Direktori : /home1/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/twist/inc/public/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/oldbackup/wp-content/plugins/twist/inc/public/public.php |
<?php class WpgsPublicCode { /** * @var mixed */ public static $gallery_inline_script; public function __construct() { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'wpgs_enqueue_files' ), 10 ); add_action( 'elementor_twist_preview_scripts', array( $this, 'wpgs_enqueue_files' ) ); if ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_lazy_laod' ) != 'disable' && apply_filters( 'wpgs_carousel_mode', true ) ) { // Remove SRC FROM GALLERY IMAGES because we have data-lazy attr for render add_filter( 'wpgs_lazyload_src', 'wpgs_remove_src' ); function wpgs_remove_src( $args ) { return esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( 'woocommerce_single' ) ); } } } /** * @return null */ public function wpgs_enqueue_files() { if ( !is_product() ) { return; } $product_id = get_the_ID(); $twist_product = new WC_Product( $product_id ); $attachment_ids = $twist_product->get_gallery_image_ids(); /* Plugin Options */ $lightbox = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_picker' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $lightbox_bg = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_bg' ); $lightbox_txt_color = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_txt_color' ); $icon_bg_color = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_icon_bg_color' ); $icon_link_color = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_icon_color' ); $slider_rtl = ( is_rtl() ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_dragging = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_dragging' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_infinity = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_infinity' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_adaptiveHeight = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_adaptiveHeight' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_nav = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_nav' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_nav_animation = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_nav_animation' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_nav_bg = cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_nav_bg' ); $slider_nav_icon = cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_nav_color' ); $slider_icon = cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_icon' ); $slider_animation = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_animation' ) ); $slider_lazyload = cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_lazy_laod' ); $slider_autoplay = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_autoplay' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $slider_autoplay_time = cix_wpgs::option( 'autoplay_timeout', '4000' ); $slider_autoplay_pause_on_hover = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_autoplay_pause' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $zoom = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $thumbnails_active = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $thumbnails_id = ( 'true' == $thumbnails_active ? '\'.wpgs-thumb\'' : 'false' ); $thumbnails_nav = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_nav' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $thumb_to_show = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_to_show' ); $thumb_scroll_by = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_scroll_by' ); $thumbnails_mobile_thumb_to_show = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_mobile_thumb_to_show' ); $thumbnails_mobile_thumb_scroll_by = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_mobile_thumb_scroll_by' ); $thumbnails_tabs_thumb_to_show = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_tabs_thumb_to_show' ); $thumbnails_tabs_thumb_scroll_by = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_tabs_thumb_scroll_by' ); $thumb_position = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_position' ); $thumb_position_mobile = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_mobile_thumb_position' ); $thumb_position_tablet = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_tabs_thumb_position' ); $thumb_v = ( $thumb_position != 'bottom' ) ? 'vertical: true,verticalSwiping: true,rtl:false,' : 'rtl: ' . $slider_rtl . ','; $thumb_v_mobile = ( $thumb_position_mobile != 'bottom' ) ? 'vertical: true,verticalSwiping: true,variableWidth: false,rtl:false,' : 'vertical: false,verticalSwiping: false,rtl: ' . $slider_rtl . ','; $thumb_v_tablet = ( $thumb_position_tablet != 'bottom' ) ? 'vertical: true,verticalSwiping: true,variableWidth: false,rtl:false,' : 'vertical: false,verticalSwiping: false,rtl: ' . $slider_rtl . ','; $thumbnails_style = cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_layout' ); $slider_dots = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'dots' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $wpgs_setting_css = ''; // CSS $wpgs_thumb_js_mode = ( apply_filters( 'wpgs_carousel_mode', true ) == true ) ? 