Current File : //home1/lightco1/public_html/
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* Some state variables for the overrider
Joomla.overrider = {
states: {
refreshing : false,
refreshed : false,
counter : 0,
searchstring: '',
searchtype : 'value'
* Method for refreshing the database cache of known language strings via Ajax
* @return void
* @since 2.5
Joomla.overrider.refreshCache = function()
var $ = jQuery.noConflict(), self = this;
this.states.refreshing = true;
$('#refresh-status').slideDown().css('display', 'block');
type: "POST",
url: 'index.php?option=com_languages&task=strings.refresh&format=json',
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (r)
if (r.error && r.message)
if (r.messages)
self.states.refreshing = false;
}).fail(function (xhr)
* Method for searching known language strings via Ajax
* @param more Determines the limit start of the results
* @return void
* @since 2.5
Joomla.overrider.searchStrings = function(more)
var $ = jQuery.noConflict(), self = this;
// Prevent searching if the cache is refreshed at the moment
if (this.states.refreshing)
// Only update the used searchstring and searchtype if the search button
// was used to start the search (that will be the case if 'more' is null)
if (!more)
this.states.searchstring = $('#jform_searchstring').val();
this.states.searchtype = $('#jform_searchtype') !== null ? $('#jform_searchtype').val() : 'value';
if (!this.states.searchstring)
if (more)
// If 'more' is greater than 0 we have already displayed some results for
// the current searchstring, so display the spinner at the more link
// Otherwise it is a new searchstring and we have to remove all previous results first
var $children = $('#results-container div.language-results');
$('#results-container').addClass('overrider-spinner').slideDown().css('display', 'block');
type: "POST",
url: 'index.php?option=com_languages&',
data: 'searchstring=' + self.states.searchstring + '&searchtype=' + self.states.searchtype + '&more=' + more,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (r)
if (r.error && r.message)
if (r.messages)
if (
if (
if (
// If there are more results than the sent ones
// display the more link
self.states.more =;
$('#more-results').slideDown().css('display', 'block');
}).fail(function (xhr)
* Method inserting the received results into the results container
* @param results An array of search result objects
* @return void
* @since 2.5
Joomla.overrider.insertResults = function(results)
var $ = jQuery.noConflict(), self = this;
// For creating an individual ID for each result we use a counter
this.states.counter = this.states.counter + 1;
// Create a container into which all the results will be inserted
var $results_div = $('<div>', {
id : 'language-results' + self.states.counter,
class : 'language-results',
style : 'display:none;'
// Create some elements for each result and insert it into the container
$.each(results, function(index, item) {
var $div = $('<div>', {
class: 'result row' + index % 2,
onclick: 'Joomla.overrider.selectString(' + self.states.counter + index + ');'
var $key = $('<div>', {
id: 'override_key' + self.states.counter + index,
class: 'result-key',
html: item.constant,
title: item.file
var $string = $('<div>',{
id: 'override_string' + self.states.counter + index,
class: 'result-string',
html: item.string
// If there aren't any results display an appropriate message
if (!results.length)
var $noresult = $('<div>',{
// Finally insert the container afore the more link and reveal it
$('#language-results' + this.states.counter).slideDown().css('display','block');
* Inserts a specific constant/value pair into the form and scrolls the page back to the top
* @param id The ID of the element which was selected for insertion
* @return void
* @since 2.5
Joomla.overrider.selectString = function(id)
var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
$('#jform_key').val($('#override_key' + id).html());
$('#jform_override').val($('#override_string' + id).html());