlTag($tag, $content, $property = '', $scope = '', $invert = false)
// Control if the $Property has already the 'itemprop' prefix
if (!empty($property) && stripos($property, 'itemprop') !== 0)
$property = static::htmlProperty($property);
// Control if the $Scope have already the 'itemscope' prefix
if (!empty($scope) && stripos($scope, 'itemscope') !== 0)
$scope = static::htmlScope($scope);
// Depending on the case, the $scope must precede the $property, or otherwise
if ($invert)
$tmp = implode(' ', array($property, $scope));
$tmp = implode(' ', array($scope, $property));
$tmp = trim($tmp);
$tmp = ($tmp) ? ' ' . $tmp : '';
// Control if it is an empty element without a closing tag
if ($tag === 'meta')
return "<meta$tmp content='$content'/>";
return "<" . $tag . $tmp . ">" . $content . "</" . $tag . ">";
* Return the HTML Scope
* @param string $scope The Scope to process
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function htmlScope($scope)
return "itemscope itemtype='" . static::sanitizeType($scope) . "'";
* Return the HTML Property
* @param string $property The Property to process
* @return string
* @since 3.2
public static function htmlProperty($property)
return "itemprop='$property'";