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# Updated by Siege %_VERSION%, %_DATE%
# Copyright 2000-2016 by %_AUTHOR%
# Siege configuration file -- edit as necessary
# For more information about configuring and running this program, 
# visit: http://www.joedog.org/

# Variable declarations. You can set variables here for use in the 
# directives below. Example:
# PROXY = proxy.joedog.org
# Reference variables inside ${} or $(), example: 
# proxy-host = ${PROXY} 
# You can also reference ENVIRONMENT variables without actually 
# declaring them, example:
# logfile = $(HOME)/var/siege.log

# Verbose mode: With this feature enabled, siege will print the
# result of each transaction to stdout. (Enabled by default)
# ex: verbose = true|false
verbose = true

# Color mode: This option works in conjuction with verbose mode. 
# It tells siege whether or not it should display its output in
# color-coded output. (Enabled by default)
# ex: color = on | off
color = on

# Quiet mode: With this featured enabled, siege goes mostly silent.
# It will display the opening message and the final stats but nothing
# else. If you enable quiet mode with -g/--get then siege will be
# completely silent (ideal for scripting). In order to gauge the 
# success of the run, you'll have to rely on the exit status:
#    #!/bin/sh
#    SIEGE=/home/jdfulmer/bin/siege
#    $SIEGE -g https://www.joedog.org/
#    if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
#      echo "Whoo hoo!"
#    else
#      echo "D'oh!"
#    fi
# This is the same as running siege with -q/--quiet
# Ex: quiet = true
quiet = false

# JSON output - With this feature enabled, siege will print the final stats as
# JSON to stdout. It monopolizes stdout, superceding verbose and debug modes.
# The default value is false.
# ex: json_output = true | false
json_output = false

# Show logfile location. By default, siege displays the logfile 
# location at the end of every run when logging. You can turn this
# message off with this directive.
# ex: show-logfile = false
show-logfile = true

# Default logging status, true turns logging on.
# ex: logging = true|false
logging = false

# Logfile, the default siege logfile is $PREFIX/var/siege.log This
# directive allows you to choose an alternative log file. Environment
# variables may be used as shown in the examples:
# ex: logfile = /home/jeff/var/log/siege.log
#     logfile = ${HOME}/var/log/siege.log
#     logfile = ${LOGFILE}
logfile = ${HOME}/siege.log

# Get method: Use this directive to select an HTTP method for siege 
# when it's run in get mode, i.e., siege -g/--get URL. You may select
# GET or HEAD. The default method is HEAD. As expected HEAD prints just
# the headers and GET prints the entire page. 
# NOTE: This only applies when siege is invoked with -g/--get. All 
# other requests methods will be made on the basis of the URL. 
# example: gmethod = GET
gmethod = HEAD

# Parser
# This directive allows you to turn on the html parser. With this
# feature enabled, siege will harvest resources like style sheets,
# images, javascript, etc. and make additional requests for those 
# items. 
# HTML parsing was added to version 4.0.0 It is enabled by default. 
# When the parser is enabled, care must be given to other features. 
# For example, we allow to set accept-encoding to anything you'd like
# but if you want to parse those pages, then you MUST set the encoding
# to a supported one.
# With the default options set, you should be able to enable the parser
# with success.
# Use this feature to enable it. (true = on, false = off)
# Example: parser = true
parser = true

# No-follow 
# When the parser is enabled, siege will grab HTML resources within
# the page and download those elements as well. This directive allows
# you to specify hostnames to which you do NOT want to make requests.
# You can repeat this directive as many times as you like. Enter one
# per line with 'key = value' syntax.
# Example:  nofollow = www.joedog.org
nofollow = ad.doubleclick.net
nofollow = pagead2.googlesyndication.com
nofollow = ads.pubsqrd.com
nofollow = ib.adnxs.com

# CSV Verbose format: with this option, you can choose to format
# verbose output in traditional siege format or comma separated 
# format. The latter will allow you to redirect output to a file
# for import into a spread sheet, i.e., siege > file.csv 
# ex: csv = true|false (default false)
# csv = true

# Timestamp format: with this option, you can choose to print a 
# timestamp each line of output. 
# example: timestamp = true|false (default false)
# [Sat, 2010-11-20 10:39:13] HTTP/1.1 200  0.12 secs: 4003 bytes ==> / 
# timestamp = true

# Full URL verbose format: By default siege displays the URL path and
# not the full URL. With this option, you can instruct siege to show 
# the complete URL.
# ex: fullurl = true|false (default false)
# HTTP/1.1 301 0.34 secs: 311 bytes ==> GET  https://www.joedog.org/
# fullurl = true