'focusOnSelect: true,asNavFor: \'.wpgs-image\',' : 'focusOnSelect: false,'; if ( apply_filters( 'wpgs_enqueue_slick_js', true ) && is_product() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'slick', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/js/slick.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), null ); } $slider_main_js = ( apply_filters( 'wpgs_carousel_mode', true ) == true ) ? " $('.wpgs-image').slick({ fade: $slider_animation, asNavFor: $thumbnails_id, lazyLoad:'$slider_lazyload', adaptiveHeight: $slider_adaptiveHeight, dots: $slider_dots, dotsClass:'slick-dots wpgs-dots', focusOnSelect:false, rtl: $slider_rtl, infinite: $slider_infinity, draggable: $slider_dragging, arrows: $slider_nav, prevArrow:'<span class=\"slick-prev slick-arrow\" aria-label=\"prev\" ></span>', nextArrow:'<span class=\"slick-next slick-arrow\" aria-label=\"Next\" ></span>', speed: 500, autoplay: $slider_autoplay, pauseOnHover: $slider_autoplay_pause_on_hover, pauseOnDotsHover: $slider_autoplay_pause_on_hover, autoplaySpeed: $slider_autoplay_time, }); " : ""; // Check if Slider Lazyload is enable $slider_lazyLoad_js = ''; if ( $slider_lazyload != 'disable' ) { // Remove SRCSET for Main SLider $slider_lazyLoad_js = " $('.wpgs-image .wpgs_image img').each(function () { $(this).removeAttr('srcset'); $(this).removeAttr('sizes'); });"; } // Slider Thumbnails JS $slider_thumbnails_js = ''; if ( $thumbnails_active == 'true' ) { $variableWidth = ''; if ( is_product() ) { if ( count( $attachment_ids ) + 1 > 2 && count( $attachment_ids ) + 1 < $thumb_to_show - 1 && 'bottom' == $thumb_position ) { $variableWidth = 'variableWidth: true,'; } } $slider_thumbnails_js = " $('.wpgs-thumb').slick({ slidesToShow: $thumb_to_show, slidesToScroll: $thumb_scroll_by, $thumb_v $variableWidth arrows: $thumbnails_nav, prevArrow:'<span class=\"slick-prev slick-arrow\" aria-label=\"prev\" ></span>', nextArrow:'<span class=\"slick-next slick-arrow\" aria-label=\"Next\" ></span>', speed:600, infinite: $slider_infinity, centerMode: false, $wpgs_thumb_js_mode responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1025, settings: { variableWidth: false, $thumb_v_tablet slidesToShow: $thumbnails_tabs_thumb_to_show, slidesToScroll: $thumbnails_tabs_thumb_scroll_by, swipeToSlide :true, } }, { breakpoint: 767, settings: { variableWidth: false, $thumb_v_mobile slidesToShow: $thumbnails_mobile_thumb_to_show, slidesToScroll: $thumbnails_mobile_thumb_scroll_by, swipeToSlide :true, } } ] });"; } // Check if lightbox is enable if ( $lightbox == 'true' && is_product() ) { $fp_deps = null; if ( defined( 'PORTO_VERSION' ) ) { $fp_deps = array( 'porto-plugins' ); } // Fix fancybox conflict with porto theme wp_enqueue_script( 'fancybox', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/js/jquery.fancybox.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), WPGS_VERSION, false ); wp_enqueue_style( 'fancybox', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/css/jquery.fancybox.min.css', $fp_deps, WPGS_VERSION ); } // Check if zoom is enable $mobile_zoom = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom_mobile' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; if ( $zoom == 'true' && is_product() && cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom_mode' ) != 'inner' ) { //TODO: add more options later // wp_enqueue_script( 'ez-plus', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/js/jquery.ez-plus.js', array( 'jquery' ), WPGS_VERSION, false ); } elseif ( $zoom == 'true' && is_product() && cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom_mode' ) == 'inner' ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'twist-imageZoom', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/js/imageZoom.js', array( 'jquery' ), WPGS_VERSION, false ); } self::$gallery_inline_script = " $slider_main_js $slider_thumbnails_js $slider_lazyLoad_js $('.wpgs-wrapper').hide(); $('.wpgs-wrapper').css(\"opacity\", \"1\"); $('.wpgs-wrapper').fadeIn(); "; if ( is_product() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'wpgs-public', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/js/public.js', array( 'jquery' ), WPGS_VERSION, true ); // Localize the script with new data $wpgs_js_data = array( 'thumb_axis' => cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_thumb_axis', 'y' ), 'thumb_autoStart' => cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_thumb_autoStart', '' ), 'variation_mode' => cix_wpgs::option( 'variation_slide', '' ), 'zoom' => cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom', 0 ), 'zoom_action' => cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom_action', 'mouseover' ), 'zoom_action' => cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom_action', 'mouseover' ), 'zoom_level' => cix_wpgs::option( 'image_zoom_level', '1' ), 'lightbox_icon' => cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_icon' ), 'thumbnails_lightbox' => cix_wpgs::option( 'thumbnails_lightbox' ), 'slider_caption' => cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_caption' ), ); wp_localize_script( 'wpgs-public', 'wpgs_js_data', $wpgs_js_data ); wp_add_inline_script( 'wpgs-public', "(function( $ ) { 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function(){ " . self::wcavi() . " }); })(jQuery);" ); // Inline Script for Zoom Feature End; wp_enqueue_style( 'slick-theme', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/css/slick-theme.