# Display id: in verbose mode, display the siege user id associated 
# with the HTTP transaction information
# ex: display-id = true|false
# 100) HTTP/1.1 200   0.31 secs:   35338 bytes ==> GET  /images/bbc.jpg
# display-id = 

# Limit: This directive places a cap on the number of threads siege
# will generate. The default value is 255 which corresponds with 
# apache's default value. If you schedule more clients than apache is
# configured to handle, then requests will back up and you will make a
# ex: limit = 1023 (default is 255)
limit = 255

# HTTP protocol.  Options HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0. Some webservers have 
# broken implementation of the 1.1 protocol which skews throughput 
# evaluations. If you notice some siege clients hanging for extended
# periods of time, change this to HTTP/1.0
# ex: protocol = HTTP/1.1
#     protocol = HTTP/1.0
protocol = HTTP/1.1

# Chunked encoding is required by HTTP/1.1 protocol but siege allows 
# you to turn it off as desired. This feature is generally more useful
# to siege developers than siege users. You should probably leave it
# set to 'true'
# ex: chunked = true 
chunked = true

# Cache revalidation. Siege supports cache revalidation for both ETag
# and Last-modified headers. If a copy is still fresh, the server 
# responds with 304. While this feature is required for HTTP/1.1, it 
# may not be welcomed for load testing. We allow you to breach the 
# protocol and turn off caching
# HTTP/1.1 200   0.00 secs:    2326 bytes ==> /apache_pb.gif
# HTTP/1.1 304   0.00 secs:       0 bytes ==> /apache_pb.gif
# HTTP/1.1 304   0.00 secs:       0 bytes ==> /apache_pb.gif
# Siege also supports Cache-control headers. Consider this server 
# response: Cache-Control: max-age=3
# That tells siege to cache the file for three seconds. While it
# doesn't actually store the file, it will logically grab it from
# its cache. In verbose output, it designates a cached resource 
# with (c):
# HTTP/1.1 200     0.25 secs:     159 bytes ==> GET  /expires/
# HTTP/1.1 200     1.48 secs:  498419 bytes ==> GET  /expires/Otter_in_Southwold.jpg
# HTTP/1.1 200     0.24 secs:     159 bytes ==> GET  /expires/
# HTTP/1.1 200(C)  0.00 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /expires/Otter_in_Southwold.jpg
# NOTE: with color enabled, cached URLs appear in green
# ex: cache = true
cache = false

# Connection directive. Options "close" and "keep-alive" Starting with
# version 2.57, siege implements persistent connections in accordance 
# to RFC 2068 using both chunked encoding and content-length directives
# to determine the page size. 
# To run siege with persistent connections set this to keep-alive. 
# CAUTION:        Use the keep-alive directive with care.
# DOUBLE CAUTION: This directive does not work well on HPUX
# TRIPLE CAUTION: We don't recommend you set this to keep-alive
# ex: connection = close
#     connection = keep-alive
connection = close

# Default number of simulated  concurrent users. This feature 
# corresponds with the -c NUM / --concurrent=NULL command line 
# argument. The command line takes precedent over this directive.
# ex: concurrent = 50
concurrent = 25

# Default duration of the siege. The right hand argument has a modifier
# which specifies the time units, H=hours, M=minutes, and S=seconds. If
# a modifier is not specified, then minutes are assumed.
# NOTE: The command line argument -t5m / --time=5m takes precedence 
# over this directive
# ex: time = 50M
# time =

# Repetitions. The length of siege may be specified in client reps
# rather than a time duration.  Instead of specifying a time span, 
# you can tell each siege instance to hit the server X number of times.
# So if you chose 'reps = 20' and you've selected 10 concurrent users, 
# then siege will hit the server 200 times.
# NOTE: The command line argument -r 5 / --reps=5 / --reps=once takes 
# precedence over this directive
# ex: reps = 20
# reps = 

# URLs file: Set at configuration time, the default URLs file is 
# PREFIX/etc/urls.txt So if you configured the siege build with
# --prefix=/usr/local then the urls.txt file is installed in 
# /usr/local/etc/urls.txt.  Use the "file = " directive to configure 
# an alternative URLs file. You may use environment variables
# as shown in the examples below:
# ex: file = /export/home/jdfulmer/MYURLS.txt
#     file = $HOME/etc/urls.txt
#     file = $URLSFILE
# NOTE: The command line -f FILE / --file=FILE takes precedence over 
# this directive
# file =

# Default URL, this is a single URL that you want to test. This is 
# usually set at the command line with the -u option.  When used, this
# option overrides the urls.txt (-f FILE/--file=FILE) option. You will
# HAVE to comment this out for in order to use the urls.txt file option.
# NOTE: you may do the same thing by passing a URL to siege at the 
# command line: 
# $ siege -c10 -r10 "www.joedog.org/"
# Generally, it's a good idea to wrap a command line URL in quotes
# ex: url = https://shemp.whoohoo.com/docs/index.jsp
# url =