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'slick', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/css/slick.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wpgs', WPGS_ROOT_URL . 'assets/css/wpgs-style.css', array(), WPGS_VERSION ); //deregister scripts wp_dequeue_script( 'photoswipe' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'photoswipe-ui-default' ); } // Inline CSS for WPGS Start if ( $slider_dots == 'true' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-dots li button{ background: ".cix_wpgs::option('dots_color')['color']."; } .wpgs-dots li button:hover{ background: ".cix_wpgs::option('dots_color')['hover']."; } .wpgs-dots li.slick-active button { background: ".cix_wpgs::option('dots_color')['active']."; } "; if(cix_wpgs::option('dots_placement') == 'inside'){ $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-dots{ bottom: ".cix_wpgs::option('dots_placement_inside_margin')."px; } "; } if(cix_wpgs::option('dots_shape') == 'circle'){ $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-dots li button{ border-radius:50px; } "; }elseif(cix_wpgs::option('dots_shape') == 'line'){ $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-dots li button { border-radius:0px; width: 16px; height: 6px; } .wpgs-image.slick-dotted { margin-bottom: 30px !important; } .wpgs-dots li { width: 16px; height: 6px; overflow:hidden; } "; } } if ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_icon' ) == 'none' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " a.woocommerce-product-gallery__lightbox { opacity: 0 !important; } "; } if ( $mobile_zoom == 'false' && wp_is_mobile() ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " a.woocommerce-product-gallery__lightbox { display:block !important; } "; } if ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_thumb_axis' ) == 'x' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media all and (min-width: 768px) { .fancybox-thumbs { top: auto; width: auto; bottom: 0; left: 0; right : 0; height: 95px; padding: 10px 10px 5px 10px; box-sizing: border-box; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .fancybox-show-thumbs .fancybox-inner { right: 0; bottom: 95px; } .fancybox-thumbs-x .fancybox-thumbs__list{ margin:0 auto; } }"; } else { $wpgs_setting_css .= ".fancybox-thumbs{ width:115px; } .fancybox-thumbs__list a{ max-width: calc(100% - 4px); margin:3px; } "; } // Thumbnails CSS if ( $thumb_position == 'left' || $thumb_position == 'right' && $thumbnails_active == 'true' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " .images.wpgs-wrapper .wpgs-image{ margin-bottom:0px ; } @media (min-width: 1025px) { .wpgs-image { width: 79%; float: right; margin-left: 1%; } .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; } .thumbnail_image { margin: 3px 0px; } }"; } if ( $thumb_position == 'right' && $thumbnails_active == 'true' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media (min-width: 1025px) { .wpgs-image { float: left; margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 1%; } .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; float:right } }"; } elseif ( $thumb_position == 'left' && $thumbnails_active == 'true' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media (min-width: 1025px) { .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; float: left; } }"; } if ( $thumbnails_active == 'true' && $thumbnails_style == 'opacity' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " .thumbnail_image:before{ background: " . cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_non_active_color' ) . "; } "; } elseif ( $thumbnails_active == 'true' && $thumbnails_style == 'border' ) { # code... $wpgs_setting_css .= " .thumbnail_image{ border: 1px solid " . cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_border_non_active_color' ) . " !important; } .thumbnail_image.slick-current{ border: 1px solid " . cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_border_active_color' ) . "!important; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 0px " . cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_border_active_color' ) . "; } "; } else { } // Slider Navigation css if ( $slider_nav_animation == 'false' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-image .slick-prev{ opacity:1; left:0; } .wpgs-image .slick-next{ opacity:1; right:0; } "; } $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-wrapper .slick-prev:before, .wpgs-wrapper .slick-next:before,.wpgs-image button:not(.toggle){ color: {$slider_nav_icon}; } .wpgs-wrapper .slick-prev,.wpgs-wrapper .slick-next{ background: {$slider_nav_bg} !important; } .woocommerce-product-gallery__lightbox { background: {$icon_bg_color}; color: {$icon_link_color}; } .fancybox-bg,.fancybox-button{ background: {$lightbox_bg}; } .fancybox-caption__body,.fancybox-infobar{ color: {$lightbox_txt_color}; } .thumbnail_image{ margin: " . cix_wpgs::option( 'thumb_padding' ) . "px; } "; switch ( $slider_icon ) { case "icon-right-bold": $wpgs_setting_css .= " [dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before { content: '\\e807'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before { content: '\\e806'; } .arrow-next:before, .slick-next:before{ content: '\\e806'; } .arrow-prev:before, .slick-prev:before{ content: '\\e807'; } "; break; case "icon-right-dir": $wpgs_setting_css .= " .arrow-next:before, .slick-next:before{ content: '\\e801'; } .arrow-prev:before, .slick-prev:before{ content: '\\e802'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before { content: '\\e802'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before { content: '\\e801'; } "; break; case "icon-right-open-big": $wpgs_setting_css .= " .arrow-next:before, .slick-next:before{ content: '\\e804'; } .arrow-prev:before, .slick-prev:before{ content: '\\e805'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before { content: '\\e805'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before { content: '\\e804'; } "; break; default: $wpgs_setting_css .= " .arrow-next:before, .slick-next:before{ content: '\\e80a'; } .arrow-prev:before, .slick-prev:before{ content: '\\e80b'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before { content: '\\e80b'; } [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before { content: '\\e80a'; } "; } // Thumbnails CSS for min-width: 767px to 1024px if ( $thumb_position_tablet == 'left' || $thumb_position_tablet == 'right' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) { .wpgs-image { width: 79%; float: right; margin-left: 1%; } .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; } .thumbnail_image { margin: 3px 0px; } }"; } if ( $thumb_position_tablet == 'right' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) { .wpgs-image { float: left; margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 1%; } .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; float:right } }"; } elseif ( $thumb_position_tablet == 'left' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) { .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; float: left; } }"; } // Thumbnails CSS for max-width: 767px if ( $thumb_position_mobile == 'left' || $thumb_position_mobile == 'right' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .wpgs-image { width: 79%; float: right; margin-left: 1%; } .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; } .thumbnail_image { margin: 3px 0px; } }"; } if ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_icon' ) == 'none' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { a.woocommerce-product-gallery__lightbox { opacity: 1 !important; } }"; } if ( $thumb_position_mobile == 'right' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .wpgs-image { float: left; margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 1%; } .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; float:right } }"; } elseif ( $thumb_position_mobile == 'left' ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .wpgs-thumb { width: 20%; float: left; } }"; } if ( is_product() ) { if ( count( $attachment_ids ) + 1 <= $thumb_to_show ) { $wpgs_setting_css .= " @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) { .wpgs-thumb .slick-track { transform: inherit !important; } } "; } if(empty($attachment_ids)){ $wpgs_setting_css .= " .wpgs-dots { display:none; } "; } } // Plugin custom css option $wpgs_setting_css .= cix_wpgs::option( 'custom_css' ); wp_add_inline_style( 'wpgs', $wpgs_setting_css ); // Inline CSS for WPGS END } public static function wcavi() { return self::$gallery_inline_script; } } new WpgsPublicCode; if ( !function_exists( 'wpgs_get_image_gallery_html' ) ) { // Custom HTML layout /** * @param $attachment_id * @param $main_image */ function wpgs_get_image_gallery_html( $attachment_id, $main_image = false ) { $size = apply_filters( 'wpgs_new_main_img_size', cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_image_size' ) ); /* Plugin Options */ $lightbox = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_picker' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; //Zoom Icon $zoom_icon_class = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_icon' ); $lightbox_img_alt = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_alt_text' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $img_caption = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_caption' ) == 'caption' ) ? wp_get_attachment_caption( $attachment_id ) : get_the_title( $attachment_id ); ( $lightbox_img_alt == 'true' ) ? $img_caption : $img_caption = ''; // Check if Gallery have Video URL $lightbox_animation = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_oc_effect' ); $lightbox_slides_animation = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_slide_effect' ); $lightbox_img_count = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_img_count' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $img_has_video = get_post_meta( $attachment_id, 'twist_video_url', true ); // $gallery_first_item_class = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'variation_slide' ) == 'default' ) ? 'woocommerce-product-gallery__image' : 'wpgs1'; $video_class = $img_has_video ? 'wpgs-video' : ''; $gallery__image = ( $main_image ) ? 