# Default delay between each request by a single thread. This value 
# is not included in the request time. If a thread sleeps for two 
# seconds then completes a 0.5 second request, the time of the request 
# is 0.5 seconds, not 2.5 seconds.
# NOTE: the command line -d NUM / --delay=NULL takes precedent over
# this directive
# ex: delay = 1.5
#     delay = 5
delay = 0.0 

# Connection timeout value. Set the value in seconds for socket 
# connection timeouts. The default value is 30 seconds.  
# ex: timeout = 30
# timeout = 

# Session expiration: This directive allows you to delete all cookies 
# after you pass through the URLs. This means siege will grab a new 
# session with each run through its URLs. The default value is false.
# ex: expire-session = true
# expire-session = 

# Cookie support: by default siege accepts cookies. This directive is
# available to disable that support. Set cookies to 'false' to refuse 
# cookies. Set it to 'true' to accept them. The default value is true. 
# If you want to maintain state with the server, then this MUST be set 
# to true.
# ex: cookies = false
# cookies = 

# Failures: This is the number of total connection failures allowed 
# before siege aborts. Connection failures (timeouts, socket failures,
# etc.) are combined with 400 and 500 level errors in the final stats, 
# but those errors do not count against the abort total.  If you set 
# this total to 10, then siege will abort after ten socket timeouts, 
# but it will NOT abort after ten 404s. This is designed to prevent a 
# run-away mess on an unattended siege. 
# The default value is 1024
# ex: failures = 50
# failures = 

# Internet simulation. If true, siege clients will hit the URLs in the 
# urls.txt file randomly, thereby simulating internet usage.  If false, 
# siege will run through the urls.txt file in order from first to last 
# and back again.
# ex: internet = true
internet = false

# Default benchmarking value, If true, there is NO delay between server requests, 
# siege runs as fast as the web server and the network will let it.  Set this to 
# false for load testing.
# ex: benchmark = true
benchmark = false

# User-agent: With this directive you can set the siege user-agent The default 
# agent is: JoeDog/1.40 [en] (X11; I; Siege #.##) With this directive, you can 
# mimic various browsers or you can make up something fun. Limey, our English 
# bulldog, was recovering from minor surgery at the time we added this feature
# so we like to dedicate the example in his honor:
# ex: user-agent = Limey The Bulldog
# Other examples harvested from our logs:
# Chrome:  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36k
# IE 6:    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
# IE 7:    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)
# IE 8:    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1)
# IE 9:    Mozilla/5.0 (MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
# IE 10:   Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)
# FF 3.6:  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110902 Firefox/3.6
# FF 9:    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:9.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0
# Safari:  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; tr-TR) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27
# Opera:   Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; es-ES) Presto/2.9.181 Version/12.00
# iPhone:  Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5 
# Android: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3; en-us) AppleWebKit/999+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/999.9
# Kindle:  Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; en-US) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/528.5+) Version/4.0 Kindle/3.0
# Goolge:  Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)
# Yahoo:   Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)
# user-agent =

# Accept-encoding. This option allows you to report to the server the 
# various content-encodings you support. If you're not using HTML parser
# (parser = false), then you can specify any encoding. When the parser is
# disabled, siege just reads the content then immediately discards it. 
# However, if you use the parser, then you MUST set a supported content 
# encoder. Currently, siege supports two: deflate and gzip.
# NOTE: We plan to add support for brotli and bzip2; you can hasten
#       that effort by showing us some love:
# ex: accept-encoding = 
#     accept-encoding = gzip
#     accept-encoding = deflate
#     accept-encoding = gzip, deflate
accept-encoding = gzip, deflate

# URL escaping was first added to version 3.0.3. It was considered
# experimental until version 3.0.9 when it was turned on by default.  
# This feature remains in siege as a mechanism to turn off escape 
# encoding. Here is an example of two URLs. The first has spaces 
# included in the file name and in the second those spaces were 
# encoded to %20. 
# http://www.joedog.org/jukebox.php?band=the days of new
# http://www.joedog.org/jukebox.php?band=the%20days%20of%20the%20new 
# ex: url-escaping = false
url-escaping = true

# WWW-Authenticate credentials. Currently siege supports two types 
# of HTTP authentication: digest and basic. It has partial support for 
# Microsoft's NTLM but in practice that only works with the -g/--get 
# option. (as of siege 3.1.1)
# When siege makes a request for a page that requires user authentication, 
# it will search its logins for a matching realm. If it finds credentials 
# for a realm, it will attempt to login with that username and password.
# If it fails to match the realm, it will use its default login credentials
# (which are designated with the keyword "all" or no specified realm. 
# If you do not supply a realm, then it will default to "all" which instructs
# siege to send as default.
# You may enter many logins with each on its own separate line. The only 
# limitation is memory and realm name. You can't use the same realm name
# more than once.  
# ex: login = jdfulmer:topsecret:Admin
#     login = jeff:supersecret:all 
#     login = jeff:supersecret
# login = 