'class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image wpgs_image"' : 'class="wpgs_image"'; $img_lightbox_url = $img_has_video ? $img_has_video : wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, apply_filters( 'gallery_slider_lightbox_image_size', 'full' ) ); $img_lightbox_srcset = wp_get_attachment_image_srcset( $attachment_id ); $caption_html = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_alt_text' ) == 1 ) ? '<span class="wpgs-gallery-caption">' . $img_caption . '</span>' : ''; $image = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size, false, array( // 'title' => _wp_specialchars( get_post_field( 'post_title', $attachment_id ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true ), 'alt' => trim( wp_strip_all_tags( get_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ) ) ), 'class' => esc_attr( $main_image ? 'wp-post-image img-attr ' . apply_filters( 'wpgs_add_img_class', '' ) : 'img-attr ' . apply_filters( 'wpgs_add_img_class', '' ) ), 'src' => apply_filters( 'wpgs_lazyload_src', wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ) ), 'data-lazy' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ), 'data-o_img' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ), 'data-large_image' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, apply_filters( 'gallery_slider_zoom_image_size', 'large' ) ), 'data-zoom-image' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, apply_filters( 'gallery_slider_zoom_image_size', 'large' ) ), 'data-caption' => $img_caption, ), $attachment_id, $main_image ); if ( $lightbox == 'true' ) { $markup = '<div ' . $gallery__image . ' data-attachment-id=' . $attachment_id . ' >' . $image . '<a class=" woocommerce-product-gallery__lightbox ' . $video_class . '" href = "' . $img_lightbox_url . '" data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" data-caption="' . $img_caption . '" data-thumb="' . wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, apply_filters( 'wpgs_new_thumb_img_size', 'woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail' ) ) . '" data-fancybox="wpgs" data-zoom-image=' . wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, apply_filters( 'gallery_slider_zoom_image_size', 'large' ) ) . ' data-animation-effect="' . $lightbox_animation . '" data-transition-effect="' . $lightbox_slides_animation . '" data-infobar="' . $lightbox_img_count . '" data-loop="true" data-hash="false" data-click-slide="close" data-options=\'{"buttons": ["zoom","slideShow","fullScreen","thumbs","close"] }\' > <i class="' . $zoom_icon_class . '"></i> </a>' . $caption_html . '</div>'; return $markup; } elseif ( $lightbox == 'false' ) { $markup = '<div ' . $gallery__image . ' data-attachment-id=' . $attachment_id . '>' . $image . $caption_html . '</div>'; return $markup; } } } if ( !function_exists( 'wpgs_get_image_gallery_thumb_html' ) ) { // Custom HTML layout /** * @param $attachment_id * @param $main_image */ function wpgs_get_image_gallery_thumb_html( $attachment_id, $main_image = false ) { $size = apply_filters( 'wpgs_new_thumb_img_size', cix_wpgs::option( 'slider_image_thumb_size' ) ); /* Plugin Options */ $lightbox_img_alt = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_alt_text' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $img_caption = ( empty( wp_get_attachment_caption( $attachment_id ) ) ) ? get_the_title( $attachment_id ) : wp_get_attachment_caption( $attachment_id ); ( $lightbox_img_alt == 'true' ) ? $img_caption : $img_caption = ''; // Check if Gallery have Video URL $lightbox_animation = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_oc_effect' ); $lightbox_slides_animation = cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_slide_effect' ); $lightbox_img_count = ( cix_wpgs::option( 'lightbox_img_count' ) == 1 ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $img_has_video = get_post_meta( $attachment_id, 'twist_video_url', true ); $video_class = $img_has_video ? 'wpgs-video' : ''; $gallery_thumb_image = $main_image ? 'class="gallery_thumbnail_first thumbnail_image ' . $video_class . ' "' : 'class="thumbnail_image ' . $video_class . '"'; $img_lightbox_url = $img_has_video ? $img_has_video : wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, apply_filters( 'gallery_slider_lightbox_image_size', 'full' ) ); $image = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size, false, array( 'alt' => trim( wp_strip_all_tags( get_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ) ) ), 'class' => esc_attr( $main_image ? 'wp-post-image img-attr ' . apply_filters( 'wpgs_add_img_class', '' ) : 'img-attr ' . apply_filters( 'wpgs_add_img_class', '' ) ), 'src' => apply_filters( 'wpgs_lazyload_src', wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ) ), 'data-lazy' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ), 'data-thumb' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ), ), $attachment_id, $main_image ); if ( apply_filters( 'wpgs_carousel_mode', true ) == false ) { $markup = '<a ' . $gallery_thumb_image . ' href = "' . $img_lightbox_url . '" data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" data-caption="' . $img_caption . '" data-thumb="' . wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, $size ) . '" data-fancybox="wpgs" data-animation-effect="' . $lightbox_animation . '" data-transition-effect="' . $lightbox_slides_animation . '" data-infobar="' . $lightbox_img_count . '" data-loop="true" data-hash="false" data-click-slide="close" data-options=\'{"buttons": ["zoom","slideShow","fullScreen","thumbs","close"] }\' > ' . $image . ' </a>'; return $markup; } else { // the thumbnail markup return '<div ' . $gallery_thumb_image . '>' . $image . '</div>'; } } }