# Login URL. This feature was designed to provide a login url in order
# to kick off a session with form-based authentication. If this directive
# has a value, then every siege client will make a request to it BEFORE it
# uses its list of URLs. 
# NOTE: siege will only make this request once. After it's hit this URL
#       it will not request it again until its next start-up.
# ex: login-url = http://eos.joedog.org/login.jsp POST name=jeff&pass=foo
# Starting with version 2.69, siege can make multiple login request on a 
# thread-by-thread basis. As each thread is created it grab the next unused
# login URL in the list. If you schedule more threads than login-urls, new
# threads will wrap back around and loop back through the list.
# ex: login-url = http://www.haha.com/login.php?name=homer&pass=whoohoo
#     login-url = http://www.haha.com/login.php?name=marge&pass=ohhomie
#     login-url = http://www.haha.com/login.php?name=bart&pass=eatMyShorts
# login-url = 

# FTP login - There are two ways to login to an ftp server with siege. You
# can use this directive to set login credentials or you can set them in a
# URL in RFC-1738 format: ftp://user:pass@host.com/ink.jpg
# The format for this directive is USER:PASS:HOST separated by colon ':'
# The host field is optional. If you don't set a host, then siege will send 
# the same user:pass to every FTP server. You may use this directive MULTIPLE
# times. Siege will store each instance in memory and send the appropriate 
# credentials at login time depending on the hostname in the URL.
# ex: ftp-login: jdfulmer:whoohoo:ftp.joedog.org
#     ftp-login: jdfulmer:password
# ftp-login = 

# FTP unique - This directive determines whether siege will upload files with
# the same name (and therefore overwrite whatever is on disk) or upload files 
# each with a unique name. If true, siege will rewrite the file name with a 
# timestamp in its name, i.e., p.jpg => p-3086060432.jpg 
# The default value is true.
# ex: unique = false
unique = true

# SSL-cert: This optional feature allows you to specify a path to a client
# certificate. It is not neccessary to specify a certificate in order to use
# https. If you don't know why you would want one, then you probably don't need
# it.  Use openssl to generate a certificate and key with the following command:
# $ openssl req -nodes -new -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
# Specify a path to cert.pem as follows:
# ex: ssl-cert = /home/jeff/.certs/cert.pem
# ssl-cert = 
# SSL-key: Use this option to specify the key you generated with the command
# above. ex: ssl-key = /home/jeff/.certs/key.pem You may actually skip this 
# option and combine both your cert and your key in a single file:
#   $ cat key.pem > client.pem
#   $ cat cert.pem >> client.pem
# Now set the path for ssl-cert:
# ex: ssl-cert = /home/jeff/.certs/client.pem
# (in this scenario, you comment out ssl-key)
# ssl-key = 

# SSL-timeout: This option sets a connection timeout for the ssl library
# ex: ssl-timeout = 30
# ssl-timeout = 

# SSL-ciphers
# You can use this feature to select a specific ssl cipher for HTTPs. To 
# view the ones available with your library run the following command: 
# $ openssl ciphers
# ex: ssl-ciphers = EXP-RC4-MD5
# ssl-ciphers = 

# Proxy Host: You can use siege to test a proxy server but you need to 
# configure it to use one. You'll need to name a proxy host and the port 
# it's listening on. The settings are proxy-host and proxy-port. The 
# following example shows how to use them:
# ex: proxy-host = proxy.joedog.org
#     proxy-port = 3123
# proxy-host =
# proxy-port =

# Proxy-Authenticate: When siege hits a proxy server which requires 
# username and password authentication, it will this username and 
# password to the server. The format is username, password and optional
# realm each separated by a colon. You may enter more than one proxy-login 
# as long as each one has a different realm. If you do not enter a realm, 
# then siege will send that login information to all proxy challenges. If
# you have more than one proxy-login, then scout will attempt to match the 
# login to the realm.
# ex: proxy-login: jeff:secret:corporate
#     proxy-login: jeff:whoohoo
# proxy-login = 

# Redirection support. By default, siege will follow a HTTP redirect to the
# Location provided by the server. If it's parser is enabled, then it will 
# also follow and HTML META redirect. If, for some reason, you do not wish
# wish to follow redirects, then set this redirective to false.
# NOTE: redirect support is enabled by default.
# ex: follow-location = false
# follow-location = 

# end of siegerc

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0